/* Copyright 2019 0KIMS association. This file is part of websnark (Web Assembly zkSnark Prover). websnark is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. websnark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with websnark. If not, see . */ const utils = require("./utils.js"); module.exports = function buildInt(module, n64, _prefix) { const prefix = _prefix || "int"; if (module.modules[prefix]) return prefix; // already builded module.modules[prefix] = {}; const n32 = n64*2; const n8 = n64*8; const one = module.alloc(n8, utils.bigInt2BytesLE(1, n8)); function buildCopy() { const f = module.addFunction(prefix+"_copy"); f.addParam("px", "i32"); f.addParam("pr", "i32"); const c = f.getCodeBuilder(); for (let i=0; i3)&&(Y[eY]==0) ey--; f.addCode(c.block(c.loop( c.br_if( 1, c.i32_or( c.i32_load8_u( c.i32_add(Y , c.getLocal("eY")), 0, 0 ), c.i32_eq( c.getLocal("eY"), c.i32_const(3) ) ) ), c.setLocal("eY", c.i32_sub(c.getLocal("eY"), c.i32_const(1))), c.br(0) ))); f.addCode( c.setLocal( "sy", c.i64_add( c.i64_load32_u( c.i32_sub( c.i32_add( Y, c.getLocal("eY")), c.i32_const(3) ), 0, 0 ), c.i64_const(1) ) ) ); // Force a divide by 0 if quotien is 0 f.addCode( c.if( c.i64_eq( c.getLocal("sy"), c.i64_const(1) ), c.drop(c.i64_div_u(c.i64_const(0), c.i64_const(0))) ) ); f.addCode(c.block(c.loop( // while (eX>7)&&(Y[eX]==0) ex--; c.block(c.loop( c.br_if( 1, c.i32_or( c.i32_load8_u( c.i32_add(R , c.getLocal("eX")), 0, 0 ), c.i32_eq( c.getLocal("eX"), c.i32_const(7) ) ) ), c.setLocal("eX", c.i32_sub(c.getLocal("eX"), c.i32_const(1))), c.br(0) )), c.setLocal( "sx", c.i64_load( c.i32_sub( c.i32_add( R, c.getLocal("eX")), c.i32_const(7) ), 0, 0 ) ), c.setLocal( "sx", c.i64_div_u( c.getLocal("sx"), c.getLocal("sy") ) ), c.setLocal( "ec", c.i32_sub( c.i32_sub( c.getLocal("eX"), c.getLocal("eY") ), c.i32_const(4) ) ), // While greater than 32 bits or ec is neg, shr and inc exp c.block(c.loop( c.br_if( 1, c.i32_and( c.i64_eqz( c.i64_and( c.getLocal("sx"), c.i64_const("0xFFFFFFFF00000000") ) ), c.i32_ge_s( c.getLocal("ec"), c.i32_const(0) ) ) ), c.setLocal( "sx", c.i64_shr_u( c.getLocal("sx"), c.i64_const(8) ) ), c.setLocal( "ec", c.i32_add( c.getLocal("ec"), c.i32_const(1) ) ), c.br(0) )), c.if( c.i64_eqz(c.getLocal("sx")), [ ...c.br_if( 2, c.i32_eqz(c.call(prefix + "_gte", R, Y)) ), ...c.setLocal("sx", c.i64_const(1)), ...c.setLocal("ec", c.i32_const(0)) ] ), c.call(prefix + "__mul1", Y, c.getLocal("sx"), R2), c.drop(c.call( prefix + "_sub", R, c.i32_sub(R2, c.getLocal("ec")), R )), c.call( prefix + "__add1", c.i32_add(C, c.getLocal("ec")), c.getLocal("sx") ), c.br(0) ))); } function buildInverseMod() { const f = module.addFunction(prefix+"_inverseMod"); f.addParam("px", "i32"); f.addParam("pm", "i32"); f.addParam("pr", "i32"); f.addLocal("t", "i32"); f.addLocal("newt", "i32"); f.addLocal("r", "i32"); f.addLocal("qq", "i32"); f.addLocal("qr", "i32"); f.addLocal("newr", "i32"); f.addLocal("swp", "i32"); f.addLocal("x", "i32"); f.addLocal("signt", "i32"); f.addLocal("signnewt", "i32"); f.addLocal("signx", "i32"); const c = f.getCodeBuilder(); const aux1 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const aux2 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const aux3 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const aux4 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const aux5 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const aux6 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); const mulBuff = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8*2)); const aux7 = c.i32_const(module.alloc(n8)); f.addCode( c.setLocal("t", aux1), c.call(prefix + "_zero", aux1), c.setLocal("signt", c.i32_const(0)), ); f.addCode( c.setLocal("r", aux2), c.call(prefix + "_copy", c.getLocal("pm"), aux2) ); f.addCode( c.setLocal("newt", aux3), c.call(prefix + "_one", aux3), c.setLocal("signnewt", c.i32_const(0)), ); f.addCode( c.setLocal("newr", aux4), c.call(prefix + "_copy", c.getLocal("px"), aux4) ); f.addCode(c.setLocal("qq", aux5)); f.addCode(c.setLocal("qr", aux6)); f.addCode(c.setLocal("x", aux7)); f.addCode(c.block(c.loop( c.br_if( 1, c.call(prefix + "_isZero", c.getLocal("newr") ) ), c.call(prefix + "_div", c.getLocal("r"), c.getLocal("newr"), c.getLocal("qq"), c.getLocal("qr")), c.call(prefix + "_mul", c.getLocal("qq"), c.getLocal("newt"), mulBuff), c.if( c.getLocal("signt"), c.if( c.getLocal("signnewt"), c.if ( c.call(prefix + "_gte", mulBuff, c.getLocal("t")), [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_sub", mulBuff, c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(0)) ], [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_sub", c.getLocal("t"), mulBuff, c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(1)) ], ), [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_add", mulBuff, c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(1)) ] ), c.if( c.getLocal("signnewt"), [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_add", mulBuff, c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(0)) ], c.if ( c.call(prefix + "_gte", c.getLocal("t"), mulBuff), [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_sub", c.getLocal("t"), mulBuff, c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(0)) ], [ ...c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_sub", mulBuff, c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("x"))), ...c.setLocal("signx", c.i32_const(1)) ] ) ) ), c.setLocal("swp", c.getLocal("t")), c.setLocal("t", c.getLocal("newt")), c.setLocal("newt", c.getLocal("x")), c.setLocal("x", c.getLocal("swp")), c.setLocal("signt", c.getLocal("signnewt")), c.setLocal("signnewt", c.getLocal("signx")), c.setLocal("swp", c.getLocal("r")), c.setLocal("r", c.getLocal("newr")), c.setLocal("newr", c.getLocal("qr")), c.setLocal("qr", c.getLocal("swp")), c.br(0) ))); f.addCode(c.if( c.getLocal("signt"), c.drop(c.call(prefix + "_sub", c.getLocal("pm"), c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("pr"))), c.call(prefix + "_copy", c.getLocal("t"), c.getLocal("pr")) )); } buildCopy(); buildZero(); buildIsZero(); buildOne(); buildEq(); buildGte(); buildAdd(); buildSub(); buildMul(); buildMulOld(); buildDiv(); buildInverseMod(); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_copy"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_zero"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_one"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_isZero"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_eq"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_gte"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_add"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_sub"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_mulOld"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_mul"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_div"); module.exportFunction(prefix+"_inverseMod"); return prefix; };