**[Ocean Predictoor](../predictoor/README.md)** data feeds predict whether BTC, ETH etc will rise or fall 5min or 1h into the future. These feeds are crowdsourced by “predictoors”: people running AI-powered prediction bots.
**[Data Farming (DF)](../data-farming/README.md)** is Ocean’s incentive program, that rewards OCEAN to people who lock OCEAN or do active DF activities.
Predictoor DF has two components: [OCEAN](https://oceanprotocol.com/about-us/ocean-token) rewards and [Oasis ROSE](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/oasis-network) rewards.
- A special “DF buyer” bot purchases Predictoor feeds. It started operating on Nov 9, 2023. Every day, it spends 1/7 of the weekly Predictoor OCEAN budget for another 24h subscription. It spends an equal amount per feed. (Currently there are feeds: 10 x 5min, 10 x 1h.)
- ⚠️ To be counted for ROSE rewards of a given DF round, you must claim your OCEAN rewards for that DF round. See [Predictoor DF user guide](predictoordf-guide.md).
- Payout for a given predictoor is pro-rata to the net earnings of that predictoor over that DF round, specifically (total sales $ to the predictoor) minus (predictoor stake slashed due to being wrong).
- The ROSE comes from a generous contribution of[ Oasis Protocol Foundation](https://oasisprotocol.org/) 👪🙏.
## How to Earn $ Via Predictoor DF
**Running a predictoor bot will automatically make you eligible for Predictoor DF rewards.**
The [Predictoor DF user guide](predictoordf-guide.md) tells how to get started as a predictoor, and how to claim rewards.
Predictoor DF makes [Active DF](../data-farming/volumedf.md) more attractive, and in turn [Passive DF](../data-farming/passivedf.md). You should be familiar with both before reading on.
**Predictoor DF makes Volume DF more attractive than status quo**, because the volume-based bounds on weekly rewards trends tend to be markedly higher for prediction feeds. (The Appendix has details.)
**Curating is straightforward.** Ocean assets with high DCV are easy to identify: it's the 20 OPF-published prediction feeds. This makes the choice of veOCEAN allocation easy: point to those 20 assets.
**Predictoor DF makes Volume DF more attractive than status quo.** Active DF's rewards are bounded by `DCV_bound` which in turn is bound by sales volume and fees. In Predictoor DF, both those factors are raised; this raises the bounds in Volume DF; this in turn means higher earning potential. Let's elaborate.
At one time, Volume DF had a "wash consume" problem, where people published and consumed their own datasets. [DF9](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming-df8-completed-df9-started-reward-function-tuned-d74b5134b5d1) onwards address this, by putting a bounds on weekly rewards:
> `DCV_bound = DCV * m`
Where `m` = `DCV_bounding_multiplier` = `Ocean community fee (0.1%) + publish market fee`
This stopped wash consume 💪 because it became unprofitable to _do_ wash consume: fees eat up all potential profits.
A low `DCV` (data consume volume) or a low `m` (publish market fee) mean low `DCV_bound`.
Therefore `DCV_bound` is higher. Specifically: `DCV_bound = 37500 * (0.001 + 0.20) = 7537.5 OCEAN`. In other words, at least 7537.5 OCEAN is available for Volume DF in any given week.
Details: the BTC feeds _are_ priced at the smart contract level. The webapp receives datatokens for those feeds and makes the prediction values public. Because the BTC feeds _are_ priced, then: their DCV is non-negligible; allocating veOCEAN to them makes sense; and Volume DF rewards accrue to them as well.