mirror of https://github.com/bigchaindb/bigchaindb.git synced 2024-06-30 13:42:00 +02:00

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Change Log (Release Notes)

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file (CHANGELOG.md). This project adheres to Semantic Versioning (or at least we try). Contributors to this file, please follow the guidelines on keepachangelog.com. Note that each version (or "release") is the name of a Git tag of a particular commit, so the associated date and time are the date and time of that commit (as reported by GitHub), not the "Uploaded on" date listed on PyPI (which may differ). For reference, the possible headings are:

  • Added for new features.
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases.
  • Removed for deprecated features removed in this release.
  • Fixed for any bug fixes.
  • Security to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities.
  • External Contributors to list contributors outside of BigchainDB GmbH.
  • Notes

[0.8.0] - 2016-11-29

Tag name: v0.8.0 = commit: committed:


  • The big new thing in version 0.8.0 is support for divisible assets, i.e. assets like carrots or thumbtacks, where the initial CREATE transaction can register/create some amount (e.g. 542 carrots), the first TRANSFER transaction can split that amount across multiple owners, and so on. Pull Request #794
  • Wrote a formal schema for the JSON structure of transactions. Transactions are now checked against that schema. Pull Request #798
  • New configuration parameter: backlog_reassign_delay. Pull Request #883


  • CREATE transactions must now be signed by all owners_before (rather than by a federation node). Pull Request #794
  • The user-provided timestamp was removed from the transaction data model (schema). Pull Request #817
  • get_transaction() will now return a transaction from the backlog, even if there are copies of the transaction in invalid blocks. Pull Request #793
  • Several pull requests to introduce a generalized database interface, to move RethinkDB calls into a separate implementation of that interface, and to work on a new MongoDB implementation of that interface. Pull Requests #754, #783, #799, #806, #809, #853
  • Renamed "verifying key" to "public key". Renamed "signing key" to "private key". Renamed "vk" to "pk". Pull Request #807
  • get_transaction_by_asset_id now ignores invalid transactions. Pull Request #810
  • get_transaction_by_metadata_id now ignores invalid transactions. Pull Request #811
  • Updates to the configs and scripts for deploying a test network on AWS. The example config file deploys virtual machines running Ubuntu 16.04 now. Pull Requests #771, #813
  • Changed logging of transactions on block creation so now it just says the length of the list of transactions, rather than listing all the transactions. Pull Request #861


External Contributors


[0.7.0] - 2016-10-28

Tag name: v0.7.0 = commit: 2dd7f1af27 committed: Oct 28, 2016, 4:00 PM GMT+2


  • Stale transactions in the backlog table now get reassigned to another node (for inclusion in a new block): Pull Request #359
  • Many improvements to make the database connection more robust: Pull Request #623
  • The new --dev-allow-temp-keypair option on bigchaindb start will generate a temporary keypair if no keypair is found. The Dockerfile was updated to use this. Pull Request #635
  • The AWS deployment scripts now allow you to:
    • specify the AWS security group as a configuration parameter: Pull Request #620
    • tell RethinkDB to bind HTTP to localhost (a more secure setup; now the default in the example config file): Pull Request #666


  • Integrated the new Transaction model. This was a big change; 49 files changed. Pull Request #641
  • Merged "common" code (used by BigchainDB Server and the Python driver), which used to be in its own repository (bigchaindb/bigchaindb-common), into the main bigchaindb/bigchaindb repository (this one): Pull Request #742
  • Integrated the new digital asset model. This changed the data structure of a transaction and will make it easier to support divisible assets in the future. Pull Request #680
  • Transactions are now deleted from the backlog table after a block containing them is written to the bigchain table: Pull Request #609
  • Changed the example AWS deployment configuration file: Pull Request #665
  • Support for version 0.5.0 of the cryptoconditions Python package. Note that this means you must now install ffi.h (e.g. sudo apt-get install libffi-dev on Ubuntu). See Pull Requests #685 and #698
  • Updated some database access code: Pull Requests #676 and #701


  • Internally, when a transaction is in the backlog table, it carries some extra book-keeping fields:
    1. an assignment_timestamp (i.e. the time when it was assigned to a node), which is used to determine if it has gone stale.
    2. an assignee: the public key of the node it was assigned to.
  • The assignment_timestamp wasn't removed before writing the transaction to a block. That was fixed in Pull Request #627
  • The assignment_timestamp and assignee weren't removed in the response to an HTTP API request sent to the /api/v1/transactions/<txid> endpoint. That was fixed in Pull Request #646
  • When validating a TRANSFER transaction, if any fulfillment refers to a transaction that's not in a valid block, then the transaction isn't valid. This wasn't checked before but it is now. Pull Request #629

External Contributors


[0.6.0] - 2016-09-01

Tag name: v0.6.0 = commit: bfc86e0295 committed: Sep 1, 2016, 2:15 PM GMT+2


  • Support for multiple operations in the ChangeFeed class: Pull Request #569
  • Instructions, templates and code for deploying a starter node on AWS using Terraform and Ansible: Pull Requests #572, #589, #600, #605, #610
  • Check that the majority of votes on a block agree on the previous block. If they don't, consider the block invalid. Pull Request #565


  • Set RethinkDB read-mode='majority' everywhere: Pull Request #497
  • Ported election logic and voting logic to the new pipeline architecture: Pull Requests #510 and #515
  • Moved the transaction (model) version inside the transaction (in the transaction data model): Pull Request #518
  • Changed how the BigchainDB config file (JSON) gets written so it's easier for humans to read: Pull Request #522
  • Improved and expanded the GET/POST endpoints for transactions (in the HTTP API): Pull Request #563
  • Changed the AWS cluster deployment scripts so that the deployer now generates their keypair locally, rather than having Amazon do it: Pull Request #567
  • When a transaction is retrieved by get_transaction, a validity field is added with a value one of valid, undecided, or backlog: Pull Request #574
  • Renamed current_owners and new_owners (in the data models) to owners_before and owners_after, respectively (i.e. before/after the transaction): Pull Request #578
  • Use flask_restful and class-based views for realizing the HTTP API: Pull Request #588


  • Fixed the confusing error message when there was a syntax error in the BigchainDB config file: Pull Request #531
  • Fixed write_transaction so it no longer has the side effect of adding assignee to a transaction that is being processed: Pull Request #606

External Contributors


  • Several additions and changes to the documentation, e.g. Pull Requests #523, #532, #537, #539, #610, and more

[0.5.1] - 2016-07-29

Tag name: v0.5.1 = commit: ff042b5954 committed: Jul 29, 2016, 2:38 PM GMT+2


  • New third table, the 'votes' table: Pull Request #379
  • Added get_tx_by_payload_uuid() including index: Pull Request #411
  • Ability to deploy a test cluster on AWS using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) for storage: Pull Request #469
  • Ability to add different-size payloads to transactions when filling the backlog for benchmarking: Pull Request #273


  • Votes are no longer appended to the blocks inside the 'bigchain' table. They're now written to their own table, the 'votes' table: Pull Request #379
  • Refactored how blocks get constructed using the new approach to doing multiprocessing, using the multipipes package: Pull Request #484
  • Changed all queries to use read_mode='majority': Pull Request #497
  • Revised how base software gets deployed on AWS instances: Pull Request #478
  • Refactored db.utils.init(): Pull Request #471

External Contributors


[0.5.0] - 2016-07-04

Tag name: v0.5.0 = commit: 3832953130 committed: July 4, 2016, 1:07 PM GMT+2


  • New bigchaindb set-replicas subcommand: Pull Request #392
  • Informative JSON message when one makes a request to the root endpoint of the HTTP client-server API: Pull Request #367
  • Return HTTP response code 404 when a transaction is not found: Pull Request #369


  • Changed the order in which configuration settings get their values. If a setting is set by an environment variable, then that value will be the value, regardless of whether another value is set in a local config file. Also added a method to programattically update the config settings. Pull Request #395
  • Changed the definition of util.sign_tx(). It now has a third, optional argument: a Bigchain instance. Pull Request #410


[0.4.2] - 2016-06-15

Tag name: v0.4.2 = commit: 7ce6c3980c committed: June 15, 2016, 1:42 PM GMT+2



  • Round timestamps to a precision of one second, and replace payload hash with payload UUID in transactions: Pull Request #384
  • Updated cryptoconditions API usage: Pull Request #373

[0.4.1] - 2016-06-13

Tag name: v0.4.1 = commit: 9c4aa987bc committed: June 13, 2016, 9:52 AM GMT+2



  • Use inverted threshold condition instead of negative weights for escrow: Pull Request #355



[0.4.0] - 2016-05-27

Tag name: v0.4.0 = commit: a89399c4f9 committed: May 27, 2016, 1:42 PM GMT+2


  • Support for escrow (possible because of two other new things: cryptoconditions with inverters, and a timeout condition): Pull Request #329
  • Caching of calls to load_consensus_plugin(), using @lru_cache. This speeds up the instantiation of Bigchain objects and greatly improves overall performance. Pull Request #271
  • New Dockerfile-dev Docker file to make it easier for developers to develop BigchainDB with Docker. One can run all unit tests with Docker again. Pull Request #313
  • Transactions in invalid blocks are copied to the backlog: Pull Request #221.
  • Queries to the bigchain table now ignore invalid blocks: Pull Request #324
  • Use secondary index on get_transaction: Pull Request #324
  • New bigchaindb command to set the number of RethinkDB shards (in both tables): Pull Request #258
  • Better handling of an outdated setuptools: Pull Request #279




You can now see a big-picture view of all BigchainDB repositories on a waffle.io board.

[0.3.0] - 2016-05-03

Tag name: v0.3.0 = commit: a97c54e82b committed: May 3, 2016, 11:52 AM GMT+2





This release completely refactored the structure of the transactions and broke compatibility with older versions of BigchainDB. The refactor of the transactions was made in order to add support for multiple inputs/outputs and the crypto-conditions specs from the Interledger protocol.

We also updated the RethinkDB Python drivers so you need to upgrade to RethinkDB v2.3+

[0.2.0] - 2016-04-26

Tag name: v0.2.0 = commit: 0c4a2b380a committed: April 26, 2016, 11:09 AM GMT+2




External Contributors

[0.1.5] - 2016-04-20

Tag name: v0.1.5 = commit: 9f62cddbaf committed: April 20, 2016, 3:31 PM GMT+2


[0.1.4] - 2016-02-22

Tag name: v0.1.4 = commit: c4c850f480 committed: Feb 22, 2016, 11:51 AM GMT+1


  • Added to classifiers to setup.py


[0.1.3] - 2016-02-16

Tag name: v0.1.3 = commit 8926e3216c committed Feb 16, 2016, 11:37 AM GMT+1


  • Changed from using Git Flow to GitHub flow (but with develop as the default branch).

[0.1.2] - 2016-02-15

Tag name: v0.1.2 = commit d2ff24166d committed Feb 15, 2016, 2:23 PM GMT+1


  • Various tests


[0.1.1] - 2016-02-15

Tag name: v0.1.1 = commit 2a025448b2 committed Feb 15, 2016, 10:48 AM GMT+1




[0.1.0] - 2016-02-10

Tag name: v0.1.0 = commit 8539e8dc2d committed Feb 10, 2016, 10:04 PM GMT+1

The first public release of BigchainDB, including:

  • Initial BigchainDB Server code, including many tests and some code for benchmarking.
  • Initial documentation (in bigchaindb/docs).
  • Packaging for PyPI, including setup.py and setup.cfg.
  • Initial Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml (for deployment using Docker and Docker Compose).
  • Initial .gitignore (list of things for git to ignore).
  • Initial .travis.yml (used by Travis CI).