2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
< ? php
define ( 'YOURLS_ADMIN' , true );
require_once ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) . '/includes/load-yourls.php' );
yourls_maybe_require_auth ();
yourls_html_head ( 'tools' , yourls__ ( 'Cool YOURLS Tools' ) );
yourls_html_logo ();
yourls_html_menu ();
< div class = " sub_wrap " >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Bookmarklets' ); ?> </h2>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'YOURLS comes with handy <span>bookmarklets</span> for easier link shortening and sharing.' ); ?> </p>
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Standard or Instant, Simple or Custom' ); ?> </h3>
< ul >
< li >< ? php yourls_e ( 'The <span>Standard Bookmarklets</span> will take you to a page where you can easily edit or delete your brand new short URL.' ); ?> </li>
< li >< ? php yourls_e ( 'The <span>Instant Bookmarklets</span> will pop the short URL without leaving the page you are viewing.' ); ?> </li>
< li >< ? php yourls_e ( 'The <span>Simple Bookmarklets</span> will generate a short URL with a random or sequential keyword.' ); ?> </li>
< li >< ? php yourls_e ( 'The <span>Custom Keyword Bookmarklets</span> will prompt you for a custom keyword first.' ); ?> </li>
</ ul >
< p >< ? php
yourls_e ( " If you want to share a description along with the link you're shortening, simply <span>select text</span> on the page you're viewing before clicking on your bookmarklet link " );
?> </p>
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'The Bookmarklets' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php $base_bookmarklet = yourls_admin_url ( 'index.php' ); ?>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?> </p>
< table class = " tblSorter " cellpadding = " 0 " cellspacing = " 1 " >
< thead >
< tr >
< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
< th >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Standard (new page)' ); ?> </th>
< th >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Instant (popup)' ); ?> </th>
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< th class = " header " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Simple' ); ?> </th>
< td >
< ? php $js_code = <<< STANDARD_SIMPLE
// Simple Standard Bookmarklet (new page, no keyword asked)
var d = document ,
w = window ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
e = w . getSelection ,
k = d . getSelection ,
x = d . selection ,
s = ( e ? e () : ( k ) ? k () : ( x ? x . createRange () . text : 0 )),
s2 = (( s . toString () == '' ) ? s : enc ( s )),
f = '$base_bookmarklet' ,
l = d . location . href ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title ) + '&s=' + s2 ,
u = f + p ;
try {
throw ( 'ozhismygod' );
} catch ( z ) {
a = function () {
if ( ! w . open ( u )) l . href = u ;
if ( / Firefox /. test ( navigator . userAgent )) setTimeout ( a , 0 );
else a ();
void ( 0 );
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'Shorten' ) );
</ td >
< td >
< ? php $js_code = <<< POPUP_SIMPLE
// Simple Popup (in-page popup dialog, no keyword asked)
var d = document ,
sc = d . createElement ( 'script' ),
l = d . location . href ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title );
window . yourls_callback = function ( r ) {
if ( r . short_url ) {
prompt ( r . message , r . short_url );
} else {
alert ( 'An error occured: ' + r . message );
sc . src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&jsonp=yourls' ;
void ( d . body . appendChild ( sc ));
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'Instant Shorten' ) );
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th class = " header " >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Custom Keyword' ); ?> </th>
< td >
< ? php $js_code = <<< CUSTOM_STANDARD
// Custom Standard (new page, prompt for a keyword)
var d = document ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
w = window ,
e = w . getSelection ,
k = d . getSelection ,
x = d . selection ,
s = ( e ? e () : ( k ) ? k () : ( x ? x . createRange () . text : 0 )),
s2 = (( s . toString () == '' ) ? s : enc ( s )),
f = '$base_bookmarklet' ,
l = d . location . href ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
k = prompt ( " Custom URL " ),
k2 = ( k ? '&k=' + k : " " ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title ) + '&s=' + s2 + k2 ,
u = f + p ;
if ( k != null ) {
try {
throw ( 'ozhismygod' );
} catch ( z ) {
a = function () {
if ( ! w . open ( u )) l = u ;
if ( / Firefox /. test ( navigator . userAgent )) setTimeout ( a , 0 );
else a ();
void ( 0 )
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'Custom shorten' ) );
</ td >
< td >
< ? php $js_code = <<< CUSTOM_POPUP
// Custom Popup (prompt for a keyword + on-page popup)
var d = document ,
l = d . location . href ,
k = prompt ( 'Custom URL' ),
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title );
sc = d . createElement ( 'script' );
if ( k != null ) {
window . yourls_callback = function ( r ) {
if ( r . short_url ) {
prompt ( r . message , r . short_url );
} else {
alert ( 'An error occured: ' + r . message );
sc . src = '$base_bookmarklet' + p + '&k=' + k + '&jsonp=yourls' ;
void ( d . body . appendChild ( sc ));
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'Instant Custom Shorten' ) );
</ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Social Bookmarklets' ); ?> </h3>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Create a short URL and share it on social networks, all in one click!' ); ?>
< ? php yourls_e ( 'Click and drag links to your toolbar (or right-click and bookmark it)' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Shorten and share:' ); ?> </p>
< p >
< ? php $js_code = <<< FACEBOOK
// Share on Facebook
var d = document ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
f = '$base_bookmarklet' ,
l = d . location . href ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title ) + '&share=facebook' ,
u = f + p ;
try {
throw ( 'ozhismygod' );
} catch ( z ) {
a = function () {
if ( ! window . open ( u , 'Share' , 'width=500,height=340,left=100' , '_blank' )) l . href = u ;
if ( / Firefox /. test ( navigator . userAgent )) setTimeout ( a , 0 );
else a ();
void ( 0 );
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'YOURLS & Facebook' ) );
< ? php $js_code = <<< TWITTER
// Share on Twitter
var d = document ,
w = window ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
e = w . getSelection ,
k = d . getSelection ,
x = d . selection ,
s = ( e ? e () : ( k ) ? k () : ( x ? x . createRange () . text : 0 )),
s2 = (( s . toString () == '' ) ? s : '%20%22' + enc ( s ) + '%22' ),
f = '$base_bookmarklet' ,
l = d . location . href ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title ) + s2 + '&share=twitter' ,
u = f + p ;
try {
throw ( 'ozhismygod' );
} catch ( z ) {
a = function () {
if ( ! w . open ( u , 'Share' , 'width=780,height=265,left=100' , '_blank' )) l = u ;
if ( / Firefox /. test ( navigator . userAgent )) setTimeout ( a , 0 );
else a ();
void ( 0 );
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'YOURLS & Twitter' ) );
< ? php $js_code = <<< TUMBLR
// Share on Tumlr
var d = document ,
w = window ,
enc = encodeURIComponent ,
share = 'tumblr' ,
e = w . getSelection ,
k = d . getSelection ,
x = d . selection ,
s = ( e ? e () : ( k ) ? k () : ( x ? x . createRange () . text : 0 )),
s2 = (( s . toString () == '' ) ? s : '%20%22' + enc ( s ) + '%22' ),
f = '$base_bookmarklet' ,
l = d . location . href ,
ups = l . match ( /^ [ a - zA - Z0 - 9 \ + \ .- ] +: ( \ / \ / ) ? / )[ 0 ],
ur = l . split ( new RegExp ( ups ))[ 1 ],
ups = ups . split ( / \ :/ ),
p = '?up=' + enc ( ups [ 0 ] + ':' ) + '&us=' + enc ( ups [ 1 ]) + '&ur=' + enc ( ur ) + '&t=' + enc ( d . title ) + '&s=' + s2 + '&share=tumblr' ,
u = f + p ;
try {
throw ( 'ozhismygod' );
} catch ( z ) {
a = function () {
if ( ! w . open ( u , 'Share' , 'width=450,height=450,left=430' , '_blank' )) l = u ;
if ( / Firefox /. test ( navigator . userAgent )) setTimeout ( a , 0 );
else a ();
void ( 0 );
yourls_bookmarklet_link ( yourls_make_bookmarklet ( $js_code ), yourls__ ( 'YOURLS & Tumblr' ) );
< ? php yourls_do_action ( 'social_bookmarklet_buttons_after' ); ?>
</ p >
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Prefix-n-Shorten' ); ?> </h2>
< p >< ? php yourls_se ( " When viewing a page, you can also prefix its full URL: just head to your browser's address bar, add \" <span>%s</span> \" to the beginning of the current URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter. " , preg_replace ( '@https?://@' , '' , YOURLS_SITE ) . '/' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php
yourls_e ( 'Note: this will probably not work if your web server is running on Windows' );
if ( yourls_is_windows () )
yourls_e ( ' (which seems to be the case here)' );
?> .</p>
< ? php if ( yourls_is_private () ) { ?>
< h2 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Secure passwordless API call' ); ?> </h2>
< p >< ? php
yourls_e ( 'YOURLS allows API calls the old fashioned way, using <tt>username</tt> and <tt>password</tt> parameters.' );
echo " \n " ;
yourls_e ( " If you're worried about sending your credentials into the wild, you can also make API calls without using your login or your password, using a secret signature token. " );
?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_se ( 'Your secret signature token: <strong><code>%s</code></strong>' , yourls_auth_signature () ); ?>
< ? php yourls_e ( " (It's a secret. Keep it secret) " ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'This signature token can only be used with the API, not with the admin interface.' ); ?> </p>
< ul >
< li >< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Usage of the signature token' ); ?> </h3>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Simply use parameter <tt>signature</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?> </p>
< p >< code >< ? php echo YOURLS_SITE ; ?> /yourls-api.php?signature=<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>&action=...</code></p>
</ li >
< li >< h3 >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Usage of a time limited signature token' ); ?> </h3>
< pre >< code >& lt ; ? php
$timestamp = time ();
< tt >// < ? php yourls_e ( 'actual value:' ); ?> $time = <?php $time = time(); echo $time; ?></tt>
$signature = md5 ( $timestamp . '<?php echo yourls_auth_signature(); ?>' );
< tt >// < ? php yourls_e ( 'actual value:' ); ?> $signature = "<?php $sign = md5( $time. yourls_auth_signature() ); echo $sign; ?>"</tt>
</ code ></ pre >
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Now use parameters <tt>signature</tt> and <tt>timestamp</tt> in your API requests. Example:' ); ?> </p>
< p >< code >< ? php echo YOURLS_SITE ; ?> /yourls-api.php?timestamp=<strong>$timestamp</strong>&signature=<strong>$signature</strong>&action=...</code></p>
< p >< ? php yourls_e ( 'Actual values:' ); ?> <br/>
< tt >< ? php echo YOURLS_SITE ; ?> /yourls-api.php?timestamp=<?php echo $time; ?>&signature=<?php echo $sign; ?>&action=...</tt></p>
< p >< ? php yourls_se ( 'This URL would be valid for only %s seconds' , YOURLS_NONCE_LIFE ); ?> </p>
</ li >
</ ul >
< p >< ? php yourls_se ( 'See the <a href="%s">API documentation</a> for more' , YOURLS_SITE . '/readme.html#API' ); ?> </p>
</ div >
< ? php } // end is private ?>
< ? php yourls_html_footer (); ?>