2016-04-13 22:02:46 +02:00
< ? php
define ( 'YOURLS_ADMIN' , true );
require_once ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) . '/includes/load-yourls.php' );
yourls_maybe_require_auth ();
// Variables
$table_url = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL ;
$where = $search_sentence = $search_text = $url = $keyword = '' ;
$date_filter = $date_first = $date_second = '' ;
$base_page = yourls_admin_url ( 'index.php' );
// Default SQL behavior
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'URL' );
$search_in = 'all' ;
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'Short URL' );
$sort_by = 'timestamp' ;
$sort_order = 'desc' ;
$page = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'page' ] ) ? intval ( $_GET [ 'page' ]) : 1 );
$search = yourls_get_search_text ();
$perpage = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'perpage' ] ) && intval ( $_GET [ 'perpage' ] ) ? intval ( $_GET [ 'perpage' ]) : yourls_apply_filter ( 'admin_view_per_page' , 15 ) );
$click_limit = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'click_limit' ] ) && $_GET [ 'click_limit' ] !== '' ) ? intval ( $_GET [ 'click_limit' ] ) : '' ;
if ( $click_limit !== '' ) {
$click_filter = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'click_filter' ] ) && $_GET [ 'click_filter' ] == 'more' ? 'more' : 'less' ) ;
$click_moreless = ( $click_filter == 'more' ? '>' : '<' );
$where = " AND clicks $click_moreless $click_limit " ;
} else {
$click_filter = '' ;
// Searching
if ( ! empty ( $search ) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'search_in' ] ) ) {
switch ( $_GET [ 'search_in' ] ) {
case 'all' :
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'All fields' );
$search_in = 'all' ;
break ;
case 'keyword' :
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'Short URL' );
$search_in = 'keyword' ;
break ;
case 'url' :
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'URL' );
$search_in = 'url' ;
break ;
case 'title' :
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'Title' );
$search_in = 'title' ;
break ;
case 'ip' :
$search_in_text = yourls__ ( 'IP Address' );
$search_in = 'ip' ;
break ;
$search_sentence = yourls_s ( 'Searching for <strong>%1$s</strong> in <strong>%2$s</strong>.' , yourls_esc_html ( $search ), yourls_esc_html ( $search_in_text ) );
$search_url = yourls_sanitize_url ( " &search= $search &search_in= $search_in " );
$search_text = $search ;
$search = str_replace ( '*' , '%' , '*' . yourls_escape ( $search ) . '*' );
if ( $search_in == 'all' ) {
$where .= " AND CONCAT_WS('',`keyword`,`url`,`title`,`ip`) LIKE (' $search ') " ;
// Search across all fields. The resulting SQL will be something like:
// SELECT * FROM `yourls_url` WHERE CONCAT_WS('',`keyword`,`url`,`title`,`ip`) LIKE ("%ozh%")
// CONCAT_WS because CONCAT('foo', 'bar’ , NULL) = NULL. NULL wins. Not sure if values can be NULL now or in the future, so better safe.
// TODO: pay attention to this bit when the DB schema changes
} else {
$where .= " AND ` $search_in ` LIKE (' $search ') " ;
// Time span
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'date_filter' ] ) ) {
switch ( $_GET [ 'date_filter' ] ) {
case 'before' :
$date_filter = 'before' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) && yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) ) {
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` < ' $date_first_sql ' " ;
break ;
case 'after' :
$date_filter = 'after' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) && yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` > ' $date_first_sql ' " ;
break ;
case 'between' :
$date_filter = 'between' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) && isset ( $_GET [ 'date_second' ] ) && yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] ) && yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_second' ] ) ) {
$date_first_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$date_second_sql = yourls_sanitize_date_for_sql ( $_GET [ 'date_second' ] );
$date_first = yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_first' ] );
$date_second = yourls_sanitize_date ( $_GET [ 'date_second' ] );
$where .= " AND `timestamp` BETWEEN ' $date_first_sql ' AND ' $date_second_sql ' " ;
break ;
// Sorting
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'sort_by' ] ) || ! empty ( $_GET [ 'sort_order' ] ) ) {
switch ( $_GET [ 'sort_by' ] ) {
case 'keyword' :
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'Short URL' );
$sort_by = 'keyword' ;
break ;
case 'url' :
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'URL' );
$sort_by = 'url' ;
break ;
case 'timestamp' :
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'Date' );
$sort_by = 'timestamp' ;
break ;
case 'ip' :
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'IP Address' );
$sort_by = 'ip' ;
break ;
case 'clicks' :
$sort_by_text = yourls__ ( 'Clicks' );
$sort_by = 'clicks' ;
break ;
switch ( $_GET [ 'sort_order' ] ) {
case 'asc' :
$sort_order = 'asc' ;
break ;
case 'desc' :
$sort_order = 'desc' ;
break ;
// Get URLs Count for current filter, total links in DB & total clicks
list ( $total_urls , $total_clicks ) = array_values ( yourls_get_db_stats () );
if ( $where ) {
list ( $total_items , $total_items_clicks ) = array_values ( yourls_get_db_stats ( $where ) );
} else {
$total_items = $total_urls ;
$total_items_clicks = false ;
// This is a bookmarklet
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'u' ] ) or isset ( $_GET [ 'up' ] ) ) {
$is_bookmark = true ;
yourls_do_action ( 'bookmarklet' );
// No sanitization needed here: everything happens in yourls_add_new_link()
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'u' ] ) ) {
// Old school bookmarklet: ?u=<url>
$url = rawurldecode ( $_GET [ 'u' ] );
} else {
// New style bookmarklet: ?up=<url protocol>&us=<url slashes>&ur=<url rest>
$url = rawurldecode ( $_GET [ 'up' ] . $_GET [ 'us' ] . $_GET [ 'ur' ] );
$keyword = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'k' ] ) ? ( $_GET [ 'k' ] ) : '' );
$title = ( isset ( $_GET [ 't' ] ) ? ( $_GET [ 't' ] ) : '' );
$return = yourls_add_new_link ( $url , $keyword , $title );
// If fails because keyword already exist, retry with no keyword
if ( isset ( $return [ 'status' ] ) && $return [ 'status' ] == 'fail' && isset ( $return [ 'code' ] ) && $return [ 'code' ] == 'error:keyword' ) {
$msg = $return [ 'message' ];
$return = yourls_add_new_link ( $url , '' , $ydb );
$return [ 'message' ] .= ' (' . $msg . ')' ;
// Stop here if bookmarklet with a JSON callback function
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'jsonp' ] ) && $_GET [ 'jsonp' ] == 'yourls' ) {
$short = $return [ 'shorturl' ] ? $return [ 'shorturl' ] : '' ;
$message = $return [ 'message' ];
yourls_content_type_header ( 'application/javascript' );
echo yourls_apply_filter ( 'bookmarklet_jsonp' , " yourls_callback( { 'short_url':' $short ','message':' $message '}); " );
die ();
// Now use the URL that has been sanitized and returned by yourls_add_new_link()
$url = $return [ 'url' ][ 'url' ];
$where = sprintf ( " AND `url` LIKE '%s' " , yourls_escape ( $url ) );
$page = $total_pages = $perpage = 1 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$text = ( isset ( $_GET [ 's' ] ) ? stripslashes ( $_GET [ 's' ] ) : '' );
// Sharing with social bookmarklets
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'share' ]) ) {
yourls_do_action ( 'pre_share_redirect' );
switch ( $_GET [ 'share' ] ) {
case 'twitter' :
// share with Twitter
$destination = sprintf ( " https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=%s&text=%s " , urlencode ( $return [ 'shorturl' ] ), urlencode ( $title ) );
yourls_redirect ( $destination , 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return [ 'status' ] = 'error' ;
$return [ 'errorCode' ] = 400 ;
$return [ 'message' ] = yourls_s ( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !' , 'Twitter' );
break ;
case 'facebook' :
// share with Facebook
$destination = sprintf ( " https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=%s&t=%s " , urlencode ( $return [ 'shorturl' ] ), urlencode ( $title ) );
yourls_redirect ( $destination , 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return [ 'status' ] = 'error' ;
$return [ 'errorCode' ] = 400 ;
$return [ 'message' ] = yourls_s ( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !' , 'Facebook' );
break ;
case 'tumblr' :
// share with Tumblr
$destination = sprintf ( " http://www.tumblr.com/share?v=3&u=%s&t=%s&s=%s " , urlencode ( $return [ 'shorturl' ] ), urlencode ( $title ), urlencode ( $text ) );
yourls_redirect ( $destination , 303 );
// Deal with the case when redirection failed:
$return [ 'status' ] = 'error' ;
$return [ 'errorCode' ] = 400 ;
$return [ 'message' ] = yourls_s ( 'Short URL created, but could not redirect to %s !' , 'Tumblr' );
break ;
default :
// Is there a custom registered social bookmark?
yourls_do_action ( 'share_redirect_' . $_GET [ 'share' ], $return );
// Still here? That was an unknown 'share' method, then.
$return [ 'status' ] = 'error' ;
$return [ 'errorCode' ] = 400 ;
$return [ 'message' ] = yourls__ ( 'Unknown "Share" bookmarklet' );
break ;
// This is not a bookmarklet
} else {
$is_bookmark = false ;
// Checking $page, $offset, $perpage
if ( empty ( $page ) || $page == 0 ) {
$page = 1 ;
if ( empty ( $offset ) ) {
$offset = 0 ;
if ( empty ( $perpage ) || $perpage == 0 ) {
$perpage = 50 ;
// Determine $offset
$offset = ( $page - 1 ) * $perpage ;
// Determine Max Number Of Items To Display On Page
if ( ( $offset + $perpage ) > $total_items ) {
$max_on_page = $total_items ;
} else {
$max_on_page = ( $offset + $perpage );
// Determine Number Of Items To Display On Page
if ( ( $offset + 1 ) > $total_items ) {
$display_on_page = $total_items ;
} else {
$display_on_page = ( $offset + 1 );
// Determing Total Amount Of Pages
$total_pages = ceil ( $total_items / $perpage );
// Begin output of the page
$context = ( $is_bookmark ? 'bookmark' : 'index' );
yourls_html_head ( $context );
yourls_html_logo ();
yourls_html_menu () ;
yourls_do_action ( 'admin_page_before_content' );
if ( ! $is_bookmark ) { ?>
< p >< ? php echo $search_sentence ; ?> </p>
< p >< ? php
printf ( yourls__ ( 'Display <strong>%1$s</strong> to <strong class="increment">%2$s</strong> of <strong class="increment">%3$s</strong> URLs' ), $display_on_page , $max_on_page , $total_items );
if ( $total_items_clicks !== false )
echo " , " . sprintf ( yourls_n ( 'counting <strong>1</strong> click' , 'counting <strong>%s</strong> clicks' , $total_items_clicks ), yourls_number_format_i18n ( $total_items_clicks ) );
?> .</p>
< ? php } ?>
< p >< ? php printf ( yourls__ ( 'Overall, tracking <strong class="increment">%1$s</strong> links, <strong>%2$s</strong> clicks, and counting!' ), yourls_number_format_i18n ( $total_urls ), yourls_number_format_i18n ( $total_clicks ) ); ?> </p>
< ? php
yourls_do_action ( 'admin_page_before_form' );
yourls_html_addnew ();
// If bookmarklet, add message. Otherwise, hide hidden share box.
if ( ! $is_bookmark ) {
yourls_share_box ( '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , true );
} else {
echo ' < script type = " text/javascript " > $ ( document ) . ready ( function (){
feedback ( " ' . $return['message'] . ' " , " '. $return['status'] .' " );
init_clipboard ();
}); </ script > ' ;
yourls_do_action ( 'admin_page_before_table' );
yourls_table_head ();
if ( ! $is_bookmark ) {
$params = array (
'search' => $search ,
'search_text' => $search_text ,
'search_in' => $search_in ,
'sort_by' => $sort_by ,
'sort_order' => $sort_order ,
'page' => $page ,
'perpage' => $perpage ,
'click_filter' => $click_filter ,
'click_limit' => $click_limit ,
'total_pages' => $total_pages ,
'date_filter' => $date_filter ,
'date_first' => $date_first ,
'date_second' => $date_second ,
yourls_html_tfooter ( $params );
yourls_table_tbody_start ();
// Main Query
$where = yourls_apply_filter ( 'admin_list_where' , $where );
$url_results = $ydb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM ` $table_url ` WHERE 1=1 $where ORDER BY ` $sort_by ` $sort_order LIMIT $offset , $perpage ; " );
$found_rows = false ;
if ( $url_results ) {
$found_rows = true ;
foreach ( $url_results as $url_result ) {
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_string ( $url_result -> keyword );
$timestamp = strtotime ( $url_result -> timestamp );
$url = stripslashes ( $url_result -> url );
$ip = $url_result -> ip ;
$title = $url_result -> title ? $url_result -> title : '' ;
$clicks = $url_result -> clicks ;
echo yourls_table_add_row ( $keyword , $url , $title , $ip , $clicks , $timestamp );
$display = $found_rows ? 'display:none' : '' ;
echo '<tr id="nourl_found" style="' . $display . '"><td colspan="6">' . yourls__ ( 'No URL' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
yourls_table_tbody_end ();
yourls_table_end ();
yourls_do_action ( 'admin_page_after_table' );
if ( $is_bookmark )
yourls_share_box ( $url , $return [ 'shorturl' ], $title , $text );
< ? php yourls_html_footer ( ); ?>