If you don't see any Ocean Tokens in your crypto wallet software (e.g. MetaMask or MyEtherWallet), don't worry! It might not know how to manage Ocean Tokens yet.
If you know the URL of a Brizo instance attached to the network you're using, then just go to that URL in your web browser and get the value of `contracts.OceanToken`.
If the above addresses are out-of-date, then you can find newer ones in the [keeper-contracts repository on GitHub](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts):
1. Double-check the address by looking in the file named `zos.kovan.json` (for Kovan) or `zos.dev-8995.json` (for Nile). Search for `/OceanToken`. There should be one result and the text around it should look like:
Compare the `"address"` value to the value from the `README.md` file.
### Spree or Ganache-Based Testnet
If you're using [Barge](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge) to run a local Spree Testnet or a local Ganache-based testnet, then you can get the address of the OceanToken contract by looking at the value of `"address"` in:
-`$HOME/.ocean/keeper-contracts/artifacts/OceanToken.spree.json` for Spree
-`$HOME/.ocean/keeper-contracts/artifacts/OceanToken.development.json` for Ganache
## Step 2: Teach Your Wallet Software about Ocean Tokens
### MetaMask Instructions
1. Make sure MetaMask is connected to the correct network (Nile, Kovan or whatever). See [the tutorial about how to do that](/tutorials/connect-to-networks/).
1. For the account you want to manage, click the `☰` (hamburger menu icon).
1. Paste the OceanToken contract address (from Step 1 above) into the "Token Contract Address" field. The other two fields should auto-fill. If they don't then something is wrong.
MetaMask should now show your Ocean Token (OCEAN) balance, and when you're looking at that, there should be a `Send` button to send Ocean Tokens to others. For help with that, see [the MetaMask docs about how to send tokens](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015488931-How-to-Send-Tokens).