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# 📊 Data Science
\#would be good to edit this beginning part, need to figure out the right language
Ocean Protocol was built to serve the data science space. 
With Ocean, each [Data Value Creation Loop](the-data-value-creation-loop.md) stage is tokenized with data NFTs and datatokens. Leveraging tokenized standards unlocks several unique benefits for the ecosysem. Together, stakeholders can build sophisticated products by combining assets posted onto Ocean.  
Data engineers can publish pipelines for curated data, allowing data scientists to conduct feature engineering and build models on top. The models can be deployed with Compute-to-Data and leveraged by app developers building the last-mile distribution of model outputs into business practices.
Ocean Protocol unlocks _composable data science,_ mixing and matching assets to build end-to-end solutions. On-chain assets ensure participants can trustlessly work together while sharing the entire system's upside.
Explore the rest of this guide to learn more about the data value creation loop, and find your opportunity to build value with Ocean Protocol!
**Key Links for Data Scientists:**
* [Ocean data NFTs ](../developers/contracts/data-nfts.md)and [datatokens](../developers/contracts/datatokens.md) are core building blocks of Ocean Protocol. They allow individuals and businesses to define their ownership of their assets, and create flexible access control tokens
* Ocean's [Compute-to-Data](../developers/compute-to-data/) engine resolves the trade-off between the benefits of open data and data privacy risks. Using the engine, algorithms can be run on data without exposing the underlying data. Now, data can be widely shared and monetized without 
* [Ocean.py](../developers/ocean.py/) is our python library to interacts with Ocean contracts and tools. To get started with the library, check out our guides. They will teach installation and set-up and several popular workflows such as[ publishing an asset](../developers/ocean.py/publish-flow.md) and starting a [compute job](../developers/ocean.py/compute-flow.md).