If the `signTypedData` background function threw an exception, it would
return `undefined` to the UI, which would throw another exception in
the UI. It now re-throws the error if an error is thrown, which
allows the UI to handle the error.
I'm not sure why this might fail, and I'm not sure we're handling this
failure well, but this is an improvement at least.
We were unable to deliver this public dashboard as we had originally
anticipated, and this is no longer a priority for the team. We may
revisit this idea in the future, but for now it has been removed from
our list of commitments.
* Add data point to 'Swaps Completed' segment event: estimated vs used gas
* Linted
* Correct property name for estimated gas on swapMetaData in _trackSwapsMetrics()
* Set estimated_gas property on swapMetaData to a hex string
* Correct base when dividing by estimated_gas
Co-authored-by: Dan Finlay <dan@danfinlay.com>
* Delete CachedBalancesController.cachedBalances
* Migrate provider to Rinkeby instead of deleting it
* Convert hex transaction metamaskNetworkId values to decimal
* Don't migrate provider state in e2e tests
* Don't kick custom RPC users to Rinkeby unnecessarily
* Use provider.chainId for address book chainId values
* Add address book migration
* Fix failing unit test
* fixup! Merge branch 'develop' into address-book-use-chainId
* Select address book entries for display by chainId
* Merge all address book entry keys
* fixup! Merge all address book entry keys
* Delete localhost provider type
* Use ganache-cli default chain ID for tests
* Delete unused test firstTimeState variable
* Migrate default ganache-cli network to frequentRpcListDetail
* Add default test provider state
* Add test functionality to createJsonRpcClient
* Lint locales
* Update test middleware creation
* fixup! Update test middleware creation
* Update txMeta after postTxBalance has been retrieved
* Use gas used from txReceipt to calculate eth received
* Return null from getSwapsTokensReceivedFromTxMeta in tokenSymbol is ETH and txReceipt is missing
* Get latest txMeta before updating it with postTxBalance in case of a swaps tx in confirmTransaction
* Lint fix
* Use initial transaction for settings swap transaction title params, and remove addition of swap properties to cancel transcations
* Update unit test data
* Use token symbol properties from initial transaction for filitering in transaction list
* Set result of calcTokenAmount to base 10 string in useTokenDisplayValue
* Use primaryCurrency for amount in transaction breakdownd details
* Hidden overflow and text overflow ellipsis on long primary currency in transaction-list-item
* Empty prefix for token approvals
* Conditional render primaryCurrency title in tx breakdown to `Spend limit amount` when tx is a token approve.
* Add title to primaryCurrency in tx list item to show full amount on hover
* Update ui/app/components/app/transaction-breakdown/transaction-breakdown.component.js
DRY title conditional rendering.
Co-authored-by: Mark Stacey <markjstacey@gmail.com>
* Add useSwapsEthToken hook and utilize wherever we need the ETH 'token' for swaps
* Remove rawEthTokens param from useTokensToSearch calls
Co-authored-by: Mark Stacey <markjstacey@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Erik Marks <rekmarks@protonmail.com>
The quote list columns have been adjusted to add more space in between
the columns. Additionally, the third column cells are now better
aligned under the header. A few unnecessary `<div>`s and CSS classes
have been removed as well.
This updated error message shows the key of the message instead of the
message text itself, followed by the locale code.
This will make it easier to filter messages we want to ignore in
Sentry. Currently it's difficult to filter because the message is
radically different for each locale. With this change, we can add a
filter and use a glob for the last part to filter it for all locales.
It's still important to include the locale code in the message, so that
we can catch cases where the message has the wrong number of
substitutions for a specific locale.
* Only shows the swaps intro popup on mainnet
* Remove code that closes swaps popup from e2e tests
* correct casing on isMainnet prop in home component
* call this.txStateManager.setTxStatusConfirmed before async call in confirmTransaction in the transactions controller
* Clone txMeta before setTxStatusConfirmed in confirmTransaction
* Correctly updateTx in confirmTransaction
* Track swaps event only if it is a swap transaction