
474 lines
30 KiB

### Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by [`auto-changelog`](
#### [v1.0.1](
> 18 July 2019
- Update About page [`#180`](
- update about text [`8d06a67`](
### [v1.0.0](
> 17 July 2019
- Wallet selection [`#176`](
- Updated the script to deploy on pacific-ocean [`#178`](
- run tests against Aquarius & Brizo pacific test instances [`#173`](
- Modal fixes [`#177`](
- remove wallet setup from Cypress [`01fb305`](
- allow login to wallets [`adf52ce`](
- fix re-renders caused by withTracker HOC [`ca58d7d`](
#### [v0.6.3](
> 9 July 2019
- Release 0.6.3 [`edbc327`](
- server: adapt to new tsc output [`362a266`](
#### [v0.6.2](
> 9 July 2019
- Release 0.6.2 [`2a9d747`](
- server build fix [`4ed72f3`](
#### [v0.6.1](
> 9 July 2019
- Reporting data sets [`#172`](
- email sending via sendgrid [`cee4997`](
- send Slack message [`fa078c6`](
- add Modal component [`cb1e0ca`](
#### [v0.6.0](
> 4 July 2019
- default all connections to Pacific [`#164`](
- fix version tags, fixed squid-js [`#166`](
- Connect to pacific [`#167`](
- Cypress cleanup & fixes [`#165`](
- End-to-end testing setup with Cypress [`#134`](
- fresh package-lock [`9b9db4b`](
- bump packages [`96e5363`](
- add docs, consolidate more config values [`8717621`](
#### [v0.5.4](
> 25 June 2019
- bump to squid-js v0.6.0 [`#163`](
- switch to axios for file url check [`#162`](
- revert package-lock [`24b68ba`](
- use pacific, fix export vars [`67f7368`](
- remove faucet + target nile node [`3b3c08f`](
#### [v0.5.3](
> 19 June 2019
- SEO component [`#159`](
- switch to axios for file publish [`7043266`](
- Release 0.5.3 [`75a262f`](
#### [v0.5.2](
> 19 June 2019
- add config values for Pacific connection [`#161`](
- Refactor VersionNumbers to be sourced from squid-js [`#160`](
- fix web3 version + use truffle-hdwallet [`d364a7b`](
- add tests [`e5960d3`](
- output overall status [`059ae62`](
#### [v0.5.1](
> 14 June 2019
- Submarine links and Pacific support [`#158`](
- tweak CI app starting [`81cb06e`](
- prototype using truffle-privatekey-provider & ganache to provide accounts [`d8f4ebe`](
- cleanup, add asset fixture, add eslint-plugin-cypress [`8f73c08`](
#### [v0.5.0](
> 12 June 2019
- make price a string, Aquarius 0.2.7 validation updates [`#142`](
- simplify Ocean URIs and env variables, document .env usage [`#157`](
- version number fixes [`#156`](
- additions to Ocean versions output [`#155`](
- highly simplify Ocean URIs and env variables [`4b919f2`](
- update tests [`264a066`](
- mock file fetch request [`7d727bc`](
#### [v0.4.5](
> 6 June 2019
- hotfix for failing server run on Docker [`#154`](
- Release 0.4.5 [`e499430`](
#### [v0.4.4](
> 6 June 2019
- switch to new Travis caching strategy [`#153`](
- fix account address display in Firefox [`#152`](
- Release 0.4.4 [`5f19fbe`](
#### [v0.4.3](
> 3 June 2019
- output event messages during publishing flow [`#151`](
- squid-js v0.5.14 [`b27c458`](
- Release 0.4.3 [`303a7bf`](
- update tests [`56604b9`](
#### [v0.4.2](
> 31 May 2019
- test fixes [`#150`](
- Reuse agreements on consume flow [`#148`](
- show faucet version number, small refactor [`#147`](
- change brizo fallback address [`#146`](
- prevent test runner conflicts, kick out jasmine, lock TypeScript [`9888d78`](
- formatting and test tweaks [`1e6b334`](
- prevent text runner conflicts, kick out jasmine, TypeScript update [`4fd623f`](
#### [v0.4.1](
> 28 May 2019
- output version numbers, simplify release tasks, make automatic changelog work [`#145`](
- version numbers as component, fetch Brizo & Aquarius [`043d942`](
- simplify release tasks, automatic changelog [`41d6726`](
- package-locks [`c742426`](
#### [v0.4.0](
> 28 May 2019
- AI For Good: channels, new front-page & categories list [`#125`](
- asset files & fixed metadata tweaks [`be6c478`](
- cleanup contentType in one central place, add more manual replacements [`5e94d73`](
- fix tests [`d74a4c0`](
#### [v0.3.2](
> 27 May 2019
- Add range error handling [`#144`](
- rebase fix [`90b163b`](
- category search, make multiple layouts on one page possible [`1b1ac5c`](
- channel teaser component, use on channels page [`1b7d343`](
#### [v0.3.1](
> 27 May 2019
- remove AI For Good as category [`#143`](
- update changelog [`88872cc`](
- Release 0.3.1 [`54f3f17`](
#### [v0.3.0](
> 21 May 2019
- Consume feedback mesages [`#110`](
- fresh package-lock [`743fe53`](
- update changelog [`01e68b6`](
- bump required component versions [`d6a7800`](
#### [v0.2.14](
> 20 May 2019
- AI Commons link [`#137`](
- message tweaks [`0e12204`](
- message output refactor, testing [`879f511`](
- add AI Commons logo [`081772c`](
#### [v0.2.13](
> 20 May 2019
- Output total assets [`#128`](
- Updated Telegram link [`#138`](
- update changelog [`7df6958`](
- Release 0.2.13 [`7a6075b`](
- remove AI Commons line for now [`21786a7`](
#### [v0.2.12](
> 17 May 2019
- Fix versions vwv.y.z [`#135`](
- consistent AI For Good category naming [`#136`](
- output total assets in the marketplace, use new Market Provider for it [`2244082`](
- styling, AI Commons link [`e6fc7a9`](
- update changelog [`a831848`](
#### [v0.2.11](
> 16 May 2019
- url encode & decode search term [`#130`](
- fix react-ga initialization [`#129`](
- update changelog [`d49cace`](
- Release 0.2.11 [`e8b150a`](
#### [v0.2.10](
> 15 May 2019
- AI for Good category [`#126`](
- Network detection tweaks [`#122`](
- bump squid-js [`97b20b4`](
- isCorrectNetwork -> isOceanNetwork [`807723b`](
- less verbose error logging [`f49fa14`](
#### [v0.2.9](
> 13 May 2019
- add Duero to network detection [`#121`](
- add duero to network detection [`f636170`](
- update changelog [`70deb12`](
- Release 0.2.9 [`57ea109`](
#### [v0.2.8](
> 10 May 2019
- Fix publish step 2 [`#120`](
- update changelog [`57b7547`](
- pass through all props to textarea [`90c252c`](
- Release 0.2.8 [`784d6a1`](
#### [v0.2.7](
> 6 May 2019
- Add more tests [`#117`](
- more tests [`9bdfca4`](
- update changelog [`30d6679`](
- consume fix [`20299d9`](
#### [v0.2.6](
> 30 April 2019
- add blockies for account display [`#115`](
- Setup coverage reporting [`#116`](
- report test coverage to Codacy [`5e8ed02`](
- hotfix for search input [`a8969bb`](
- Release 0.2.6 [`269acdf`](
#### [v0.2.5](
> 29 April 2019
- sanitize search input [`#114`](
- update telegram link [`#113`](
- update changelog [`0d3afc8`](
- Release 0.2.5 [`8290609`](
#### [v0.2.4](
> 29 April 2019
- fix search titles [`#112`](
- Release 0.2.4 [`8f832b6`](
- update telegram link [`e6806f4`](
#### [v0.2.3](
> 25 April 2019
- fix datepicker styles [`#109`](
- update changelog [`8a79db0`](
- hotfix for asset title user input [`17082c8`](
- lock Travis to Node.js v11 [`7e9013e`](
#### [v0.2.2](
> 23 April 2019
- client: lock to web3 v1.0.0-beta.37, bump packages [`#107`](
- bump packages [`fe821f9`](
- lock to web3 v1.0.0-beta.37 [`d6744c9`](
- bump squid-js [`11ee08f`](
#### [v0.2.1](
> 15 April 2019
- New pagination UI [`#105`](
- package updates [`b62753a`](
- new pagination UI [`8a5d89e`](
- fix test [`b03074e`](
#### [v0.2.0](
> 15 April 2019
- Refactor web3 detection and bootstrapping process [`#101`](
- move web3/ocean detection out of App.jsx [`adab473`](
- add tests, use react-testing-library [`745969f`](
- cleanup and more fine-grained bootstrap process [`3a8d6ea`](
#### [v0.1.9](
> 15 April 2019
- bump packages [`#104`](
- Fix typo [`#103`](
- server task cleanup [`#102`](
- task cleanup [`ce1e32b`](
- update changelog [`6c13601`](
- travis tweaks [`e81edcd`](
#### [v0.1.8](
> 11 April 2019
- Adapt to new faucet server response format [`#100`](
- Truncation of long strings [`#99`](
- more truncation with react-dotdotdot [`686ff8e`](
- output transaction hash [`4a6053e`](
- improve text truncation [`fddb630`](
#### [v0.1.7](
> 10 April 2019
- rollback to squid-js 0.5.2 [`#98`](
- add more open source licenses [`#97`](
- update changelog [`48331ff`](
- Release 0.1.7 [`605bf4b`](
- update main screenshot [`0a61fde`](
#### [v0.1.6](
> 10 April 2019
- adapt to account & network changes [`#94`](
- update changelog [`067b797`](
- update readme [`c931be5`](
- Release 0.1.6 [`fc24f38`](
#### [v0.1.5](
> 9 April 2019
- bump packages [`#93`](
- Release 0.1.5 [`fef8887`](
#### [v0.1.4](
> 9 April 2019
- fix release tag format [`#92`](
- Release 0.1.4 [`09761c1`](
#### [0.1.3](
> 9 April 2019
- New release process [`#91`](
- Make page numbers part of URL [`#90`](
- Fix: file URLs get decrypted, not files [`#89`](
- add release-it tasks [`48c48d5`](
- generate changelog [`cc394f3`](
- remove bumpversion, add documentation [`499e319`](
#### [v0.1.2](
> 9 April 2019
- search updates for Aquarius 0.2.2 [`#88`](
- Automatically deploy on new tags on k8s [`#87`](
- Feature/bumpversion [`#81`](
- Various fixes [`#83`](
- Added GH releases [`#80`](
- consume & faucet tweaks for Web3 cases [`4dcc6c8`](
- mobile tweaks for search results and main menu [`5340df0`](
- Added GH templates [`ed7beb2`](
#### [v0.1.1](
> 8 April 2019
- strip HTML from meta page title [`#79`](
#### v0.1.0
> 8 April 2019
- render asset description with markdown [`#76`](
- Change sample data set/search to one w/ results [`#77`](
- analytics [`#74`](
- add initial about copy [`#73`](
- Make search more useful [`#50`](
- web2 and web3 [`#72`](
- Account popover tweaks [`#69`](
- fix dateCreated [`#70`](
- category fixes [`#67`](
- Change "i.e." to "e.g." in placeholders [`#66`](
- Feature/docker [`#62`](
- Style tweaks [`#59`](
- docker-compose + dockerfiles [`#61`](
- add basic SEO [`#60`](
- change brizo address [`#55`](
- rename to commons [`#51`](
- add remote config for Nile [`#48`](
- pass through faucet server response, error feedback [`#49`](
- Add date picker, ask for dateCreated [`#44`](
- More assets styling [`#36`](
- update file metadata structure [`#41`](
- bump packages [`#45`](
- switch to @oceanprotocol/typographies package [`#42`](
- dev instructions [`#39`](
- consume flow [`#32`](
- fix publishing nested categories in array [`#37`](
- More simple dev setup for client/server split [`#35`](
- Fix/frontend fixes [`#34`](
- add changelog [`#33`](
- Front-page tweaks & user asset list [`#19`](
- add invoice view [`#29`](
- root app->/client, microservice in /server [`#28`](
- Account & Faucet UI [`#25`](
- New publish flow [`#23`](
- package updates [`#27`](
- faucet request function [`#24`](
- search fix [`#21`](
- metadata fixes [`#17`](
- Asset styling [`#18`](
- Adding multiple files UI [`#16`](
- Feature/states flows [`#15`](
- Web3 messages [`#14`](
- fix form input props flow [`#13`](
- Base Layout [`#12`](
- Feature/leaner bootstrap [`#11`](
- Form components [`#7`](
- Switch to ESLint [`#10`](
- Feature/forms [`#9`](
- add travis, run tests on it [`#8`](
- add buttons and spinner [`#6`](
- global styling setup [`#5`](
- Prettier, stylelint, tslint, editorconfig, sitting in a tree [`#4`](
- initial import, react, routes, user context [`#3`](
- kick out prototyping stuff [`#58`](
- one dev interface for client & server [`7e42991`](
- npm install [`07f6d22`](
- display published [`43d0847`](