add two instance creation test

This commit is contained in:
Drygin 2022-02-22 23:03:16 +03:00
parent 5a903bf993
commit 53eae70de7
3 changed files with 114 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ on:
tags: ['v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+']
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

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@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
# Tornado Instances Factory
## About
This repository contains governance proposal factory for the addition of new Tornado ERC20 instances to the Tornado router.
Anyone can create governance proposal for the addition of a new ERC20 instance by calling `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` method of the factory with parameters:
Anyone can create governance proposal for the addition of a new ERC20 instance by calling `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` method of the factory with parameters (proposal creation fee in TORN is charged from sender):
1. `address token` - address of ERC20 token for a new instance
2. `uint24 uniswapPoolSwappingFee` - fee value of Uniswap instance which will be used for `TORN/token` price determination. `3000` means 0.3% fee Uniswap pool.
3. `uint256[] denominations` - list of denominations for each new instance (tokens can only be deposited in certain denominations into instances).
4. `uint32[] protocolFees` - list of protocol fees for each new instance (this fee is only charged from registrated relayer during withdrawal process). `100` means 1% of instance denomination fee for withdrawal throw registrated relayer.
## Factory parameters
1. `max number of new instances in one proposal` - the current version supports the addition of a maximum of 3 instances at once.
2. `proposal creation fee` - this fee is charged from creator of proposal during `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` factory method execution. It can be changed by governance. Default value is stored in `config.js`.
## Tests
Setting up the repository:

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@ -204,6 +204,115 @@ describe('Instance Factory Tests', () => {
it('Should successfully deploy/propose/execute proposal - add instances', async function () {
let { sender, instanceFactory, gov, instanceRegistry, tornWhale, tornToken } = await loadFixture(fixture)
// deploy proposal ----------------------------------------------
await tornToken.connect(tornWhale).transfer(sender.address, config.creationFee)
await tornToken.approve(instanceFactory.address, config.creationFee)
await expect(() =>
[ethers.utils.parseEther('100'), ethers.utils.parseEther('1000')],
[30, 30],
[sender, gov],
[BigNumber.from(0).sub(config.creationFee), config.creationFee],
let logs = await instanceFactory.queryFilter('NewGovernanceProposalCreated')
const proposal = await ethers.getContractAt(
ethers.utils.getAddress('0x' + logs[0].topics[1].slice(-40)),
expect(await proposal.instanceFactory())
expect(await proposal.instanceRegistry())
expect(await proposal.token())
expect(await proposal.uniswapPoolSwappingFee())
expect(await proposal.numInstances())
expect(await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(0))
expect(await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(1))
expect(await proposal.denominationByIndex(0))'100'))
expect(await proposal.denominationByIndex(1))'1000'))
// propose proposal ---------------------------------------------
let response, id, state
gov = await gov.connect(tornWhale)
await tornToken.connect(tornWhale).approve(gov.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('26000'))
await gov.lockWithApproval(ethers.utils.parseEther('26000'))
response = await gov.propose(proposal.address, 'COMP token instances proposal')
id = await gov.latestProposalIds(tornWhale.address)
state = await gov.state(id)
const { events } = await response.wait()
const args = events.find(({ event }) => event == 'ProposalCreated').args
expect(args.description)'COMP token instances proposal')
// execute proposal ---------------------------------------------
await minewait((await gov.VOTING_DELAY()).add(1).toNumber())
await expect(gov.castVote(id, true))
expect(await gov.state(id))
await minewait(
await gov.VOTING_PERIOD()
.add(await gov.EXECUTION_DELAY())
expect(await gov.state(id))
await gov.execute(id)
expect(await gov.state(id))
// check instances initialization -------------------------------
logs = await instanceFactory.queryFilter('NewInstanceCloneCreated')
let instanceAddr = '0x' + logs[0].topics[1].slice(-40)
let instance = await ethers.getContractAt('ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr)
expect(await instance.token())
expect(await instance.verifier())
expect(await instance.hasher())
expect(await instance.levels())
expect(await instance.denomination()).to.equal(ethers.utils.parseEther('100'))
let instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address)
instanceAddr = '0x' + logs[1].topics[1].slice(-40)
instance = await ethers.getContractAt('ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr)
expect(await instance.token())
expect(await instance.verifier())
expect(await instance.hasher())
expect(await instance.levels())
expect(await instance.denomination()).to.equal(ethers.utils.parseEther('1000'))
instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address)
it('Should successfully deploy proposal with permit', async function () {
let { instanceFactory, gov, instanceRegistry, tornWhale, tornToken } = await loadFixture(fixture)