VolumeDF rewards Data Farmers that allocate their veOCEAN tokens to Ocean ecosystem assets.
It's called VolumeDF because the amount of rewards relies on assets that are actively generating Data Consume Volume. Therefore, **VolumeDF yields depend on the sales produced by these assets and allocations made.**
No sales = no rewards, so choose your favorite datasets wisely & then allocate.
Data Farming rewards farmers that allocate their veOCEAN tokens to assets that **generate revenue** in the Ocean ecosystem. (No revenue, no rewards.) In addition, Data Farming incentivizes **publishing** assets in the Ocean ecosystem too - you get **2x the Allocation Power** when you allocate to an asset that you publish!
Another way to improve your yield is by [delegating](../user-guides/data-farming/how-to-delegate.md) your veOCEAN to someone to generate Active Rewards for you! In this case, the idea is that they may do a better job at publishing assets or picking winners better than you can. However, there is some risk to this because the rewards generated will be sent to the person you delegated to, and it's their responsibility to return those rewards back to you if that's the agreement you both made.
**Data Consume Volume (DCV)** is our term for **the total $ amount spent on purchases of Ocean ecosystem assets**, transaction fees, and more. The higher DCV of Ocean ecosystem assets, then the more OCEAN rewards are distributed to Data Farmers. It's that simple!
Marketing your assets to buyers can be a big challenge. Just because you publish them in the Ocean ecosystem doesn't mean that they will sell. It will take real work. Your reward is great APY. Its incentives all the way down 🙂
Another way to improve your yield is by [delegating](../user-guides/README.md#how-to-delegate-your-active-rewards) your veOCEAN to someone to generate Active Rewards for you! In this case, the idea is that they may do a better job at publishing assets or picking winners better than you can. However, there is some risk to this because the rewards generated will be sent to the person you delegated to, and it's their responsibility to return those rewards back to you if that's the agreement you both made. To read more, see our [info on Delegation](../user-guides/README.md#how-to-delegate-your-active-rewards).
1. Distribute OCEAN across each asset **based on rank**: highest-DCV asset gets the most OCEAN, etc.
2. For each asset and each veOCEAN holder: If the holder is a publisher, 2x the effective allocation – Baseline rewards = (% allocation in asset) \* (OCEAN for an asset) – Bound rewards to the asset by 125% APY – Bound rewards by asset’s DCV \* 0.1%.
For mathematicians and coders, you can find this code inside [calcrewards.py](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py/blob/main/df_py/volume/calc_rewards.py) in the Ocean Protocol [df-py repo](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/df-py/)!
VolumeDF strongly incentivizes publishing assets in the Ocean ecosystem by giving double the active rewards to Data Farmers that allocate to their own published assets.
In Data Farming Round 23 Ranked Rewards were introduced to smooth out the reward distribution by using a logarithmic function.
**Since rewards are distributed across the Top 100 assets, all data farmers (Publishers & Curators) are now incentivized to support a broader range of assets rather than optimizing on a single asset.**
You can read more about the why, what, and how of Ranked Rewards [in this blog post](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming-df22-completed-df23-started-reward-function-tuned-ffd4359657ee) and find the full study [in these slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HIA2zV8NUPpCELmi2WFwnAbHmFFrcXjNQiCpEqJ2Jdg/).
The asset may be of any type — dataset, an algorithm for Compute-to-Data, or any other Datatoken token-gated system. The asset may be fixed price or free price. If fixed price, any token of exchange is alright (OCEAN, H2O, USDC, etc).
* Have been created by Ocean Smart contracts [deployed](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts/blob/v4main/addresses/address.json) by OPF to [production networks](../discover/networks/README.md)