Each [data NFT](data-nfts.md) or [datatoken](datatokens.md) within Ocean Protocol is generated from pre-defined [template](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/tree/main/contracts/templates) contracts. The _**templateId**_ parameter specifies the template used for creating a data NFT or datatoken, which can be set during the creation process. The _**templateId**_ is stored within the smart contract code and can be accessed using the [_**getId**_](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/9e29194d910f28a4f0ef17ce6dc8a70741f63309/contracts/interfaces/IERC20Template.sol#L134)_**()**_ function.
Currently, Ocean Protocol supports **1** [template](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol) type for data NFTs and **2** template variants for datatokens: the [**regular template**](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol) and the [**enterprise template**](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol). While these templates share the same interfaces, they differ in their underlying implementation and may offer additional features.
The details regarding currently supported **datatoken templates** are as follows:
The regular template allows users to buy/sell/hold datatokens. The datatokens can be minted by the address having a [`MINTER`](roles.md#minter) role, making the supply of datatoken variable. This template is assigned _**`templateId =`**_`1` and the source code is available [here](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol).
The enterprise template has additional functions apart from methods in the ERC20 interface. This additional feature allows access to the service by paying in the basetoken instead of the datatoken. Internally, the smart contract handles the conversion of basetoken to datatoken, initiating an order to access the service, and minting/burning the datatoken. The total supply of the datatoken effectively remains 0 in the case of the enterprise template. This template is assigned _**`templateId =`**_`2` and the source code is available [here](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/main/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol).
To specify the datatoken template via ocean.js, you need to customize the [DatatokenCreateParams](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean.js/blob/ae2ff1ccde53ace9841844c316a855de271f9a3f/src/%40types/Datatoken.ts#L3) with your desired `templateIndex`.
To specify the datatoken template via ocean.py, you need to customize the [DatatokenArguments](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/ocean.py/blob/bad11fb3a4cb00be8bab8febf3173682e1c091fd/ocean\_lib/models/datatoken\_base.py#L64) with your desired template\_index.
We like making things easy :sunglasses: so here is an even easier way to retrieve the info for [this](https://market.oceanprotocol.com/asset/did:op:cd086344c275bc7c560e91d472be069a24921e73a2c3798fb2b8caadf8d245d6) asset published in the Ocean Market: