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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
* GridPlus: Adds support for GridPlus Lattice1 hardware wallet
* Fixes issue with switching hardware HD path
The main `Select HD Path` piece of the account selection component was not
properly hooked up to the state manager (`onPathChange`) and the extra
`Popover` component was being used instead.
I'm not sure what the origin of this is, but I don't see why the Popover
is needed at all. I have remove it and hooked `onPathChange` directly into
the HD path selector dropdown.
This was an issue that nearly every Lattice user who had come from Ledger
has contacted us about.
* GridPlus: Addresses QA issues
* Adds Lattice tutorial + image
* Cleans up connectivity issues (see: https://github.com/GridPlus/eth-lattice-keyring/pull/16)
* GridPlus: Adds Firefox support
To connect to the Lattice you need to open a new tab/window and get
login data from it. We were not able to do this for Firefox because
we relied on the `window` API. This is now fixed.
See corresponding changes:
* `eth-lattice-keyring`: https://github.com/GridPlus/eth-lattice-keyring/pull/17
* Lattice connector: https://github.com/GridPlus/wallet-web/pull/152
* GridPlus: Adds missing error path for Firefox
See: 242a93f559
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