2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
// Init some stuff
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#add-url, #add-keyword' ) . keypress ( function ( e ) {
if ( e . which == 13 ) { add _link ( ) ; }
} ) ;
add _link _reset ( ) ;
$ ( '#new_url_form' ) . attr ( 'action' , 'javascript:add_link();' ) ;
$ ( 'input.text' ) . focus ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . select ( ) ;
} ) ;
// this one actually has little impact, the .hasClass('disabled') in each edit_link_display(), remove() etc... fires faster
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , 'a.button' , function ( ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false ;
} ) ;
// When Searching, explode search text in pieces -- see split_search_text_before_search()
$ ( '#filter_form' ) . submit ( function ( ) {
split _search _text _before _search ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Create new link and add to table
function add _link ( ) {
if ( $ ( '#add-button' ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false ;
var newurl = $ ( "#add-url" ) . val ( ) ;
var nonce = $ ( "#nonce-add" ) . val ( ) ;
if ( ! newurl || newurl == 'http://' || newurl == 'https://' ) {
return ;
var keyword = $ ( "#add-keyword" ) . val ( ) ;
add _loading ( "#add-button" ) ;
$ . getJSON (
ajaxurl ,
{ action : 'add' , url : newurl , keyword : keyword , nonce : nonce } ,
function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 'success' ) {
$ ( '#main_table tbody' ) . prepend ( data . html ) . trigger ( "update" ) ;
$ ( '#nourl_found' ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' ) ;
zebra _table ( ) ;
increment _counter ( ) ;
toggle _share _fill _boxes ( data . url . url , data . shorturl , data . url . title ) ;
add _link _reset ( ) ;
end _loading ( "#add-button" ) ;
end _disable ( "#add-button" ) ;
feedback ( data . message , data . status ) ;
) ;
function toggle _share _fill _boxes ( url , shorturl , title ) {
$ ( '#copylink' ) . val ( shorturl ) ;
$ ( '#titlelink' ) . val ( title ) ;
$ ( '#origlink' ) . attr ( 'href' , url ) . html ( url ) ;
$ ( '#statlink' ) . attr ( 'href' , shorturl + '+' ) . html ( shorturl + '+' ) ;
var tweet = ( title ? title + ' ' + shorturl : shorturl ) ;
$ ( '#tweet_body' ) . val ( tweet ) . keypress ( ) ;
$ ( '#shareboxes' ) . slideDown ( '300' , function ( ) { init _clipboard ( ) ; } ) ; // clipboard re-initialized after slidedown to make sure the invisible Flash element is correctly positionned
$ ( '#tweet_body' ) . keypress ( ) ;
// Display the edition interface
function edit _link _display ( id ) {
if ( $ ( '#edit-button-' + id ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false ;
add _loading ( '#actions-' + id + ' .button' ) ;
var keyword = $ ( '#keyword_' + id ) . val ( ) ;
var nonce = get _var _from _query ( $ ( '#edit-button-' + id ) . attr ( 'href' ) , 'nonce' ) ;
$ . getJSON (
ajaxurl ,
{ action : "edit_display" , keyword : keyword , nonce : nonce , id : id } ,
function ( data ) {
$ ( "#id-" + id ) . after ( data . html ) ;
$ ( "#edit-url-" + id ) . focus ( ) ;
end _loading ( '#actions-' + id + ' .button' ) ;
) ;
// Delete a link
function remove _link ( id ) {
if ( $ ( '#delete-button-' + id ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false ;
if ( ! confirm ( 'Really delete?' ) ) {
return ;
var keyword = $ ( '#keyword_' + id ) . val ( ) ;
var nonce = get _var _from _query ( $ ( '#delete-button-' + id ) . attr ( 'href' ) , 'nonce' ) ;
$ . getJSON (
ajaxurl ,
{ action : "delete" , keyword : keyword , nonce : nonce , id : id } ,
function ( data ) {
if ( data . success == 1 ) {
$ ( "#id-" + id ) . fadeOut ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#main_table tbody tr' ) . length == 1 ) {
$ ( '#nourl_found' ) . css ( 'display' , '' ) ;
zebra _table ( ) ;
} ) ;
decrement _counter ( ) ;
} else {
alert ( 'something wrong happened while deleting :/' ) ;
) ;
// Redirect to stat page
function go _stats ( link ) {
window . location = link ;
// Cancel edition of a link
function edit _link _hide ( id ) {
$ ( "#edit-" + id ) . fadeOut ( 200 , function ( ) {
end _disable ( '#actions-' + id + ' .button' ) ;
} ) ;
// Save edition of a link
function edit _link _save ( id ) {
add _loading ( "#edit-close-" + id ) ;
var newurl = encodeURI ( $ ( "#edit-url-" + id ) . val ( ) ) ;
var newkeyword = $ ( "#edit-keyword-" + id ) . val ( ) ;
var title = $ ( "#edit-title-" + id ) . val ( ) ;
var keyword = $ ( '#old_keyword_' + id ) . val ( ) ;
var nonce = $ ( '#nonce_' + id ) . val ( ) ;
var www = $ ( '#yourls-site' ) . val ( ) ;
$ . getJSON (
ajaxurl ,
{ action : 'edit_save' , url : newurl , id : id , keyword : keyword , newkeyword : newkeyword , title : title , nonce : nonce } ,
function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == 'success' ) {
if ( data . url . title != '' ) {
var display _link = '<a href="' + data . url . url + '" title="' + data . url . url + '">' + data . url . display _title + '</a><br/><small><a href="' + data . url . url + '">' + data . url . display _url + '</a></small>' ;
} else {
var display _link = '<a href="' + data . url . url + '" title="' + data . url . url + '">' + data . url . display _url + '</a>' ;
$ ( "#url-" + id ) . html ( display _link ) ;
$ ( "#keyword-" + id ) . html ( '<a href="' + data . url . shorturl + '" title="' + data . url . shorturl + '">' + data . url . keyword + '</a>' ) ;
$ ( "#timestamp-" + id ) . html ( data . url . date ) ;
$ ( "#edit-" + id ) . fadeOut ( 200 , function ( ) {
$ ( '#main_table tbody' ) . trigger ( "update" ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#keyword_' + id ) . val ( newkeyword ) ;
$ ( '#statlink-' + id ) . attr ( 'href' , data . url . shorturl + '+' ) ;
feedback ( data . message , data . status ) ;
end _loading ( "#edit-close-" + id ) ;
end _disable ( "#actions-" + id + ' .button' ) ;
) ;
// Prettify table with odd & even rows
function zebra _table ( ) {
$ ( "#main_table tbody tr:even" ) . removeClass ( 'odd' ) . addClass ( 'even' ) ;
$ ( "#main_table tbody tr:odd" ) . removeClass ( 'even' ) . addClass ( 'odd' ) ;
$ ( '#main_table tbody' ) . trigger ( "update" ) ;
// Ready to add another URL
function add _link _reset ( ) {
$ ( '#add-url' ) . val ( '' ) . focus ( ) ;
$ ( '#add-keyword' ) . val ( '' ) ;
// Increment URL counters
function increment _counter ( ) {
$ ( '.increment' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . html ( parseInt ( $ ( this ) . html ( ) ) + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
// Decrement URL counters
function decrement _counter ( ) {
$ ( '.increment' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . html ( parseInt ( $ ( this ) . html ( ) ) - 1 ) ;
} ) ;
// Toggle Share box
function toggle _share ( id ) {
if ( $ ( '#share-button-' + id ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
return false ;
var link = $ ( '#url-' + id + ' a:first' ) ;
var longurl = link . attr ( 'href' ) ;
var title = link . attr ( 'title' ) ;
var shorturl = $ ( '#keyword-' + id + ' a:first' ) . attr ( 'href' ) ;
toggle _share _fill _boxes ( longurl , shorturl , title ) ;
// When "Search" is clicked, split search text to beat servers which don't like query string with "http://"
// See https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/issues/1576
function split _search _text _before _search ( ) {
// Add 2 hidden fields and populate them with parts of search text
$ ( "<input type='hidden' name='search_protocol' />" ) . appendTo ( '#filter_form' ) ;
$ ( "<input type='hidden' name='search_slashes' />" ) . appendTo ( '#filter_form' ) ;
var search = get _protocol _slashes _and _rest ( $ ( '#filter_form input[name=search]' ) . val ( ) ) ;
$ ( '#filter_form input[name=search]' ) . val ( search . rest ) ;
$ ( '#filter_form input[name=search_protocol]' ) . val ( search . protocol ) ;
$ ( '#filter_form input[name=search_slashes]' ) . val ( search . slashes ) ;