2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
< ? php
define ( 'YOURLS_ADMIN' , true );
define ( 'YOURLS_UPGRADING' , true );
require_once ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) . '/includes/load-yourls.php' );
require_once ( YOURLS_INC . '/functions-upgrade.php' );
require_once ( YOURLS_INC . '/functions-install.php' );
yourls_maybe_require_auth ();
yourls_html_head ( 'upgrade' , yourls__ ( 'Upgrade YOURLS' ) );
yourls_html_logo ();
yourls_html_menu ();
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Upgrade YOURLS' ); ?> </h2>
< ? php
// Check if upgrade is needed
if ( ! yourls_upgrade_is_needed () ) {
echo '<p>' . yourls_s ( 'Upgrade not required. Go <a href="%s">back to play</a>!' , yourls_admin_url ( 'index.php' ) ) . '</p>' ;
} else {
step 1 : create new tables and populate them , update old tables structure ,
step 2 : convert each row of outdated tables if needed
step 3 : - if applicable finish updating outdated tables ( indexes etc )
- update version & db_version in options , this is all done !
// From what are we upgrading?
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'oldver' ] ) && isset ( $_GET [ 'oldsql' ] ) ) {
$oldver = yourls_sanitize_version ( $_GET [ 'oldver' ] );
$oldsql = yourls_sanitize_version ( $_GET [ 'oldsql' ] );
} else {
list ( $oldver , $oldsql ) = yourls_get_current_version_from_sql ();
// To what are we upgrading ?
$newver = YOURLS_VERSION ;
// Verbose & ugly details
$ydb -> show_errors = true ;
// Let's go
$step = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'step' ] ) ? intval ( $_GET [ 'step' ] ) : 0 );
switch ( $step ) {
default :
case 0 :
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Your current installation needs to be upgraded.' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Please, pretty please, it is recommended that you <strong>backup</strong> your database<br/>(you should do this regularly anyway)' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( " Nothing awful <em>should</em> happen, but this doesn't mean it <em>won't</em> happen, right? ;) " ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( " On every step, if <span class='error'>something goes wrong</span>, you'll see a message and hopefully a way to fix. " ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'If everything goes too fast and you cannot read, <span class="success">good for you</span>, let it go :)' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Once you are ready, press "Upgrade" !' ); ?> </p>
< ? php
echo "
< form action = 'upgrade.php?' method = 'get' >
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'step' value = '1' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'oldver' value = '$oldver' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'newver' value = '$newver' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'oldsql' value = '$oldsql' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'newsql' value = '$newsql' />
< input type = 'submit' class = 'primary' value = '" . yourls_esc_attr__( ' Upgrade ' ) . "' />
</ form > " ;
break ;
case 1 :
case 2 :
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade ( $step , $oldver , $newver , $oldsql , $newsql );
break ;
case 3 :
$upgrade = yourls_upgrade ( 3 , $oldver , $newver , $oldsql , $newsql );
echo '<p>' . yourls__ ( 'Your installation is now up to date ! ' ) . '</p>' ;
echo '<p>' . yourls_s ( 'Go back to <a href="%s">the admin interface</a>' , yourls_admin_url ( 'index.php' ) ) . '</p>' ;
< ? php yourls_html_footer (); ?>