Before you can publish or purchase assets, you will need a crypto wallet. As Metamask is one of the most popular crypto wallets around, we made a tutorial to show you how to get started with Metamask to use Ocean's tech.
> MetaMask can be connected with a TREZOR or Ledger hardware wallet but we don't cover those options below; see [the MetaMask documentation](
* Install MetaMask. The wallet provides a friendly user interface that will help you through each step. MetaMask gives you two options: importing an existing wallet or creating a new one. Choose to `Create a Wallet`:
* In the next step create a new password for your wallet. Read through and accept the terms and conditions. After that, MetaMask will generate Secret Backup Phrase for you. Write it down and store it in a safe place.
* You can now manage Ether and Ocean Tokens with your wallet. You can copy your account address to the clipboard from the options. When you want someone to send Ether or Ocean Tokens to you, you will have to give them that address. It's not a secret.
You can also watch this [video tutorial](\_dn0wVs9kWolBCbtHaFxsi408cumOeth) if you want more help setting up MetaMask.
Sometimes it is required to use custom or external networks in MetaMask. We can add a new one through MetaMask's Settings.
Open the Settings menu and find the `Networks` option. When you open it, you'll be able to see all available networks your MetaMask wallet currently use. Click the `Add Network` button.