mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Alaa Hadad e056c88ba7
Feature: Transaction Insights (#12881)
* integration for tx decoding confirmation and history view

* upgrading @truffle/decoder to latest release 5.1.0

* Update acorn and colors patches

* feat: remove redundant styling

* feat: basic integration for nickname components

* feat: wiring functionality of adding new nickname

* feat: wire functionality of showing nickname modal

* feat: link the nickname popover with add/update popover

* feat: moving forward with address nicknames integration

* feat: fixing a bug related to passing chainId in addressBook

* feat: populating memo prop in addressbook entry

* feat: add explorer link

* feat: bug fixing update nickname component

* feat: fix proptypes

* feat: adding tooltip for copying nickname address

* featL fix styling for tx-details page

* feat: optimize code for error handling

* feat: limiting transaction decoding to tx with data

* feat: remove tree UI component

* feat: adding request to check for tx decoding supported networks

* feat: showing data hex component

* feat: fix react warnings

* feat: remove extra margin in tx decoding

* Remove unused package @truffle/source-map-utils

* Ensure messages get translated

* feat: link tx-decoding addresses with nicknames

* Omit value for boolean attributes

* Fix props reading in CopyRawData

* fix: fixing issue with transaltion

* Fix lint errors in TransactionDecoding

- Remove unused import
- Reorder imports
- Address conflict between caught `error` and error state flag by
  renaming state flag to `hasError`
- Fix requestUrl identifier casing and use of template string
- Ensure `useEffect` gets passed the deps it needs
- Add scope braces around case statement where it's needed
- Omit literal `true` for boolean jsx attribute
- Refactor nested ternary as `if` statements

* fix: revert fetchWithCache modifications

* Fix linting for TransactionListItemDetails

- Remove unused import
- Fix import spacing
- Remove unused prop dereference
- Fix string interpolation for translated From/To

* Moving to popover pattern

* fix: sass color variable

* Omit value for boolean attribute

* Remove changes from modal.js

* fix: refactor nickname popovers

* Ensure const gets declared before it's used

* Fix linting for ConfirmTransactionBase

- Remove unused prop chainId
- Stop destructuring an unused field

* fix: refactor usage of nicknames popovers in send-content-container

* fix: remove extra prop updateAccountNicknameModal

* fix: refactor code for address.component

* fix: remove extra tooltip

* Ensure NicknamePopovers always returns component

* Fix linting for NicknamePopover component

- Fix useCallback deps
- Switch ternary to logical-or

* Fix linting for SenderToRecipient

... by fixing import order

* Remove unused addressCopied state

* Delete empty file

* fix: remove sender-to-recipient.container

* fix: refactor usage of nickname popovers in confirm-page-container

* fix: bug related to state variable

* Stylelint fix

* Lint fix

* Change "Total Amount" to "Total"

* Lint fix locales

* Update address-book.spec.js

* e2e test update

* Update e2e tests

* Fix issue where absence of function params in data hex tab would result in rendering a  string

* Fix border radius, and width and height in small notification windows, of the update-nickname-popover

* Remove fake await

* Clean up

* Clean up

Co-authored-by: Alaa Hadad <alaahd@Alaas-MacBook-M1-Pro-14-inch.local>
Co-authored-by: Dan Miller <danjm.com@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: g. nicholas d'andrea <gnidan@trufflesuite.com>
2021-12-01 13:52:08 -03:30

29 lines
1.6 KiB

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