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Set Up & Run a Dev/Test Node

This page explains how to set up a minimal local BigchainDB node for development and testing purposes.

The BigchainDB core dev team develops BigchainDB on recent Ubuntu and Fedora distributions, so we recommend you use one of those. BigchainDB Server doesn't work on Windows and Mac OS X (unless you use a VM or containers).

Option A: Using a Local Dev Machine

Read through the BigchainDB file. It outlines the steps to setup a machine for developing and testing BigchainDB.

With RethinkDB

Create a default BigchainDB config file (in $HOME/.bigchaindb):

$ bigchaindb -y configure rethinkdb

Note: The BigchainDB CLI and the BigchainDB Configuration Settings are documented elsewhere. (Click the links.)

Start RethinkDB using:

$ rethinkdb

You can verify that RethinkDB is running by opening the RethinkDB web interface in your web browser. It should be at http://localhost:8080/.

To run BigchainDB Server, do:

$ bigchaindb start

You can run all the unit tests to test your installation.

The BigchainDB file has more details about how to contribute.

With MongoDB

Create a default BigchainDB config file (in $HOME/.bigchaindb):

$ bigchaindb -y configure mongodb

Note: The BigchainDB CLI and the BigchainDB Configuration Settings are documented elsewhere. (Click the links.)

Start MongoDB 3.4+ using:

$ mongod --replSet=bigchain-rs

You can verify that MongoDB is running correctly by checking the output of the previous command for the line:

waiting for connections on port 27017

To run BigchainDB Server, do:

$ bigchaindb start

You can run all the unit tests to test your installation.

The BigchainDB file has more details about how to contribute.

Option B: Using a Local Dev Machine and Docker

You need to have recent versions of Docker Engine and (Docker) Compose.

Build the images:

docker-compose build

Docker with RethinkDB

Note: If you're upgrading BigchainDB and have previously already built the images, you may need to rebuild them after the upgrade to install any new dependencies.

Start RethinkDB:

docker-compose up -d rdb

The RethinkDB web interface should be accessible at http://localhost:58080/. Depending on which platform, and/or how you are running docker, you may need to change localhost for the ip of the machine that is running docker. As a dummy example, if the ip of that machine was, you would access the web interface at:

Start a BigchainDB node:

docker-compose up -d bdb

You can monitor the logs:

docker-compose logs -f bdb

If you wish to run the tests:

docker-compose run --rm bdb py.test -v -n auto

Docker with MongoDB

Start MongoDB:

docker-compose up -d mdb

MongoDB should now be up and running. You can check the port binding for the MongoDB driver port using:

$ docker-compose port mdb 27017

Start a BigchainDB node:

docker-compose up -d bdb-mdb

You can monitor the logs:

docker-compose logs -f bdb-mdb

If you wish to run the tests:

docker-compose run --rm bdb-mdb py.test -v --database-backend=mongodb

Accessing the HTTP API

A quick check to make sure that the BigchainDB server API is operational:

curl $(docker-compose port bdb 9984)

should give you something like:

  "keyring": [],
  "public_key": "Brx8g4DdtEhccsENzNNV6yvQHR8s9ebhKyXPFkWUXh5e",
  "software": "BigchainDB",
  "version": "0.6.0"

How does the above curl command work? Inside the Docker container, BigchainDB exposes the HTTP API on port 9984. First we get the public port where that port is bound:

docker-compose port bdb 9984

The port binding will change whenever you stop/restart the bdb service. You should get an output similar to:

but with a port different from 32772.

Knowing the public port we can now perform a simple GET operation against the root:


Option C: Using a Dev Machine on Cloud9

Ian Worrall of Encrypted Labs wrote a document (PDF) explaining how to set up a BigchainDB (Server) dev machine on Cloud9:

Download that document from GitHub