* add dataset, algo and total price to form footer
* styled price component on start compute
* fix lint issues
* added help messages for compute jobs in BuyButton
* consume button text alignment fix
* help text copy changes
* styles cleanup
* use graph price on dataset display, remove buy compute timeout text
* minimal total price output
* spacing, copy
* more spacing & copy
* calculation output, timeout output
* price output refactor
Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
* Wip start compute job
* Wip select algorithm design
* Asset selection form component, for start compute job (#442)
* prototype AssetSelection
* assetselection styling
* typing "fix"
* put back file info icon
* AssetSelection styling in context
* update start job method, fixed algo select, and fixed option typing
* compute logic update
* add has previous orders for algo asset
* fixed search algorithm assets in start compute form
* fixed lint errors
* updated previous order for algo logic and compute flow
* update use price hook and added buy DT for algo
* display only alg of type exchange and sort by value
* display only trusted algo for asset if field is set
* added logic for allow all published algorithms or no algorithms allowed
* asset selection style & spacing tweaks
* refactor get algorithms for compute and edit compute
* fixed form options and more refactoring
* new ButtonBuy component
* shared component between consume/compute
* dealing with various states: loading, previous orders, help text output
* effect dependencies
* move error output into toast
* formik data flow refactor
* ditch custom field change handler
* fix initialValues
* typed form data & validation
* fixes multiple form validation issues along the way
* isInitialValid → validateOnMount
* metadata display tweaks
* error feedback tweaks
* oler assets checks, confeti on succes job, market fee on order, removed algo compute logic
* more startJob logging
* feedback & messaging changes
* metadata display
* return all algos, fixed & dynamic priced ones
* fix DOM nesting
* messaging updates
* copy tweaks
* check algorithm previous history for both acces and compute sercive types
* handle start compute error
* extra checks on start compute response
* styling tweaks, fix toast UI errors
* AssetSelection: empty screen, tweak min/max height
* fix FRE issues on start compute
* check is ordarable before start compute job
* logging tweaks
* disable eslint no-unused-vars rule for some Apollo code blocks
* fix metadata editing for compute assets
* consider dataset timeout for compute too
Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
* add custom network
* created announcement banner
* add custom network from banner
* show ADD CUSTOM NETWORK on MetaMask provider
* show add ocean to wallet action
* removed warningPolygon from alert
* removed customNetwork component
* remove Add custom network on asset details page
* Details use function from web3 to add token
* changed available on Polygon link, refactoring
* show Switch to Polygon when no wallet connected
* banner content for no provider and Polygon network
* change message when not provider and eth network
* changed warning and added announcement in site.json
* moved network logic inside Announcement, moved Announcement component
* added switch to ETH button, refactoring
* removed add mOcean action button
* moved location verification to App.tsx
* styling & copy updates
Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
* created form for editing compute privacy
* used editComputePrivacy method
* select and update trusted algorithm
* display and select multiple trusted algorithms
* fixed update when trusted algorithm list not changed
* code refactoring
* moved separator inside condition
* moved functions and interface from EditComputeDataset component
* moved algorithmOptions to parent component
* used AssetSelection to display algorithms
* use AssetSelection to select trusted algorithms
* getAlgorithmsOptions function review
* review fixes
* removed unused imports
* merge fixes
* AssetSelection style & usability tweaks
* use custom radio & checkbox styles
* add simple search for name & DID
* spacing adjustments
* copy updates, remove raw algo input, hardcode allowRawAlgorithm
* copy
* AssetSelection usability tweaks
* make rows clickable
* tweak layout, style and markup
* use formik set function to update values
* sorted algorithm list, added checked field
* sort assetSelection list on user select
* fix getAlgorithmsForAssetSelection breaking on empty responses
* form debug output
* another empty publisherTrustedAlgorithms fix
* created separate algorithms state for the form, sort list on edit
* refactor
* use Formik functionality wherever possible
* unify transforming form data to final data
* fix form debug transformation
* fix form submit, fix defaultChecked
* refactor
* use Formik functionality wherever possible
* unify transforming form data to final data
* fix form debug transformation
* fix form submit, fix defaultChecked
* disable assetSelection when allowAllAlgorithms is true
* added loader to AssetSelection
* changed allowAllAlgorithms to allowAllPublishedAlgorithms
* fixed lint error
* updated transformComputeFormToServiceComputePrivacy
* lint fix
* modify publish defaults
Co-authored-by: Matthias Kretschmann <m@kretschmann.io>
* added button that allows to push custom token to metamask
* added image url
* use provider from ocean, add mOCEAN symbol to Matic
* use token symbol based on networkId
* removed customToken.json, used Logger to display message
* log error
* fixed log
* review fixes
* used oceanTokenSymbol from config
* getOceanConfig fix
* fetching Subgraph data
* updates ordered by timestamp
* comment removed
* comment removed
* apollo generated typing used
* date converted to string
Co-authored-by: claudia.holhos <claudia.holhos@hpm.ro>