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How to use a crypto wallet to check your OCEAN token balance and send OCEAN
Tokens to others
# Manage Your OCEAN Tokens
If you don't see any Ocean Tokens in your crypto wallet software (e.g. MetaMask or MyEtherWallet), don't worry! It might not know how to manage Ocean Tokens yet.
### Token Information
Almost all ERC-20 wallets require these values for adding a custom token:
<table data-full-width="false"><thead><tr><th width="161">Network name</th><th width="444">Contract Address</th><th width="105">Symbol</th><th>Decimals</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong>Mainnet</strong></td><td>0x967da4048cD07aB37855c090aAF366e4ce1b9F48</td><td>OCEAN</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Polygon</strong><br><strong>(ex Matic)</strong></td><td>0x282d8efCe846A88B159800bd4130ad77443Fa1A1</td><td>mOCEAN</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td><strong>BSC</strong><br><strong>Binance Smart Chain</strong></td><td>0xdce07662ca8ebc241316a15b611c89711414dd1a</td><td>OCEAN</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Görli</strong></td><td>0xCfDdA22C9837aE76E0faA845354f33C62E03653a</td><td>OCEAN</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Mumbai</strong></td><td>0xd8992Ed72C445c35Cb4A2be468568Ed1079357c8</td><td>OCEAN</td><td>18</td></tr></tbody></table>
The [OCEAN Token page](https://oceanprotocol.com/token) at oceanprotocol.com has further details.
### MetaMask
1. Make sure MetaMask is connected to the Ethereum Mainnet.
2. Select the account you want to manage.
3. Scroll down until the `Import Tokens` link is visible, then click on it.
4. Click on `Custom Tokens`.
5. Paste the Ocean Token contract address listed above into the _Token Contract Address_ field. The other two fields should auto-fill. If not, add `OCEAN` for the symbol and `18` for the precision.
6. Click `Add custom token`.
7. Click `Import Tokens`.
If you prefer visual demonstrations, we have prepared a visual demo that illustrates the steps mentioned above.
{% @arcade/embed flowId="yHiKKN336QGdAkhTlsIh" url="https://app.arcade.software/share/yHiKKN336QGdAkhTlsIh" %}
MetaMask should now show your Ocean Token (OCEAN) balance, and when you're looking at that, there should be a `Send` button to send Ocean Tokens to others. For help with that, see [the MetaMask docs about how to send tokens](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015488931-How-to-Send-Tokens).
### Other Wallet Software
Do a web search to find out how to add a custom ERC-20 token to the wallet software you're using.