description: 'Discover the World of NFTs: Retrieving a List of Fixed-rate exchanges'
# Get fixed-rate exchanges
Having gained knowledge about fetching lists of data NFTs and datatokens and extracting specific information about each, let's now explore the process of retrieving the information of fixed-rate exchanges. A fixed-rate exchange refers to a mechanism where data assets can be traded at a predetermined rate or price. These exchanges offer stability and predictability in data transactions, enabling users to securely and reliably exchange data assets based on fixed rates. If you need a refresher on fixed-rate exchanges, visit the [asset pricing](../contracts/ page.
_PS: In this example, the query is executed on the Ocean subgraph deployed on the **mainnet**. If you want to change the network, please refer to_ [_this table_](broken-reference)_._
The javascript below can be used to run the query and fetch a list of fixed-rate exchanges. If you wish to change the network, replace the variable's value `network` as needed. 
The Python script below can be used to run the query and retrieve a list of fixed-rate exchanges. If you wish to change the network, then replace the value of the variable `base_url` as needed.
Copy the query to fetch a list of fixed-rate exchanges in the Ocean Subgraph [GraphiQL interface](