description: This tutorial shows how you can build a basic [React]( app with [Create React App]( that uses the squid-js JavaScript package to publish a data set, get a data set, and more.
All code snippets in this tutorial are sourced from the [oceanprotocol/react-tutorial]( GitHub repository:
The final source of this tutorial is also available as a CodeSandbox:
- A Web3 capable browser, like Firefox/Chrome with [MetaMask]( installed, [connected to Nile network](
- Some Nile ETH from the Nile Faucet. You can either go to [](, or execute this command replacing `<YOUR ADDRESS>` with your MetaMask account address:
We are going to use Create React App to bootstrap our React app. You could use `npx create-react-app marketplace` but it creates more files than needed for the scope of this tutorial.
Notice the `@oceanprotocol/squid` dependency, which is the [Ocean Protocol JavaScript library]( Save that file, and in your terminal install the dependencies we have just defined in `package.json`:
Then create the HTML file used to render the React app into. For that, create a folder `public/` and in it a file `index.html` with the following content:
We already are importing web3.js but we still need to enable account access for the browsers supporting it, and make sure nothing breaks in browsers which are not Web3-capable.
> Note: If you see an error like `inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error.` in your browser console, don't worry about it. It's a MetaMask thing and won't affect functionality.
At the beginning of your component, create a new Ocean instance with all required endpoint configurations within the `componentDidMount` lifecycle method. All Ocean Protocol operations can be executed from this Ocean instance.
This will initiate a connection to all Ocean components in Nile, load the contracts, and finally store the Ocean object in the local component state for reuse.
We also set the `verbose` option of squid-js so we better see what's going on.
That's it, if you have no errors in your `console.log` then you have successfully initialized an Ocean instance in your brand new React app and you are ready for the [next part of this tutorial](/tutorials/react-publish-data-set/).
[_Spree_](, a local Ocean test network, can be used instead of remotely connecting to Nile. For this you first have to get up the Spree network by using [oceanprotocol/barge](
Note that compiling and deploying the contracts in your local Docker network takes some time so it can take a few minutes until the network is ready to be interacted with. That usually is the case once `keeper-contracts_1` container doesn't show any messages anymore.
At the end of the contract compiling and deploying you need to copy the resulting _Spree_ contract artifacts from the Docker container to your local `@oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts` dependency folder. The _keeper-contracts_ Docker container will output all artifacts in a hidden folder in your home folder so you can copy from there:
You will also need some [_Spree_ Ether](/tutorials/get-ether-and-ocean-tokens/#get-ether-for-a-local-spree-testnet) in your MetaMask account. You can execute this, replacing `<YOUR ADDRESS>` with your MetaMask account address:
> If you are on macOS, you need to additionally tweak your `/etc/hosts` file so Brizo can connect to Aquarius within Docker. This is only required on macOS and is a [known limitation of Docker for Mac](
> ```bash
> sudo vi /etc/hosts
> # add this line, and save
> aquarius
> ```
> And then use `aquariusUri: 'http://aquarius:5000'` in your Ocean instance config.