mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/krtmn.git synced 2025-02-14 21:10:24 +01:00

update core to YOURLS 1.7.1

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Kretschmann 2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
parent 7f22eb1cad
commit 727c8c54e0
Signed by: m
438 changed files with 28326 additions and 9137 deletions

changelog.txt → CHANGELOG.md Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,78 +1,114 @@
*** YOURLS Changelog ***
This file attempts to list the main changes through all versions of YOURLS. For a much more detailed
list, simply refer to the commit messages: http://code.google.com/p/yourls/source/list
- initial release
- don't remember. Trivial stuff probably.
- don't remember. Some little bugs I guess.
- don't remember. A few tiny stuff for sure.
- added bookmarklet and tools page
- improved XSS filter when adding new URL
- code cleanup in admin/index.php to separate code and display
- added favicon
- stricter coding to prevent notices with undefined indexes
- hide PHP notices & SQL errors & warnings, unless YOURLS_DEBUG constant set to true
- added an upgrader from 1.3 to 1.4
- change in logic: now using a global object $ydb for everything related to DB and other globally needed stuff
- change in logic: include "load-yourls.php" instead of "config.php" to start engine
- change in DB schema: now storing URLs with their keyword as used in shorturl, allowing for any keyword length
- change in DB schema: new table for storing various options including next_id, dropping table of the same name
- change in DB schema: new table for storing hits (for stats)
- improved the installer, with .htaccess file creation
- layout tweak: now prettier, isn't it?
- stats! OMG stats!
- fixed base 62 URLs (keywords with MiXeD CaSe)
- new & secure auth method for API calls, with no need to use login & password combo
- allow SSL enforcement for admin pages
- new API method: stats for individual URL.
- prevent internal redirection loops
- filter and search URLs & short URLs by date
- fixed bug in auth function
- added sample public API file
- added check in API requests for WordPress plugin when adding a new short URL
- prettier sample public interface
- fixed bug no-stats-showing-ffs due to inconsistency in DB schema
- improve error reporting with API method url-stat
- added: plugin architecture! OMG plugins!!1!!1!
- added: directory /user, config.php can be moved there
- added: new "instant bookmarklets"
- added: 1 click copy-to-clipboard a la bitly
- change in logic: now all request are handled by PHP and don't rely on .htaccess
- added: saving URL titles
- added: support for prefix-n-shorten: sho.rt/http://example.com/
- added: core plugin to allow hyphens in URLs
- added: core sample plugin to wrap redirected URLs in a social toolbar
- added: core sample plugin to show how to create administration page in plugins
- added: core plugin to display a random pretty background
- changed: layout now using a more consistent palette, see http://yourls.org/palette
- added: anti XSS and anti CSRF measures
- added: interactive map if possible in stat traffic by countries
- fixed: lots of bugs
- added: full jsonp support
- added: ability to use encrypted passwords in the config file
- fixed: support for http://www.sho.rt/bleh and http://sho.rt/bleh
- fixed: bugs, bugs, bugs
- added: hooks, hooks, hooks
- improved: things, things, things
YOURLS Changelog
_This file lists the main changes through all versions of YOURLS.
For a much more detailed list, simply refer to [commit messages](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/commits/master)._
- added: support for PDO and MySQLi
- added: social bookmarklets - share on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr in a click
- added: check api.yourls.org if a new version of YOURLS is available
- added: proxy support - install YOURLS behind a firewall!
- improved: security regarding SQL injections
- improved: security regarding your credentials - now auto-encrypted
- improved: external HTTP request handling
- improved: ƒυηкƴ UTF-8 titles handling
- fixed: compatibility with Apache mod_security blocking bookmarklets
- fixed: lots of bugs
- added: مرحبا العالم! Hej verden! 你好世界! Kumusta mundo! Ciao mondo! Hello world! Translation API.
- added: custom API actions
- added: support for URLs with common protocols
- fixed: search and pagination in the admin interface
- updated: third party libs jQuery, ezSQL, GeoIP
- improved: sanitizing and escaping functions
- added: full jsonp support
- added: ability to use encrypted passwords in the config file
- fixed: support for http://www.sho.rt/bleh and http://sho.rt/bleh
- added: support for any favicon dropped in the /user directory
- updated: Google Visualization API instead of deprecated Google Charts
- fixed: bugs, bugs, bugs
- added: hooks, hooks, hooks
- improved: things, things, things
- added: plugin architecture! OMG plugins!!1!!1!
- added: directory /user, config.php can be moved there
- added: new "instant bookmarklets"
- added: 1 click copy-to-clipboard a la bitly
- change in logic: now all request are handled by PHP and don't rely on .htaccess
- added: saving URL titles
- added: support for prefix-n-shorten: sho.rt/http://example.com/
- added: core plugin to allow hyphens in URLs
- added: core sample plugin to wrap redirected URLs in a social toolbar
- added: core sample plugin to show how to create administration page in plugins
- added: core plugin to display a random pretty background
- changed: layout now using a more consistent palette, see http://yourls.org/palette
- added: anti XSS and anti CSRF measures
- added: interactive map if possible in stat traffic by countries
- fixed: lots of bugs
- fixed bug no-stats-showing-ffs due to inconsistency in DB schema
- improve error reporting with API method url-stat
- fixed: bug in auth function
- added: sample public API file
- added: check in API requests for WordPress plugin when adding a new short URL
- prettier sample public interface
- fixed: base 62 URLs (keywords with MiXeD CaSe)
- new & secure auth method for API calls, with no need to use login & password combo
- allow SSL enforcement for admin pages
- new API method: stats for individual URL.
- prevent internal redirection loops
- filter and search URLs & short URLs by date
- added: an upgrader from 1.3 to 1.4
- change in logic: now using a global object $ydb for everything related to DB and other globally needed stuff
- change in logic: include "load-yourls.php" instead of "config.php" to start engine
- change in DB schema: now storing URLs with their keyword as used in shorturl, allowing for any keyword length
- change in DB schema: new table for storing various options including next_id, dropping table of the same name
- change in DB schema: new table for storing hits (for stats)
- improved the installer, with .htaccess file creation
- layout tweak: now prettier, isn't it?
- stats! OMG stats!
- added bookmarklet and tools page
- improved XSS filter when adding new URL
- code cleanup in admin/index.php to separate code and display
- added favicon
- stricter coding to prevent notices with undefined indexes
- hide PHP notices & SQL errors & warnings, unless YOURLS_DEBUG constant set to true
- don't remember. A few tiny stuff for sure.
- don't remember. Some little bugs I guess.
- don't remember. Trivial stuff probably.
- initial release

CONTRIBUTING.md Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Contributing to YOURLS
Please take a moment to review this document, or see your issue / pull request closed with *harsh comments* :-)
Following these guidelines helps to communicate that you respect the time of
the developers managing and developing for free this open source project during their free time.
Thank you for this, and in return we will reciprocate that respect in addressing your issue
or assessing patches with goodwill.
Search before
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, features requests and submitting pull
requests, but please respect the following restrictions:
* Please **do not** use the issue tracker for personal support requests. Use sites such as
[Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com) instead.
* Please, please, please, **SEARCH** before you file a new issue or request.
Before using the issue tracker, we require you read the specific guidelines, depending on the topic:
a bug report, a feature request or a pull request.
### Bug Report
Good bug reports are extremely helpful - thank you! Good bug reports are also quite rare.
To help and raise the bug report quality, **you _must_ read the wiki document about [Bug Reports](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/Bug-Report).**
### Feature Request
Feature requests are welcome. But take a moment to find out whether your idea fits the scope and
goals of the project. Check also the [Roadmap](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/Road-Map),
maybe your idea is already planned.
It's up to you to make a strong case to convince the project's developers of the merits of this feature.
Please provide as much detail and context as possible and get in touch. Feel free to detail how you envision
things, be they about (pseudo)code, interface, mockup, etc...
### Pull Request
Good pull requests are a fantastic help. But please get in touch before you start working,
it's always a sad moment to dismiss a patch for which a coder has spent a lot of time because
it simply does not fit the project. Please read the wiki
document about [Pull requests](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/Pull-Request).

LICENSE.md Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
__ ______ _ _ _____ _ _____
\ \ / / __ \| | | | __ \| | / ____|
\ \_/ / | | | | | | |__) | | | (___
\ /| | | | | | | _ /| | \___ \
| | | |__| | |__| | | \ \| |____ ____) |
|_| \____/ \____/|_| \_\______|_____/
YOURLS - Your Own URL Shortener
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 by the contributors
This program is free software. Do whatever the hell you want with it.
This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, in the
hope that it will be useful and/or fun to use. There is absolutely no
guarantee of any kind about anything.
Wherever third party code has been used, credit has been given in the
code comments.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 by the contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

README.md Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,24 +1,49 @@
# krt.mn
[YOURLS](http://yourls.org) — [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/YOURLS/YOURLS.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/YOURLS/YOURLS)
My own url shortener based on [yourls - Your Own URL Shortener](http://yourls.org/) ([Google Code](http://code.google.com/p/yourls/))
It has a public front page under http://krt.mn with the latest shortened url. The backend is a completely restyled interface based on the YOURLS default styles (which are quite ugly). Here's what it looks like in the admin area:
Everything custom is happening in `/user`:
- `user/plugins/my-own-stuff/plugin.php` adds css file link and a bit more dynamically to the html `head`
- `user/css/krtmn.css` overwrites the default styles
**YOURLS** is a set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run <strong>Y</strong>our <strong>O</strong>wn <strong>URL</strong> <strong>S</strong>hortener. You'll have full control over your data, detailed stats, analytics, plugins, and more. It's free.
## License & Usage
As the original YOURLS you're free to do whatever you want with this. But using this without further modifications as your own url shortener is probably not a good idea.
Quick Start
To get started, check [yourls.org](http://yourls.org)!
Learn more tweaks in the [Wiki documentation](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/).
## Acknowledgements
Community news, tips and tricks
* Read and subscribe to the [The Official YOURLS Blog](http://blog.yourls.org)
* Follow [@yourls](http://twitter.com/yourls)
* Subscribe to the [YOURLS User Newsletter](http://yourls.org/newsletter) (infrequent, low volume)
Keep track of development
* Follow [@yourls_dev](http://twitter.com/yourls_dev)
* Check [commit messages](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/commits/master)
* Check the [Road map](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/Road-Map)
Bug Tracker
__Before opening any issue, please search for existing issues and read the [Issue Guidelines](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/wiki/Bug-Report).__
Have a **new bug** to report? [Please open a new issue](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/issues/new?title=Issue+title+--+be+DESCRIPTIVE&body=Before%20any%20bug%20report%2C%20check%20you%20are%20using%20the%20LATEST%20release%20or%20the%20development%20branch.%20Make%20sure%20you%20have%20SEARCHED%20closed%20issues%20first.%20Read%20the%20GUIDELINES%20linked%20in%20the%20yellow%20notice%20box%20above.%20Now%20please%20DELETE%20these%20first%20lines.%0A%0A%0A%23%23%23%20Reproducible%20Bug%20Summary%20%0A%0A1.%20This%20is%20the%20first%20step%0A2.%20second%20step%0A3.%20etc...%0A%0AThis%20is%20a%20bug%20because...%0A%0A%0A%23%23%23%20Technical%20details%0A%0A*%20YOURLS%20version%3A%0A*%20PHP%20version%3A%0A*%20Any%20other%20useful%20information%20depending%20on%20context%20%28server%20version%2C%20mysql%20version%2C%20browser%20version%2C%20OS%20version...%29%0A).
For transparency, YOURLS will be maintained under the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org) principles as much as possible. Releases are numbered with the following format: `<major>.<minor>.<patch>` and the following guidelines:
* Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
* New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
* Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch
*[Release Archive](https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/releases)*
Free software. Do whatever the hell you want with it.
YOURLS is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md)
Many thanks to:
- Ozh Richard ([@ozh](https://twitter.com/ozh)) for creating yourls
- Fort Awesome ([@fortaweso_me](https://twitter.com/fortaweso_me)) for creating the [Font Awesome icon font](http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome)

admin/admin-ajax.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
define('YOURLS_AJAX', true);
define('YOURLS_ADMIN', true);
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// This file will output a JSON string
header('Content-type: application/json');
if( !isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) )
// Pick action
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
switch( $action ) {
case 'add':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'add_url', $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode($return);
case 'edit_display':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'edit-link_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$row = yourls_table_edit_row ( $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode( array('html' => $row) );
case 'edit_save':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'edit-save_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$return = yourls_edit_link( $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['keyword'], $_REQUEST['newkeyword'], $_REQUEST['title'] );
echo json_encode($return);
case 'delete':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'delete-link_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$query = yourls_delete_link_by_keyword( $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode(array('success'=>$query));
case 'logout':
// unused for the moment
yourls_do_action( 'yourls_ajax_'.$action );
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
define( 'YOURLS_AJAX', true );
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) .'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// This file will output a JSON string
yourls_content_type_header( 'application/json' );
if( !isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) )
// Pick action
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
switch( $action ) {
case 'add':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'add_url', $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode($return);
case 'edit_display':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'edit-link_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$row = yourls_table_edit_row ( $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode( array('html' => $row) );
case 'edit_save':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'edit-save_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$return = yourls_edit_link( $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['keyword'], $_REQUEST['newkeyword'], $_REQUEST['title'] );
echo json_encode($return);
case 'delete':
yourls_verify_nonce( 'delete-link_'.$_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nonce'], false, 'omg error' );
$query = yourls_delete_link_by_keyword( $_REQUEST['keyword'] );
echo json_encode(array('success'=>$query));
case 'logout':
// unused for the moment
yourls_do_action( 'yourls_ajax_'.$action );

admin/index.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,280 +1,362 @@
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// Variables
$table_url = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL;
// Default SQL behavior
$where = $search_display = $search_text = $search_url = $url = $keyword = '';
$search_in_text = 'URL';
$search_in_sql = 'url';
$sort_by_text = 'Short URL';
$sort_by_sql = 'timestamp';
$sort_order_text = 'Descending Order';
$sort_order_sql = 'desc';
$page = ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1 );
$search = ( isset( $_GET['s_search'] ) ? htmlspecialchars( trim($_GET['s_search']) ) : '' );
$perpage = ( isset( $_GET['perpage'] ) && intval( $_GET['perpage'] ) ? intval($_GET['perpage']) : 15 );
$link_limit = ( isset( $_GET['link_limit'] ) && !empty( $_GET['link_limit'] ) ) ? intval($_GET['link_limit']) : '' ;
if ( $link_limit !== '' ) {
$link_filter = ( isset( $_GET['link_filter'] ) && $_GET['link_filter'] == 'more' ? 'more' : 'less' ) ;
$link_moreless = ( $link_filter == 'more' ? '>' : '<' );
$where = " AND clicks $link_moreless $link_limit";
} else {
$link_filter = '';
$date_filter = 'before';
$date_first = $date_second = '';
$base_page = yourls_admin_url( 'index.php' );
// Searching
if( !empty($search) && !empty($_GET['s_in']) ) {
switch($_GET['s_in']) {
case 'keyword':
$search_in_text = 'Short URL';
$search_in_sql = 'keyword';
case 'url':
$search_in_text = 'URL';
$search_in_sql = 'url';
case 'title':
$search_in_text = 'Title';
$search_in_sql = 'title';
case 'ip':
$search_in_text = 'IP Address';
$search_in_sql = 'ip';
$search_text = stripslashes($search);
$search_display = "Searching for <strong>$search_text</strong> in <strong>$search_in_text</strong>. ";
$search_url = "&amp;s_search=$search_text &amp;s_in=$search_in_sql";
$search = str_replace('*', '%', '*'.$search.'*');
$where .= " AND `$search_in_sql` LIKE ('$search')";
// Time span
if( !empty($_GET['date_filter']) ) {
switch($_GET['date_filter']) {
case 'before':
$date_filter = 'before';
if( yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` < '$date_first_sql'";
$date_first = $_GET['date_first'];
case 'after':
$date_filter = 'after';
if( yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` > '$date_first_sql'";
$date_first = $_GET['date_first'];
case 'between':
$date_filter = 'between';
if( yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) && yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_second'] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$date_second_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_second'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` BETWEEN '$date_first_sql' AND '$date_second_sql'";
$date_first = $_GET['date_first'];
$date_second = $_GET['date_second'];
// Sorting
if( !empty($_GET['s_by']) || !empty($_GET['s_order']) ) {
switch($_GET['s_by']) {
case 'keyword':
$sort_by_text = 'Short URL';
$sort_by_sql = 'keyword';
case 'url':
$sort_by_text = 'URL';
$sort_by_sql = 'url';
case 'timestamp':
$sort_by_text = 'Date';
$sort_by_sql = 'timestamp';
case 'ip':
$sort_by_text = 'IP Address';
$sort_by_sql = 'ip';
case 'clicks':
$sort_by_text = 'Clicks';
$sort_by_sql = 'clicks';
switch($_GET['s_order']) {
case 'asc':
$sort_order_text = 'Ascending Order';
$sort_order_sql = 'asc';
case 'desc':
$sort_order_text = 'Descending Order';
$sort_order_sql = 'desc';
// Get URLs Count for current filter, total links in DB & total clicks
list( $total_urls, $total_clicks ) = array_values( yourls_get_db_stats() );
if ( $where ) {
list( $total_items, $total_items_clicks ) = array_values( yourls_get_db_stats( $where ) );
} else {
$total_items = $total_urls;
$total_items_clicks = false;
// This is a bookmarklet
if ( isset( $_GET['u'] ) ) {
$is_bookmark = true;
yourls_do_action( 'bookmarklet' );
$url = yourls_sanitize_url( $_GET['u'] );
$keyword = ( isset( $_GET['k'] ) ? yourls_sanitize_keyword( $_GET['k'] ) : '' );
$title = ( isset( $_GET['t'] ) ? yourls_sanitize_title( $_GET['t'] ) : '' );
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $url, $keyword, $title );
// If fails because keyword already exist, retry with no keyword
if ( isset( $return['status'] ) && $return['status'] == 'fail' && isset( $return['code'] ) && $return['code'] == 'error:keyword' ) {
$msg = $return['message'];
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $url, '', $ydb );
$return['message'] .= ' ('.$msg.')';
// Stop here if bookmarklet with a JSON callback function
if( isset( $_GET['jsonp'] ) && $_GET['jsonp'] == 'yourls' ) {
$short = $return['shorturl'] ? $return['shorturl'] : '';
$message = $return['message'];
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo yourls_apply_filter( 'bookmarklet_jsonp', "yourls_callback({'short_url':'$short','message':'$message'});" );
$s_url = stripslashes( $url );
$where = " AND `url` LIKE '$s_url' ";
$page = $total_pages = $perpage = 1;
$offset = 0;
$text = ( isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? stripslashes( $_GET['s'] ) : '' );
// This is not a bookmarklet
} else {
$is_bookmark = false;
// Checking $page, $offset, $perpage
if(empty($page) || $page == 0) { $page = 1; }
if(empty($offset)) { $offset = 0; }
if(empty($perpage) || $perpage == 0) { $perpage = 50; }
// Determine $offset
$offset = ($page-1) * $perpage;
// Determine Max Number Of Items To Display On Page
if(($offset + $perpage) > $total_items) {
$max_on_page = $total_items;
} else {
$max_on_page = ($offset + $perpage);
// Determine Number Of Items To Display On Page
if (($offset + 1) > ($total_items)) {
$display_on_page = $total_items;
} else {
$display_on_page = ($offset + 1);
// Determing Total Amount Of Pages
$total_pages = ceil($total_items / $perpage);
// Begin output of the page
$context = ( $is_bookmark ? 'bookmark' : 'index' );
yourls_html_head( $context );
yourls_html_menu() ;
if ( !$is_bookmark ) { ?>
<p><?php echo $search_display; ?></p>
<p>Display <strong><?php echo $display_on_page; ?></strong> to <strong class='increment'><?php echo $max_on_page; ?></strong> of <strong class='increment'><?php echo $total_items; ?></strong> URLs<?php if( $total_items_clicks !== false ) echo ", counting <strong>$total_items_clicks</strong> " . yourls_plural('click', $total_items_clicks) ?>.</p>
<?php } ?>
<p>Overall, tracking <strong class='increment'><?php echo number_format($total_urls); ?></strong> links, <strong><?php echo number_format($total_clicks); ?></strong> clicks, and counting!</p>
<?php yourls_html_addnew(); ?>
// If bookmarklet, add message. Otherwise, hide hidden share box.
if ( !$is_bookmark ) {
yourls_share_box( '', '', '', '', '<h2>Your short link</h2>', '<h2>Quick Share</h2>', true );
} else {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){
feedback( "' . $return['message'] . '", "'. $return['status'] .'");
if ( !$is_bookmark ) {
$params = array(
'search_text' => $search_text,
'search_in_sql' => $search_in_sql,
'sort_by_sql' => $sort_by_sql,
'sort_order_sql' => $sort_order_sql,
'page' => $page,
'perpage' => $perpage,
'link_filter' => $link_filter,
'link_limit' => $link_limit,
'total_pages' => $total_pages,
'search_url' => $search_url,
'date_filter' => $date_filter,
'date_first' => $date_first,
'date_second' => $date_second,
yourls_html_tfooter( $params );
// Main Query
$where = yourls_apply_filter( 'admin_list_where', $where );
$url_results = $ydb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `$table_url` WHERE 1=1 $where ORDER BY `$sort_by_sql` $sort_order_sql LIMIT $offset, $perpage;");
$found_rows = false;
if( $url_results ) {
$found_rows = true;
foreach( $url_results as $url_result ) {
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_string( $url_result->keyword );
$timestamp = strtotime( $url_result->timestamp );
$url = stripslashes( $url_result->url );
$ip = $url_result->ip;
$title = $url_result->title ? $url_result->title : '';
$clicks = $url_result->clicks;
echo yourls_table_add_row( $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp );
$display = $found_rows ? 'display:none' : '';
echo '<tr id="nourl_found" style="'.$display.'"><td colspan="6">No URL</td></tr>';
if ( $is_bookmark )
yourls_share_box( $url, $return['shorturl'], $title, $text );
<?php yourls_html_footer( ); ?>
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// Variables
$table_url = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL;
$where = $search_sentence = $search_text = $url = $keyword = '';
$date_filter = $date_first = $date_second = '';
$base_page = yourls_admin_url( 'index.php' );
// Default SQL behavior
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'URL' );
$search_in = 'all';
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'Short URL' );
$sort_by = 'timestamp';
$sort_order = 'desc';
$page = ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1 );
$search = yourls_get_search_text();
$perpage = ( isset( $_GET['perpage'] ) && intval( $_GET['perpage'] ) ? intval($_GET['perpage']) : yourls_apply_filter( 'admin_view_per_page', 15 ) );
$click_limit = ( isset( $_GET['click_limit'] ) && $_GET['click_limit'] !== '' ) ? intval( $_GET['click_limit'] ) : '' ;
if ( $click_limit !== '' ) {
$click_filter = ( isset( $_GET['click_filter'] ) && $_GET['click_filter'] == 'more' ? 'more' : 'less' ) ;
$click_moreless = ( $click_filter == 'more' ? '>' : '<' );
$where = " AND clicks $click_moreless $click_limit";
} else {
$click_filter = '';
// Searching
if( !empty( $search ) && !empty( $_GET['search_in'] ) ) {
switch( $_GET['search_in'] ) {
case 'all':
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'All fields' );
$search_in = 'all';
case 'keyword':
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'Short URL' );
$search_in = 'keyword';
case 'url':
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'URL' );
$search_in = 'url';
case 'title':
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'Title' );
$search_in = 'title';
case 'ip':
$search_in_text = yourls__( 'IP Address' );
$search_in = 'ip';
$search_sentence = yourls_s( 'Searching for <strong>%1$s</strong> in <strong>%2$s</strong>.', yourls_esc_html( $search ), yourls_esc_html( $search_in_text ) );
$search_url = yourls_sanitize_url( "&amp;search=$search&amp;search_in=$search_in" );
$search_text = $search;
$search = str_replace( '*', '%', '*' . yourls_escape( $search ) . '*' );
if( $search_in == 'all' ) {
$where .= " AND CONCAT_WS('',`keyword`,`url`,`title`,`ip`) LIKE ('$search')";
// Search across all fields. The resulting SQL will be something like:
// SELECT * FROM `yourls_url` WHERE CONCAT_WS('',`keyword`,`url`,`title`,`ip`) LIKE ("%ozh%")
// CONCAT_WS because CONCAT('foo', 'bar, NULL) = NULL. NULL wins. Not sure if values can be NULL now or in the future, so better safe.
// TODO: pay attention to this bit when the DB schema changes
} else {
$where .= " AND `$search_in` LIKE ('$search')";
// Time span
if( !empty( $_GET['date_filter'] ) ) {
switch( $_GET['date_filter'] ) {
case 'before':
$date_filter = 'before';
if( isset( $_GET['date_first'] ) && yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) ) {
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] );
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` < '$date_first_sql'";
case 'after':
$date_filter = 'after';
if( isset( $_GET['date_first'] ) && yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` > '$date_first_sql'";
case 'between':
$date_filter = 'between';
if( isset( $_GET['date_first'] ) && isset( $_GET['date_second'] ) && yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] ) && yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_second'] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_first'] );
$date_second_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql( $_GET['date_second'] );
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_first'] );
$date_second = yourls_sanitize_date( $_GET['date_second'] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` BETWEEN '$date_first_sql' AND '$date_second_sql'";
// Sorting
if( !empty( $_GET['sort_by'] ) || !empty( $_GET['sort_order'] ) ) {
switch( $_GET['sort_by'] ) {
case 'keyword':
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'Short URL' );
$sort_by = 'keyword';
case 'url':
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'URL' );
$sort_by = 'url';
case 'timestamp':
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'Date' );
$sort_by = 'timestamp';
case 'ip':
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'IP Address' );
$sort_by = 'ip';
case 'clicks':
$sort_by_text = yourls__( 'Clicks' );
$sort_by = 'clicks';
switch( $_GET['sort_order'] ) {
case 'asc':
$sort_order = 'asc';
case 'desc':
$sort_order = 'desc';
// Get URLs Count for current filter, total links in DB & total clicks
list( $total_urls, $total_clicks ) = array_values( yourls_get_db_stats() );
if ( $where ) {
list( $total_items, $total_items_clicks ) = array_values( yourls_get_db_stats( $where ) );
} else {
$total_items = $total_urls;
$total_items_clicks = false;
// This is a bookmarklet
if ( isset( $_GET['u'] ) or isset( $_GET['up'] ) ) {
$is_bookmark = true;
yourls_do_action( 'bookmarklet' );
// No sanitization needed here: everything happens in yourls_add_new_link()
if( isset( $_GET['u'] ) ) {
// Old school bookmarklet: ?u=<url>
$url = rawurldecode( $_GET['u'] );
} else {
// New style bookmarklet: ?up=<url protocol>&us=<url slashes>&ur=<url rest>
$url = rawurldecode( $_GET['up'] . $_GET['us'] . $_GET['ur'] );
$keyword = ( isset( $_GET['k'] ) ? ( $_GET['k'] ) : '' );
$title = ( isset( $_GET['t'] ) ? ( $_GET['t'] ) : '' );
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $url, $keyword, $title );
// If fails because keyword already exist, retry with no keyword
if ( isset( $return['status'] ) && $return['status'] == 'fail' && isset( $return['code'] ) && $return['code'] == 'error:keyword' ) {
$msg = $return['message'];
$return = yourls_add_new_link( $url, '', $ydb );
$return['message'] .= ' ('.$msg.')';
// Stop here if bookmarklet with a JSON callback function
if( isset( $_GET['jsonp'] ) && $_GET['jsonp'] == 'yourls' ) {
$short = $return['shorturl'] ? $return['shorturl'] : '';
$message = $return['message'];
yourls_content_type_header( 'application/javascript' );
echo yourls_apply_filter( 'bookmarklet_jsonp', "yourls_callback({'short_url':'$short','message':'$message'});" );
// Now use the URL that has been sanitized and returned by yourls_add_new_link()
$url = $return['url']['url'];
$where = sprintf( " AND `url` LIKE '%s' ", yourls_escape( $url ) );
$page = $total_pages = $perpage = 1;
$offset = 0;
$text = ( isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? stripslashes( $_GET['s'] ) : '' );
// Sharing with social bookmarklets
if( !empty($_GET['share']) ) {
yourls_do_action( 'pre_share_redirect' );
switch ( $_GET['share'] ) {
case 'twitter':
// share with Twitter
$destination = sprintf( "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=%s&text=%s", urlencode( $return['shorturl'] ), urlencode( $title ) );
yourls_redirect( $destination, 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return['status'] = 'error';
$return['errorCode'] = 400;
$return['message'] = yourls_s( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !', 'Twitter' );
case 'facebook':
// share with Facebook
$destination = sprintf( "https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=%s&t=%s", urlencode( $return['shorturl'] ), urlencode( $title ) );
yourls_redirect( $destination, 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return['status'] = 'error';
$return['errorCode'] = 400;
$return['message'] = yourls_s( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !', 'Facebook' );
case 'tumblr':
// share with Tumblr
$destination = sprintf( "http://www.tumblr.com/share?v=3&u=%s&t=%s&s=%s", urlencode( $return['shorturl'] ), urlencode( $title ), urlencode( $text ) );
yourls_redirect( $destination, 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return['status'] = 'error';
$return['errorCode'] = 400;
$return['message'] = yourls_s( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !', 'Tumblr' );
// Is there a custom registered social bookmark?
yourls_do_action( 'share_redirect_' . $_GET['share'], $return );
// Still here? That was an unknown 'share' method, then.
$return['status'] = 'error';
$return['errorCode'] = 400;
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'Unknown "Share" bookmarklet' );
// This is not a bookmarklet
} else {
$is_bookmark = false;
// Checking $page, $offset, $perpage
if( empty($page) || $page == 0 ) {
$page = 1;
if( empty($offset) ) {
$offset = 0;
if( empty($perpage) || $perpage == 0) {
$perpage = 50;
// Determine $offset
$offset = ( $page-1 ) * $perpage;
// Determine Max Number Of Items To Display On Page
if( ( $offset + $perpage ) > $total_items ) {
$max_on_page = $total_items;
} else {
$max_on_page = ( $offset + $perpage );
// Determine Number Of Items To Display On Page
if ( ( $offset + 1 ) > $total_items ) {
$display_on_page = $total_items;
} else {
$display_on_page = ( $offset + 1 );
// Determing Total Amount Of Pages
$total_pages = ceil( $total_items / $perpage );
// Begin output of the page
$context = ( $is_bookmark ? 'bookmark' : 'index' );
yourls_html_head( $context );
yourls_html_menu() ;
yourls_do_action( 'admin_page_before_content' );
if ( !$is_bookmark ) { ?>
<p><?php echo $search_sentence; ?></p>
printf( yourls__( 'Display <strong>%1$s</strong> to <strong class="increment">%2$s</strong> of <strong class="increment">%3$s</strong> URLs' ), $display_on_page, $max_on_page, $total_items );
if( $total_items_clicks !== false )
echo ", " . sprintf( yourls_n( 'counting <strong>1</strong> click', 'counting <strong>%s</strong> clicks', $total_items_clicks ), yourls_number_format_i18n( $total_items_clicks ) );
<?php } ?>
<p><?php printf( yourls__( 'Overall, tracking <strong class="increment">%1$s</strong> links, <strong>%2$s</strong> clicks, and counting!' ), yourls_number_format_i18n( $total_urls ), yourls_number_format_i18n( $total_clicks ) ); ?></p>
yourls_do_action( 'admin_page_before_form' );
// If bookmarklet, add message. Otherwise, hide hidden share box.
if ( !$is_bookmark ) {
yourls_share_box( '', '', '', '', '', '', true );
} else {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){
feedback( "' . $return['message'] . '", "'. $return['status'] .'");
yourls_do_action( 'admin_page_before_table' );
if ( !$is_bookmark ) {
$params = array(
'search' => $search,
'search_text' => $search_text,
'search_in' => $search_in,
'sort_by' => $sort_by,
'sort_order' => $sort_order,
'page' => $page,
'perpage' => $perpage,
'click_filter' => $click_filter,
'click_limit' => $click_limit,
'total_pages' => $total_pages,
'date_filter' => $date_filter,
'date_first' => $date_first,
'date_second' => $date_second,
yourls_html_tfooter( $params );
// Main Query
$where = yourls_apply_filter( 'admin_list_where', $where );
$url_results = $ydb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM `$table_url` WHERE 1=1 $where ORDER BY `$sort_by` $sort_order LIMIT $offset, $perpage;" );
$found_rows = false;
if( $url_results ) {
$found_rows = true;
foreach( $url_results as $url_result ) {
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_string( $url_result->keyword );
$timestamp = strtotime( $url_result->timestamp );
$url = stripslashes( $url_result->url );
$ip = $url_result->ip;
$title = $url_result->title ? $url_result->title : '';
$clicks = $url_result->clicks;
echo yourls_table_add_row( $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp );
$display = $found_rows ? 'display:none' : '';
echo '<tr id="nourl_found" style="'.$display.'"><td colspan="6">' . yourls__('No URL') . '</td></tr>';
yourls_do_action( 'admin_page_after_table' );
if ( $is_bookmark )
yourls_share_box( $url, $return['shorturl'], $title, $text );
<?php yourls_html_footer( ); ?>

admin/install.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
define( 'YOURLS_INSTALLING', true );
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-install.php' );
$error = array();
$warning = array();
$success = array();
// Check pre-requisites
if ( !yourls_check_database_version() )
$error[] = 'MySQL version is too old. Ask your server admin for an upgrade.';
if ( !yourls_check_php_version() )
$error[] = 'PHP version is too old. Ask your server admin for an upgrade.';
// Check additional stuff
if ( !yourls_check_curl() )
$warning[] = 'PHP extension <tt>cURL</tt> is not installed. This server won\'t be able to use the remote API';
// Is YOURLS already installed ?
if ( yourls_is_installed() ) {
$error[] = 'YOURLS already installed.';
// check if .htaccess exists, recreate otherwise. No error checking.
if( !file_exists( YOURLS_ABSPATH.'/.htaccess' ) ) {
// Start install if possible and needed
if ( isset($_REQUEST['install']) && count( $error ) == 0 ) {
// Create/update .htaccess file
if ( yourls_create_htaccess() ) {
$success[] = 'File <tt>.htaccess</tt> successfully created/updated.';
} else {
$warning[] = 'Could not write file <tt>.htaccess</tt> in YOURLS root directory. You will have to do it manually. See <a href="http://yourls.org/htaccess">how</a>.';
// Create SQL tables
$install = yourls_create_sql_tables();
if ( isset( $install['error'] ) )
$error = array_merge( $error, $install['error'] );
if ( isset( $install['success'] ) )
$success = array_merge( $success, $install['success'] );
// Start output
yourls_html_head( 'install', 'Install YOURLS' );
<div id="login">
<form method="post" action="?"><?php // reset any QUERY parameters ?>
<img src="<?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/images/yourls-logo.png" alt="YOURLS" title="YOURLS" />
// Print errors, warnings and success messages
foreach ( array ('error', 'warning', 'success') as $info ) {
if ( count( $$info ) > 0 ) {
echo "<ul class='$info'>";
foreach( $$info as $msg ) {
echo '<li>'.$msg."</li>\n";
echo '</ul>';
// Display install button or link to admin area if applicable
if( !yourls_is_installed() && !isset($_REQUEST['install']) ) {
echo '<p>&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" name="install" value="Install YOURLS" class="button" /></p>';
} else {
if( count($error) == 0 )
echo '<p>&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: center;">&raquo; <a href="'.yourls_admin_url().'" title="YOURLS Administration Page">YOURLS Administration Page</a></p>';
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
define( 'YOURLS_INSTALLING', true );
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-install.php' );
$error = array();
$warning = array();
$success = array();
// Check pre-requisites
if ( !yourls_check_database_version() ) {
$error[] = yourls_s( '%s version is too old. Ask your server admin for an upgrade.', 'MySQL' );
yourls_debug_log( 'MySQL version: ' . yourls_get_database_version() );
if ( !yourls_check_php_version() ) {
$error[] = yourls_s( '%s version is too old. Ask your server admin for an upgrade.', 'PHP' );
yourls_debug_log( 'PHP version: ' . phpversion() );
// Is YOURLS already installed ?
if ( yourls_is_installed() ) {
$error[] = yourls__( 'YOURLS already installed.' );
// check if .htaccess exists, recreate otherwise. No error checking.
if( !file_exists( YOURLS_ABSPATH.'/.htaccess' ) ) {
// Start install if possible and needed
if ( isset($_REQUEST['install']) && count( $error ) == 0 ) {
// Create/update .htaccess file
if ( yourls_create_htaccess() ) {
$success[] = yourls__( 'File <tt>.htaccess</tt> successfully created/updated.' );
} else {
$warning[] = yourls__( 'Could not write file <tt>.htaccess</tt> in YOURLS root directory. You will have to do it manually. See <a href="http://yourls.org/htaccess">how</a>.' );
// Create SQL tables
$install = yourls_create_sql_tables();
if ( isset( $install['error'] ) )
$error = array_merge( $error, $install['error'] );
if ( isset( $install['success'] ) )
$success = array_merge( $success, $install['success'] );
// Start output
yourls_html_head( 'install', yourls__( 'Install YOURLS' ) );
<div id="login">
<form method="post" action="?"><?php // reset any QUERY parameters ?>
<img src="<?php yourls_site_url(); ?>/images/yourls-logo.png" alt="YOURLS" title="YOURLS" />
// Print errors, warnings and success messages
foreach ( array ('error', 'warning', 'success') as $info ) {
if ( count( $$info ) > 0 ) {
echo "<ul class='$info'>";
foreach( $$info as $msg ) {
echo '<li>'.$msg."</li>\n";
echo '</ul>';
// Display install button or link to admin area if applicable
if( !yourls_is_installed() && !isset($_REQUEST['install']) ) {
echo '<p style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" name="install" value="' . yourls__( 'Install YOURLS') .'" class="button" /></p>';
} else {
if( count($error) == 0 )
echo '<p style="text-align: center;">&raquo; <a href="'.yourls_admin_url().'" title="' . yourls__( 'YOURLS Administration Page') . '">' . yourls__( 'YOURLS Administration Page') . '</a></p>';
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>

admin/plugins.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,158 +1,165 @@
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// Handle plugin administration pages
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ) {
yourls_plugin_admin_page( $_GET['page'] );
// Handle activation/deactivation of plugins
if( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) {
// Check nonce
yourls_verify_nonce( 'manage_plugins', $_REQUEST['nonce'] );
// Check plugin file is valid
if( isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) && yourls_validate_plugin_file( YOURLS_PLUGINDIR.'/'.$_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php') ) {
global $ydb;
// Activate / Deactive
switch( $_GET['action'] ) {
case 'activate':
$result = yourls_activate_plugin( $_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php' );
if( $result === true )
yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( 'plugins.php?success=activated' ), 302 );
case 'deactivate':
$result = yourls_deactivate_plugin( $_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php' );
if( $result === true )
yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( 'plugins.php?success=deactivated' ), 302 );
$result = 'Unsupported action';
} else {
$result = 'No plugin specified, or not a valid plugin';
yourls_add_notice( $result );
// Handle message upon succesfull (de)activation
if( isset( $_GET['success'] ) ) {
if( $_GET['success'] == 'activated' OR $_GET['success'] == 'deactivated' ) {
yourls_add_notice( 'Plugin '.$_GET['success'] );
yourls_html_head( 'plugins', 'Manage Plugins' );
$plugins = (array)yourls_get_plugins();
$count = count( $plugins );
$count_active = yourls_has_active_plugins();
<p id="plugin_summary">You currently have <strong><?php echo $count.' '.yourls_plural( 'plugin', $count ); ?></strong> installed, and <strong><?php echo $count_active; ?></strong> activated</p>
<table id="main_table" class="tblSorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<th>Plugin Name</th>
$nonce = yourls_create_nonce( 'manage_plugins' );
foreach( $plugins as $file=>$plugin ) {
// default fields to read from the plugin header
$fields = array(
'name' => 'Plugin Name',
'uri' => 'Plugin URI',
'desc' => 'Description',
'version' => 'Version',
'author' => 'Author',
'author_uri' => 'Author URI'
// Loop through all default fields, get value if any and reset it
foreach( $fields as $field=>$value ) {
if( isset( $plugin[ $value ] ) ) {
$data[ $field ] = $plugin[ $value ];
} else {
$data[ $field ] = '(no info)';
unset( $plugin[$value] );
$plugindir = trim( dirname( $file ), '/' );
if( yourls_is_active_plugin( $file ) ) {
$class = 'active';
$action_url = yourls_nonce_url( 'manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg( array('action' => 'deactivate', 'plugin' => $plugindir ) ) );
$action_anchor = 'Deactivate';
} else {
$class = 'inactive';
$action_url = yourls_nonce_url( 'manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg( array('action' => 'activate', 'plugin' => $plugindir ) ) );
$action_anchor = 'Activate';
// Other "Fields: Value" in the header? Get them too
if( $plugin ) {
foreach( $plugin as $extra_field=>$extra_value ) {
$data['desc'] .= "<br/>\n<em>$extra_field</em>: $extra_value";
unset( $plugin[$extra_value] );
$data['desc'] .= "<br/><small>plugin file location: $file</small>";
printf( "<tr class='plugin %s'><td class='plugin_name'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_version'>%s</td><td class='plugin_desc'>%s</td><td class='plugin_author'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_actions actions'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td></tr>",
$class, $data['uri'], $data['name'], $data['version'], $data['desc'], $data['author_uri'], $data['author'], $action_url, $action_anchor
<script type="text/javascript">
yourls_defaultsort = 0;
yourls_defaultorder = 0;
<?php if ($count_active) { ?>
$('#plugin_summary').append('<span id="toggle_plugins">filter</span>');
$('#toggle_plugins').css({'background':'transparent url("../images/filter.gif") top left no-repeat','display':'inline-block','text-indent':'-9999px','width':'16px','height':'16px','margin-left':'3px','cursor':'pointer'})
.attr('title', 'Toggle active/inactive plugins')
$('#main_table tr.inactive').toggle();
<?php } ?>
<p>If something goes wrong after you activate a plugin and you cannot use YOURLS or access this page, simply rename or delete its directory, or rename the plugin file to something different than <code>plugin.php</code>.</p>
<h3>More plugins</h3>
<p>For more plugins, head to the official <a href="http://code.google.com/p/yourls/wiki/PluginList">Plugin list</a>.</p>
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
// Handle plugin administration pages
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ) {
yourls_plugin_admin_page( $_GET['page'] );
// Handle activation/deactivation of plugins
if( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) {
// Check nonce
yourls_verify_nonce( 'manage_plugins', $_REQUEST['nonce'] );
// Check plugin file is valid
if( isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) && yourls_validate_plugin_file( YOURLS_PLUGINDIR.'/'.$_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php') ) {
global $ydb;
// Activate / Deactive
switch( $_GET['action'] ) {
case 'activate':
$result = yourls_activate_plugin( $_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php' );
if( $result === true )
yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( 'plugins.php?success=activated' ), 302 );
case 'deactivate':
$result = yourls_deactivate_plugin( $_GET['plugin'].'/plugin.php' );
if( $result === true )
yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( 'plugins.php?success=deactivated' ), 302 );
$result = yourls__( 'Unsupported action' );
} else {
$result = yourls__( 'No plugin specified, or not a valid plugin' );
yourls_add_notice( $result );
// Handle message upon succesfull (de)activation
if( isset( $_GET['success'] ) && ( ( $_GET['success'] == 'activated' ) OR ( $_GET['success'] == 'deactivated' ) ) ) {
if( $_GET['success'] == 'activated' ) {
$message = yourls__( 'Plugin has been activated' );
} elseif ( $_GET['success'] == 'deactivated' ) {
$message = yourls__( 'Plugin has been deactivated' );
yourls_add_notice( $message );
yourls_html_head( 'plugins', yourls__( 'Manage Plugins' ) );
<h2><?php yourls_e( 'Plugins' ); ?></h2>
$plugins = (array)yourls_get_plugins();
uasort( $plugins, 'yourls_plugins_sort_callback' );
$count = count( $plugins );
$plugins_count = sprintf( yourls_n( '%s plugin', '%s plugins', $count ), $count );
$count_active = yourls_has_active_plugins();
<p id="plugin_summary"><?php /* //translators: "you have '3 plugins' installed and '1' activated" */ yourls_se( 'You currently have <strong>%1$s</strong> installed, and <strong>%2$s</strong> activated', $plugins_count, $count_active ); ?></p>
<table id="main_table" class="tblSorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Plugin Name' ); ?></th>
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Version' ); ?></th>
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Description' ); ?></th>
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Author' ); ?></th>
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Action' ); ?></th>
$nonce = yourls_create_nonce( 'manage_plugins' );
foreach( $plugins as $file=>$plugin ) {
// default fields to read from the plugin header
$fields = array(
'name' => 'Plugin Name',
'uri' => 'Plugin URI',
'desc' => 'Description',
'version' => 'Version',
'author' => 'Author',
'author_uri' => 'Author URI'
// Loop through all default fields, get value if any and reset it
foreach( $fields as $field=>$value ) {
if( isset( $plugin[ $value ] ) ) {
$data[ $field ] = $plugin[ $value ];
} else {
$data[ $field ] = '(no info)';
unset( $plugin[$value] );
$plugindir = trim( dirname( $file ), '/' );
if( yourls_is_active_plugin( $file ) ) {
$class = 'active';
$action_url = yourls_nonce_url( 'manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg( array('action' => 'deactivate', 'plugin' => $plugindir ) ) );
$action_anchor = yourls__( 'Deactivate' );
} else {
$class = 'inactive';
$action_url = yourls_nonce_url( 'manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg( array('action' => 'activate', 'plugin' => $plugindir ) ) );
$action_anchor = yourls__( 'Activate' );
// Other "Fields: Value" in the header? Get them too
if( $plugin ) {
foreach( $plugin as $extra_field=>$extra_value ) {
$data['desc'] .= "<br/>\n<em>$extra_field</em>: $extra_value";
unset( $plugin[$extra_value] );
$data['desc'] .= '<br/><small>' . yourls_s( 'plugin file location: %s', $file) . '</small>';
printf( "<tr class='plugin %s'><td class='plugin_name'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_version'>%s</td><td class='plugin_desc'>%s</td><td class='plugin_author'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_actions actions'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td></tr>",
$class, $data['uri'], $data['name'], $data['version'], $data['desc'], $data['author_uri'], $data['author'], $action_url, $action_anchor
<script type="text/javascript">
yourls_defaultsort = 0;
yourls_defaultorder = 0;
<?php if ($count_active) { ?>
$('#plugin_summary').append('<span id="toggle_plugins">filter</span>');
$('#toggle_plugins').css({'background':'transparent url("../images/filter.gif") top left no-repeat','display':'inline-block','text-indent':'-9999px','width':'16px','height':'16px','margin-left':'3px','cursor':'pointer'})
.attr('title', '<?php echo yourls_esc_attr__( 'Toggle active/inactive plugins' ); ?>')
$('#main_table tr.inactive').toggle();
<?php } ?>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'If something goes wrong after you activate a plugin and you cannot use YOURLS or access this page, simply rename or delete its directory, or rename the plugin file to something different than <code>plugin.php</code>.' ); ?></p>
<h3><?php yourls_e( 'More plugins' ); ?></h3>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'For more plugins, head to the official <a href="http://yourls.org/pluginlist">Plugin list</a>.' ); ?></p>
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>

admin/tools.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,105 +1,337 @@
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
yourls_html_head( 'tools', 'Cool YOURLS Tools' );
<div class="sub_wrap">
<p>YOURLS comes with <span>four</span> handy <span>bookmarklets</span> for easier link shortening.</p>
<h3>Standard or Instant, Simple or Custom</h3>
<li>The <span>Standard Bookmarklets</span> will take you to a page where you can easily edit or delete your brand new short URL.</li>
<li>The <span>Instant Bookmarklets</span> will pop the short URL without leaving the page you are viewing.</li>
<li>The <span>Simple Bookmarklets</span> will generate a short URL with a random or sequential keyword</li>
<li>The <span>Custom Keyword Bookmarklets</span> will prompt you for a custom keyword first</li>
<p>With the Standard Bookmarklets you will also get a <span>Quick Share</span> tool box to make posting to Twitter, Facebook or Friendfeed a snap. If you want to share a description along with the link you're shortening, simply <span>select text</span> on the page you're viewing before clicking on your bookmarklet link</p>
<h3>The Bookmarklets</h3>
<p>Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)</p>
<table class="tblSorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<th>Standard (new page)</th>
<th>Instant (popup)</th>
<th class="header">Simple</th>
<td><a href="javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20d=document,w=window,enc=encodeURIComponent,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),s2=((s.toString()=='')?s:('%22'+enc(s)+'%22')),f='<?php echo yourls_admin_url('index.php'); ?>',l=d.location,p='?u='+enc(l.href)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2,u=f+p;try%7Bthrow('ozhismygod');%7Dcatch(z)%7Ba=function()%7Bif(!w.open(u))l.href=u;%7D;if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))setTimeout(a,0);else%20a();%7Dvoid(0);%7D)()" class="bookmarklet" onclick="alert('Drag to your toolbar!');return false;">Shorten</a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20d=document,s=d.createElement('script');window.yourls_callback=function(r)%7Bif(r.short_url)%7Bprompt(r.message,r.short_url);%7Delse%7Balert('An%20error%20occured:%20'+r.message);%7D%7D;s.src='<?php echo yourls_admin_url('index.php'); ?>?u='+encodeURIComponent(d.location.href)+'&jsonp=yourls';void(d.body.appendChild(s));%7D)();" class="bookmarklet" onclick="alert('Drag to your toolbar!');return false;">Instant Shorten</a></td>
<th class="header">Custom Keyword</th>
<td><a href="javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20d=document,w=window,enc=encodeURIComponent,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),s2=((s.toString()=='')?s:('%22'+enc(s)+'%22')),f='<?php echo yourls_admin_url('index.php'); ?>',l=d.location,k=prompt(%22Custom%20URL%22),k2=(k?'&k='+k:%22%22),p='?u='+enc(l.href)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+''+s2+k2,u=f+p;if(k!=null)%7Btry%7Bthrow('ozhismygod');%7Dcatch(z)%7Ba=function()%7Bif(!w.open(u))l.href=u;%7D;if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))setTimeout(a,0);else%20a();%7Dvoid(0)%7D%7D)()" class="bookmarklet" onclick="alert('Drag to your toolbar!');return false;">Custom shorten</a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20d=document,k=prompt('Custom%20URL'),s=d.createElement('script');if(k!=null){window.yourls_callback=function(r)%7Bif(r.short_url)%7Bprompt(r.message,r.short_url);%7Delse%7Balert('An%20error%20occured:%20'+r.message);%7D%7D;s.src='<?php echo yourls_admin_url('index.php'); ?>?u='+encodeURIComponent(d.location.href)+'&k='+k+'&jsonp=yourls';void(d.body.appendChild(s));%7D%7D)();" class="bookmarklet" onclick="alert('Drag to your toolbar!');return false;">Instant Custom Shorten</a></td>
<p>When viewing a page, you can also prefix its full URL: just head to your browser's address bar, add "<span><?php echo preg_replace('@https?://@', '', YOURLS_SITE); ?>/</span>" to the beginning of the current URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter.</p>
<p>Note: this will probably not work if your web server is running on Windows <?php if( yourls_is_windows() ) echo '(which seems to be the case here)'; ?>.</p>
<?php if( yourls_is_private() ) { ?>
<h2>Secure passwordless API call</h2>
<p>YOURLS allows API calls the old fashioned way, using <tt>username</tt> and <tt>password</tt>
parameters. If you're worried about sending your credentials into the wild, you can also make API
calls without using your login or your password, using a secret signature token.</p>
<p>Your secret signature token: <strong><code><?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?></code></strong>
(It's a secret. Keep it secret)</p>
<p>This signature token can only be used with the API, not with the admin interface.</p>
<li><h3>Usage of the signature token</h3>
<p>Simply use parameter <tt>signature</tt> in your API requests. Example:</p>
<p><code><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?signature=<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>&action=...</code></p>
<li><h3>Usage of a time limited signature token</h3>
$timestamp = time();
<tt>// actual value: $time = <?php $time = time(); echo $time; ?></tt>
$signature = md5( $timestamp . '<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>' );
<tt>// actual value: $signature = "<?php $sign = md5( $time. yourls_auth_signature() ); echo $sign; ?>"</tt>
<p>Now use parameters <tt>signature</tt> and <tt>timestamp</tt> in your API requests. Example:</p>
<p><code><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<strong>$timestamp</strong>&signature=<strong>$signature</strong>&action=...</code></p>
<p>Actual values:<br/>
<tt><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<?php echo $time; ?>&signature=<?php echo $sign; ?>&action=...</tt></p>
<p>This URL would be valid for only <?php echo YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE; ?> seconds</p>
<p>(See the <a href="<?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/readme.html#API">API documentation</a> for more)</p>
<?php } // end is private ?>
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
yourls_html_head( 'tools', yourls__( 'Cool YOURLS Tools' ) );
<div class="sub_wrap">
<h2><?php yourls_e( 'Bookmarklets' ); ?></h2>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'YOURLS comes with handy <span>bookmarklets</span> for easier link shortening and sharing.' ); ?></p>
<h3><?php yourls_e( 'Standard or Instant, Simple or Custom' ); ?></h3>
<li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Standard Bookmarklets</span> will take you to a page where you can easily edit or delete your brand new short URL.' ); ?></li>
<li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Instant Bookmarklets</span> will pop the short URL without leaving the page you are viewing.' ); ?></li>
<li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Simple Bookmarklets</span> will generate a short URL with a random or sequential keyword.' ); ?></li>
<li><?php yourls_e( 'The <span>Custom Keyword Bookmarklets</span> will prompt you for a custom keyword first.' ); ?></li>
yourls_e( "If you want to share a description along with the link you're shortening, simply <span>select text</span> on the page you're viewing before clicking on your bookmarklet link" );
<h3><?php yourls_e( 'The Bookmarklets' ); ?></h3>
<?php $base_bookmarklet = yourls_admin_url( 'index.php' ); ?>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?></p>
<table class="tblSorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Standard (new page)' ); ?></th>
<th><?php yourls_e( 'Instant (popup)' ); ?></th>
<th class="header"><?php yourls_e( 'Simple' ); ?></th>
<?php $js_code = <<<STANDARD_SIMPLE
// Simple Standard Bookmarklet (new page, no keyword asked)
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
f = '$base_bookmarklet',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2,
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!w.open(u)) l.href = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Shorten' ) );
<?php $js_code = <<<POPUP_SIMPLE
// Simple Popup (in-page popup dialog, no keyword asked)
var d = document,
sc = d.createElement('script'),
l = d.location.href,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
window.yourls_callback = function (r) {
if (r.short_url) {
prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
} else {
alert('An error occured: ' + r.message);
sc.src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&jsonp=yourls';
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Instant Shorten' ) );
<th class="header"><?php yourls_e( 'Custom Keyword' ); ?></th>
<?php $js_code = <<<CUSTOM_STANDARD
// Custom Standard (new page, prompt for a keyword)
var d = document,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
w = window,
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : enc(s)),
f = '$base_bookmarklet',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
k = prompt("Custom URL"),
k2 = (k ? '&k=' + k : ""),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+'&s='+s2 + k2,
u = f + p;
if (k != null) {
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!w.open(u)) l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Custom shorten' ) );
<?php $js_code = <<<CUSTOM_POPUP
// Custom Popup (prompt for a keyword + on-page popup)
var d = document,
l = d.location.href,
k = prompt('Custom URL'),
enc = encodeURIComponent,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up='+enc(ups[0]+':')+'&us='+enc(ups[1])+'&ur='+enc(ur)+'&t='+enc(d.title);
sc = d.createElement('script');
if (k != null) {
window.yourls_callback = function (r) {
if (r.short_url) {
prompt(r.message, r.short_url);
} else {
alert('An error occured: ' + r.message);
sc.src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&k=' + k + '&jsonp=yourls';
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'Instant Custom Shorten' ) );
<h3><?php yourls_e( 'Social Bookmarklets' ); ?></h3>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Create a short URL and share it on social networks, all in one click!' ); ?>
<?php yourls_e( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Shorten and share:' ); ?></p>
<?php $js_code = <<<FACEBOOK
// Share on Facebook
var d = document,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
f = '$base_bookmarklet',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur=' + enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&share=facebook',
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!window.open(u,'Share','width=500,height=340,left=100','_blank')) l.href = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Facebook' ) );
<?php $js_code = <<<TWITTER
// Share on Twitter
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
f = '$base_bookmarklet',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + s2 + '&share=twitter',
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!w.open(u,'Share','width=780,height=265,left=100','_blank')) l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Twitter' ) );
<?php $js_code = <<<TUMBLR
// Share on Tumlr
var d = document,
w = window,
enc = encodeURIComponent,
share = 'tumblr',
e = w.getSelection,
k = d.getSelection,
x = d.selection,
s = (e ? e() : (k) ? k() : (x ? x.createRange().text : 0)),
s2 = ((s.toString() == '') ? s : '%20%22' + enc(s) + '%22'),
f = '$base_bookmarklet',
l = d.location.href,
ups = l.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ )[0],
ur = l.split(new RegExp(ups))[1],
ups = ups.split(/\:/),
p = '?up=' + enc(ups[0]+':') + '&us=' + enc(ups[1]) + '&ur='+enc(ur) + '&t=' + enc(d.title) + '&s=' + s2 + '&share=tumblr',
u = f + p;
try {
throw ('ozhismygod');
} catch (z) {
a = function () {
if (!w.open(u,'Share','width=450,height=450,left=430','_blank')) l = u;
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) setTimeout(a, 0);
else a();
yourls_bookmarklet_link( yourls_make_bookmarklet( $js_code ), yourls__( 'YOURLS &amp; Tumblr' ) );
<?php yourls_do_action( 'social_bookmarklet_buttons_after' ); ?>
<h2><?php yourls_e( 'Prefix-n-Shorten' ); ?></h2>
<p><?php yourls_se( "When viewing a page, you can also prefix its full URL: just head to your browser's address bar, add \"<span>%s</span>\" to the beginning of the current URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter.", preg_replace('@https?://@', '', YOURLS_SITE) . '/' ); ?></p>
yourls_e( 'Note: this will probably not work if your web server is running on Windows' );
if( yourls_is_windows() )
yourls_e( ' (which seems to be the case here)' );
<?php if( yourls_is_private() ) { ?>
<h2><?php yourls_e( 'Secure passwordless API call' ); ?></h2>
yourls_e( 'YOURLS allows API calls the old fashioned way, using <tt>username</tt> and <tt>password</tt> parameters.' );
echo "\n";
yourls_e( "If you're worried about sending your credentials into the wild, you can also make API calls without using your login or your password, using a secret signature token." );
<p><?php yourls_se( 'Your secret signature token: <strong><code>%s</code></strong>', yourls_auth_signature() ); ?>
<?php yourls_e( "(It's a secret. Keep it secret) "); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'This signature token can only be used with the API, not with the admin interface.' ); ?></p>
<li><h3><?php yourls_e( 'Usage of the signature token' ); ?></h3>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Simply use parameter <tt>signature</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?></p>
<p><code><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?signature=<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>&action=...</code></p>
<li><h3><?php yourls_e( 'Usage of a time limited signature token' ); ?></h3>
$timestamp = time();
<tt>// <?php yourls_e( 'actual value:' ); ?> $time = <?php $time = time(); echo $time; ?></tt>
$signature = md5( $timestamp . '<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>' );
<tt>// <?php yourls_e( 'actual value:' ); ?> $signature = "<?php $sign = md5( $time. yourls_auth_signature() ); echo $sign; ?>"</tt>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Now use parameters <tt>signature</tt> and <tt>timestamp</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?></p>
<p><code><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<strong>$timestamp</strong>&signature=<strong>$signature</strong>&action=...</code></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Actual values:' ); ?><br/>
<tt><?php echo YOURLS_SITE; ?>/yourls-api.php?timestamp=<?php echo $time; ?>&signature=<?php echo $sign; ?>&action=...</tt></p>
<p><?php yourls_se( 'This URL would be valid for only %s seconds', YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_se( 'See the <a href="%s">API documentation</a> for more', YOURLS_SITE . '/readme.html#API' ); ?></p>
<?php } // end is private ?>
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>

admin/upgrade.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,88 +1,86 @@
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
define( 'YOURLS_NO_UPGRADE_CHECK', true ); // Bypass version checking to prevent loop
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-upgrade.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-install.php' );
yourls_html_head( 'upgrade', 'Upgrade YOURLS' );
<h2>Upgrade YOURLS</h2>
// Check if upgrade is needed
if ( !yourls_upgrade_is_needed() ) {
echo '<p>Upgrade not required. Go <a href="'.yourls_admin_url('index.php').'">back to play</a>!</p>';
} else {
step 1: create new tables and populate them, update old tables structure,
step 2: convert each row of outdated tables if needed
step 3: - if applicable finish updating outdated tables (indexes etc)
- update version & db_version in options, this is all done!
// From what are we upgrading?
if ( isset( $_GET['oldver'] ) && isset( $_GET['oldsql'] ) ) {
$oldver = yourls_sanitize_version( $_GET['oldver'] );
$oldsql = yourls_sanitize_version( $_GET['oldsql'] );
} else {
list( $oldver, $oldsql ) = yourls_get_current_version_from_sql();
// To what are we upgrading ?
// Verbose & ugly details
$ydb->show_errors = true;
// Let's go
$step = ( isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? intval( $_GET['step'] ) : 0 );
switch( $step ) {
case 0:
echo "
<p>Your current installation needs to be upgraded.</p>
<p>Please, pretty please, it is recommended that
you <strong>backup</strong> your database<br/>(you should do this regularly anyway)</p>
<p>Nothing awful <em>should</em> happen, but this doesn't mean it <em>won't</em> happen, right? ;)</p>
<p>On every step, if <span class='error'>something goes wrong</span>, you'll see a message and hopefully a way to fix</p>
<p>If everything goes too fast and you cannot read, <span class='success'>good for you</span>, let it go :)</p>
<p>Once you are ready, press Upgrade!</p>
<form action='upgrade.php?' method='get'>
<input type='hidden' name='step' value='1' />
<input type='hidden' name='oldver' value='$oldver' />
<input type='hidden' name='newver' value='$newver' />
<input type='hidden' name='oldsql' value='$oldsql' />
<input type='hidden' name='newsql' value='$newsql' />
<input type='submit' class='primary' value='Upgrade' />
case 1:
case 2:
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade( $step, $oldver, $newver, $oldsql, $newsql );
case 3:
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade( 3, $oldver, $newver, $oldsql, $newsql );
$admin = yourls_admin_url('index.php');
echo "
<p>Your installation is now up to date !</p>
<p>Go back to <a href='$admin'>the admin interface</a></p>
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>
define( 'YOURLS_ADMIN', true );
define( 'YOURLS_UPGRADING', true );
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-upgrade.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-install.php' );
yourls_html_head( 'upgrade', yourls__( 'Upgrade YOURLS' ) );
<h2><?php yourls_e( 'Upgrade YOURLS' ); ?></h2>
// Check if upgrade is needed
if ( !yourls_upgrade_is_needed() ) {
echo '<p>' . yourls_s( 'Upgrade not required. Go <a href="%s">back to play</a>!', yourls_admin_url('index.php') ) . '</p>';
} else {
step 1: create new tables and populate them, update old tables structure,
step 2: convert each row of outdated tables if needed
step 3: - if applicable finish updating outdated tables (indexes etc)
- update version & db_version in options, this is all done!
// From what are we upgrading?
if ( isset( $_GET['oldver'] ) && isset( $_GET['oldsql'] ) ) {
$oldver = yourls_sanitize_version( $_GET['oldver'] );
$oldsql = yourls_sanitize_version( $_GET['oldsql'] );
} else {
list( $oldver, $oldsql ) = yourls_get_current_version_from_sql();
// To what are we upgrading ?
// Verbose & ugly details
$ydb->show_errors = true;
// Let's go
$step = ( isset( $_GET['step'] ) ? intval( $_GET['step'] ) : 0 );
switch( $step ) {
case 0:
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Your current installation needs to be upgraded.' ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Please, pretty please, it is recommended that you <strong>backup</strong> your database<br/>(you should do this regularly anyway)' ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( "Nothing awful <em>should</em> happen, but this doesn't mean it <em>won't</em> happen, right? ;)" ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( "On every step, if <span class='error'>something goes wrong</span>, you'll see a message and hopefully a way to fix." ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'If everything goes too fast and you cannot read, <span class="success">good for you</span>, let it go :)' ); ?></p>
<p><?php yourls_e( 'Once you are ready, press "Upgrade" !' ); ?></p>
echo "
<form action='upgrade.php?' method='get'>
<input type='hidden' name='step' value='1' />
<input type='hidden' name='oldver' value='$oldver' />
<input type='hidden' name='newver' value='$newver' />
<input type='hidden' name='oldsql' value='$oldsql' />
<input type='hidden' name='newsql' value='$newsql' />
<input type='submit' class='primary' value='" . yourls_esc_attr__( 'Upgrade' ) . "' />
case 1:
case 2:
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade( $step, $oldver, $newver, $oldsql, $newsql );
case 3:
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade( 3, $oldver, $newver, $oldsql, $newsql );
echo '<p>' . yourls__( 'Your installation is now up to date ! ' ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . yourls_s( 'Go back to <a href="%s">the admin interface</a>', yourls_admin_url('index.php') ) . '</p>';
<?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>

composer.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "yourls/yourls",
"description": "Your Own URL Shortener",
"keywords": [
"short url",
"homepage": "http://yourls.org",
"license": "MIT"

css/cal.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
/* Calendar */
.datepicker { border-collapse: collapse; border: 2px solid #999; position: absolute; }
.datepicker tr.controls th { height: 22px; font-size: 11px; }
.datepicker select { font-size: 11px; }
.datepicker tr.days th { height: 18px; }
.datepicker tfoot td { height: 18px; text-align: center; text-transform: capitalize; }
.datepicker th, .datepicker tfoot td { background: #eee; font: 10px/18px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
.datepicker th span, .datepicker tfoot td span { font-weight: bold; }
.datepicker tbody td { width: 24px; height: 24px; border: 1px solid #ccc; font: 11px/22px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center; background: #fff; }
.datepicker tbody td.date { cursor: pointer; }
.datepicker tbody td.date.over { background-color: #99ffff; }
.datepicker tbody td.date.chosen { font-weight: bold; background-color: #ccffcc; }
/* Form defaults */
/* Calendar */
.datepicker { border-collapse: collapse; border: 2px solid #999; position: absolute; width: 215px }
.datepicker tr.controls th { height: 22px; font-size: 11px; }
.datepicker select { font-size: 11px; }
.datepicker tr.days th { height: 18px; }
.datepicker tfoot td { height: 18px; text-align: center; text-transform: capitalize; }
.datepicker th, .datepicker tfoot td { background: #eee; font: 10px/18px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
.datepicker th span, .datepicker tfoot td span { font-weight: bold; }
.datepicker tbody td { width: 24px; height: 24px; border: 1px solid #ccc; font: 11px/22px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center; background: #fff; }
.datepicker tbody td.date { cursor: pointer; }
.datepicker tbody td.date.over { background-color: #99ffff; }
.datepicker tbody td.date.chosen { font-weight: bold; background-color: #ccffcc; }
/* Form defaults */
#date_and, #date_second {display:none}

css/infos.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,113 +1,116 @@
h3 span.label {
ul.toggle_display {
padding:12px 5px 3px;
border-bottom:1px solid #C7E7FF;
ul.toggle_display li {
#tabs ul#headers li, #tabs ul#headers li h2, #stats_lines li{
display: inline;
margin-right: 10px;
#tabs ul#headers {
border-bottom:1px solid #E3F3FF;
padding:12px 5px 3px 5px;
.wrap_unfloat {
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border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
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padding:10px 5px 5px 15px;
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#tabs ul#headers li a.selected {
border-bottom:2px solid #fff;
#tabs ul#headers li a.selected:hover {
#stats_lines li a {
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-webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
padding:3px 10px;
border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
#stats_lines li a:hover {
#stats_lines li a.selected {
border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
border-bottom:1px solid white;
#stats_lines li a.selected:hover {
.tab {
li#sites_various { padding-left:22px; padding-top:4px;}
li.sites_list img, #longurl img {width:16px; height: 16px; display:inline-block;}
#referrer_cell { min-width: 300px;}
#details_clicks li.bestday {
ul.no_bullet {
list-style-type: none;
ul.no_bullet li {
#historical_clicks {
#historical_clicks li {
padding:2px 10px;
#historical_clicks li:hover {
background:#C7E7FF !important;
#historical_clicks span.historical_link {
#historical_clicks span.historical_count {
h3 span.label {
ul.toggle_display {
padding:12px 5px 3px;
border-bottom:1px solid #C7E7FF;
ul.toggle_display li {
#tabs ul#headers li, #tabs ul#headers li h2, #stats_lines li{
display: inline;
margin-right: 10px;
#tabs ul#headers {
border-bottom:1px solid #E3F3FF;
padding:12px 5px 3px 5px;
.wrap_unfloat {
#tabs ul#headers li a {
border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
padding:10px 5px 5px 15px;
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#tabs ul#headers li a.selected {
border-bottom:2px solid #fff;
#tabs ul#headers li a.selected:hover {
#stats_lines li a {
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
border-radius:10px 10px 0 0;
padding:3px 10px;
border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
#stats_lines li a:hover {
#stats_lines li a.selected {
border:1px solid #C7E7FF;
border-bottom:1px solid white;
#stats_lines li a.selected:hover {
.tab {
li#sites_various { padding-left:22px; padding-top:4px;}
li.sites_list img, #longurl img {width:16px; height: 16px; display:inline-block;}
#referrer_cell { min-width: 300px;}
#details_clicks li.bestday, #details_clicks li span.best_month, #details_clicks li span.best_year {
ul.no_bullet {
list-style-type: none;
ul.no_bullet li {
#historical_clicks {
#historical_clicks li {
padding:2px 10px;
#historical_clicks li:hover {
background:#C7E7FF !important;
#historical_clicks span.historical_link {
#historical_clicks span.historical_count {
word-break: break-all;

css/palette.png Normal file → Executable file
View File


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB

css/share.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,65 +1,64 @@
#shareboxes, #tweet {
div.share {
border:2px solid #88c0eb;
padding:0 1em;
#copybox {
#sharebox {
#tweet_body {
#charcount {
#charcount.negative {
#share_links a {
padding:0 12px 0 18px;
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background-position:2px center;
#share_tw {background:transparent url(../images/twitter.png) left center no-repeat;}
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#share_ff {background:transparent url(../images/friendfeed.png) left center no-repeat;}
background:transparent url(../images/copy.png) 130% center no-repeat;
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#shareboxes, #tweet {
div.share {
border:2px solid #88c0eb;
padding:0 1em;
#copybox {
#sharebox {
#tweet_body {
#charcount {
#charcount.negative {
#share_links a {
padding:0 12px 0 18px;
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background-position:2px center;
#share_tw {background:transparent url(../images/twitter.png) left center no-repeat;}
#share_fb {background:transparent url(../images/facebook.png) left center no-repeat;}
background:transparent url(../images/copy.png) 130% center no-repeat;
#copylink:hover, #copylink.hover {
background-position:100% 50%;

css/style.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,330 +1,330 @@
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td.url small a{
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td.actions .button_stats {
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color: red;
.warning {
color: orange;
.success {
color: green;
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#login ul.success li {
background:transparent url(../images/accept.png) top left no-repeat;
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ul#admin_menu li:hover {
code {
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tt {
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input, textarea {
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font-size: 10px;
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font-weight: bold;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid #88c0eb;
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input.text:focus, textarea:focus {
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tr.edit-row td {
background:#e3f3ff !important;
#new_url {
border:1px solid #CDCDCD;
#new_url div {
#new_url_form {
#new_url #feedback {
margin:0px 25%;
border:1px solid #ff8;
#new_url #feedback .fail {
#add-url {width:400px}
td.url small a{
body.desktop td.actions input,body.desktop td.actions a {
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font-size: 10px;
color: #595441;
font-weight: bold;
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border: 1px solid #88c0eb;
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td.actions .button_delete {
background:transparent url(../images/delete.png) 2px center no-repeat;
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background:transparent url(../images/chart_bar.png) 2px center no-repeat;
#main_table tfoot th, #main_table tfoot th div {
.error {
color: red;
.warning {
color: orange;
.success {
color: green;
#login {
width: 300px;
margin: 200px auto 0px auto;
#login p{
font-weight: bold;
#login .text {
width: 100%;
#login ul {
#login ul li {
padding:0 0 5px 20px;
#login ul.error li {
background:transparent url(../images/cancel.png) top left no-repeat;
#login ul.warning li {
background:transparent url(../images/error.png) top left no-repeat;
#login ul.success li {
background:transparent url(../images/accept.png) top left no-repeat;
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background:transparent url("../images/error.png") no-repeat left center;
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background:transparent url("../images/accept.png") no-repeat left center;
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tr.plugin.active a{ font-weight:bolder;}
body.desktop tr.plugin td.plugin_desc small{ visibility:hidden;}
tr:hover.plugin td.plugin_desc small{ visibility:visible;}

css/tablesorter.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,92 +1,104 @@
/* jQuery Table Sorter */
table.tblSorter {
font-family:Verdana, Arial;
background-color: #CDCDCD;
margin:10px 0px 0px;
font-size: 8pt;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
table.tblSorter thead tr th, table.tblSorter tfoot tr th, table.tblSorter th.header {
background-color: #C7E7FF;
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padding: 4px;
table.tblSorter tfoot tr th {
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table.tblSorter tbody td {
color: #3D3D3D;
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table.tblSorter tbody tr.even td {
table.tblSorter tbody tr.odd td {
table.tblSorter thead tr .headerSortUp {
background-image: url('../images/desc.gif');
table.tblSorter thead tr .headerSortDown {
background-image: url('../images/asc.gif');
table.tblSorter thead tr .headerSortDown, table.tblSorter thead tr .headerSortUp {
background-color: #88c0eb;
table.tblSorter tfoot tr {
background-color: #BCD9E8;
.navigation .nav_total{
.navigation .nav_link a, .navigation .nav_current {
border:1px solid #CDCDCD;
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padding:2px 1px;
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.navigation .nav_first a, .navigation .nav_last a {
padding:2px 2px;
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.navigation .nav_link a:hover {
border:1px solid #BCD9E8;
/* jQuery Table Sorter */
table.tblSorter {
font-family:Verdana, Arial;
background-color: #CDCDCD;
margin:10px 0px 0px;
font-size: 8pt;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
table.tblSorter thead tr th, table.tblSorter tfoot tr th, table.tblSorter th.header {
background-color: #C7E7FF;
border: 1px solid #FFF;
font-size: 8pt;
padding: 4px;
table.tblSorter tfoot tr th {
background-color: #E3F3FF;
table.tblSorter thead tr .tablesorter-header {
background-image: url('../images/bg.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;
cursor: pointer;
table.tblSorter thead tr .sorter-false {
background-image: none;
table.tblSorter tbody td {
color: #3D3D3D;
padding: 4px;
background-color: #FFF;
vertical-align: top;
table.tblSorter tbody tr.normal-row td {
background: #F1F9FF;
table.tblSorter tbody tr.alt-row td {
table.tblSorter tbody tr.normal-row:hover td {
table.tblSorter tbody tr.alt-row:hover td {
table.tblSorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerDesc {
background-image: url('../images/desc.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;
table.tblSorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerAsc {
background-image: url('../images/asc.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;
table.tblSorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerAsc, table.tblSorter thead tr .tablesorter-headerDesc {
background-color: #91C7F2;
table.tblSorter tfoot tr {
background-color: #BCD9E8;
.navigation .nav_total{
.navigation .nav_link a, .navigation .nav_current {
border:1px solid #CDCDCD;
margin:0px 2px;
padding:2px 1px;
.navigation .nav_current {
.navigation .nav_first a, .navigation .nav_last a {
padding:2px 2px;
.navigation .nav_prev:before, .navigation .nav_next:after {
.navigation .nav_link a:hover {
border:1px solid #BCD9E8;

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
* BookmarkletGen : converts readable Javascript code into a bookmarklet link
* Features :
* - removes comments
* - compresses code, not literal strings
* Example:
* function someName( param ) { alert( "this is a string" ) }
* will return:
* function%20someName(param){alert("this is a string")}
* - wraps code into a self invoking function
* This is basically a slightly enhanced PHP port of the excellent Bookmarklet Crunchinator
* http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/bookmarklet.html
class BookmarkletGen {
private $literal_strings = array();
private function __construct__() {}
* Main function, calls all others
* @param string $code Javascript code to bookmarkletify
* @return string Bookmarklet link
public function crunch( $code ) {
$out = $code = "(function() {\n" . $code . "\n})();";
$out = $this->replace_strings( $out );
$out = $this->kill_comments( $out );
$out = $this->compress_white_space( $out );
$out = $this->combine_strings( $out );
$out = $this->restore_strings( $out );
$out = $this->encodeURIComponent( $out );
$out = 'javascript:' . $out;
return $out;
* PHP port of Javascript function encodeURIComponent
* From http://stackoverflow.com/a/1734255/36850
* @since
* @param string $str String to encode
* @return string Encoded string
private function encodeURIComponent( $str ) {
$revert = array(
'%21'=>'!', '%2A'=>'*', '%28'=>'(', '%29'=>')',
return strtr( rawurlencode( $str ), $revert );
* Kill comment lines and blocks
* @param string $code Commented Javascript code
* @return string Commentless code
private function kill_comments( $code ) {
$code = preg_replace( '!\s*//.+$!m', '', $code );
$code = preg_replace( '!/\*.+?\*/!sm', '', $code ); // s modifier: dot matches new lines
return $code;
* Compress white space
* Remove some extraneous spaces and make the whole script a one liner
* @param string $code Javascript code
* @return string Compressed code
private function compress_white_space( $code ) {
// Tabs to space, no more than 1 consecutive space
$code = preg_replace( '!\t!m', ' ', $code );
$code = preg_replace( '![ ]{2,}!m', ' ', $code );
// Remove uneccessary white space around operators, braces and brackets.
// \xHH sequence is: !%&()*+,-/:;<=>?[]\{|}~
$code = preg_replace( '/\s([\x21\x25\x26\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2f\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e])/m', "$1", $code );
$code = preg_replace( '/([\x21\x25\x26\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2f\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e])\s/m', "$1", $code );
// Split on each line, trim leading/trailing white space, kill empty lines, combine everything in one line
$code = preg_split( '/\r\n|\r|\n/', $code );
foreach( $code as $i => $line ) {
$code[ $i ] = trim( $line );
$code = implode( '', $code );
return $code;
* Combine any consecutive strings
* In the case we have two consecutive quoted strings (eg: "hello" + "world"), save a couple more
* length and combine them
* @param string $code Javascript code
* @return string Javascript code
private function combine_strings( $code ) {
$code = preg_replace('/"\+"/m', "", $code);
$code = preg_replace("/'\+'/m", "", $code);
return $code;
* Replace all literal strings (eg: "hello world") with a placeholder and collect them in an array
* The idea is that strings cannot be trimmed or white-space optimized: take them out first before uglifying
* the code, then we'll reinject them back in later
* @param string $code Javascript code
* @return string Javascript code with placeholders (eg "__1__") instead of literal strings
private function replace_strings( $code ) {
$return = "";
// Split script into individual lines.
$lines = explode("\n", $code);
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $lines ); $i++ ) {
$j = 0;
$inQuote = false;
while ($j < strlen( $lines[$i] ) ) {
$c = $lines[ $i ][ $j ];
// If not already in a string, look for the start of one.
if (!$inQuote) {
if ($c == '"' || $c == "'") {
$inQuote = true;
$escaped = false;
$quoteChar = $c;
$literal = $c;
$return .= $c;
// Already in a string, look for end and copy characters.
else {
if ($c == $quoteChar && !$escaped) {
$inQuote = false;
$literal .= $quoteChar;
$return .= "__" . count( $this->literal_strings ) . "__";
$this->literal_strings[ count( $this->literal_strings ) ] = $literal;
else if ($c == "\\" && !$escaped)
$escaped = true;
$escaped = false;
$literal .= $c;
$return .= "\n";
return $return;
* Restore literal strings by replacing their placeholders with actual strings
* @param string $code Javascript code with placeholders
* @return string Javascript code with actual strings
function restore_strings( $code ) {
foreach( $this->literal_strings as $i => $string ) {
$code = preg_replace( '/__' . $i . '__/', $string, $code, 1 );
return $code;

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Bookmarklet Gen
Convert readable Javascript code into bookmarklet links
Home: https://github.com/ozh/bookmarkletgen

includes/Requests/README.md Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Requests for PHP
**Requests** is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly
based on the API from the excellent [Requests Python
library](http://python-requests.org/). **Requests** is [ISC
Licensed](https://github.com/rmccue/Requests/blob/master/LICENSE) (similar to
the new BSD license) and has no dependencies, except for PHP 5.2+.
**Requests** can be found here : https://github.com/rmccue/Requests

includes/Requests/Requests.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
* Requests for PHP
* Inspired by Requests for Python.
* Based on concepts from SimplePie_File, RequestCore and WP_Http.
* @package Requests
* Requests for PHP
* Inspired by Requests for Python.
* Based on concepts from SimplePie_File, RequestCore and WP_Http.
* @package Requests
class Requests {
* POST method
* @var string
const POST = 'POST';
* PUT method
* @var string
const PUT = 'PUT';
* GET method
* @var string
const GET = 'GET';
* HEAD method
* @var string
const HEAD = 'HEAD';
* DELETE method
* @var string
const DELETE = 'DELETE';
* OPTIONS method
* @var string
* TRACE method
* @var string
const TRACE = 'TRACE';
* PATCH method
* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789
* @var string
const PATCH = 'PATCH';
* Default size of buffer size to read streams
* @var integer
const BUFFER_SIZE = 1160;
* Current version of Requests
* @var string
const VERSION = '1.6';
* Registered transport classes
* @var array
protected static $transports = array();
* Selected transport name
* Use {@see get_transport()} instead
* @var array
public static $transport = array();
* This is a static class, do not instantiate it
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function __construct() {}
* Autoloader for Requests
* Register this with {@see register_autoloader()} if you'd like to avoid
* having to create your own.
* (You can also use `spl_autoload_register` directly if you'd prefer.)
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $class Class name to load
public static function autoloader($class) {
// Check that the class starts with "Requests"
if (strpos($class, 'Requests') !== 0) {
$file = str_replace('_', '/', $class);
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $file . '.php')) {
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $file . '.php');
* Register the built-in autoloader
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public static function register_autoloader() {
spl_autoload_register(array('Requests', 'autoloader'));
* Register a transport
* @param string $transport Transport class to add, must support the Requests_Transport interface
public static function add_transport($transport) {
if (empty(self::$transports)) {
self::$transports = array(
self::$transports = array_merge(self::$transports, array($transport));
* Get a working transport
* @throws Requests_Exception If no valid transport is found (`notransport`)
* @return Requests_Transport
protected static function get_transport($capabilities = array()) {
// Caching code, don't bother testing coverage
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// array of capabilities as a string to be used as an array key
$cap_string = serialize($capabilities);
// Don't search for a transport if it's already been done for these $capabilities
if (isset(self::$transport[$cap_string]) && self::$transport[$cap_string] !== null) {
return new self::$transport[$cap_string]();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if (empty(self::$transports)) {
self::$transports = array(
// Find us a working transport
foreach (self::$transports as $class) {
if (!class_exists($class)) {
$result = call_user_func(array($class, 'test'), $capabilities);
if ($result) {
self::$transport[$cap_string] = $class;
if (self::$transport[$cap_string] === null) {
throw new Requests_Exception('No working transports found', 'notransport', self::$transports);
return new self::$transport[$cap_string]();
* @see request()
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options
* @return Requests_Response
* Send a GET request
public static function get($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, null, self::GET, $options);
* Send a HEAD request
public static function head($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, null, self::HEAD, $options);
* Send a DELETE request
public static function delete($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, null, self::DELETE, $options);
* Send a TRACE request
public static function trace($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, null, self::TRACE, $options);
* @see request()
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param array $data
* @param array $options
* @return Requests_Response
* Send a POST request
public static function post($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, $data, self::POST, $options);
* Send a PUT request
public static function put($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, $data, self::PUT, $options);
* Send an OPTIONS request
public static function options($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, $data, self::OPTIONS, $options);
* Send a PATCH request
* Note: Unlike {@see post} and {@see put}, `$headers` is required, as the
* specification recommends that should send an ETag
* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789
public static function patch($url, $headers, $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return self::request($url, $headers, $data, self::PATCH, $options);
* Main interface for HTTP requests
* This method initiates a request and sends it via a transport before
* parsing.
* The `$options` parameter takes an associative array with the following
* options:
* - `timeout`: How long should we wait for a response?
* (float, seconds with a millisecond precision, default: 10, example: 0.01)
* - `connect_timeout`: How long should we wait while trying to connect?
* (float, seconds with a millisecond precision, default: 10, example: 0.01)
* - `useragent`: Useragent to send to the server
* (string, default: php-requests/$version)
* - `follow_redirects`: Should we follow 3xx redirects?
* (boolean, default: true)
* - `redirects`: How many times should we redirect before erroring?
* (integer, default: 10)
* - `blocking`: Should we block processing on this request?
* (boolean, default: true)
* - `filename`: File to stream the body to instead.
* (string|boolean, default: false)
* - `auth`: Authentication handler or array of user/password details to use
* for Basic authentication
* (Requests_Auth|array|boolean, default: false)
* - `proxy`: Proxy details to use for proxy by-passing and authentication
* (Requests_Proxy|array|boolean, default: false)
* - `max_bytes`: Limit for the response body size.
* (integer|boolean, default: false)
* - `idn`: Enable IDN parsing
* (boolean, default: true)
* - `transport`: Custom transport. Either a class name, or a
* transport object. Defaults to the first working transport from
* {@see getTransport()}
* (string|Requests_Transport, default: {@see getTransport()})
* - `hooks`: Hooks handler.
* (Requests_Hooker, default: new Requests_Hooks())
* - `verify`: Should we verify SSL certificates? Allows passing in a custom
* certificate file as a string. (Using true uses the system-wide root
* certificate store instead, but this may have different behaviour
* across transports.)
* (string|boolean, default: library/Requests/Transport/cacert.pem)
* - `verifyname`: Should we verify the common name in the SSL certificate?
* (boolean: default, true)
* - `data_format`: How should we send the `$data` parameter?
* (string, one of 'query' or 'body', default: 'query' for
* @throws Requests_Exception On invalid URLs (`nonhttp`)
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Extra headers to send with the request
* @param array|null $data Data to send either as a query string for GET/HEAD requests, or in the body for POST requests
* @param string $type HTTP request type (use Requests constants)
* @param array $options Options for the request (see description for more information)
* @return Requests_Response
public static function request($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $type = self::GET, $options = array()) {
if (empty($options['type'])) {
$options['type'] = $type;
$options = array_merge(self::get_default_options(), $options);
self::set_defaults($url, $headers, $data, $type, $options);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('requests.before_request', array(&$url, &$headers, &$data, &$type, &$options));
if (!empty($options['transport'])) {
$transport = $options['transport'];
if (is_string($options['transport'])) {
$transport = new $transport();
else {
$need_ssl = (0 === stripos($url, 'https://'));
$capabilities = array('ssl' => $need_ssl);
$transport = self::get_transport($capabilities);
$response = $transport->request($url, $headers, $data, $options);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('requests.before_parse', array(&$response, $url, $headers, $data, $type, $options));
return self::parse_response($response, $url, $headers, $data, $options);
* Send multiple HTTP requests simultaneously
* The `$requests` parameter takes an associative or indexed array of
* request fields. The key of each request can be used to match up the
* request with the returned data, or with the request passed into your
* `multiple.request.complete` callback.
* The request fields value is an associative array with the following keys:
* - `url`: Request URL Same as the `$url` parameter to
* {@see Requests::request}
* (string, required)
* - `headers`: Associative array of header fields. Same as the `$headers`
* parameter to {@see Requests::request}
* (array, default: `array()`)
* - `data`: Associative array of data fields or a string. Same as the
* `$data` parameter to {@see Requests::request}
* (array|string, default: `array()`)
* - `type`: HTTP request type (use Requests constants). Same as the `$type`
* parameter to {@see Requests::request}
* (string, default: `Requests::GET`)
* - `cookies`: Associative array of cookie name to value, or cookie jar.
* (array|Requests_Cookie_Jar)
* If the `$options` parameter is specified, individual requests will
* inherit options from it. This can be used to use a single hooking system,
* or set all the types to `Requests::POST`, for example.
* In addition, the `$options` parameter takes the following global options:
* - `complete`: A callback for when a request is complete. Takes two
* parameters, a Requests_Response/Requests_Exception reference, and the
* ID from the request array (Note: this can also be overridden on a
* per-request basis, although that's a little silly)
* (callback)
* @param array $requests Requests data (see description for more information)
* @param array $options Global and default options (see {@see Requests::request})
* @return array Responses (either Requests_Response or a Requests_Exception object)
public static function request_multiple($requests, $options = array()) {
$options = array_merge(self::get_default_options(true), $options);
if (!empty($options['hooks'])) {
$options['hooks']->register('transport.internal.parse_response', array('Requests', 'parse_multiple'));
if (!empty($options['complete'])) {
$options['hooks']->register('multiple.request.complete', $options['complete']);
foreach ($requests as $id => &$request) {
if (!isset($request['headers'])) {
$request['headers'] = array();
if (!isset($request['data'])) {
$request['data'] = array();
if (!isset($request['type'])) {
$request['type'] = self::GET;
if (!isset($request['options'])) {
$request['options'] = $options;
$request['options']['type'] = $request['type'];
else {
if (empty($request['options']['type'])) {
$request['options']['type'] = $request['type'];
$request['options'] = array_merge($options, $request['options']);
self::set_defaults($request['url'], $request['headers'], $request['data'], $request['type'], $request['options']);
// Ensure we only hook in once
if ($request['options']['hooks'] !== $options['hooks']) {
$request['options']['hooks']->register('transport.internal.parse_response', array('Requests', 'parse_multiple'));
if (!empty($request['options']['complete'])) {
$request['options']['hooks']->register('multiple.request.complete', $request['options']['complete']);
if (!empty($options['transport'])) {
$transport = $options['transport'];
if (is_string($options['transport'])) {
$transport = new $transport();
else {
$transport = self::get_transport();
$responses = $transport->request_multiple($requests, $options);
foreach ($responses as $id => &$response) {
// If our hook got messed with somehow, ensure we end up with the
// correct response
if (is_string($response)) {
$request = $requests[$id];
self::parse_multiple($response, $request);
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('multiple.request.complete', array(&$response, $id));
return $responses;
* Get the default options
* @see Requests::request() for values returned by this method
* @param boolean $multirequest Is this a multirequest?
* @return array Default option values
protected static function get_default_options($multirequest = false) {
$defaults = array(
'timeout' => 10,
'connect_timeout' => 10,
'useragent' => 'php-requests/' . self::VERSION,
'protocol_version' => 1.1,
'redirected' => 0,
'redirects' => 10,
'follow_redirects' => true,
'blocking' => true,
'type' => self::GET,
'filename' => false,
'auth' => false,
'proxy' => false,
'cookies' => false,
'max_bytes' => false,
'idn' => true,
'hooks' => null,
'transport' => null,
'verify' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Requests/Transport/cacert.pem',
'verifyname' => true,
if ($multirequest !== false) {
$defaults['complete'] = null;
return $defaults;
* Set the default values
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Extra headers to send with the request
* @param array|null $data Data to send either as a query string for GET/HEAD requests, or in the body for POST requests
* @param string $type HTTP request type
* @param array $options Options for the request
* @return array $options
protected static function set_defaults(&$url, &$headers, &$data, &$type, &$options) {
if (!preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $url, $matches)) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Only HTTP(S) requests are handled.', 'nonhttp', $url);
if (empty($options['hooks'])) {
$options['hooks'] = new Requests_Hooks();
if (is_array($options['auth'])) {
$options['auth'] = new Requests_Auth_Basic($options['auth']);
if ($options['auth'] !== false) {
if (!empty($options['proxy'])) {
$options['proxy'] = new Requests_Proxy_HTTP($options['proxy']);
if ($options['proxy'] !== false) {
if (is_array($options['cookies'])) {
$options['cookies'] = new Requests_Cookie_Jar($options['cookies']);
elseif (empty($options['cookies'])) {
$options['cookies'] = new Requests_Cookie_Jar();
if ($options['cookies'] !== false) {
if ($options['idn'] !== false) {
$iri = new Requests_IRI($url);
$iri->host = Requests_IDNAEncoder::encode($iri->ihost);
$url = $iri->uri;
if (!isset($options['data_format'])) {
if (in_array($type, array(self::HEAD, self::GET, self::DELETE))) {
$options['data_format'] = 'query';
else {
$options['data_format'] = 'body';
* HTTP response parser
* @throws Requests_Exception On missing head/body separator (`requests.no_crlf_separator`)
* @throws Requests_Exception On missing head/body separator (`noversion`)
* @throws Requests_Exception On missing head/body separator (`toomanyredirects`)
* @param string $headers Full response text including headers and body
* @param string $url Original request URL
* @param array $req_headers Original $headers array passed to {@link request()}, in case we need to follow redirects
* @param array $req_data Original $data array passed to {@link request()}, in case we need to follow redirects
* @param array $options Original $options array passed to {@link request()}, in case we need to follow redirects
* @return Requests_Response
protected static function parse_response($headers, $url, $req_headers, $req_data, $options) {
$return = new Requests_Response();
if (!$options['blocking']) {
return $return;
$return->raw = $headers;
$return->url = $url;
if (!$options['filename']) {
if (($pos = strpos($headers, "\r\n\r\n")) === false) {
// Crap!
throw new Requests_Exception('Missing header/body separator', 'requests.no_crlf_separator');
$headers = substr($return->raw, 0, $pos);
$return->body = substr($return->raw, $pos + strlen("\n\r\n\r"));
else {
$return->body = '';
// Pretend CRLF = LF for compatibility (RFC 2616, section 19.3)
$headers = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $headers);
// Unfold headers (replace [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) with SP) as per RFC 2616 (section 2.2)
$headers = preg_replace('/\n[ \t]/', ' ', $headers);
$headers = explode("\n", $headers);
preg_match('#^HTTP/(1\.\d)[ \t]+(\d+)#i', array_shift($headers), $matches);
if (empty($matches)) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Response could not be parsed', 'noversion', $headers);
$return->protocol_version = (float) $matches[1];
$return->status_code = (int) $matches[2];
if ($return->status_code >= 200 && $return->status_code < 300) {
$return->success = true;
foreach ($headers as $header) {
list($key, $value) = explode(':', $header, 2);
$value = trim($value);
preg_replace('#(\s+)#i', ' ', $value);
$return->headers[$key] = $value;
if (isset($return->headers['transfer-encoding'])) {
$return->body = self::decode_chunked($return->body);
if (isset($return->headers['content-encoding'])) {
$return->body = self::decompress($return->body);
//fsockopen and cURL compatibility
if (isset($return->headers['connection'])) {
$options['hooks']->dispatch('requests.before_redirect_check', array(&$return, $req_headers, $req_data, $options));
if ($return->is_redirect() && $options['follow_redirects'] === true) {
if (isset($return->headers['location']) && $options['redirected'] < $options['redirects']) {
if ($return->status_code === 303) {
$options['type'] = self::GET;
$location = $return->headers['location'];
if (strpos($location, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($location, 'https://') !== 0) {
// relative redirect, for compatibility make it absolute
$location = Requests_IRI::absolutize($url, $location);
$location = $location->uri;
$redirected = self::request($location, $req_headers, $req_data, $options['type'], $options);
$redirected->history[] = $return;
return $redirected;
elseif ($options['redirected'] >= $options['redirects']) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Too many redirects', 'toomanyredirects', $return);
$return->redirects = $options['redirected'];
$options['hooks']->dispatch('requests.after_request', array(&$return, $req_headers, $req_data, $options));
return $return;
* Callback for `transport.internal.parse_response`
* Internal use only. Converts a raw HTTP response to a Requests_Response
* while still executing a multiple request.
* @param string $response Full response text including headers and body (will be overwritten with Response instance)
* @param array $request Request data as passed into {@see Requests::request_multiple()}
* @return null `$response` is either set to a Requests_Response instance, or a Requests_Exception object
public static function parse_multiple(&$response, $request) {
try {
$url = $request['url'];
$headers = $request['headers'];
$data = $request['data'];
$options = $request['options'];
$response = self::parse_response($response, $url, $headers, $data, $options);
catch (Requests_Exception $e) {
$response = $e;
* Decoded a chunked body as per RFC 2616
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1
* @param string $data Chunked body
* @return string Decoded body
protected static function decode_chunked($data) {
if (!preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', trim($data))) {
return $data;
$decoded = '';
$encoded = $data;
while (true) {
$is_chunked = (bool) preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', $encoded, $matches);
if (!$is_chunked) {
// Looks like it's not chunked after all
return $data;
$length = hexdec(trim($matches[1]));
if ($length === 0) {
// Ignore trailer headers
return $decoded;
$chunk_length = strlen($matches[0]);
$decoded .= substr($encoded, $chunk_length, $length);
$encoded = substr($encoded, $chunk_length + $length + 2);
if (trim($encoded) === '0' || empty($encoded)) {
return $decoded;
// We'll never actually get down here
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Convert a key => value array to a 'key: value' array for headers
* @param array $array Dictionary of header values
* @return array List of headers
public static function flatten($array) {
$return = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$return[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $key, $value);
return $return;
* Convert a key => value array to a 'key: value' array for headers
* @deprecated Misspelling of {@see Requests::flatten}
* @param array $array Dictionary of header values
* @return array List of headers
public static function flattern($array) {
return self::flatten($array);
* Decompress an encoded body
* Implements gzip, compress and deflate. Guesses which it is by attempting
* to decode.
* @param string $data Compressed data in one of the above formats
* @return string Decompressed string
public static function decompress($data) {
if (substr($data, 0, 2) !== "\x1f\x8b" && substr($data, 0, 2) !== "\x78\x9c") {
// Not actually compressed. Probably cURL ruining this for us.
return $data;
if (function_exists('gzdecode') && ($decoded = @gzdecode($data)) !== false) {
return $decoded;
elseif (function_exists('gzinflate') && ($decoded = @gzinflate($data)) !== false) {
return $decoded;
elseif (($decoded = self::compatible_gzinflate($data)) !== false) {
return $decoded;
elseif (function_exists('gzuncompress') && ($decoded = @gzuncompress($data)) !== false) {
return $decoded;
return $data;
* Decompression of deflated string while staying compatible with the majority of servers.
* Certain Servers will return deflated data with headers which PHP's gzinflate()
* function cannot handle out of the box. The following function has been created from
* various snippets on the gzinflate() PHP documentation.
* Warning: Magic numbers within. Due to the potential different formats that the compressed
* data may be returned in, some "magic offsets" are needed to ensure proper decompression
* takes place. For a simple progmatic way to determine the magic offset in use, see:
* http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18273
* @since 2.8.1
* @link http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18273
* @link http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.gzinflate.php#70875
* @link http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.gzinflate.php#77336
* @param string $gzData String to decompress.
* @return string|bool False on failure.
public static function compatible_gzinflate($gzData) {
// Compressed data might contain a full zlib header, if so strip it for
// gzinflate()
if (substr($gzData, 0, 3) == "\x1f\x8b\x08") {
$i = 10;
$flg = ord(substr($gzData, 3, 1));
if ($flg > 0) {
if ($flg & 4) {
list($xlen) = unpack('v', substr($gzData, $i, 2));
$i = $i + 2 + $xlen;
if ($flg & 8) {
$i = strpos($gzData, "\0", $i) + 1;
if ($flg & 16) {
$i = strpos($gzData, "\0", $i) + 1;
if ($flg & 2) {
$i = $i + 2;
$decompressed = self::compatible_gzinflate(substr($gzData, $i));
if (false !== $decompressed) {
return $decompressed;
// If the data is Huffman Encoded, we must first strip the leading 2
// byte Huffman marker for gzinflate()
// The response is Huffman coded by many compressors such as
// java.util.zip.Deflater, Rubys Zlib::Deflate, and .NET's
// System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.
// See http://decompres.blogspot.com/ for a quick explanation of this
// data type
$huffman_encoded = false;
// low nibble of first byte should be 0x08
list(, $first_nibble) = unpack('h', $gzData);
// First 2 bytes should be divisible by 0x1F
list(, $first_two_bytes) = unpack('n', $gzData);
if (0x08 == $first_nibble && 0 == ($first_two_bytes % 0x1F)) {
$huffman_encoded = true;
if ($huffman_encoded) {
if (false !== ($decompressed = @gzinflate(substr($gzData, 2)))) {
return $decompressed;
if ("\x50\x4b\x03\x04" == substr($gzData, 0, 4)) {
// ZIP file format header
// Offset 6: 2 bytes, General-purpose field
// Offset 26: 2 bytes, filename length
// Offset 28: 2 bytes, optional field length
// Offset 30: Filename field, followed by optional field, followed
// immediately by data
list(, $general_purpose_flag) = unpack('v', substr($gzData, 6, 2));
// If the file has been compressed on the fly, 0x08 bit is set of
// the general purpose field. We can use this to differentiate
// between a compressed document, and a ZIP file
$zip_compressed_on_the_fly = (0x08 == (0x08 & $general_purpose_flag));
if (!$zip_compressed_on_the_fly) {
// Don't attempt to decode a compressed zip file
return $gzData;
// Determine the first byte of data, based on the above ZIP header
// offsets:
$first_file_start = array_sum(unpack('v2', substr($gzData, 26, 4)));
if (false !== ($decompressed = @gzinflate(substr($gzData, 30 + $first_file_start)))) {
return $decompressed;
return false;
// Finally fall back to straight gzinflate
if (false !== ($decompressed = @gzinflate($gzData))) {
return $decompressed;
// Fallback for all above failing, not expected, but included for
// debugging and preventing regressions and to track stats
if (false !== ($decompressed = @gzinflate(substr($gzData, 2)))) {
return $decompressed;
return false;
public static function match_domain($host, $reference) {
// Check for a direct match
if ($host === $reference) {
return true;
// Calculate the valid wildcard match if the host is not an IP address
// Also validates that the host has 3 parts or more, as per Firefox's
// ruleset.
$parts = explode('.', $host);
if (ip2long($host) === false && count($parts) >= 3) {
$parts[0] = '*';
$wildcard = implode('.', $parts);
if ($wildcard === $reference) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Authentication provider interface
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Authentication
* Authentication provider interface
* Implement this interface to act as an authentication provider.
* Parameters should be passed via the constructor where possible, as this
* makes it much easier for users to use your provider.
* @see Requests_Hooks
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Authentication
interface Requests_Auth {
* Register hooks as needed
* This method is called in {@see Requests::request} when the user has set
* an instance as the 'auth' option. Use this callback to register all the
* hooks you'll need.
* @see Requests_Hooks::register
* @param Requests_Hooks $hooks Hook system
public function register(Requests_Hooks &$hooks);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Basic Authentication provider
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Authentication
* Basic Authentication provider
* Provides a handler for Basic HTTP authentication via the Authorization
* header.
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Authentication
class Requests_Auth_Basic implements Requests_Auth {
* Username
* @var string
public $user;
* Password
* @var string
public $pass;
* Constructor
* @throws Requests_Exception On incorrect number of arguments (`authbasicbadargs`)
* @param array|null $args Array of user and password. Must have exactly two elements
public function __construct($args = null) {
if (is_array($args)) {
if (count($args) !== 2) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid number of arguments', 'authbasicbadargs');
list($this->user, $this->pass) = $args;
* Register the necessary callbacks
* @see curl_before_send
* @see fsockopen_header
* @param Requests_Hooks $hooks Hook system
public function register(Requests_Hooks &$hooks) {
$hooks->register('curl.before_send', array(&$this, 'curl_before_send'));
$hooks->register('fsockopen.after_headers', array(&$this, 'fsockopen_header'));
* Set cURL parameters before the data is sent
* @param resource $handle cURL resource
public function curl_before_send(&$handle) {
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->getAuthString());
* Add extra headers to the request before sending
* @param string $out HTTP header string
public function fsockopen_header(&$out) {
$out .= sprintf("Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", base64_encode($this->getAuthString()));
* Get the authentication string (user:pass)
* @return string
public function getAuthString() {
return $this->user . ':' . $this->pass;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
* Cookie storage object
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Cookies
* Cookie storage object
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Cookies
class Requests_Cookie {
* Cookie name.
* @var string
public $name;
* Cookie value.
* @var string
public $value;
* Cookie attributes
* Valid keys are (currently) path, domain, expires, max-age, secure and
* httponly.
* @var Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary|array Array-like object
public $attributes = array();
* Cookie flags
* Valid keys are (currently) creation, last-access, persistent and
* host-only.
* @var array
public $flags = array();
* Reference time for relative calculations
* This is used in place of `time()` when calculating Max-Age expiration and
* checking time validity.
* @var int
public $reference_time = 0;
* Create a new cookie object
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param array|Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary $attributes Associative array of attribute data
public function __construct($name, $value, $attributes = array(), $flags = array(), $reference_time = null) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$default_flags = array(
'creation' => time(),
'last-access' => time(),
'persistent' => false,
'host-only' => true,
$this->flags = array_merge($default_flags, $flags);
$this->reference_time = time();
if ($reference_time !== null) {
$this->reference_time = $reference_time;
* Check if a cookie is expired.
* Checks the age against $this->reference_time to determine if the cookie
* is expired.
* @return boolean True if expired, false if time is valid.
public function is_expired() {
// RFC6265, s.
// If a cookie has both the Max-Age and the Expires attribute, the Max-
// Age attribute has precedence and controls the expiration date of the
// cookie.
if (isset($this->attributes['max-age'])) {
$max_age = $this->attributes['max-age'];
return $max_age < $this->reference_time;
if (isset($this->attributes['expires'])) {
$expires = $this->attributes['expires'];
return $expires < $this->reference_time;
return false;
* Check if a cookie is valid for a given URI
* @param Requests_IRI $uri URI to check
* @return boolean Whether the cookie is valid for the given URI
public function uri_matches(Requests_IRI $uri) {
if (!$this->domain_matches($uri->host)) {
return false;
if (!$this->path_matches($uri->path)) {
return false;
return empty($this->attributes['secure']) || $uri->scheme === 'https';
* Check if a cookie is valid for a given domain
* @param string $string Domain to check
* @return boolean Whether the cookie is valid for the given domain
public function domain_matches($string) {
if (!isset($this->attributes['domain'])) {
// Cookies created manually; cookies created by Requests will set
// the domain to the requested domain
return true;
$domain_string = $this->attributes['domain'];
if ($domain_string === $string) {
// The domain string and the string are identical.
return true;
// If the cookie is marked as host-only and we don't have an exact
// match, reject the cookie
if ($this->flags['host-only'] === true) {
return false;
if (strlen($string) <= strlen($domain_string)) {
// For obvious reasons, the string cannot be a suffix if the domain
// is shorter than the domain string
return false;
if (substr($string, -1 * strlen($domain_string)) !== $domain_string) {
// The domain string should be a suffix of the string.
return false;
$prefix = substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - strlen($domain_string));
if (substr($prefix, -1) !== '.') {
// The last character of the string that is not included in the
// domain string should be a %x2E (".") character.
return false;
// The string should be a host name (i.e., not an IP address).
return !preg_match('#^(.+\.)\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$#', $string);
* Check if a cookie is valid for a given path
* From the path-match check in RFC 6265 section 5.1.4
* @param string $request_path Path to check
* @return boolean Whether the cookie is valid for the given path
public function path_matches($request_path) {
if (empty($request_path)) {
// Normalize empty path to root
$request_path = '/';
if (!isset($this->attributes['path'])) {
// Cookies created manually; cookies created by Requests will set
// the path to the requested path
return true;
$cookie_path = $this->attributes['path'];
if ($cookie_path === $request_path) {
// The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
return true;
if (strlen($request_path) > strlen($cookie_path) && substr($request_path, 0, strlen($cookie_path)) === $cookie_path) {
if (substr($cookie_path, -1) === '/') {
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last
// character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
return true;
if (substr($request_path, strlen($cookie_path), 1) === '/') {
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the
// first character of the request-path that is not included in
// the cookie-path is a %x2F ("/") character.
return true;
return false;
* Normalize cookie and attributes
* @return boolean Whether the cookie was successfully normalized
public function normalize() {
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) {
$orig_value = $value;
$value = $this->normalize_attribute($key, $value);
if ($value === null) {
if ($value !== $orig_value) {
$this->attributes[$key] = $value;
return true;
* Parse an individual cookie attribute
* Handles parsing individual attributes from the cookie values.
* @param string $name Attribute name
* @param string|boolean $value Attribute value (string value, or true if empty/flag)
* @return mixed Value if available, or null if the attribute value is invalid (and should be skipped)
protected function normalize_attribute($name, $value) {
switch (strtolower($name)) {
case 'expires':
// Expiration parsing, as per RFC 6265 section 5.2.1
if (is_int($value)) {
return $value;
$expiry_time = strtotime($value);
if ($expiry_time === false) {
return null;
return $expiry_time;
case 'max-age':
// Expiration parsing, as per RFC 6265 section 5.2.2
if (is_int($value)) {
return $value;
// Check that we have a valid age
if (!preg_match('/^-?\d+$/', $value)) {
return null;
$delta_seconds = (int) $value;
if ($delta_seconds <= 0) {
$expiry_time = 0;
else {
$expiry_time = $this->reference_time + $delta_seconds;
return $expiry_time;
case 'domain':
// Domain normalization, as per RFC 6265 section 5.2.3
if ($value[0] === '.') {
$value = substr($value, 1);
return $value;
return $value;
* Format a cookie for a Cookie header
* This is used when sending cookies to a server.
* @return string Cookie formatted for Cookie header
public function format_for_header() {
return sprintf('%s=%s', $this->name, $this->value);
* Format a cookie for a Cookie header
* @deprecated Use {@see Requests_Cookie::format_for_header}
* @return string
public function formatForHeader() {
return $this->format_for_header();
* Format a cookie for a Set-Cookie header
* This is used when sending cookies to clients. This isn't really
* applicable to client-side usage, but might be handy for debugging.
* @return string Cookie formatted for Set-Cookie header
public function format_for_set_cookie() {
$header_value = $this->format_for_header();
if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
$parts = array();
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) {
// Ignore non-associative attributes
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$parts[] = $value;
else {
$parts[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $value);
$header_value .= '; ' . implode('; ', $parts);
return $header_value;
* Format a cookie for a Set-Cookie header
* @deprecated Use {@see Requests_Cookie::format_for_set_cookie}
* @return string
public function formatForSetCookie() {
return $this->format_for_set_cookie();
* Get the cookie value
* Attributes and other data can be accessed via methods.
public function __toString() {
return $this->value;
* Parse a cookie string into a cookie object
* Based on Mozilla's parsing code in Firefox and related projects, which
* is an intentional deviation from RFC 2109 and RFC 2616. RFC 6265
* specifies some of this handling, but not in a thorough manner.
* @param string Cookie header value (from a Set-Cookie header)
* @return Requests_Cookie Parsed cookie object
public static function parse($string, $name = '', $reference_time = null) {
$parts = explode(';', $string);
$kvparts = array_shift($parts);
if (!empty($name)) {
$value = $string;
elseif (strpos($kvparts, '=') === false) {
// Some sites might only have a value without the equals separator.
// Deviate from RFC 6265 and pretend it was actually a blank name
// (`=foo`)
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091
$name = '';
$value = $kvparts;
else {
list($name, $value) = explode('=', $kvparts, 2);
$name = trim($name);
$value = trim($value);
// Attribute key are handled case-insensitively
$attributes = new Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary();
if (!empty($parts)) {
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (strpos($part, '=') === false) {
$part_key = $part;
$part_value = true;
else {
list($part_key, $part_value) = explode('=', $part, 2);
$part_value = trim($part_value);
$part_key = trim($part_key);
$attributes[$part_key] = $part_value;
return new Requests_Cookie($name, $value, $attributes, array(), $reference_time);
* Parse all Set-Cookie headers from request headers
* @param Requests_Response_Headers $headers Headers to parse from
* @param Requests_IRI|null $origin URI for comparing cookie origins
* @param int|null $time Reference time for expiration calculation
* @return array
public static function parse_from_headers(Requests_Response_Headers $headers, Requests_IRI $origin = null, $time = null) {
$cookie_headers = $headers->getValues('Set-Cookie');
if (empty($cookie_headers)) {
return array();
$cookies = array();
foreach ($cookie_headers as $header) {
$parsed = self::parse($header, '', $time);
// Default domain/path attributes
if (empty($parsed->attributes['domain']) && !empty($origin)) {
$parsed->attributes['domain'] = $origin->host;
$parsed->flags['host-only'] = true;
else {
$parsed->flags['host-only'] = false;
$path_is_valid = (!empty($parsed->attributes['path']) && $parsed->attributes['path'][0] === '/');
if (!$path_is_valid && !empty($origin)) {
$path = $origin->path;
// Default path normalization as per RFC 6265 section 5.1.4
if (substr($path, 0, 1) !== '/') {
// If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of
// the uri-path is not a %x2F ("/") character, output
// %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining steps.
$path = '/';
elseif (substr_count($path, '/') === 1) {
// If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F ("/")
// character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining
// step.
$path = '/';
else {
// Output the characters of the uri-path from the first
// character up to, but not including, the right-most
// %x2F ("/").
$path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/'));
$parsed->attributes['path'] = $path;
// Reject invalid cookie domains
if (!empty($origin) && !$parsed->domain_matches($origin->host)) {
$cookies[$parsed->name] = $parsed;
return $cookies;
* Parse all Set-Cookie headers from request headers
* @deprecated Use {@see Requests_Cookie::parse_from_headers}
* @return string
public static function parseFromHeaders(Requests_Response_Headers $headers) {
return self::parse_from_headers($headers);

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
* Cookie holder object
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Cookies
* Cookie holder object
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Cookies
class Requests_Cookie_Jar implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate {
* Actual item data
* @var array
protected $cookies = array();
* Create a new jar
* @param array $cookies Existing cookie values
public function __construct($cookies = array()) {
$this->cookies = $cookies;
* Normalise cookie data into a Requests_Cookie
* @param string|Requests_Cookie $cookie
* @return Requests_Cookie
public function normalize_cookie($cookie, $key = null) {
if ($cookie instanceof Requests_Cookie) {
return $cookie;
return Requests_Cookie::parse($cookie, $key);
* Normalise cookie data into a Requests_Cookie
* @deprecated Use {@see Requests_Cookie_Jar::normalize_cookie}
* @return Requests_Cookie
public function normalizeCookie($cookie, $key = null) {
return $this->normalize_cookie($cookie, $key);
* Check if the given item exists
* @param string $key Item key
* @return boolean Does the item exist?
public function offsetExists($key) {
return isset($this->cookies[$key]);
* Get the value for the item
* @param string $key Item key
* @return string Item value
public function offsetGet($key) {
if (!isset($this->cookies[$key])) {
return null;
return $this->cookies[$key];
* Set the given item
* @throws Requests_Exception On attempting to use dictionary as list (`invalidset`)
* @param string $key Item name
* @param string $value Item value
public function offsetSet($key, $value) {
if ($key === null) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Object is a dictionary, not a list', 'invalidset');
$this->cookies[$key] = $value;
* Unset the given header
* @param string $key
public function offsetUnset($key) {
* Get an iterator for the data
* @return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->cookies);
* Register the cookie handler with the request's hooking system
* @param Requests_Hooker $hooks Hooking system
public function register(Requests_Hooker $hooks) {
$hooks->register('requests.before_request', array($this, 'before_request'));
$hooks->register('requests.before_redirect_check', array($this, 'before_redirect_check'));
* Add Cookie header to a request if we have any
* As per RFC 6265, cookies are separated by '; '
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param array $data
* @param string $type
* @param array $options
public function before_request($url, &$headers, &$data, &$type, &$options) {
if (!$url instanceof Requests_IRI) {
$url = new Requests_IRI($url);
if (!empty($this->cookies)) {
$cookies = array();
foreach ($this->cookies as $key => $cookie) {
$cookie = $this->normalize_cookie($cookie, $key);
// Skip expired cookies
if ($cookie->is_expired()) {
if ($cookie->domain_matches($url->host)) {
$cookies[] = $cookie->format_for_header();
$headers['Cookie'] = implode('; ', $cookies);
* Parse all cookies from a response and attach them to the response
* @var Requests_Response $response
public function before_redirect_check(Requests_Response &$return) {
$url = $return->url;
if (!$url instanceof Requests_IRI) {
$url = new Requests_IRI($url);
$cookies = Requests_Cookie::parse_from_headers($return->headers, $url);
$this->cookies = array_merge($this->cookies, $cookies);
$return->cookies = $this;

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Exception for HTTP requests
* @package Requests
* Exception for HTTP requests
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception extends Exception {
* Type of exception
* @var string
protected $type;
* Data associated with the exception
* @var mixed
protected $data;
* Create a new exception
* @param string $message Exception message
* @param string $type Exception type
* @param mixed $data Associated data
* @param integer $code Exception numerical code, if applicable
public function __construct($message, $type, $data = null, $code = 0) {
parent::__construct($message, $code);
$this->type = $type;
$this->data = $data;
* Like {@see getCode()}, but a string code.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return string
public function getType() {
return $this->type;
* Gives any relevant data
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return mixed
public function getData() {
return $this->data;

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* Exception based on HTTP response
* @package Requests
* Exception based on HTTP response
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP extends Requests_Exception {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 0;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Unknown';
* Create a new exception
* There is no mechanism to pass in the status code, as this is set by the
* subclass used. Reason phrases can vary, however.
* @param string|null $reason Reason phrase
* @param mixed $data Associated data
public function __construct($reason = null, $data = null) {
if ($reason !== null) {
$this->reason = $reason;
$message = sprintf('%d %s', $this->code, $this->reason);
parent::__construct($message, 'httpresponse', $data, $this->code);
* Get the status message
public function getReason() {
return $this->reason;
* Get the correct exception class for a given error code
* @param int|bool $code HTTP status code, or false if unavailable
* @return string Exception class name to use
public static function get_class($code) {
if (!$code) {
return 'Requests_Exception_HTTP_Unknown';
$class = sprintf('Requests_Exception_HTTP_%d', $code);
if (class_exists($class)) {
return $class;
return 'Requests_Exception_HTTP_Unknown';

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 304 Not Modified responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 304 Not Modified responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_304 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 304;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Not Modified';

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 305 Use Proxy responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 305 Use Proxy responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_305 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 305;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Use Proxy';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 306 Switch Proxy responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 306 Switch Proxy responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_306 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 306;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Switch Proxy';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 400 Bad Request responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 400 Bad Request responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_400 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 400;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Bad Request';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 401 Unauthorized responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 401 Unauthorized responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_401 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 401;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Unauthorized';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 402 Payment Required responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 402 Payment Required responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_402 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 402;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Payment Required';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 403 Forbidden responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 403 Forbidden responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_403 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 403;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Forbidden';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 404 Not Found responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 404 Not Found responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_404 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 404;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Not Found';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 405 Method Not Allowed responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 405 Method Not Allowed responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_405 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 405;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Method Not Allowed';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 406 Not Acceptable responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 406 Not Acceptable responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_406 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 406;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Not Acceptable';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 407 Proxy Authentication Required responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 407 Proxy Authentication Required responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_407 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 407;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Proxy Authentication Required';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 408 Request Timeout responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 408 Request Timeout responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_408 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 408;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Request Timeout';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 409 Conflict responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 409 Conflict responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_409 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 409;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Conflict';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 410 Gone responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 410 Gone responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_410 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 410;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Gone';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 411 Length Required responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 411 Length Required responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_411 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 411;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Length Required';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 412 Precondition Failed responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 412 Precondition Failed responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_412 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 412;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Precondition Failed';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 413 Request Entity Too Large responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 413 Request Entity Too Large responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_413 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 413;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Request Entity Too Large';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 414 Request-URI Too Large responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 414 Request-URI Too Large responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_414 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 414;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Request-URI Too Large';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 415 Unsupported Media Type responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 415 Unsupported Media Type responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_415 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 415;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Unsupported Media Type';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_416 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 416;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 417 Expectation Failed responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 417 Expectation Failed responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_417 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 417;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Expectation Failed';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Exception for 418 I'm A Teapot responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324
* @package Requests
* Exception for 418 I'm A Teapot responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_418 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 418;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = "I'm A Teapot";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Exception for 428 Precondition Required responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
* Exception for 428 Precondition Required responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_428 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 428;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Precondition Required';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Exception for 429 Too Many Requests responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-http-new-status-04
* @package Requests
* Exception for 429 Too Many Requests responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-http-new-status-04
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_429 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 429;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Too Many Requests';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Exception for 431 Request Header Fields Too Large responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
* Exception for 431 Request Header Fields Too Large responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_431 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 431;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Request Header Fields Too Large';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 500 Internal Server Error responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 500 Internal Server Error responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_500 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 500;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Internal Server Error';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 501 Not Implemented responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 501 Not Implemented responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_501 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 501;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Not Implemented';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 502 Bad Gateway responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 502 Bad Gateway responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_502 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 502;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Bad Gateway';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 503 Service Unavailable responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 503 Service Unavailable responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_503 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 503;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Service Unavailable';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 504 Gateway Timeout responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 504 Gateway Timeout responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_504 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 504;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Gateway Timeout';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Exception for 505 HTTP Version Not Supported responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for 505 HTTP Version Not Supported responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_505 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 505;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'HTTP Version Not Supported';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Exception for 511 Network Authentication Required responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
* Exception for 511 Network Authentication Required responses
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_511 extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer
protected $code = 511;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Network Authentication Required';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Exception for unknown status responses
* @package Requests
* Exception for unknown status responses
* @package Requests
class Requests_Exception_HTTP_Unknown extends Requests_Exception_HTTP {
* HTTP status code
* @var integer|bool Code if available, false if an error occurred
protected $code = 0;
* Reason phrase
* @var string
protected $reason = 'Unknown';
* Create a new exception
* If `$data` is an instance of {@see Requests_Response}, uses the status
* code from it. Otherwise, sets as 0
* @param string|null $reason Reason phrase
* @param mixed $data Associated data
public function __construct($reason = null, $data = null) {
if ($data instanceof Requests_Response) {
$this->code = $data->status_code;
parent::__construct($reason, $data);

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Event dispatcher
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* Event dispatcher
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
interface Requests_Hooker {
* Register a callback for a hook
* @param string $hook Hook name
* @param callback $callback Function/method to call on event
* @param int $priority Priority number. <0 is executed earlier, >0 is executed later
public function register($hook, $callback, $priority = 0);
* Dispatch a message
* @param string $hook Hook name
* @param array $parameters Parameters to pass to callbacks
* @return boolean Successfulness
public function dispatch($hook, $parameters = array());

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* Handles adding and dispatching events
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* Handles adding and dispatching events
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
class Requests_Hooks implements Requests_Hooker {
* Registered callbacks for each hook
* @var array
protected $hooks = array();
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
// pass
* Register a callback for a hook
* @param string $hook Hook name
* @param callback $callback Function/method to call on event
* @param int $priority Priority number. <0 is executed earlier, >0 is executed later
public function register($hook, $callback, $priority = 0) {
if (!isset($this->hooks[$hook])) {
$this->hooks[$hook] = array();
if (!isset($this->hooks[$hook][$priority])) {
$this->hooks[$hook][$priority] = array();
$this->hooks[$hook][$priority][] = $callback;
* Dispatch a message
* @param string $hook Hook name
* @param array $parameters Parameters to pass to callbacks
* @return boolean Successfulness
public function dispatch($hook, $parameters = array()) {
if (empty($this->hooks[$hook])) {
return false;
foreach ($this->hooks[$hook] as $priority => $hooked) {
foreach ($hooked as $callback) {
call_user_func_array($callback, $parameters);
return true;

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@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
* IDNA URL encoder
* Note: Not fully compliant, as nameprep does nothing yet.
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3490 IDNA specification
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492 Punycode/Bootstrap specification
class Requests_IDNAEncoder {
* ACE prefix used for IDNA
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3490#section-5
* @var string
const ACE_PREFIX = 'xn--';
* Bootstrap constant for Punycode
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-5
* @var int
const BOOTSTRAP_BASE = 36;
const BOOTSTRAP_TMAX = 26;
const BOOTSTRAP_SKEW = 38;
const BOOTSTRAP_DAMP = 700;
* Encode a hostname using Punycode
* @param string $string Hostname
* @return string Punycode-encoded hostname
public static function encode($string) {
$parts = explode('.', $string);
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
$part = self::to_ascii($part);
return implode('.', $parts);
* Convert a UTF-8 string to an ASCII string using Punycode
* @throws Requests_Exception Provided string longer than 64 ASCII characters (`idna.provided_too_long`)
* @throws Requests_Exception Prepared string longer than 64 ASCII characters (`idna.prepared_too_long`)
* @throws Requests_Exception Provided string already begins with xn-- (`idna.provided_is_prefixed`)
* @throws Requests_Exception Encoded string longer than 64 ASCII characters (`idna.encoded_too_long`)
* @param string $string ASCII or UTF-8 string (max length 64 characters)
* @return string ASCII string
public static function to_ascii($string) {
// Step 1: Check if the string is already ASCII
if (self::is_ascii($string)) {
// Skip to step 7
if (strlen($string) < 64) {
return $string;
throw new Requests_Exception('Provided string is too long', 'idna.provided_too_long', $string);
// Step 2: nameprep
$string = self::nameprep($string);
// Step 3: UseSTD3ASCIIRules is false, continue
// Step 4: Check if it's ASCII now
if (self::is_ascii($string)) {
// Skip to step 7
if (strlen($string) < 64) {
return $string;
throw new Requests_Exception('Prepared string is too long', 'idna.prepared_too_long', $string);
// Step 5: Check ACE prefix
if (strpos($string, self::ACE_PREFIX) === 0) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Provided string begins with ACE prefix', 'idna.provided_is_prefixed', $string);
// Step 6: Encode with Punycode
$string = self::punycode_encode($string);
// Step 7: Prepend ACE prefix
$string = self::ACE_PREFIX . $string;
// Step 8: Check size
if (strlen($string) < 64) {
return $string;
throw new Requests_Exception('Encoded string is too long', 'idna.encoded_too_long', $string);
* Check whether a given string contains only ASCII characters
* @internal (Testing found regex was the fastest implementation)
* @param string $string
* @return bool Is the string ASCII-only?
protected static function is_ascii($string) {
return (preg_match('/(?:[^\x00-\x7F])/', $string) !== 1);
* Prepare a string for use as an IDNA name
* @todo Implement this based on RFC 3491 and the newer 5891
* @param string $string
* @return string Prepared string
protected static function nameprep($string) {
return $string;
* Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-4 codepoint array
* Based on Requests_IRI::replace_invalid_with_pct_encoding()
* @throws Requests_Exception Invalid UTF-8 codepoint (`idna.invalidcodepoint`)
* @param string $input
* @return array Unicode code points
protected static function utf8_to_codepoints($input) {
$codepoints = array();
// Get number of bytes
$strlen = strlen($input);
for ($position = 0; $position < $strlen; $position++) {
$value = ord($input[$position]);
// One byte sequence:
if ((~$value & 0x80) === 0x80) {
$character = $value;
$length = 1;
$remaining = 0;
// Two byte sequence:
elseif (($value & 0xE0) === 0xC0) {
$character = ($value & 0x1F) << 6;
$length = 2;
$remaining = 1;
// Three byte sequence:
elseif (($value & 0xF0) === 0xE0) {
$character = ($value & 0x0F) << 12;
$length = 3;
$remaining = 2;
// Four byte sequence:
elseif (($value & 0xF8) === 0xF0) {
$character = ($value & 0x07) << 18;
$length = 4;
$remaining = 3;
// Invalid byte:
else {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid Unicode codepoint', 'idna.invalidcodepoint', $value);
if ($remaining > 0) {
if ($position + $length > $strlen) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid Unicode codepoint', 'idna.invalidcodepoint', $character);
for ($position++; $remaining > 0; $position++) {
$value = ord($input[$position]);
// If it is invalid, count the sequence as invalid and reprocess the current byte:
if (($value & 0xC0) !== 0x80) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid Unicode codepoint', 'idna.invalidcodepoint', $character);
$character |= ($value & 0x3F) << (--$remaining * 6);
if (
// Non-shortest form sequences are invalid
$length > 1 && $character <= 0x7F
|| $length > 2 && $character <= 0x7FF
|| $length > 3 && $character <= 0xFFFF
// Outside of range of ucschar codepoints
// Noncharacters
|| ($character & 0xFFFE) === 0xFFFE
|| $character >= 0xFDD0 && $character <= 0xFDEF
|| (
// Everything else not in ucschar
$character > 0xD7FF && $character < 0xF900
|| $character < 0x20
|| $character > 0x7E && $character < 0xA0
|| $character > 0xEFFFD
) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid Unicode codepoint', 'idna.invalidcodepoint', $character);
$codepoints[] = $character;
return $codepoints;
* RFC3492-compliant encoder
* @internal Pseudo-code from Section 6.3 is commented with "#" next to relevant code
* @throws Requests_Exception On character outside of the domain (never happens with Punycode) (`idna.character_outside_domain`)
* @param string $input UTF-8 encoded string to encode
* @return string Punycode-encoded string
public static function punycode_encode($input) {
$output = '';
# let n = initial_n
# let delta = 0
$delta = 0;
# let bias = initial_bias
# let h = b = the number of basic code points in the input
$h = $b = 0; // see loop
# copy them to the output in order
$codepoints = self::utf8_to_codepoints($input);
$extended = array();
foreach ($codepoints as $char) {
if ($char < 128) {
// Character is valid ASCII
// TODO: this should also check if it's valid for a URL
$output .= chr($char);
// Check if the character is non-ASCII, but below initial n
// This never occurs for Punycode, so ignore in coverage
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
elseif ($char < $n) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid character', 'idna.character_outside_domain', $char);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
else {
$extended[$char] = true;
$extended = array_keys($extended);
$b = $h;
# [copy them] followed by a delimiter if b > 0
if (strlen($output) > 0) {
$output .= '-';
# {if the input contains a non-basic code point < n then fail}
# while h < length(input) do begin
while ($h < count($codepoints)) {
# let m = the minimum code point >= n in the input
$m = array_shift($extended);
//printf('next code point to insert is %s' . PHP_EOL, dechex($m));
# let delta = delta + (m - n) * (h + 1), fail on overflow
$delta += ($m - $n) * ($h + 1);
# let n = m
$n = $m;
# for each code point c in the input (in order) do begin
for ($num = 0; $num < count($codepoints); $num++) {
$c = $codepoints[$num];
# if c < n then increment delta, fail on overflow
if ($c < $n) {
# if c == n then begin
elseif ($c === $n) {
# let q = delta
$q = $delta;
# for k = base to infinity in steps of base do begin
for ($k = self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE; ; $k += self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE) {
# let t = tmin if k <= bias {+ tmin}, or
# tmax if k >= bias + tmax, or k - bias otherwise
if ($k <= ($bias + self::BOOTSTRAP_TMIN)) {
$t = self::BOOTSTRAP_TMIN;
elseif ($k >= ($bias + self::BOOTSTRAP_TMAX)) {
$t = self::BOOTSTRAP_TMAX;
else {
$t = $k - $bias;
# if q < t then break
if ($q < $t) {
# output the code point for digit t + ((q - t) mod (base - t))
$digit = $t + (($q - $t) % (self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE - $t));
$output .= self::digit_to_char($digit);
# let q = (q - t) div (base - t)
$q = floor(($q - $t) / (self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE - $t));
# end
# output the code point for digit q
$output .= self::digit_to_char($q);
# let bias = adapt(delta, h + 1, test h equals b?)
$bias = self::adapt($delta, $h + 1, $h === $b);
# let delta = 0
$delta = 0;
# increment h
# end
# end
# increment delta and n
# end
return $output;
* Convert a digit to its respective character
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-5
* @throws Requests_Exception On invalid digit (`idna.invalid_digit`)
* @param int $digit Digit in the range 0-35
* @return string Single character corresponding to digit
protected static function digit_to_char($digit) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// As far as I know, this never happens, but still good to be sure.
if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 35) {
throw new Requests_Exception(sprintf('Invalid digit %d', $digit), 'idna.invalid_digit', $digit);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$digits = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
return substr($digits, $digit, 1);
* Adapt the bias
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-6.1
* @param int $delta
* @param int $numpoints
* @param bool $firsttime
* @return int New bias
protected static function adapt($delta, $numpoints, $firsttime) {
# function adapt(delta,numpoints,firsttime):
# if firsttime then let delta = delta div damp
if ($firsttime) {
$delta = floor($delta / self::BOOTSTRAP_DAMP);
# else let delta = delta div 2
else {
$delta = floor($delta / 2);
# let delta = delta + (delta div numpoints)
$delta += floor($delta / $numpoints);
# let k = 0
$k = 0;
# while delta > ((base - tmin) * tmax) div 2 do begin
$max = floor(((self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE - self::BOOTSTRAP_TMIN) * self::BOOTSTRAP_TMAX) / 2);
while ($delta > $max) {
# let delta = delta div (base - tmin)
$delta = floor($delta / (self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE - self::BOOTSTRAP_TMIN));
# let k = k + base
$k += self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE;
# end
# return k + (((base - tmin + 1) * delta) div (delta + skew))
return $k + floor(((self::BOOTSTRAP_BASE - self::BOOTSTRAP_TMIN + 1) * $delta) / ($delta + self::BOOTSTRAP_SKEW));

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
* Class to validate and to work with IPv6 addresses
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* Class to validate and to work with IPv6 addresses
* This was originally based on the PEAR class of the same name, but has been
* entirely rewritten.
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
class Requests_IPv6 {
* Uncompresses an IPv6 address
* RFC 4291 allows you to compress consecutive zero pieces in an address to
* '::'. This method expects a valid IPv6 address and expands the '::' to
* the required number of zero pieces.
* Example: FF01::101 -> FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101
* ::1 -> 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
* @author Alexander Merz <alexander.merz@web.de>
* @author elfrink at introweb dot nl
* @author Josh Peck <jmp at joshpeck dot org>
* @copyright 2003-2005 The PHP Group
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* @param string $ip An IPv6 address
* @return string The uncompressed IPv6 address
public static function uncompress($ip) {
if (substr_count($ip, '::') !== 1) {
return $ip;
list($ip1, $ip2) = explode('::', $ip);
$c1 = ($ip1 === '') ? -1 : substr_count($ip1, ':');
$c2 = ($ip2 === '') ? -1 : substr_count($ip2, ':');
if (strpos($ip2, '.') !== false) {
// ::
if ($c1 === -1 && $c2 === -1) {
$ip = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0';
// ::xxx
else if ($c1 === -1) {
$fill = str_repeat('0:', 7 - $c2);
$ip = str_replace('::', $fill, $ip);
// xxx::
else if ($c2 === -1) {
$fill = str_repeat(':0', 7 - $c1);
$ip = str_replace('::', $fill, $ip);
// xxx::xxx
else {
$fill = ':' . str_repeat('0:', 6 - $c2 - $c1);
$ip = str_replace('::', $fill, $ip);
return $ip;
* Compresses an IPv6 address
* RFC 4291 allows you to compress consecutive zero pieces in an address to
* '::'. This method expects a valid IPv6 address and compresses consecutive
* zero pieces to '::'.
* Example: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 -> FF01::101
* 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -> ::1
* @see uncompress()
* @param string $ip An IPv6 address
* @return string The compressed IPv6 address
public static function compress($ip) {
// Prepare the IP to be compressed
$ip = self::uncompress($ip);
$ip_parts = self::split_v6_v4($ip);
// Replace all leading zeros
$ip_parts[0] = preg_replace('/(^|:)0+([0-9])/', '\1\2', $ip_parts[0]);
// Find bunches of zeros
if (preg_match_all('/(?:^|:)(?:0(?::|$))+/', $ip_parts[0], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$max = 0;
$pos = null;
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
if (strlen($match[0]) > $max) {
$max = strlen($match[0]);
$pos = $match[1];
$ip_parts[0] = substr_replace($ip_parts[0], '::', $pos, $max);
if ($ip_parts[1] !== '') {
return implode(':', $ip_parts);
else {
return $ip_parts[0];
* Splits an IPv6 address into the IPv6 and IPv4 representation parts
* RFC 4291 allows you to represent the last two parts of an IPv6 address
* using the standard IPv4 representation
* Example: 0:0:0:0:0:0:
* 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:
* @param string $ip An IPv6 address
* @return string[] [0] contains the IPv6 represented part, and [1] the IPv4 represented part
protected static function split_v6_v4($ip) {
if (strpos($ip, '.') !== false) {
$pos = strrpos($ip, ':');
$ipv6_part = substr($ip, 0, $pos);
$ipv4_part = substr($ip, $pos + 1);
return array($ipv6_part, $ipv4_part);
else {
return array($ip, '');
* Checks an IPv6 address
* Checks if the given IP is a valid IPv6 address
* @param string $ip An IPv6 address
* @return bool true if $ip is a valid IPv6 address
public static function check_ipv6($ip) {
$ip = self::uncompress($ip);
list($ipv6, $ipv4) = self::split_v6_v4($ip);
$ipv6 = explode(':', $ipv6);
$ipv4 = explode('.', $ipv4);
if (count($ipv6) === 8 && count($ipv4) === 1 || count($ipv6) === 6 && count($ipv4) === 4) {
foreach ($ipv6 as $ipv6_part) {
// The section can't be empty
if ($ipv6_part === '') {
return false;
// Nor can it be over four characters
if (strlen($ipv6_part) > 4) {
return false;
// Remove leading zeros (this is safe because of the above)
$ipv6_part = ltrim($ipv6_part, '0');
if ($ipv6_part === '') {
$ipv6_part = '0';
// Check the value is valid
$value = hexdec($ipv6_part);
if (dechex($value) !== strtolower($ipv6_part) || $value < 0 || $value > 0xFFFF) {
return false;
if (count($ipv4) === 4) {
foreach ($ipv4 as $ipv4_part) {
$value = (int) $ipv4_part;
if ((string) $value !== $ipv4_part || $value < 0 || $value > 0xFF) {
return false;
return true;
else {
return false;

includes/Requests/Requests/IRI.php Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Proxy connection interface
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Proxy
* @since 1.6
* Proxy connection interface
* Implement this interface to handle proxy settings and authentication
* Parameters should be passed via the constructor where possible, as this
* makes it much easier for users to use your provider.
* @see Requests_Hooks
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Proxy
* @since 1.6
interface Requests_Proxy {
* Register hooks as needed
* This method is called in {@see Requests::request} when the user has set
* an instance as the 'auth' option. Use this callback to register all the
* hooks you'll need.
* @see Requests_Hooks::register
* @param Requests_Hooks $hooks Hook system
public function register(Requests_Hooks &$hooks);

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* HTTP Proxy connection interface
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Proxy
* @since 1.6
* HTTP Proxy connection interface
* Provides a handler for connection via an HTTP proxy
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Proxy
* @since 1.6
class Requests_Proxy_HTTP implements Requests_Proxy {
* Proxy host and port
* Notation: "host:port" (eg or someproxy.com:3128)
* @var string
public $proxy;
* Username
* @var string
public $user;
* Password
* @var string
public $pass;
* Do we need to authenticate? (ie username & password have been provided)
* @var boolean
public $use_authentication;
* Constructor
* @since 1.6
* @throws Requests_Exception On incorrect number of arguments (`authbasicbadargs`)
* @param array|null $args Array of user and password. Must have exactly two elements
public function __construct($args = null) {
if (is_string($args)) {
$this->proxy = $args;
elseif (is_array($args)) {
if (count($args) == 1) {
list($this->proxy) = $args;
elseif (count($args) == 3) {
list($this->proxy, $this->user, $this->pass) = $args;
$this->use_authentication = true;
else {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid number of arguments', 'proxyhttpbadargs');
* Register the necessary callbacks
* @since 1.6
* @see curl_before_send
* @see fsockopen_remote_socket
* @see fsockopen_remote_host_path
* @see fsockopen_header
* @param Requests_Hooks $hooks Hook system
public function register(Requests_Hooks &$hooks) {
$hooks->register('curl.before_send', array(&$this, 'curl_before_send'));
$hooks->register('fsockopen.remote_socket', array(&$this, 'fsockopen_remote_socket'));
$hooks->register('fsockopen.remote_host_path', array(&$this, 'fsockopen_remote_host_path'));
if ($this->use_authentication) {
$hooks->register('fsockopen.after_headers', array(&$this, 'fsockopen_header'));
* Set cURL parameters before the data is sent
* @since 1.6
* @param resource $handle cURL resource
public function curl_before_send(&$handle) {
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->proxy);
if ($this->use_authentication) {
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->get_auth_string());
* Alter remote socket information before opening socket connection
* @since 1.6
* @param string $remote_socket Socket connection string
public function fsockopen_remote_socket(&$remote_socket) {
$remote_socket = $this->proxy;
* Alter remote path before getting stream data
* @since 1.6
* @param string $path Path to send in HTTP request string ("GET ...")
* @param string $url Full URL we're requesting
public function fsockopen_remote_host_path(&$path, $url) {
$path = $url;
* Add extra headers to the request before sending
* @since 1.6
* @param string $out HTTP header string
public function fsockopen_header(&$out) {
$out .= sprintf("Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", base64_encode($this->get_auth_string()));
* Get the authentication string (user:pass)
* @since 1.6
* @return string
public function get_auth_string() {
return $this->user . ':' . $this->pass;

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* HTTP response class
* Contains a response from Requests::request()
* @package Requests
* HTTP response class
* Contains a response from Requests::request()
* @package Requests
class Requests_Response {
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$this->headers = new Requests_Response_Headers();
$this->cookies = new Requests_Cookie_Jar();
* Response body
* @var string
public $body = '';
* Raw HTTP data from the transport
* @var string
public $raw = '';
* Headers, as an associative array
* @var Requests_Response_Headers Array-like object representing headers
public $headers = array();
* Status code, false if non-blocking
* @var integer|boolean
public $status_code = false;
* Protocol version, false if non-blocking
* @var float|boolean
public $protocol_version = false;
* Whether the request succeeded or not
* @var boolean
public $success = false;
* Number of redirects the request used
* @var integer
public $redirects = 0;
* URL requested
* @var string
public $url = '';
* Previous requests (from redirects)
* @var array Array of Requests_Response objects
public $history = array();
* Cookies from the request
* @var Requests_Cookie_Jar Array-like object representing a cookie jar
public $cookies = array();
* Is the response a redirect?
* @return boolean True if redirect (3xx status), false if not.
public function is_redirect() {
$code = $this->status_code;
return in_array($code, array(300, 301, 302, 303, 307)) || $code > 307 && $code < 400;
* Throws an exception if the request was not successful
* @throws Requests_Exception If `$allow_redirects` is false, and code is 3xx (`response.no_redirects`)
* @throws Requests_Exception_HTTP On non-successful status code. Exception class corresponds to code (e.g. {@see Requests_Exception_HTTP_404})
* @param boolean $allow_redirects Set to false to throw on a 3xx as well
public function throw_for_status($allow_redirects = true) {
if ($this->is_redirect()) {
if (!$allow_redirects) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Redirection not allowed', 'response.no_redirects', $this);
elseif (!$this->success) {
$exception = Requests_Exception_HTTP::get_class($this->status_code);
throw new $exception(null, $this);

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
* Case-insensitive dictionary, suitable for HTTP headers
* @package Requests
* Case-insensitive dictionary, suitable for HTTP headers
* @package Requests
class Requests_Response_Headers extends Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary {
* Get the given header
* Unlike {@see self::getValues()}, this returns a string. If there are
* multiple values, it concatenates them with a comma as per RFC2616.
* Avoid using this where commas may be used unquoted in values, such as
* Set-Cookie headers.
* @param string $key
* @return string Header value
public function offsetGet($key) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
return null;
return $this->flatten($this->data[$key]);
* Set the given item
* @throws Requests_Exception On attempting to use dictionary as list (`invalidset`)
* @param string $key Item name
* @param string $value Item value
public function offsetSet($key, $value) {
if ($key === null) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Object is a dictionary, not a list', 'invalidset');
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
$this->data[$key] = array();
$this->data[$key][] = $value;
* Get all values for a given header
* @param string $key
* @return array Header values
public function getValues($key) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
return null;
return $this->data[$key];
* Flattens a value into a string
* Converts an array into a string by imploding values with a comma, as per
* RFC2616's rules for folding headers.
* @param string|array $value Value to flatten
* @return string Flattened value
public function flatten($value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = implode(',', $value);
return $value;
* Get an iterator for the data
* Converts the internal
* @return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() {
return new Requests_Utility_FilteredIterator($this->data, array($this, 'flatten'));

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
* SSL utilities for Requests
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* SSL utilities for Requests
* Collection of utilities for working with and verifying SSL certificates.
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
class Requests_SSL {
* Verify the certificate against common name and subject alternative names
* Unfortunately, PHP doesn't check the certificate against the alternative
* names, leading things like 'https://www.github.com/' to be invalid.
* Instead
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818#section-3.1 RFC2818, Section 3.1
* @throws Requests_Exception On not obtaining a match for the host (`fsockopen.ssl.no_match`)
* @param string $host Host name to verify against
* @param array $cert Certificate data from openssl_x509_parse()
* @return bool
public static function verify_certificate($host, $cert) {
// Calculate the valid wildcard match if the host is not an IP address
$parts = explode('.', $host);
if (ip2long($host) === false) {
$parts[0] = '*';
$wildcard = implode('.', $parts);
$has_dns_alt = false;
// Check the subjectAltName
if (!empty($cert['extensions']) && !empty($cert['extensions']['subjectAltName'])) {
$altnames = explode(',', $cert['extensions']['subjectAltName']);
foreach ($altnames as $altname) {
$altname = trim($altname);
if (strpos($altname, 'DNS:') !== 0) {
$has_dns_alt = true;
// Strip the 'DNS:' prefix and trim whitespace
$altname = trim(substr($altname, 4));
// Check for a match
if (self::match_domain($host, $altname) === true) {
return true;
// Fall back to checking the common name if we didn't get any dNSName
// alt names, as per RFC2818
if (!$has_dns_alt && !empty($cert['subject']['CN'])) {
// Check for a match
if (self::match_domain($host, $cert['subject']['CN']) === true) {
return true;
return false;
* Verify that a reference name is valid
* Verifies a dNSName for HTTPS usage, (almost) as per Firefox's rules:
* - Wildcards can only occur in a name with more than 3 components
* - Wildcards can only occur as the last character in the first
* component
* - Wildcards may be preceded by additional characters
* We modify these rules to be a bit stricter and only allow the wildcard
* character to be the full first component; that is, with the exclusion of
* the third rule.
* @param string $reference Reference dNSName
* @return boolean Is the name valid?
public static function verify_reference_name($reference) {
$parts = explode('.', $reference);
// Check the first part of the name
$first = array_shift($parts);
if (strpos($first, '*') !== false) {
// Check that the wildcard is the full part
if ($first !== '*') {
return false;
// Check that we have at least 3 components (including first)
if (count($parts) < 2) {
return false;
// Check the remaining parts
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (strpos($part, '*') !== false) {
return false;
// Nothing found, verified!
return true;
* Match a hostname against a dNSName reference
* @param string $host Requested host
* @param string $reference dNSName to match against
* @return boolean Does the domain match?
public static function match_domain($host, $reference) {
// Check if the reference is blacklisted first
if (self::verify_reference_name($reference) !== true) {
return false;
// Check for a direct match
if ($host === $reference) {
return true;
// Calculate the valid wildcard match if the host is not an IP address
// Also validates that the host has 3 parts or more, as per Firefox's
// ruleset.
if (ip2long($host) === false) {
$parts = explode('.', $host);
$parts[0] = '*';
$wildcard = implode('.', $parts);
if ($wildcard === $reference) {
return true;
return false;

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* Session handler for persistent requests and default parameters
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Session Handler
* Session handler for persistent requests and default parameters
* Allows various options to be set as default values, and merges both the
* options and URL properties together. A base URL can be set for all requests,
* with all subrequests resolved from this. Base options can be set (including
* a shared cookie jar), then overridden for individual requests.
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Session Handler
class Requests_Session {
* Base URL for requests
* URLs will be made absolute using this as the base
* @var string|null
public $url = null;
* Base headers for requests
* @var array
public $headers = array();
* Base data for requests
* If both the base data and the per-request data are arrays, the data will
* be merged before sending the request.
* @var array
public $data = array();
* Base options for requests
* The base options are merged with the per-request data for each request.
* The only default option is a shared cookie jar between requests.
* Values here can also be set directly via properties on the Session
* object, e.g. `$session->useragent = 'X';`
* @var array
public $options = array();
* Create a new session
* @param string|null $url Base URL for requests
* @param array $headers Default headers for requests
* @param array $data Default data for requests
* @param array $options Default options for requests
public function __construct($url = null, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->headers = $headers;
$this->data = $data;
$this->options = $options;
if (empty($this->options['cookies'])) {
$this->options['cookies'] = new Requests_Cookie_Jar();
* Get a property's value
* @param string $key Property key
* @return mixed|null Property value, null if none found
public function __get($key) {
if (isset($this->options[$key])) {
return $this->options[$key];
return null;
* Set a property's value
* @param string $key Property key
* @param mixed $value Property value
public function __set($key, $value) {
$this->options[$key] = $value;
* Remove a property's value
* @param string $key Property key
public function __isset($key) {
return isset($this->options[$key]);
* Remove a property's value
* @param string $key Property key
public function __unset($key) {
if (isset($this->options[$key])) {
* @see request()
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param array $options
* @return Requests_Response
* Send a GET request
public function get($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, null, Requests::GET, $options);
* Send a HEAD request
public function head($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, null, Requests::HEAD, $options);
* Send a DELETE request
public function delete($url, $headers = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, null, Requests::DELETE, $options);
* @see request()
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param array $data
* @param array $options
* @return Requests_Response
* Send a POST request
public function post($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, $data, Requests::POST, $options);
* Send a PUT request
public function put($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, $data, Requests::PUT, $options);
* Send a PATCH request
* Note: Unlike {@see post} and {@see put}, `$headers` is required, as the
* specification recommends that should send an ETag
* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789
public function patch($url, $headers, $data = array(), $options = array()) {
return $this->request($url, $headers, $data, Requests::PATCH, $options);
* Main interface for HTTP requests
* This method initiates a request and sends it via a transport before
* parsing.
* @see Requests::request()
* @throws Requests_Exception On invalid URLs (`nonhttp`)
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Extra headers to send with the request
* @param array|null $data Data to send either as a query string for GET/HEAD requests, or in the body for POST requests
* @param string $type HTTP request type (use Requests constants)
* @param array $options Options for the request (see {@see Requests::request})
* @return Requests_Response
public function request($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $type = Requests::GET, $options = array()) {
$request = $this->merge_request(compact('url', 'headers', 'data', 'options'));
return Requests::request($request['url'], $request['headers'], $request['data'], $type, $request['options']);
* Send multiple HTTP requests simultaneously
* @see Requests::request_multiple()
* @param array $requests Requests data (see {@see Requests::request_multiple})
* @param array $options Global and default options (see {@see Requests::request})
* @return array Responses (either Requests_Response or a Requests_Exception object)
public function request_multiple($requests, $options = array()) {
foreach ($requests as $key => $request) {
$requests[$key] = $this->merge_request($request, false);
$options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
// Disallow forcing the type, as that's a per request setting
return Requests::request_multiple($requests, $options);
* Merge a request's data with the default data
* @param array $request Request data (same form as {@see request_multiple})
* @param boolean $merge_options Should we merge options as well?
* @return array Request data
protected function merge_request($request, $merge_options = true) {
if ($this->url !== null) {
$request['url'] = Requests_IRI::absolutize($this->url, $request['url']);
$request['url'] = $request['url']->uri;
$request['headers'] = array_merge($this->headers, $request['headers']);
if (is_array($request['data']) && is_array($this->data)) {
$request['data'] = array_merge($this->data, $request['data']);
if ($merge_options !== false) {
$request['options'] = array_merge($this->options, $request['options']);
// Disallow forcing the type, as that's a per request setting
return $request;

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* Base HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
* Base HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
interface Requests_Transport {
* Perform a request
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Associative array of request headers
* @param string|array $data Data to send either as the POST body, or as parameters in the URL for a GET/HEAD
* @param array $options Request options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return string Raw HTTP result
public function request($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array());
* Send multiple requests simultaneously
* @param array $requests Request data (array of 'url', 'headers', 'data', 'options') as per {@see Requests_Transport::request}
* @param array $options Global options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return array Array of Requests_Response objects (may contain Requests_Exception or string responses as well)
public function request_multiple($requests, $options);
* Self-test whether the transport can be used
* @return bool
public static function test();

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@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
* cURL HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
* cURL HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
class Requests_Transport_cURL implements Requests_Transport {
const CURL_7_10_5 = 0x070A05;
const CURL_7_16_2 = 0x071002;
* Raw HTTP data
* @var string
public $headers = '';
* Raw body data
* @var string
public $response_data = '';
* Information on the current request
* @var array cURL information array, see {@see http://php.net/curl_getinfo}
public $info;
* Version string
* @var long
public $version;
* cURL handle
* @var resource
protected $handle;
* Hook dispatcher instance
* @var Requests_Hooks
protected $hooks;
* Have we finished the headers yet?
* @var boolean
protected $done_headers = false;
* If streaming to a file, keep the file pointer
* @var resource
protected $stream_handle;
* How many bytes are in the response body?
* @var int
protected $response_bytes;
* What's the maximum number of bytes we should keep?
* @var int|bool Byte count, or false if no limit.
protected $response_byte_limit;
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$curl = curl_version();
$this->version = $curl['version_number'];
$this->handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
if ($this->version >= self::CURL_7_10_5) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
if (defined('CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS')) {
* Destructor
public function __destruct() {
if (is_resource($this->handle)) {
* Perform a request
* @throws Requests_Exception On a cURL error (`curlerror`)
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Associative array of request headers
* @param string|array $data Data to send either as the POST body, or as parameters in the URL for a GET/HEAD
* @param array $options Request options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return string Raw HTTP result
public function request($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
$this->hooks = $options['hooks'];
$this->setup_handle($url, $headers, $data, $options);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('curl.before_send', array(&$this->handle));
if ($options['filename'] !== false) {
$this->stream_handle = fopen($options['filename'], 'wb');
$this->response_data = '';
$this->response_bytes = 0;
$this->response_byte_limit = false;
if ($options['max_bytes'] !== false) {
$this->response_byte_limit = $options['max_bytes'];
if (isset($options['verify'])) {
if ($options['verify'] === false) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
elseif (is_string($options['verify'])) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $options['verify']);
if (isset($options['verifyname']) && $options['verifyname'] === false) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$response = $this->response_data;
$options['hooks']->dispatch('curl.after_send', array());
if (curl_errno($this->handle) === 23 || curl_errno($this->handle) === 61) {
// Reset encoding and try again
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'none');
$this->response_data = '';
$this->response_bytes = 0;
$response = $this->response_data;
$this->process_response($response, $options);
return $this->headers;
* Send multiple requests simultaneously
* @param array $requests Request data
* @param array $options Global options
* @return array Array of Requests_Response objects (may contain Requests_Exception or string responses as well)
public function request_multiple($requests, $options) {
// If you're not requesting, we can't get any responses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if (empty($requests)) {
return array();
$multihandle = curl_multi_init();
$subrequests = array();
$subhandles = array();
$class = get_class($this);
foreach ($requests as $id => $request) {
$subrequests[$id] = new $class();
$subhandles[$id] = $subrequests[$id]->get_subrequest_handle($request['url'], $request['headers'], $request['data'], $request['options']);
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('curl.before_multi_add', array(&$subhandles[$id]));
curl_multi_add_handle($multihandle, $subhandles[$id]);
$completed = 0;
$responses = array();
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('curl.before_multi_exec', array(&$multihandle));
do {
$active = false;
do {
$status = curl_multi_exec($multihandle, $active);
while ($status === CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
$to_process = array();
// Read the information as needed
while ($done = curl_multi_info_read($multihandle)) {
$key = array_search($done['handle'], $subhandles, true);
if (!isset($to_process[$key])) {
$to_process[$key] = $done;
// Parse the finished requests before we start getting the new ones
foreach ($to_process as $key => $done) {
$options = $requests[$key]['options'];
$responses[$key] = $subrequests[$key]->process_response($subrequests[$key]->response_data, $options);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('transport.internal.parse_response', array(&$responses[$key], $requests[$key]));
curl_multi_remove_handle($multihandle, $done['handle']);
if (!is_string($responses[$key])) {
$options['hooks']->dispatch('multiple.request.complete', array(&$responses[$key], $key));
while ($active || $completed < count($subrequests));
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('curl.after_multi_exec', array(&$multihandle));
return $responses;
* Get the cURL handle for use in a multi-request
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Associative array of request headers
* @param string|array $data Data to send either as the POST body, or as parameters in the URL for a GET/HEAD
* @param array $options Request options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return resource Subrequest's cURL handle
public function &get_subrequest_handle($url, $headers, $data, $options) {
$this->setup_handle($url, $headers, $data, $options);
if ($options['filename'] !== false) {
$this->stream_handle = fopen($options['filename'], 'wb');
$this->response_data = '';
$this->response_bytes = 0;
$this->response_byte_limit = false;
if ($options['max_bytes'] !== false) {
$this->response_byte_limit = $options['max_bytes'];
$this->hooks = $options['hooks'];
return $this->handle;
* Setup the cURL handle for the given data
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Associative array of request headers
* @param string|array $data Data to send either as the POST body, or as parameters in the URL for a GET/HEAD
* @param array $options Request options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
protected function setup_handle($url, $headers, $data, $options) {
$options['hooks']->dispatch('curl.before_request', array(&$this->handle));
$headers = Requests::flatten($headers);
if (!empty($data)) {
$data_format = $options['data_format'];
if ($data_format === 'query') {
$url = self::format_get($url, $data);
$data = '';
elseif (!is_string($data)) {
$data = http_build_query($data, null, '&');
switch ($options['type']) {
case Requests::POST:
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
case Requests::PATCH:
case Requests::PUT:
case Requests::DELETE:
case Requests::OPTIONS:
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $options['type']);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
case Requests::HEAD:
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $options['type']);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
case Requests::TRACE:
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $options['type']);
if (is_int($options['timeout']) || $this->version < self::CURL_7_16_2) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, ceil($options['timeout']));
else {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, round($options['timeout'] * 1000));
if (is_int($options['connect_timeout']) || $this->version < self::CURL_7_16_2) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, ceil($options['connect_timeout']));
else {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, round($options['connect_timeout'] * 1000));
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $options['useragent']);
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
if ($options['protocol_version'] === 1.1) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
else {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0);
if (true === $options['blocking']) {
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'stream_headers'));
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'stream_body'));
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, Requests::BUFFER_SIZE);
* Process a response
* @param string $response Response data from the body
* @param array $options Request options
* @return string HTTP response data including headers
public function process_response($response, $options) {
if ($options['blocking'] === false) {
$fake_headers = '';
$options['hooks']->dispatch('curl.after_request', array(&$fake_headers));
return false;
if ($options['filename'] !== false) {
$this->headers = trim($this->headers);
else {
$this->headers .= $response;
if (curl_errno($this->handle)) {
$error = sprintf(
'cURL error %s: %s',
throw new Requests_Exception($error, 'curlerror', $this->handle);
$this->info = curl_getinfo($this->handle);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('curl.after_request', array(&$this->headers));
return $this->headers;
* Collect the headers as they are received
* @param resource $handle cURL resource
* @param string $headers Header string
* @return integer Length of provided header
public function stream_headers($handle, $headers) {
// Why do we do this? cURL will send both the final response and any
// interim responses, such as a 100 Continue. We don't need that.
// (We may want to keep this somewhere just in case)
if ($this->done_headers) {
$this->headers = '';
$this->done_headers = false;
$this->headers .= $headers;
if ($headers === "\r\n") {
$this->done_headers = true;
return strlen($headers);
* Collect data as it's received
* @since 1.6.1
* @param resource $handle cURL resource
* @param string $data Body data
* @return integer Length of provided data
protected function stream_body($handle, $data) {
$this->hooks->dispatch('request.progress', array($data, $this->response_bytes, $this->response_byte_limit));
$data_length = strlen($data);
// Are we limiting the response size?
if ($this->response_byte_limit) {
if ($this->response_bytes === $this->response_byte_limit) {
// Already at maximum, move on
return $data_length;
if (($this->response_bytes + $data_length) > $this->response_byte_limit) {
// Limit the length
$limited_length = ($this->response_byte_limit - $this->response_bytes);
$data = substr($data, 0, $limited_length);
if ($this->stream_handle) {
fwrite($this->stream_handle, $data);
else {
$this->response_data .= $data;
$this->response_bytes += strlen($data);
return $data_length;
* Format a URL given GET data
* @param string $url
* @param array|object $data Data to build query using, see {@see http://php.net/http_build_query}
* @return string URL with data
protected static function format_get($url, $data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$url_parts = parse_url($url);
if (empty($url_parts['query'])) {
$query = $url_parts['query'] = '';
else {
$query = $url_parts['query'];
$query .= '&' . http_build_query($data, null, '&');
$query = trim($query, '&');
if (empty($url_parts['query'])) {
$url .= '?' . $query;
else {
$url = str_replace($url_parts['query'], $query, $url);
return $url;
* Whether this transport is valid
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return boolean True if the transport is valid, false otherwise.
public static function test($capabilities = array()) {
if (!function_exists('curl_init') && !function_exists('curl_exec')) {
return false;
// If needed, check that our installed curl version supports SSL
if (isset($capabilities['ssl']) && $capabilities['ssl']) {
$curl_version = curl_version();
if (!(CURL_VERSION_SSL & $curl_version['features'])) {
return false;
return true;

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@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
* fsockopen HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
* fsockopen HTTP transport
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Transport
class Requests_Transport_fsockopen implements Requests_Transport {
* Second to microsecond conversion
* @var integer
* Raw HTTP data
* @var string
public $headers = '';
* Stream metadata
* @var array Associative array of properties, see {@see http://php.net/stream_get_meta_data}
public $info;
* What's the maximum number of bytes we should keep?
* @var int|bool Byte count, or false if no limit.
protected $max_bytes = false;
protected $connect_error = '';
* Perform a request
* @throws Requests_Exception On failure to connect to socket (`fsockopenerror`)
* @throws Requests_Exception On socket timeout (`timeout`)
* @param string $url URL to request
* @param array $headers Associative array of request headers
* @param string|array $data Data to send either as the POST body, or as parameters in the URL for a GET/HEAD
* @param array $options Request options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return string Raw HTTP result
public function request($url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array()) {
$url_parts = parse_url($url);
if (empty($url_parts)) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Invalid URL.', 'invalidurl', $url);
$host = $url_parts['host'];
$context = stream_context_create();
$verifyname = false;
$case_insensitive_headers = new Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary($headers);
// HTTPS support
if (isset($url_parts['scheme']) && strtolower($url_parts['scheme']) === 'https') {
$remote_socket = 'ssl://' . $host;
$url_parts['port'] = 443;
$context_options = array(
'verify_peer' => true,
// 'CN_match' => $host,
'capture_peer_cert' => true
$verifyname = true;
// SNI, if enabled (OpenSSL >=0.9.8j)
$context_options['SNI_enabled'] = true;
if (isset($options['verifyname']) && $options['verifyname'] === false) {
$context_options['SNI_enabled'] = false;
if (isset($options['verify'])) {
if ($options['verify'] === false) {
$context_options['verify_peer'] = false;
elseif (is_string($options['verify'])) {
$context_options['cafile'] = $options['verify'];
if (isset($options['verifyname']) && $options['verifyname'] === false) {
$verifyname = false;
stream_context_set_option($context, array('ssl' => $context_options));
else {
$remote_socket = 'tcp://' . $host;
$this->max_bytes = $options['max_bytes'];
if (!isset($url_parts['port'])) {
$url_parts['port'] = 80;
$remote_socket .= ':' . $url_parts['port'];
set_error_handler(array($this, 'connect_error_handler'), E_WARNING | E_NOTICE);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.remote_socket', array(&$remote_socket));
$socket = stream_socket_client($remote_socket, $errno, $errstr, ceil($options['connect_timeout']), STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if ($verifyname && !$this->verify_certificate_from_context($host, $context)) {
throw new Requests_Exception('SSL certificate did not match the requested domain name', 'ssl.no_match');
if (!$socket) {
if ($errno === 0) {
// Connection issue
throw new Requests_Exception(rtrim($this->connect_error), 'fsockopen.connect_error');
throw new Requests_Exception($errstr, 'fsockopenerror', null, $errno);
$data_format = $options['data_format'];
if ($data_format === 'query') {
$path = self::format_get($url_parts, $data);
$data = '';
else {
$path = self::format_get($url_parts, array());
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.remote_host_path', array(&$path, $url));
$request_body = '';
$out = sprintf("%s %s HTTP/%.1f\r\n", $options['type'], $path, $options['protocol_version']);
if ($options['type'] !== Requests::TRACE) {
if (is_array($data)) {
$request_body = http_build_query($data, null, '&');
else {
$request_body = $data;
if (!empty($data)) {
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['Content-Length'])) {
$headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($request_body);
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['Content-Type'])) {
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['Host'])) {
$out .= sprintf('Host: %s', $url_parts['host']);
if ($url_parts['port'] !== 80) {
$out .= ':' . $url_parts['port'];
$out .= "\r\n";
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['User-Agent'])) {
$out .= sprintf("User-Agent: %s\r\n", $options['useragent']);
$accept_encoding = $this->accept_encoding();
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['Accept-Encoding']) && !empty($accept_encoding)) {
$out .= sprintf("Accept-Encoding: %s\r\n", $accept_encoding);
$headers = Requests::flatten($headers);
if (!empty($headers)) {
$out .= implode($headers, "\r\n") . "\r\n";
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.after_headers', array(&$out));
if (substr($out, -2) !== "\r\n") {
$out .= "\r\n";
if (!isset($case_insensitive_headers['Connection'])) {
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
$out .= "\r\n" . $request_body;
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.before_send', array(&$out));
fwrite($socket, $out);
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.after_send', array($out));
if (!$options['blocking']) {
$fake_headers = '';
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.after_request', array(&$fake_headers));
return '';
$timeout_sec = (int) floor($options['timeout']);
if ($timeout_sec == $options['timeout']) {
$timeout_msec = 0;
else {
$timeout_msec = self::SECOND_IN_MICROSECONDS * $options['timeout'] % self::SECOND_IN_MICROSECONDS;
stream_set_timeout($socket, $timeout_sec, $timeout_msec);
$response = $body = $headers = '';
$this->info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
$size = 0;
$doingbody = false;
$download = false;
if ($options['filename']) {
$download = fopen($options['filename'], 'wb');
while (!feof($socket)) {
$this->info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
if ($this->info['timed_out']) {
throw new Requests_Exception('fsocket timed out', 'timeout');
$block = fread($socket, Requests::BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!$doingbody) {
$response .= $block;
if (strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n")) {
list($headers, $block) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);
$doingbody = true;
// Are we in body mode now?
if ($doingbody) {
$options['hooks']->dispatch('request.progress', array($block, $size, $this->max_bytes));
$data_length = strlen($block);
if ($this->max_bytes) {
// Have we already hit a limit?
if ($size === $this->max_bytes) {
if (($size + $data_length) > $this->max_bytes) {
// Limit the length
$limited_length = ($this->max_bytes - $size);
$block = substr($block, 0, $limited_length);
$size += strlen($block);
if ($download) {
fwrite($download, $block);
else {
$body .= $block;
$this->headers = $headers;
if ($download) {
else {
$this->headers .= "\r\n\r\n" . $body;
$options['hooks']->dispatch('fsockopen.after_request', array(&$this->headers));
return $this->headers;
* Send multiple requests simultaneously
* @param array $requests Request data (array of 'url', 'headers', 'data', 'options') as per {@see Requests_Transport::request}
* @param array $options Global options, see {@see Requests::response()} for documentation
* @return array Array of Requests_Response objects (may contain Requests_Exception or string responses as well)
public function request_multiple($requests, $options) {
$responses = array();
$class = get_class($this);
foreach ($requests as $id => $request) {
try {
$handler = new $class();
$responses[$id] = $handler->request($request['url'], $request['headers'], $request['data'], $request['options']);
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('transport.internal.parse_response', array(&$responses[$id], $request));
catch (Requests_Exception $e) {
$responses[$id] = $e;
if (!is_string($responses[$id])) {
$request['options']['hooks']->dispatch('multiple.request.complete', array(&$responses[$id], $id));
return $responses;
* Retrieve the encodings we can accept
* @return string Accept-Encoding header value
protected static function accept_encoding() {
$type = array();
if (function_exists('gzinflate')) {
$type[] = 'deflate;q=1.0';
if (function_exists('gzuncompress')) {
$type[] = 'compress;q=0.5';
$type[] = 'gzip;q=0.5';
return implode(', ', $type);
* Format a URL given GET data
* @param array $url_parts
* @param array|object $data Data to build query using, see {@see http://php.net/http_build_query}
* @return string URL with data
protected static function format_get($url_parts, $data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
if (empty($url_parts['query'])) {
$url_parts['query'] = '';
$url_parts['query'] .= '&' . http_build_query($data, null, '&');
$url_parts['query'] = trim($url_parts['query'], '&');
if (isset($url_parts['path'])) {
if (isset($url_parts['query'])) {
$get = $url_parts['path'] . '?' . $url_parts['query'];
else {
$get = $url_parts['path'];
else {
$get = '/';
return $get;
* Error handler for stream_socket_client()
* @param int $errno Error number (e.g. E_WARNING)
* @param string $errstr Error message
public function connect_error_handler($errno, $errstr) {
// Double-check we can handle it
if (($errno & E_WARNING) === 0 && ($errno & E_NOTICE) === 0) {
// Return false to indicate the default error handler should engage
return false;
$this->connect_error .= $errstr . "\n";
return true;
* Verify the certificate against common name and subject alternative names
* Unfortunately, PHP doesn't check the certificate against the alternative
* names, leading things like 'https://www.github.com/' to be invalid.
* Instead
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818#section-3.1 RFC2818, Section 3.1
* @throws Requests_Exception On failure to connect via TLS (`fsockopen.ssl.connect_error`)
* @throws Requests_Exception On not obtaining a match for the host (`fsockopen.ssl.no_match`)
* @param string $host Host name to verify against
* @param resource $context Stream context
* @return bool
public function verify_certificate_from_context($host, $context) {
$meta = stream_context_get_options($context);
// If we don't have SSL options, then we couldn't make the connection at
// all
if (empty($meta) || empty($meta['ssl']) || empty($meta['ssl']['peer_certificate'])) {
throw new Requests_Exception(rtrim($this->connect_error), 'ssl.connect_error');
$cert = openssl_x509_parse($meta['ssl']['peer_certificate']);
return Requests_SSL::verify_certificate($host, $cert);
* Whether this transport is valid
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return boolean True if the transport is valid, false otherwise.
public static function test($capabilities = array()) {
if (!function_exists('fsockopen')) {
return false;
// If needed, check that streams support SSL
if (isset($capabilities['ssl']) && $capabilities['ssl']) {
if (!extension_loaded('openssl') || !function_exists('openssl_x509_parse')) {
return false;
// Currently broken, thanks to https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/2156
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
* Case-insensitive dictionary, suitable for HTTP headers
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* Case-insensitive dictionary, suitable for HTTP headers
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
class Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate {
* Actual item data
* @var array
protected $data = array();
* Creates a case insensitive dictionary.
* @param array $data Dictionary/map to convert to case-insensitive
public function __construct(array $data = array()) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$this->offsetSet($key, $value);
* Check if the given item exists
* @param string $key Item key
* @return boolean Does the item exist?
public function offsetExists($key) {
$key = strtolower($key);
return isset($this->data[$key]);
* Get the value for the item
* @param string $key Item key
* @return string Item value
public function offsetGet($key) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
return null;
return $this->data[$key];
* Set the given item
* @throws Requests_Exception On attempting to use dictionary as list (`invalidset`)
* @param string $key Item name
* @param string $value Item value
public function offsetSet($key, $value) {
if ($key === null) {
throw new Requests_Exception('Object is a dictionary, not a list', 'invalidset');
$key = strtolower($key);
$this->data[$key] = $value;
* Unset the given header
* @param string $key
public function offsetUnset($key) {
* Get an iterator for the data
* @return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->data);
* Get the headers as an array
* @return array Header data
public function getAll() {
return $this->data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Iterator for arrays requiring filtered values
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
* Iterator for arrays requiring filtered values
* @package Requests
* @subpackage Utilities
class Requests_Utility_FilteredIterator extends ArrayIterator {
* Callback to run as a filter
* @var callable
protected $callback;
* Create a new iterator
* @param array $data
* @param callable $callback Callback to be called on each value
public function __construct($data, $callback) {
$this->callback = $callback;
* Get the current item's value after filtering
* @return string
public function current() {
$value = parent::current();
$value = call_user_func($this->callback, $value);
return $value;

includes/auth.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// No direct call
if( !defined( 'YOURLS_ABSPATH' ) ) die();
$auth = yourls_apply_filter( 'is_valid_user', yourls_is_valid_user() );
$auth = yourls_is_valid_user();
if( $auth !== true ) {
@ -25,4 +25,39 @@ if( $auth !== true ) {
yourls_do_action( 'auth_successful' );
yourls_do_action( 'auth_successful' );
* The following code is a shim that helps users store passwords securely in config.php
* by storing a password hash and removing the plaintext.
* TODO: Remove this once real user management is implemented
// Did we just fail at encrypting passwords ?
if ( isset( $_GET['dismiss'] ) && $_GET['dismiss'] == 'hasherror' ) {
yourls_update_option( 'defer_hashing_error', time() + 86400 * 7 ); // now + 1 week
} else {
// Encrypt passwords that are clear text
if ( !defined( 'YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD' ) && yourls_has_cleartext_passwords() ) {
$hash = yourls_hash_passwords_now( YOURLS_CONFIGFILE );
if ( $hash === true ) {
// Hashing succesful. Remove flag from DB if any.
if( yourls_get_option( 'defer_hashing_error' ) )
yourls_delete_option( 'defer_hashing_error' );
} else {
// It failed, display message for first time or if last time was a week ago
if ( time() > yourls_get_option( 'defer_hashing_error' ) or !yourls_get_option( 'defer_hashing_error' ) ) {
$message = yourls_s( 'Could not auto-encrypt passwords. Error was: "%s".', $hash );
$message .= ' ';
$message .= yourls_s( '<a href="%s">Get help</a>.', 'http://yourls.org/userpassword' );
$message .= '</p><p>';
$message .= yourls_s( '<a href="%s">Click here</a> to dismiss this message for one week.', '?dismiss=hasherror' );
yourls_add_notice( $message );

includes/class-mysql.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,407 +1,139 @@
| |
| ezSQL |
| Copyright (c) 2006 Justin Vincent |
| |
| File Written By: |
| - Justin Vincent (justin@visunet.ie) |
| - http://php.justinvincent.com |
| |
| File Information: |
| - MYSQL Database Class |
| - class-mysql.php |
| |
### ezSQL Constants. Might be defined in the WordPress environment if YOURLS plugin used.
if( !defined('EZSQL_VERSION') )
if( !defined('OBJECT') )
if( !defined('ARRAY_A') )
if( !defined('ARRAY_N') )
if( !defined('EZSQL_CORE_ERROR') )
define('EZSQL_CORE_ERROR','ezSQLcore can not be used by itself (it is designed for use by database specific modules).');
### ezSQL Core Class
// Core class containg common functions to manipulate query result sets once returned
class ezSQLcore{
var $trace = false; // same as $debug_all
var $debug_all = false; // same as $trace
var $debug_called = false;
var $vardump_called = false;
var $show_errors = false;
var $num_queries = 0;
var $last_query = null;
var $last_error = null;
var $col_info = null;
var $captured_errors = array();
var $all_queries = '';
## Constructor
function ezSQLcore() { }
## Connect to DB - over-ridden by specific DB class
function connect() { die(EZSQL_CORE_ERROR); }
## Select DB - over-ridden by specific DB class
function select() { die(EZSQL_CORE_ERROR); }
## Basic Query - over-ridden by specific DB class
function query() { die(EZSQL_CORE_ERROR); }
## Format a string correctly for safe insert - over-ridden by specific DB class
function escape() { die(EZSQL_CORE_ERROR); }
## Return database specific system date syntax
function sysdate() { die(EZSQL_CORE_ERROR); }
## Print SQL/DB error - over-ridden by specific DB class
function register_error($err_str) {
// Keep track of last error
$this->last_error = $err_str;
// Capture all errors to an error array no matter what happens
$this->captured_errors[] = array ('error_str' => $err_str, 'query' => $this->last_query);
## Show Errors
function show_errors() { $this->show_errors = true; }
## Hide Errors
function hide_errors() { $this->show_errors = false; }
## Kill cached query results
function flush() {
// Get rid of these
$this->last_result = null;
$this->col_info = null;
$this->last_query = null;
## Get one variable from the DB - see docs for more detail
function get_var($query=null,$x=0,$y=0) {
// Log how the function was called
$this->func_call = "\$db->get_var(\"$query\",$x,$y)";
// If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
if ($query) {
// Extract var out of cached results based x,y vals
if ($this->last_result[$y]){
$values = array_values(get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y]));
// If there is a value return it else return null
return (isset($values[$x]) && $values[$x]!=='')?$values[$x]:null;
## Get one row from the DB - see docs for more detail
function get_row($query=null,$output=OBJECT,$y=0) {
// Log how the function was called
$this->func_call = "\$db->get_row(\"$query\",$output,$y)";
// If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
if ($query) {
// If the output is an object then return object using the row offset..
if ($output == OBJECT) {
return $this->last_result[$y]?$this->last_result[$y]:null;
// If the output is an associative array then return row as such..
} elseif ($output == ARRAY_A) {
return $this->last_result[$y]?get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y]):null;
// If the output is an numerical array then return row as such..
} elseif ($output == ARRAY_N) {
return $this->last_result[$y]?array_values(get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y])):null;
// If invalid output type was specified..
} else {
$this->print_error(" \$db->get_row(string query, output type, int offset) -- Output type must be one of: OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N");
## Function to get 1 column from the cached result set based in X index see docs for usage and info
function get_col($query=null,$x=0) {
// If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
if ($query) {
// Extract the column values
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->last_result); $i++) {
$new_array[$i] = $this->get_var(null,$x,$i);
return $new_array;
## Return the the query as a result set - see docs for more details
function get_results($query=null, $output = OBJECT) {
// Log how the function was called
$this->func_call = "\$db->get_results(\"$query\", $output)";
// If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
if ($query) {
// Send back array of objects. Each row is an object
if ($output == OBJECT) {
return $this->last_result;
} elseif ($output == ARRAY_A || $output == ARRAY_N) {
if ($this->last_result) {
foreach($this->last_result as $row) {
$new_array[$i] = get_object_vars($row);
if ($output == ARRAY_N) {
$new_array[$i] = array_values($new_array[$i]);
return $new_array;
} else {
return null;
## Function to get column meta data info pertaining to the last query see docs for more info and usage
function get_col_info($info_type="name",$col_offset=-1) {
if ($this->col_info) {
if ($col_offset == -1) {
foreach($this->col_info as $col) {
$new_array[$i] = $col->{$info_type};
return $new_array;
} else {
return $this->col_info[$col_offset]->{$info_type};
## Dumps the contents of any input variable to screen in a nicely formatted and easy to understand way - any type: Object, Var or Array
function vardump($mixed='') {
echo "<p><table><tr><td bgcolor=ffffff><blockquote><font color=000090>";
echo "<pre><font face=arial>";
if (!$this->vardump_called) {
echo "<font color=800080><b>ezSQL</b> (v".EZSQL_VERSION.") <b>Variable Dump..</b></font>\n\n";
$var_type = gettype ($mixed);
print_r(($mixed?$mixed:"<font color=red>No Value / False</font>"));
echo "\n\n<b>Type:</b> " . ucfirst($var_type) . "\n";
echo "<b>Last Query</b> [$this->num_queries]<b>:</b> ".($this->last_query?$this->last_query:"NULL")."\n";
echo "<b>Last Function Call:</b> " . ($this->func_call?$this->func_call:"None")."\n";
echo "<b>Last Rows Returned:</b> ".count($this->last_result)."\n";
echo "</font></pre></font></blockquote></td></tr></table>".$this->donation();
echo "\n<hr size=1 noshade color=dddddd>";
$this->vardump_called = true;
## Alias for the above function
function dumpvar($mixed) { $this->vardump($mixed); }
## Displays the last query string that was sent to the database & a table listing results (if there were any). (abstracted into a seperate file to save server overhead).
function debug() {
echo "<blockquote>";
// Only show ezSQL credits once..
if (!$this->debug_called) {
echo "<font color=800080 face=arial size=2><b>ezSQL</b> (v".EZSQL_VERSION.") <b>Debug..</b></font><p>\n";
if ($this->last_error) {
echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>$this->last_error</b></font>]<p>";
echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query</b> [$this->num_queries] <b>--</b> ";
echo "[<font color=000000><b>$this->last_query</b></font>]</font><p>";
echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query Result..</b></font>";
echo "<blockquote>";
if ($this->col_info) {
// Results top rows
echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=555555>";
echo "<tr bgcolor=eeeeee><td nowrap valign=bottom><font color=555599 face=arial size=2><b>(row)</b></font></td>";
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->col_info); $i++) {
echo "<td nowrap align=left valign=top><font size=1 color=555599 face=arial>{$this->col_info[$i]->type} {$this->col_info[$i]->max_length}</font><br><span style='font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;'>{$this->col_info[$i]->name}</span></td>";
echo "</tr>";
// print main results
if ($this->last_result) {
foreach ($this->get_results(null,ARRAY_N) as $one_row) {
echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td bgcolor=eeeeee nowrap align=middle><font size=2 color=555599 face=arial>$i</font></td>";
foreach ($one_row as $item) {
echo "<td nowrap><font face=arial size=2>$item</font></td>";
echo "</tr>";
} else {
echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td colspan=".(count($this->col_info)+1)."><font face=arial size=2>No Results</font></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "<font face=arial size=2>No Results</font>";
echo "</blockquote></blockquote>".$this->donation()."<hr noshade color=dddddd size=1>";
$this->debug_called = true;
## Naughty little function to ask for some remuniration!
function donation() {
return "<font size=1 face=arial color=000000>If ezSQL has helped <a href=\"https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=justin%40justinvincent.com&item_name=ezSQL&no_note=1&tax=0\" style=\"color: 0000CC;\">make a donation!?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<!--[ go on! you know you want to! ]--></font>";
### ezSQL MYSQL Class Variables
$ezsql_mysql_str = array
1 => 'Require $dbuser and $dbpassword to connect to a database server',
2 => 'Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running?',
3 => 'Require $dbname to select a database',
4 => 'mySQL database connection is not active',
5 => 'Unexpected error while trying to select database'
if ( ! function_exists ('mysql_connect') ) die('<b>Fatal Error:</b> ezSQL_mysql requires mySQL Lib to be compiled and or linked in to the PHP engine');
if ( ! class_exists ('ezSQLcore') ) die('<b>Fatal Error:</b> ezSQL_mysql requires ezSQLcore (ez_sql_core.php) to be included/loaded before it can be used');
### ezSQL MYSQL Class
class ezSQL_mysql extends ezSQLcore {
## Constructor - allow the user to perform a qucik connect at the same time as initialising the ezSQL_mysql class
function ezSQL_mysql($dbuser='', $dbpassword='', $dbname='', $dbhost='localhost') {
if ($dbuser && $dbname) {
$this->quick_connect($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost);
## Short hand way to connect to mySQL database server and select a mySQL database at the same time
function quick_connect($dbuser='', $dbpassword='', $dbname='', $dbhost='localhost') {
$return_val = false;
if ( ! $this->connect($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbhost,true) ) ;
else if ( ! $this->select($dbname) ) ;
else $return_val = true;
return $return_val;
## Try to connect to mySQL database server
function connect($dbuser='', $dbpassword='', $dbhost='localhost'){
global $ezsql_mysql_str; $return_val = false;
// Must have a user and a password
if (!$dbuser){
$this->register_error($ezsql_mysql_str[1].' in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($ezsql_mysql_str[1],E_USER_WARNING) : null;
// Try to establish the server database handle
} else if (!$this->dbh = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpassword)) {
$this->register_error($ezsql_mysql_str[2].' in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($ezsql_mysql_str[2],E_USER_WARNING) : null;
} else {
$return_val = true;
return $return_val;
## Close
function close() {
return mysql_close($this->dbh);
## Try to select a mySQL database
function select($dbname='') {
global $ezsql_mysql_str; $return_val = false;
// Must have a database name
if (!$dbname) {
$this->register_error($ezsql_mysql_str[3].' in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($ezsql_mysql_str[3],E_USER_WARNING) : null;
// Must have an active database connection
} else if (!$this->dbh) {
$this->register_error($ezsql_mysql_str[4].' in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($ezsql_mysql_str[4],E_USER_WARNING) : null;
// Try to connect to the database
} else if (!@mysql_select_db($dbname,$this->dbh)) {
// Try to get error supplied by mysql if not use our own
if ( !$str = @mysql_error($this->dbh)) {
$str = $ezsql_mysql_str[5];
$this->register_error($str.' in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($str,E_USER_WARNING) : null;
} else {
$return_val = true;
return $return_val;
## Format a mySQL string correctly for safe mySQL insert (no mater if magic quotes are on or not)
function escape($str) {
return mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($str));
## Return mySQL specific system date syntax
function sysdate() {
return 'NOW()';
## Perform mySQL query and try to detirmin result value
function query($query) {
// For reg expressions
$query = trim($query);
// Initialise return
$return_val = 0;
// Flush cached values..
// Log how the function was called
$this->func_call = "\$db->query(\"$query\")";
// Keep track of the last query for debug..
$this->last_query = $query;
// Perform the query via std mysql_query function..
$this->result = @mysql_query($query,$this->dbh);
$this->all_queries .= $query.'<br />';
// If there is an error then take note of it..
if ($str = @mysql_error($this->dbh)) {
$this->show_errors ? trigger_error($str,E_USER_WARNING) : null;
return false;
// Query was an insert, delete, update, replace
if (preg_match("/^(insert|delete|update|replace)\s+/i",$query)) {
$this->rows_affected = @mysql_affected_rows();
// Take note of the insert_id
if (preg_match("/^(insert|replace)\s+/i",$query)) {
$this->insert_id = @mysql_insert_id($this->dbh);
// Return number fo rows affected
$return_val = $this->rows_affected;
// Query was a select
} else {
// Take note of column info
while ($i < @mysql_num_fields($this->result)) {
$this->col_info[$i] = @mysql_fetch_field($this->result);
// Store Query Results
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_object($this->result)) {
// Store relults as an objects within main array
$this->last_result[$num_rows] = $row;
// Log number of rows the query returned
$this->num_rows = $num_rows;
// Return number of rows selected
$return_val = $this->num_rows;
// If debug ALL queries
$this->trace || $this->debug_all ? $this->debug() : null ;
return $return_val;
function mysql_version() {
return mysql_get_server_info( $this->dbh ) ;
* Pick the right DB class and return an instance
* @since 1.7
* @param string $extension Optional: user defined choice
* @return class $ydb DB class instance
function yourls_set_DB_driver( ) {
// Auto-pick the driver. Priority: user defined, then PDO, then mysqli, then mysql
if ( defined( 'YOURLS_DB_DRIVER' ) ) {
$driver = strtolower( YOURLS_DB_DRIVER ); // accept 'MySQL', 'mySQL', etc
} elseif ( extension_loaded( 'pdo_mysql' ) ) {
$driver = 'pdo';
} elseif ( extension_loaded( 'mysqli' ) ) {
$driver = 'mysqli';
} elseif ( extension_loaded( 'mysql' ) ) {
$driver = 'mysql';
} else {
$driver = '';
// Set the new driver
if ( in_array( $driver, array( 'mysql', 'mysqli', 'pdo' ) ) ) {
$class = yourls_require_db_files( $driver );
global $ydb;
if ( !class_exists( $class, false ) ) {
$ydb = new stdClass();
yourls__( 'YOURLS requires the mysql, mysqli or pdo_mysql PHP extension. No extension found. Check your server config, or contact your host.' ),
yourls__( 'Fatal error' ),
yourls_do_action( 'set_DB_driver', $driver );
$ydb->DB_driver = $driver;
yourls_debug_log( "DB driver: $driver" );
* Load required DB class files
* This goes in its own function to allow easier unit tests
* @since 1.7.1
* @param string $driver DB driver
* @return string name of the DB class to instantiate
function yourls_require_db_files( $driver ) {
require_once( YOURLS_INC . '/ezSQL/ez_sql_core.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC . '/ezSQL/ez_sql_core_yourls.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC . '/ezSQL/ez_sql_' . $driver . '.php' );
require_once( YOURLS_INC . '/ezSQL/ez_sql_' . $driver . '_yourls.php' );
return 'ezSQL_' . $driver . '_yourls';
* Connect to DB
* @since 1.0
function yourls_db_connect() {
global $ydb;
if ( !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_USER' )
or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_PASS' )
or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_NAME' )
or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_HOST' )
) yourls_die ( yourls__( 'Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB' ), yourls__( 'Fatal error' ), 503 );
// Are we standalone or in the WordPress environment?
if ( class_exists( 'wpdb', false ) ) {
/* TODO: should we deprecate this? Follow WP dev in that area */
} else {
return $ydb;
* Return true if DB server is responding
* This function is supposed to be called right after yourls_get_all_options() has fired. It is not designed (yet) to
* check for a responding server after several successful operation to check if the server has gone MIA
* @since 1.7.1
function yourls_is_db_alive() {
global $ydb;
$alive = false;
switch( $ydb->DB_driver ) {
case 'pdo' :
$alive = isset( $ydb->dbh );
case 'mysql' :
$alive = ( isset( $ydb->dbh ) && false !== $ydb->dbh );
case 'mysqli' :
$alive = ( null == mysqli_connect_error() );
// Custom DB driver & class : delegate check
$alive = yourls_apply_filter( 'is_db_alive_custom', false );
return $alive;
* Die with a DB error message
* @TODO in version 1.8 : use a new localized string, specific to the problem (ie: "DB is dead")
* @since 1.7.1
function yourls_db_dead() {
// Use any /user/db_error.php file
if( file_exists( YOURLS_USERDIR . '/db_error.php' ) ) {
include_once( YOURLS_USERDIR . '/db_error.php' );
yourls_die( yourls__( 'Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB' ), yourls__( 'Fatal error' ), 503 );

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