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2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
# Tornado Instances Factory
2022-02-22 21:03:16 +01:00
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
## About
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
This repository contains governance proposal factory for the addition of new Tornado ERC20 instances to the Tornado router.
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
2022-02-22 21:03:16 +01:00
Anyone can create governance proposal for the addition of a new ERC20 instance by calling `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` method of the factory with parameters (proposal creation fee in TORN is charged from sender):
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
1. `address token` - address of ERC20 token for a new instance
2. `uint24 uniswapPoolSwappingFee` - fee value of Uniswap instance which will be used for `TORN/token` price determination. `3000` means 0.3% fee Uniswap pool.
3. `uint256[] denominations` - list of denominations for each new instance (tokens can only be deposited in certain denominations into instances).
4. `uint32[] protocolFees` - list of protocol fees for each new instance (this fee is only charged from registrated relayer during withdrawal process). `100` means 1% of instance denomination fee for withdrawal throw registrated relayer.
2022-02-22 21:03:16 +01:00
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
## Factory parameters
2022-02-22 21:03:16 +01:00
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
1. `max number of new instances in one proposal` - the current version supports the addition of a maximum of 3 instances at once.
2. `proposal creation fee` - this fee is charged from creator of proposal during `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` factory method execution. It can be changed by governance. Default value is stored in `config.js`.
2022-02-22 21:03:16 +01:00
2022-02-23 15:03:05 +01:00
## Warnings
1. This version of the factory creates a proposal for **immutable** Tornado instance initialization.
2. Users should manually propose a proposal after its creation using the factory (in governance UI for example). As `propose()` method caller must have 1000 TORN locked in the governance. Moreover, the proposer can't propose more than one proposal simultaneously.
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
## Tests
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
Setting up the repository:
2022-02-23 18:27:05 +01:00
cp .env.example .env
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
Please fill out .env according to the template provided in it. Please ensure that all of the example values are set to the correct addresses.
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
To run test scripts:
2022-02-23 18:27:05 +01:00
yarn test
2021-10-24 21:54:07 +02:00
2022-02-22 20:15:37 +01:00
Test scripts cover instance factory deployment, proposal deployment and executing proposal.
2022-02-23 17:27:44 +01:00
## Deploy
Check config.js for actual values.
With `salt` = `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000047941987` address must be:
1. `InstanceFactory` - `0xBb3bd4849F88E709Ea6e5dC8F2C4cDc5293a12d5`
2022-02-23 17:27:44 +01:00
Check addresses with current config:
2022-02-23 18:27:05 +01:00
yarn compile
node -e 'require("./src/generateAddresses").generateWithLog()'
2022-02-23 17:27:44 +01:00
Deploy InstanceFactory:
2022-02-23 18:27:05 +01:00
yarn hardhat run scripts/deployInstanceFactory.js --network mainnet
Verify InstanceFactory on Etherscan:
yarn hardhat verify --network <network-name> <contract-address> <constructor-arguments>
With current config:
2022-02-23 18:34:01 +01:00
2022-02-23 18:27:05 +01:00
yarn hardhat verify --network mainnet 0x7a6e627DC6F66617b4A74Be097A8f56c622fa24c 0xce172ce1F20EC0B3728c9965470eaf994A03557A 0x83584f83f26aF4eDDA9CBe8C730bc87C364b28fe 20 0x5efda50f22d34F262c29268506C5Fa42cB56A1Ce 0xB20c66C4DE72433F3cE747b58B86830c459CA911 0x77777FeDdddFfC19Ff86DB637967013e6C6A116C 200000000000000000000
2022-02-23 17:27:44 +01:00