1.**Token-gated dApps & REST APIs**: monetize by making your dApp or its REST API token-gated. [Here's how](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/token-gating-template).
2.**AI dApps**: monetize your AI dApp by token-gating on AI training data, feature vectors, models, or predictions.
3.**Data Markets**: build a decentralized data market. [Here's how](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/market)
4.**Private user profile data**: storing user profile data on your centralized server exposes you to liability. Instead, have it on-chain encrypted by the user's wallet, and just-in-time decrypt for the app. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTfI8spLq1k\&ab\_channel=ParticleNetwork), [slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1\_lkDVUkA0Rx1R7RpkaSeLkX3PeOBoMQyRhvxjwTvd6A/edit?usp=sharing).
* **App level:** [**Use an Ocean Template**](https://oceanprotocol.com/templates).
* **Library level:** [**Use ocean.js**](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/docs/blob/main/developers/ocean.js) is a library built for the key environment of dApp developers: JavaScript. Import it & use it your frontend or NodeJS.
* **Contract level:** [**Call Ocean contracts**](contracts/) on Eth mainnet [or other chains](../discover/networks.md).