Swap fees are collected whenever someone swaps a datatoken for base token (e.g., OCEAN) or base token for a datatoken. The swap could be inside a pool (using an automated market maker) or in a fixed-rate exchange.
Currently, the Ocean marketplace does not charge a publishing fee. Custom marketplaces can charge a publishing fee by adding an extra transaction in the publish flow.
Consume fees (aka. Order fees) are charged when a user holding a datatoken exchanges it for the right to download an asset or to start a compute job that uses the asset.
Ocean's smart contracts collect **Ocean Community fees** during swap and order operations. These fees are reinvested in community projects via OceanDAO and other initiatives.
For swaps involving approved base tokens like OCEAN and H2O, the Ocean Community swap fee is 0.1%. For swaps involving other base tokens, the Ocean Community swap fee is 0.2%. The Ocean Community order fee is 0.3 DT per order operation.
Provider is a component of Ocean Protocol's ecosystem that facilitates data consumption, starts compute jobs, encrypts DDOs, and decrypts DDOs. Provider also validates if the user can access a particular data asset or service. To learn more about Provider, click [here](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/provider).
Provider fees are paid to the individual or organization running their Provider instance when the user orders an asset. These fees can be set to an absolute amount, not as a percentage. The provider can also specify which token the fees must be paid in - they don't have to be the same token used in the consuming market.
Provider fees can also be used to charge for computing resources. Based on the compute resources needed to run an algorithm in the Compute-to-Data environment, a consumer can choose the amount to pay according to their needs.
The table is periodically updated. Users are advised to confirm new values through the [contracts](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/contracts) and the [market](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market).
| Pool Liquidity Provider (LP) | 1% | Set by the pool creator on contract deployment.<br><b>Contracts</b><br> Min = 0.001% <br>Max = 10%<br><b>Market</b><br>Min = 0.1% <br>Max = 10% |
| <b>Publish Fees</b> | 0% | 0% |
| <b>Order Fees <br>1 datatoken available to get dataset acces | | |
| publishMarket<br>Absolute value, in any token. E.g. 5 USDT | 0 | Set in market config, by the publishing market. |
| consumeMarket<br>Absolute value, in any token. E.g. 2 DAI | 0 | Set in market config, by the consuming market. |