
189 lines
12 KiB

### Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by [`auto-changelog`](
#### [v0.8.3](
> 6 April 2020
- Make load tracking configurable [`#25`](
- onRouteUpdate test tweaks [`5871f66`](
- package updates [`86258f8`](
#### [v0.8.2](
> 22 March 2020
- Add support for custom JS and PHP script names [`#24`](
- package updates [`aeeffda`](
- Make PHP and JS script names configurable [`12a4ebe`](
- disable GitHub packsge registry publishing [`777be77`](
#### [v0.8.1](
> 24 February 2020
- switch test run to GitHub Actions [`#23`](
- add cookieDomain setting [`#22`](
- Release 0.8.1 [`e899e37`](
- package updates [`9703688`](
#### [v0.8.0](
> 15 February 2020
- Updates, cleanup, and testing [`#21`](
- Add trackAllContentImpressions to record/enable content tracking [`#19`](
- setup testing [`8103a64`](
- switch to auto-changelog [`92f3749`](
- updates and cleanup [`c0269c7`](
#### [v0.7.2](
> 13 June 2019
- Fix missing tracking code in rendered HTML [`#18`](
- update changelog [`57092e5`](
- Release 0.7.2 [`31cabd6`](
#### [v0.7.1](
> 10 June 2019
- preconnect to configured Matomo host url [`#17`](
- Add prettier [`#16`](
- add prettier [`858fc2e`](
- new release-it setup [`bbb5f19`](
- bump packages [`e3479f6`](
#### [0.7.0](
> 30 March 2019
- Page tracking improvements [`#15`](
- capture and send custom page title [`#11`](
- better page url & referrer url tracking [`04b8ba1`](
- update changelog [`24f57da`](
- Release 0.7.0 [`4c36d9c`](
#### [0.6.1](
> 30 March 2019
- package updates [`#14`](
- Update release-it to the latest version 🚀 [`#12`](
- Update release-it to the latest version 🚀 [`#10`](
- run changelog before release [`5da11a4`](
- Release 0.6.1 [`f62c5bf`](
- chore(package): update release-it to version 10.0.0 [`d56c6c3`](
#### [v0.6.0](
> 5 December 2018
- Path exclusion [`#9`](
- add changelog [`2b268a1`](
- allow exclusion of paths [`9464d47`](
- make release-it work with conventional-changelog [`2dcd5a7`](
#### [v0.5.1](
> 21 November 2018
- Update release-it to the latest version 🚀 [`#8`](
- bump packages [`cb26a40`](
- new Matomo logo [`64dd425`](
- Release 0.5.1 [`c442282`](
#### [v0.5.0](
> 6 August 2018
- Add consent mode [`#7`](
- Scoping js variables to avoid polluting global scope [`#6`](
- bump packages [`b08b4a5`](
- add codeclimate config [`a96e8ea`](
- Add disableCookies option [`ff9a2c7`](
#### [v0.4.1](
> 28 June 2018
- Update eslint to the latest version 🚀 [`#5`](
- improvements for SPA tracking [`7d653d5`](
- package updates [`347f951`](
- Release 0.4.1 [`b254c13`](
#### [v0.4.0](
> 19 June 2018
- Updates for Gatsby v2 [`#4`](
- updates for Gatsby v2 [`59e442a`](
- package updates [`356e68f`](
- Release 0.4.0 [`1173236`](
#### [v0.3.2](
> 23 May 2018
- save some lines [`5034a3b`](
- Release 0.3.2 [`c531e47`](
- change repository field [`260273e`](
#### [v0.3.1](
> 14 May 2018
- package updates [`2acbd45`](
- Release 0.3.1 [`f9050ce`](
- fix environment check [`dc574ab`](
#### [v0.3.0](
> 10 May 2018
- allow local piwik.js path to be set [`a15146c`](
- Release 0.3.0 [`2e36f13`](
#### [v0.2.0](
> 8 May 2018
- add dev mode [`5c05efe`](
- Release 0.2.0 [`a3ef6d4`](
#### [v0.1.3](
> 8 May 2018
- readme updates [`49640f4`](
- Release 0.1.3 [`0109e19`](
#### [v0.1.2](
> 8 May 2018
- Add Greenkeeper badge 🌴 [`#1`](
- do nothing on route updates when piwik isn't loaded and in development [`6c0a840`](
- move greenskeeper badge [`b361eef`](
- Release 0.1.2 [`370025f`](
#### [v0.1.1](
> 7 May 2018
- link up readme badges [`6793592`](
- Release 0.1.1 [`48c73ff`](
- docs(readme): add Greenkeeper badge [`ec73329`](
#### v0.1.0
> 7 May 2018
- initial commit 🍹 [`49bffd3`](
- add Travis, add badges, add semi-auto releases [`fe823b7`](
- Release 0.1.0 [`09739a7`](