Have you found a bug in the code? To report a bug that _isn't a vulnerability_, go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on the _Issues_ tab, and select _Bug Report_.
First, make sure that you search existing open + closed issues + PRs to see if your bug has already been reported there. If not, then go ahead and create a new bug report! 🦸
For all the super sleuths out there, you may be able to earn a bounty for reporting vulnerabilities in sensitive parts of the code. Check out this page on [Immunify](https://immunefi.com/bounty/oceanprotocol/) for the latest bug bounties available. You can also responsibly disclose flaws by emailing us at [security@oceanprotocol.com](mailto:security@oceanprotocol.com).
It takes a tribe of awesome coders to build a tech stack, and you're invited to pitch in 😊 We'd love to have you contribute to any repository within the `oceanprotocol` [GitHub](https://github.com/oceanprotocol) organization!
* If no feature request issue for your case is present, **please open one first before starting to work on something, so it can be discussed openly with Ocean core team**.
1. As an external developer, fork the respective repo and **push your code changes to your own fork.** Ocean core developers push directly on the repo under `oceanprotocol` org.
2. Provide the issue # information when you open a PR, for example: `issue-001-short-feature-description`. The issue number `issue-001` needs to reference the GitHub issue that you are trying to fix. The short feature description helps us to quickly distinguish your PR among the other PRs in play.
3. To get visibility and Continuous Integration feedback as early as possible, open your Pull Request as a `Draft`.
4. Give it a meaningful title, and at least link to the respective issue in the Pull Request description, like `Fixes #23`. Describe your changes, mention things for reviewers to look out for, and for UI changes screenshots and videos are helpful.
Except for GitHub, you can chat with most Ocean Protocol core developers in the [Discord](https://discord.gg/TnXjkR5) if you have further development questions.
If you need ANY help, then we're here to talk with you on [Discord](https://discord.gg/TnXjkR5) to give you advice. We're also consistently improving these docs to help you. And... you're here :)
The docs repo can always be improved. If you found a mistake or have an improvement to make, then follow the steps in the [contribution workflow](./#your-contribution-workflow) to submit your changes.
Do you REALLY love building on Ocean Protocol? Consider joining us full-time! Our openings are listed at [https://github.com/oceanprotocol/jobs](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/jobs).
Scroll a bit further, and at this page's footer, you'll find the social media links that allow you to join the Ocean community or engage in direct chats with us. 😊 Toodles!