2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
< ? php
// TODO: make things cleaner. This file is an awful HTML/PHP soup.
define ( 'YOURLS_INFOS' , true );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once ( YOURLS_INC . '/functions-infos.php' );
yourls_maybe_require_auth ();
// Variables should be defined in yourls-loader.php, if not try GET request (old behavior of yourls-infos.php)
if ( ! isset ( $keyword ) && isset ( $_GET [ 'id' ] ) )
$keyword = $_GET [ 'id' ];
if ( ! isset ( $aggregate ) && isset ( $_GET [ 'all' ] ) && $_GET [ 'all' ] == 1 && yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls () )
$aggregate = true ;
if ( ! isset ( $keyword ) ) {
yourls_do_action ( 'infos_no_keyword' );
yourls_redirect ( YOURLS_SITE , 302 );
// Get basic infos for this shortened URL
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_string ( $keyword );
$longurl = yourls_get_keyword_longurl ( $keyword );
$clicks = yourls_get_keyword_clicks ( $keyword );
$timestamp = yourls_get_keyword_timestamp ( $keyword );
$title = yourls_get_keyword_title ( $keyword );
// Update title if it hasn't been stored yet
if ( $title == '' ) {
$title = yourls_get_remote_title ( $longurl );
yourls_edit_link_title ( $keyword , $title );
if ( $longurl === false ) {
yourls_do_action ( 'infos_keyword_not_found' );
yourls_redirect ( YOURLS_SITE , 302 );
yourls_do_action ( 'pre_yourls_infos' , $keyword );
if ( yourls_do_log_redirect () ) {
$referrers = array ();
$direct = $notdirect = 0 ;
$countries = array ();
$dates = array ();
$list_of_days = array ();
$list_of_months = array ();
$list_of_years = array ();
$last_24h = array ();
// Define keyword query range : either a single keyword or a list of keywords
if ( $aggregate ) {
$keyword_list = yourls_get_longurl_keywords ( $longurl );
$keyword_range = " IN ( ' " . join ( " ', ' " , $keyword_list ) . " ' ) " ; // IN ( 'blah', 'bleh', 'bloh' )
} else {
$keyword_range = sprintf ( " = '%s' " , yourls_escape ( $keyword ) );
// *** Referrers ***
$query = " SELECT `referrer`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM ` $table ` WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range GROUP BY `referrer`; " ;
$rows = $ydb -> get_results ( yourls_apply_filter ( 'stat_query_referrer' , $query ) );
// Loop through all results and build list of referrers, countries and hits per day
foreach ( ( array ) $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row -> referrer == 'direct' ) {
$direct = $row -> count ;
continue ;
$host = yourls_get_domain ( $row -> referrer );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $host , $referrers ) )
$referrers [ $host ] = array ( );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $row -> referrer , $referrers [ $host ] ) ) {
$referrers [ $host ][ $row -> referrer ] = $row -> count ;
$notdirect += $row -> count ;
} else {
$referrers [ $host ][ $row -> referrer ] += $row -> count ;
$notdirect += $row -> count ;
// Sort referrers. $referrer_sort is a array of most frequent domains
arsort ( $referrers );
$referrer_sort = array ();
$number_of_sites = count ( array_keys ( $referrers ) );
foreach ( $referrers as $site => $urls ) {
if ( count ( $urls ) > 1 || $number_of_sites == 1 )
$referrer_sort [ $site ] = array_sum ( $urls );
arsort ( $referrer_sort );
// *** Countries ***
$query = " SELECT `country_code`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM ` $table ` WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range GROUP BY `country_code`; " ;
$rows = $ydb -> get_results ( yourls_apply_filter ( 'stat_query_country' , $query ) );
// Loop through all results and build list of countries and hits
foreach ( ( array ) $rows as $row ) {
if ( " $row->country_code " )
$countries [ " $row->country_code " ] = $row -> count ;
// Sort countries, most frequent first
if ( $countries )
arsort ( $countries );
// *** Dates : array of $dates[$year][$month][$day] = number of clicks ***
$query = " SELECT
DATE_FORMAT ( `click_time` , '%Y' ) AS `year` ,
DATE_FORMAT ( `click_time` , '%m' ) AS `month` ,
DATE_FORMAT ( `click_time` , '%d' ) AS `day` ,
COUNT ( * ) AS `count`
FROM `$table`
WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range
GROUP BY `year` , `month` , `day` ; " ;
$rows = $ydb -> get_results ( yourls_apply_filter ( 'stat_query_dates' , $query ) );
// Loop through all results and fill blanks
foreach ( ( array ) $rows as $row ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $row -> year , $dates ) )
$dates [ $row -> year ] = array ();
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $row -> month , $dates [ $row -> year ] ) )
$dates [ $row -> year ][ $row -> month ] = array ();
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $row -> day , $dates [ $row -> year ][ $row -> month ] ) )
$dates [ $row -> year ][ $row -> month ][ $row -> day ] = $row -> count ;
$dates [ $row -> year ][ $row -> month ][ $row -> day ] += $row -> count ;
// Sort dates, chronologically from [2007][12][24] to [2009][02][19]
ksort ( $dates );
foreach ( $dates as $year => $months ) {
ksort ( $dates [ $year ] );
foreach ( $months as $month => $day ) {
ksort ( $dates [ $year ][ $month ] );
// Get $list_of_days, $list_of_months, $list_of_years
reset ( $dates );
if ( $dates ) {
extract ( yourls_build_list_of_days ( $dates ) );
// *** Last 24 hours : array of $last_24h[ $hour ] = number of click ***
$query = " SELECT
DATE_FORMAT ( `click_time` , '%H %p' ) AS `time` ,
COUNT ( * ) AS `count`
FROM `$table`
WHERE `shorturl` $keyword_range AND `click_time` > ( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 DAY )
GROUP BY `time` ; " ;
$rows = $ydb -> get_results ( yourls_apply_filter ( 'stat_query_last24h' , $query ) );
$_last_24h = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $rows as $row ) {
if ( isset ( $row -> time ) )
$_last_24h [ " $row->time " ] = $row -> count ;
$now = intval ( date ( 'U' ) );
for ( $i = 23 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$h = date ( 'H A' , $now - ( $i * 60 * 60 ) );
// If the $last_24h doesn't have all the hours, insert missing hours with value 0
$last_24h [ $h ] = array_key_exists ( $h , $_last_24h ) ? $_last_24h [ $h ] : 0 ;
unset ( $_last_24h );
// *** Queries all done, phew ***
// Filter all this junk if applicable. Be warned, some are possibly huge datasets.
$referrers = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_referrers' , $referrers );
$referrer_sort = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_referrer_sort' , $referrer_sort );
$direct = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_direct' , $direct );
$notdirect = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_notdirect' , $notdirect );
$dates = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_dates' , $dates );
$list_of_days = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_days' , $list_of_days );
$list_of_months = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_months' , $list_of_months );
$list_of_years = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_list_of_years' , $list_of_years );
$last_24h = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_last_24h' , $last_24h );
$countries = yourls_apply_filter ( 'pre_yourls_info_countries' , $countries );
// I can haz debug data
echo " <pre> " ;
echo " referrers: " ; print_r ( $referrers );
echo " referrer sort: " ; print_r ( $referrer_sort );
echo " direct: $direct\n " ;
echo " notdirect: $notdirect\n " ;
echo " dates: " ; print_r ( $dates );
echo " list of days: " ; print_r ( $list_of_days );
echo " list_of_months: " ; print_r ( $list_of_months );
echo " list_of_years: " ; print_r ( $list_of_years );
echo " last_24h: " ; print_r ( $last_24h );
echo " countries: " ; print_r ( $countries );
die ();
yourls_html_head ( 'infos' , yourls_s ( 'Statistics for %s' , YOURLS_SITE . '/' . $keyword ) );
yourls_html_logo ();
yourls_html_menu ();
< h2 id = " informations " >< ? php echo yourls_esc_html ( $title ); ?> </h2>
< h3 >< span class = " label " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Short URL' ); ?> :</span> <img src="<?php yourls_favicon() ?>"/>
< ? php if ( $aggregate ) {
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $keyword_list as $k ) {
$i ++ ;
if ( $i == 1 ) {
yourls_html_link ( yourls_link ( $k ) );
} else {
yourls_html_link ( yourls_link ( $k ), " / $k " );
if ( $i < count ( $keyword_list ) )
echo ' + ' ;
} else {
yourls_html_link ( yourls_link ( $keyword ) );
if ( isset ( $keyword_list ) && count ( $keyword_list ) > 1 )
echo ' <a href="' . yourls_link ( $keyword ) . '+all" title="' . yourls_esc_attr__ ( 'Aggregate stats for duplicate short URLs' ) . '"><img src="' . yourls_match_current_protocol ( YOURLS_SITE ) . '/images/chart_bar_add.png" border="0" /></a>' ;
} ?> </h3>
< h3 id = " longurl " >< span class = " label " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Long URL' ); ?> :</span> <img class="fix_images" src="<?php echo yourls_get_favicon_url( $longurl );?>" /> <?php yourls_html_link( $longurl, yourls_trim_long_string( $longurl ), 'longurl' ); ?></h3>
< div id = " tabs " >
< div class = " wrap_unfloat " >
< ul id = " headers " class = " toggle_display stat_tab " >
< ? php if ( yourls_do_log_redirect () ) { ?>
< li class = " selected " >< a href = " #stat_tab_stats " >< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic statistics' ); ?> </h2></a></li>
< li >< a href = " #stat_tab_location " >< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic location' ); ?> </h2></a></li>
< li >< a href = " #stat_tab_sources " >< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic sources' ); ?> </h2></a></li>
< ? php } ?>
< li >< a href = " #stat_tab_share " >< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Share' ); ?> </h2></a></li>
</ ul >
</ div >
< ? php if ( yourls_do_log_redirect () ) { ?>
< div id = " stat_tab_stats " class = " tab " >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic statistics' ); ?> </h2>
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'pre_yourls_info_stats' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php if ( $list_of_days ) { ?>
< ? php
$graphs = array (
'24' => yourls__ ( 'Last 24 hours' ),
'7' => yourls__ ( 'Last 7 days' ),
'30' => yourls__ ( 'Last 30 days' ),
'all' => yourls__ ( 'All time' ),
// Which graph to generate ?
$do_all = $do_30 = $do_7 = $do_24 = false ;
$hits_all = array_sum ( $list_of_days );
$hits_30 = array_sum ( array_slice ( $list_of_days , - 30 ) );
$hits_7 = array_sum ( array_slice ( $list_of_days , - 7 ) );
$hits_24 = array_sum ( $last_24h );
if ( $hits_all > 0 )
$do_all = true ; // graph for all days range
if ( $hits_30 > 0 && count ( array_slice ( $list_of_days , - 30 ) ) == 30 )
$do_30 = true ; // graph for last 30 days
if ( $hits_7 > 0 && count ( array_slice ( $list_of_days , - 7 ) ) == 7 )
$do_7 = true ; // graph for last 7 days
if ( $hits_24 > 0 )
$do_24 = true ; // graph for last 24 hours
// Which graph to display ?
$display_all = $display_30 = $display_7 = $display_24 = false ;
if ( $do_24 ) {
$display_24 = true ;
} elseif ( $do_7 ) {
$display_7 = true ;
} elseif ( $do_30 ) {
$display_30 = true ;
} elseif ( $do_all ) {
$display_all = true ;
< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 2 " >
< tr >
< td valign = " top " >
< ul id = " stats_lines " class = " toggle_display stat_line " >
< ? php
if ( $do_24 == true )
echo '<li><a href="#stat_line_24">' . yourls__ ( 'Last 24 hours' ) . '</a>' ;
if ( $do_7 == true )
echo '<li><a href="#stat_line_7">' . yourls__ ( 'Last 7 days' ) . '</a>' ;
if ( $do_30 == true )
echo '<li><a href="#stat_line_30">' . yourls__ ( 'Last 30 days' ) . '</a>' ;
if ( $do_all == true )
echo '<li><a href="#stat_line_all">' . yourls__ ( 'All time' ) . '</a>' ;
</ ul >
< ? php
// Generate, and display if applicable, each needed graph
foreach ( $graphs as $graph => $graphtitle ) {
if ( $ { 'do_' . $graph } == true ) {
$display = ( $ { 'display_' . $graph } === true ? 'display:block' : 'display:none' );
echo " <div id='stat_line_ $graph ' class='stats_line line' style=' $display '> " ;
echo '<h3>' . yourls_s ( 'Number of hits : %s' , $graphtitle ) . '</h3>' ;
switch ( $graph ) {
case '24' :
yourls_stats_line ( $last_24h , " stat_line_ $graph " );
break ;
case '7' :
case '30' :
$slice = array_slice ( $list_of_days , intval ( $graph ) * - 1 );
yourls_stats_line ( $slice , " stat_line_ $graph " );
unset ( $slice );
break ;
case 'all' :
yourls_stats_line ( $list_of_days , " stat_line_ $graph " );
break ;
echo " </div> \n " ;
} ?>
</ td >
< td valign = " top " >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Historical click count' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php
$ago = round ( ( date ( 'U' ) - strtotime ( $timestamp )) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
if ( $ago <= 1 ) {
$daysago = '' ;
} else {
$daysago = ' (' . sprintf ( yourls_n ( 'about 1 day ago' , 'about %s days ago' , $ago ), $ago ) . ')' ;
< p >< ? php echo /* //translators: eg Short URL created on March 23rd 1972 */ yourls_s ( 'Short URL created on %s' , yourls_date_i18n ( " F j, Y @ g:i a " , ( strtotime ( $timestamp ) + YOURLS_HOURS_OFFSET * 3600 ) ) ) . $daysago ; ?> </p>
< div class = " wrap_unfloat " >
< ul class = " no_bullet toggle_display stat_line " id = " historical_clicks " >
< ? php
foreach ( $graphs as $graph => $graphtitle ) {
if ( $ { 'do_' . $graph } ) {
$link = " <a href='#stat_line_ $graph '> $graphtitle </a> " ;
} else {
$link = $graphtitle ;
$stat = '' ;
if ( $ { 'do_' . $graph } ) {
switch ( $graph ) {
case '7' :
case '30' :
$stat = yourls_s ( '%s per day' , round ( ( $ { 'hits_' . $graph } / intval ( $graph ) ) * 100 ) / 100 );
break ;
case '24' :
$stat = yourls_s ( '%s per hour' , round ( ( $ { 'hits_' . $graph } / 24 ) * 100 ) / 100 );
break ;
case 'all' :
if ( $ago > 0 )
$stat = yourls_s ( '%s per day' , round ( ( $ { 'hits_' . $graph } / $ago ) * 100 ) / 100 );
$hits = sprintf ( yourls_n ( '%s hit' , '%s hits' , $ { 'hits_' . $graph } ), $ { 'hits_' . $graph } );
echo " <li><span class='historical_link'> $link </span> <span class='historical_count'> $hits </span> $stat </li> \n " ;
</ ul >
</ div >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Best day' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php
$best = yourls_stats_get_best_day ( $list_of_days );
$best_time [ 'day' ] = date ( " d " , strtotime ( $best [ 'day' ] ) );
$best_time [ 'month' ] = date ( " m " , strtotime ( $best [ 'day' ] ) );
$best_time [ 'year' ] = date ( " Y " , strtotime ( $best [ 'day' ] ) );
< p >< strong >< ? php echo sprintf ( /* //translators: eg. 43 hits on January 1, 1970 */ yourls_n ( '<strong>%1$s</strong> hit on %2$s' , '<strong>%1$s</strong> hits on %2$s' , $best [ 'max' ] ), $best [ 'max' ], yourls_date_i18n ( " F j, Y " , strtotime ( $best [ 'day' ] ) ) ); ?> .
< a href = " " class = 'details hide-if-no-js' id = " more_clicks " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Click for more details' ); ?> </a></p>
< ul id = " details_clicks " style = " display:none " >
< ? php
foreach ( $dates as $year => $months ) {
$css_year = ( $year == $best_time [ 'year' ] ? 'best_year' : '' );
if ( count ( $list_of_years ) > 1 ) {
$li = " <a href='' class='details' id='more_year $year '> " . yourls_s ( 'Year %s' , $year ) . '</a>' ;
$display = 'none' ;
} else {
$li = yourls_s ( 'Year %s' , $year );
$display = 'block' ;
echo " <li><span class=' $css_year '> $li </span> " ;
echo " <ul style='display: $display ' id='details_year $year '> " ;
foreach ( $months as $month => $days ) {
$css_month = ( ( $month == $best_time [ 'month' ] && ( $css_year == 'best_year' ) ) ? 'best_month' : '' );
$monthname = yourls_date_i18n ( " F " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , 1 ) );
if ( count ( $list_of_months ) > 1 ) {
$li = " <a href='' class='details' id='more_month $year $month '> $monthname </a> " ;
$display = 'none' ;
} else {
$li = " $monthname " ;
$display = 'block' ;
echo " <li><span class=' $css_month '> $li </span> " ;
echo " <ul style='display: $display ' id='details_month $year $month '> " ;
foreach ( $days as $day => $hits ) {
$class = ( $hits == $best [ 'max' ] ? 'class="bestday"' : '' );
echo " <li $class > $day : " . sprintf ( yourls_n ( '1 hit' , '%s hits' , $hits ), $hits ) . " </li> \n " ;
echo " </ul> \n " ;
echo " </ul> \n " ;
</ ul >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'post_yourls_info_stats' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php } else {
echo '<p>' . yourls__ ( 'No traffic yet. Get some clicks first!' ) . '</p>' ;
} ?>
</ div >
< div id = " stat_tab_location " class = " tab " >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic location' ); ?> </h2>
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'pre_yourls_info_location' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php if ( $countries ) { ?>
< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 2 " >
< tr >
< td valign = " top " >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Top 5 countries' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php yourls_stats_pie ( $countries , 5 , '340x220' , 'stat_tab_location_pie' ); ?>
< p >< a href = " " class = 'details hide-if-no-js' id = " more_countries " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Click for more details' ); ?> </a></p>
< ul id = " details_countries " style = " display:none " class = " no_bullet " >
< ? php
foreach ( $countries as $code => $count ) {
echo " <li><img src=' " . yourls_geo_get_flag ( $code ) . " ' /> $code ( " . yourls_geo_countrycode_to_countryname ( $code ) . ') : ' . sprintf ( yourls_n ( '1 hit' , '%s hits' , $count ), $count ) . " </li> \n " ;
</ ul >
</ td >
< td valign = " top " >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Overall traffic' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php yourls_stats_countries_map ( $countries , 'stat_tab_location_map' ); ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'post_yourls_info_location' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php } else {
echo '<p>' . yourls__ ( 'No country data.' ) . '</p>' ;
} ?>
</ div >
< div id = " stat_tab_sources " class = " tab " >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Traffic sources' ); ?> </h2>
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'pre_yourls_info_sources' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php if ( $referrers ) { ?>
< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 2 " >
< tr >
< td valign = " top " >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Referrer shares' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php
if ( $number_of_sites > 1 )
$referrer_sort [ yourls__ ( 'Others' ) ] = count ( $referrers );
yourls_stats_pie ( $referrer_sort , 5 , '440x220' , 'stat_tab_source_ref' );
unset ( $referrer_sort [ 'Others' ] );
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Referrers' ); ?> </h3>
< ul class = " no_bullet " >
< ? php
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $referrer_sort as $site => $count ) {
$i ++ ;
$favicon = yourls_get_favicon_url ( $site );
echo " <li class='sites_list'><img src=' $favicon ' class='fix_images'/> $site : <strong> $count </strong> <a href='' class='details hide-if-no-js' id='more_url $i '> " . yourls__ ( '(details)' ) . " </a></li> \n " ;
echo " <ul id='details_url $i ' style='display:none'> " ;
foreach ( $referrers [ $site ] as $url => $count ) {
echo " <li> " ; yourls_html_link ( $url ); echo " : <strong> $count </strong></li> \n " ;
echo " </ul> \n " ;
unset ( $referrers [ $site ] );
// Any referrer left? Group in "various"
if ( $referrers ) {
echo " <li id='sites_various'> " . yourls__ ( 'Various:' ) . " <strong> " . count ( $referrers ) . " </strong> <a href='' class='details hide-if-no-js' id='more_various'> " . yourls__ ( '(details)' ) . " </a></li> \n " ;
echo " <ul id='details_various' style='display:none'> " ;
foreach ( $referrers as $url ) {
echo " <li> " ; yourls_html_link ( key ( $url )); echo " : 1</li> \n " ;
echo " </ul> \n " ;
</ ul >
</ td >
< td valign = " top " >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Direct vs Referrer Traffic' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php
yourls_stats_pie ( array ( yourls__ ( 'Direct' ) => $direct , yourls__ ( 'Referrers' ) => $notdirect ), 5 , '440x220' , 'stat_tab_source_direct' );
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Direct traffic:' ); echo ' ' . sprintf ( yourls_n ( '<strong>%s</strong> hit' , '<strong>%s</strong> hits' , $direct ), $direct ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Referrer traffic:' ); echo ' ' . sprintf ( yourls_n ( '<strong>%s</strong> hit' , '<strong>%s</strong> hits' , $notdirect ), $notdirect ); ?> </p>
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'post_yourls_info_sources' , $keyword ); ?>
< ? php } else {
echo '<p>' . yourls__ ( 'No referrer data.' ) . '</p>' ;
} ?>
</ div >
< ? php } // endif do log redirect ?>
< div id = " stat_tab_share " class = " tab " >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Share' ); ?> </h2>
< ? php yourls_share_box ( $longurl , yourls_link ( $keyword ), $title , '' , '<h3>' . yourls__ ( 'Short link' ) . '</h3>' , '<h3>' . yourls__ ( 'Quick Share' ) . '</h3>' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php yourls_html_footer (); ?>