<figure><imgsrc="../../.gitbook/assets/gif/aquaman-gold.gif"alt=""width="250"><figcaption><p>Get your gold. Get your veOCEAN.</p></figcaption></figure>
In order to **gain yield Data Farming**, you will need to lock your OCEAN first! When you lock your OCEAN, you get **veOCEAN** and **weekly passive OCEAN rewards** in return. veOCEAN is a token used in Ocean Protocol's Data Farming dApp to **generate even more yield,** called **Volume DF rewards**, for allocating your veOCEAN to your favorite assets and get a portion of their sales!
- Enter the amount of OCEAN that you are going to lock up
- Select a Lock End Date indicating how many weeks you’re going to lock up your OCEAN. (As the Lock End Date goes farther into the future, your Lock Multiplier increases).
Congratulations! You have now locked your OCEAN for veOCEAN and are generating passive yield automatically. You can [claim your passive OCEAN rewards](how-to-claim-rewards.md) every Thursday - note that your first time claiming rewards will require at least one week, but not more than 2 weeks of wait!