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Try BigchainDB

Create a BigchainDB transaction and post it to a BigchainDB network in 20 seconds or less:

Develop an App

To develop an app that talks to a BigchainDB network, you'll want a test network to test it against. The BigchainDB Testnet is a free-to-use, publicly-available BigchainDB network that you can test against.

Regardless of which BigchainDB network you use, you'll probably use one of the BigchainDB drivers or tools.

Help Develop BigchainDB Server

To help develop BigchainDB Server (the core software in each BigchainDB node), see the docs about contributing to BigchainDB.

Old Quickstart

If you want something like the old Quickstart page, i.e. some command-line instructions to set up and run a BigchainDB node, then see the notes on running a local dev node in the docs about contributing to BigchainDB.