description: This tutorial shows how you can build a basic [React]( app with [Create React App]( that uses the Ocean [JavaScript driver]( to publish a data set, get a data set, and more.
WARNING: as of Oct 21, 2020 this has not been updated yet for Ocean V3.
All code snippets in this tutorial are sourced from the [oceanprotocol/react-tutorial]( GitHub repository:
The final source of this tutorial is also available as a CodeSandbox:
- A Web3 capable browser, like Firefox/Chrome with [MetaMask]( installed, [connected to Nile network](
- Some Nile ETH from the Nile Faucet. You can either go to [](, or execute this command replacing `<YOUR ADDRESS>` with your MetaMask account address:
We are going to use Create React App to bootstrap our React app. You could use `npx create-react-app marketplace` but it creates more files than needed for the scope of this tutorial.
Notice the `@oceanprotocol/ocean.js` dependency, which is the [Ocean Protocol JavaScript library]( Save that file, and in your terminal install the dependencies we have just defined in `package.json`:
Then create the HTML file used to render the React app into. For that, create a folder `public/` and in it a file `index.html` with the following content:
We already are importing web3.js but we still need to enable account access for the browsers supporting it, and make sure nothing breaks in browsers which are not Web3-capable.
> Note: If you see an error like `inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error.` in your browser console, don't worry about it. It's a MetaMask thing and won't affect functionality.
At the beginning of your component, create a new Ocean instance with all required endpoint configurations within the `componentDidMount` lifecycle method. All Ocean Protocol operations can be executed from this Ocean instance.
This will initiate a connection to all Ocean components in Nile, load the contracts, and finally store the Ocean object in the local component state for reuse.
That's it, if you have no errors in your `console.log` then you have successfully initialized an Ocean instance in your brand new React app and you are ready for the [next part of this tutorial](/tutorials/react-publish-data-set/).
Instead of remotely connecting to Ropsten, you can connect to your own [local network](concepts/network-local). It uses Ethereum Ganache plus Ocean Barge.
At the end of the contract compiling and deploying you need to copy the resulting contract artifacts from the Docker container to your local `@oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts` dependency folder. The _keeper-contracts_ Docker container will output all artifacts in a hidden folder in your home folder so you can copy from there:
You will also need some ETH for your local network. [This tutorial](/tutorials/get-ETH-and-OCEAN-tokens) describes how to get it into your MetaMask account.
> If you are on macOS, you need to additionally tweak your `/etc/hosts` file so Brizo can connect to Aquarius within Docker. This is only required on macOS and is a [known limitation of Docker for Mac](
> ```bash
> sudo vi /etc/hosts
> # add this line, and save
> aquarius
> ```
> And then use `aquariusUri: 'http://aquarius:5000'` in your Ocean instance config.