
605 lines
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2019-04-09 21:37:39 +02:00
Copyright 2019 0KIMS association.
This file is part of websnark (Web Assembly zkSnark Prover).
websnark is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
websnark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with websnark. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* globals WebAssembly, Blob, Worker, navigator, Promise, window */
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const groth16_wasm = require("../build/groth16_wasm.js");
const assert = require("assert");
const inBrowser = (typeof window !== "undefined");
let NodeWorker;
let NodeCrypto;
if (!inBrowser) {
NodeWorker = require("worker_threads").Worker;
NodeCrypto = require("crypto");
class Deferred {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
this.reject = reject;
this.resolve = resolve;
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function thread(self) {
let instance;
let memory;
let i32;
async function init(data) {
const code = new Uint8Array(data.code);
const wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(code);
memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:data.init});
i32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, {
env: {
"memory": memory
function alloc(length) {
while (i32[0] & 3) i32[0]++; // Return always aligned pointers
const res = i32[0];
i32[0] += length;
return res;
function putBin(b) {
const p = alloc(b.byteLength);
const s32 = new Uint32Array(b);
i32.set(s32, p/4);
return p;
function getBin(p, l) {
return memory.buffer.slice(p, p+l);
self.onmessage = function(e) {
let data;
if (e.data) {
data = e.data;
} else {
data = e;
if (data.command == "INIT") {
init(data).then(function() {
} else if (data.command == "G1_MULTIEXP") {
const oldAlloc = i32[0];
const pScalars = putBin(data.scalars);
const pPoints = putBin(data.points);
const pRes = alloc(96);
instance.exports.g1_multiexp(pScalars, pPoints, data.n, 5, pRes);
data.result = getBin(pRes, 96);
i32[0] = oldAlloc;
self.postMessage(data.result, [data.result]);
} else if (data.command == "G2_MULTIEXP") {
const oldAlloc = i32[0];
const pScalars = putBin(data.scalars);
const pPoints = putBin(data.points);
const pRes = alloc(192);
instance.exports.g2_multiexp(pScalars, pPoints, data.n, 5, pRes);
data.result = getBin(pRes, 192);
i32[0] = oldAlloc;
self.postMessage(data.result, [data.result]);
} else if (data.command == "CALC_H") {
const oldAlloc = i32[0];
const pSignals = putBin(data.signals);
const pPolsA = putBin(data.polsA);
const pPolsB = putBin(data.polsB);
const nSignals = data.nSignals;
const domainSize = data.domainSize;
const pSignalsM = alloc(nSignals*32);
const pPolA = alloc(domainSize*32);
const pPolB = alloc(domainSize*32);
const pPolA2 = alloc(domainSize*32*2);
const pPolB2 = alloc(domainSize*32*2);
instance.exports.fft_toMontgomeryN(pSignals, pSignalsM, nSignals);
instance.exports.pol_zero(pPolA, domainSize);
instance.exports.pol_zero(pPolB, domainSize);
instance.exports.pol_constructLC(pPolsA, pSignalsM, nSignals, pPolA);
instance.exports.pol_constructLC(pPolsB, pSignalsM, nSignals, pPolB);
instance.exports.fft_copyNInterleaved(pPolA, pPolA2, domainSize);
instance.exports.fft_copyNInterleaved(pPolB, pPolB2, domainSize);
instance.exports.fft_ifft(pPolA, domainSize, 0);
instance.exports.fft_ifft(pPolB, domainSize, 0);
instance.exports.fft_fft(pPolA, domainSize, 1);
instance.exports.fft_fft(pPolB, domainSize, 1);
instance.exports.fft_copyNInterleaved(pPolA, pPolA2+32, domainSize);
instance.exports.fft_copyNInterleaved(pPolB, pPolB2+32, domainSize);
instance.exports.fft_mulN(pPolA2, pPolB2, domainSize*2, pPolA2);
instance.exports.fft_ifft(pPolA2, domainSize*2, 0);
2019-04-17 21:51:12 +02:00
instance.exports.fft_fromMontgomeryN(pPolA2+domainSize*32, pPolA2+domainSize*32, domainSize);
2019-04-09 21:37:39 +02:00
data.result = getBin(pPolA2+domainSize*32, domainSize*32);
i32[0] = oldAlloc;
self.postMessage(data.result, [data.result]);
} else if (data.command == "TERMINATE") {
async function build() {
const groth16 = new Groth16();
groth16.q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583");
groth16.r = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617");
groth16.n64 = Math.floor((groth16.q.minus(1).bitLength() - 1)/64) +1;
groth16.n32 = groth16.n64*2;
groth16.n8 = groth16.n64*8;
groth16.memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:1000});
groth16.i32 = new Uint32Array(groth16.memory.buffer);
const wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(groth16_wasm.code);
groth16.instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, {
env: {
"memory": groth16.memory
groth16.pq = groth16_wasm.pq;
groth16.pr = groth16_wasm.pr;
groth16.pr0 = groth16.alloc(192);
groth16.pr1 = groth16.alloc(192);
groth16.workers = [];
groth16.pendingDeferreds = [];
groth16.working = [];
let concurrency;
if ((typeof(navigator) === "object") && navigator.hardwareConcurrency) {
concurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
} else {
concurrency = 8;
function getOnMsg(i) {
return function(e) {
let data;
if ((e)&&(e.data)) {
data = e.data;
} else {
data = e;
for (let i = 0; i<concurrency; i++) {
if (inBrowser) {
const blob = new Blob(["(", thread.toString(), ")(self);"], { type: "text/javascript" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
groth16.workers[i] = new Worker(url);
groth16.workers[i].onmessage = getOnMsg(i);
} else {
groth16.workers[i] = new NodeWorker("(" + thread.toString()+ ")(require('worker_threads').parentPort);", {eval: true});
groth16.workers[i].on("message", getOnMsg(i));
const initPromises = [];
for (let i=0; i<groth16.workers.length;i++) {
const copyCode = groth16_wasm.code.buffer.slice(0);
initPromises.push(groth16.postAction(i, {
command: "INIT",
init: 1000,
code: copyCode
}, [copyCode]));
await Promise.all(initPromises);
return groth16;
class Groth16 {
constructor() {
this.actionQueue = [];
postAction(workerId, e, transfers, _deferred) {
assert(this.working[workerId] == false);
this.working[workerId] = true;
this.pendingDeferreds[workerId] = _deferred ? _deferred : new Deferred();
this.workers[workerId].postMessage(e, transfers);
return this.pendingDeferreds[workerId].promise;
processWorks() {
for (let i=0; (i<this.workers.length)&&(this.actionQueue.length > 0); i++) {
if (this.working[i] == false) {
const work = this.actionQueue.shift();
this.postAction(i, work.data, work.transfers, work.deferred);
queueAction(actionData, transfers) {
const d = new Deferred();
data: actionData,
transfers: transfers,
deferred: d
return d.promise;
alloc(length) {
while (this.i32[0] & 3) this.i32[0]++; // Return always aligned pointers
const res = this.i32[0];
this.i32[0] += length;
return res;
putBin(p, b) {
const s32 = new Uint32Array(b);
this.i32.set(s32, p/4);
getBin(p, l) {
return this.memory.buffer.slice(p, p+l);
bin2int(b) {
const i32 = new Uint32Array(b);
let acc = bigInt(i32[7]);
for (let i=6; i>=0; i--) {
acc = acc.shiftLeft(32);
acc = acc.add(i32[i]);
return acc.toString();
bin2g1(b) {
return [
bin2g2(b) {
return [
async g1_multiexp(scalars, points) {
const nPoints = scalars.byteLength /32;
const nPointsPerThread = Math.floor(nPoints / this.workers.length);
const opPromises = [];
for (let i=0; i<this.workers.length; i++) {
const th_nPoints =
i < this.workers.length -1 ?
nPointsPerThread :
nPoints - (nPointsPerThread * (this.workers.length -1));
const scalars_th = scalars.slice(i*nPointsPerThread*32, i*nPointsPerThread*32 + th_nPoints*32);
const points_th = points.slice(i*nPointsPerThread*64, i*nPointsPerThread*64 + th_nPoints*64);
command: "G1_MULTIEXP",
scalars: scalars_th,
points: points_th,
n: th_nPoints
}, [scalars_th, points_th])
const results = await Promise.all(opPromises);
for (let i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
this.putBin(this.pr1, results[i]);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(this.pr0, this.pr1, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 96);
async g2_multiexp(scalars, points) {
const nPoints = scalars.byteLength /32;
const nPointsPerThread = Math.floor(nPoints / this.workers.length);
const opPromises = [];
for (let i=0; i<this.workers.length; i++) {
const th_nPoints =
i < this.workers.length -1 ?
nPointsPerThread :
nPoints - (nPointsPerThread * (this.workers.length -1));
const scalars_th = scalars.slice(i*nPointsPerThread*32, i*nPointsPerThread*32 + th_nPoints*32);
const points_th = points.slice(i*nPointsPerThread*128, i*nPointsPerThread*128 + th_nPoints*128);
command: "G2_MULTIEXP",
scalars: scalars_th,
points: points_th,
n: th_nPoints
}, [scalars_th, points_th])
const results = await Promise.all(opPromises);
for (let i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
this.putBin(this.pr1, results[i]);
this.instance.exports.g2_add(this.pr0, this.pr1, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 192);
g1_affine(p) {
this.putBin(this.pr0, p);
this.instance.exports.g1_affine(this.pr0, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 96);
g2_affine(p) {
this.putBin(this.pr0, p);
this.instance.exports.g2_affine(this.pr0, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 192);
g1_fromMontgomery(p) {
this.putBin(this.pr0, p);
this.instance.exports.g1_fromMontgomery(this.pr0, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 96);
g2_fromMontgomery(p) {
this.putBin(this.pr0, p);
this.instance.exports.g2_fromMontgomery(this.pr0, this.pr0);
return this.getBin(this.pr0, 192);
loadPoint1(b) {
const p = this.alloc(96);
this.putBin(p, b);
return p;
loadPoint2(b) {
const p = this.alloc(192);
this.putBin(p, b);
return p;
terminate() {
for (let i=0; i<this.workers.length; i++) {
this.workers[i].postMessage({command: "TERMINATE"});
async calcH(signals, polsA, polsB, nSignals, domainSize) {
return this.queueAction({
command: "CALC_H",
signals: signals,
polsA: polsA,
polsB: polsB,
nSignals: nSignals,
domainSize: domainSize
}, [signals, polsA, polsB]);
async proof(signals, pkey) {
const pkey32 = new Uint32Array(pkey);
const nSignals = pkey32[0];
const nPublic = pkey32[1];
const domainSize = pkey32[2];
const pPolsA = pkey32[3];
const pPolsB = pkey32[4];
const pPointsA = pkey32[5];
const pPointsB1 = pkey32[6];
const pPointsB2 = pkey32[7];
const pPointsC = pkey32[8];
const pHExps = pkey32[9];
const polsA = pkey.slice(pPolsA, pPolsA + pPolsB);
const polsB = pkey.slice(pPolsB, pPolsB + pPointsA);
const pointsA = pkey.slice(pPointsA, pPointsA + nSignals*64);
const pointsB1 = pkey.slice(pPointsB1, pPointsB1 + nSignals*64);
const pointsB2 = pkey.slice(pPointsB2, pPointsB2 + nSignals*128);
const pointsC = pkey.slice(pPointsC, pPointsC + (nSignals-nPublic-1)*64);
const pointsHExps = pkey.slice(pHExps, pHExps + domainSize*64);
const alfa1 = pkey.slice(10*4, 10*4 + 64);
const beta1 = pkey.slice(10*4 + 64, 10*4 + 128);
const delta1 = pkey.slice(10*4 + 128, 10*4 + 192);
const beta2 = pkey.slice(10*4 + 192, 10*4 + 320);
const delta2 = pkey.slice(10*4 + 320, 10*4 + 448);
const pH = this.calcH(signals.slice(0), polsA, polsB, nSignals, domainSize).then( (h) => {
2019-04-17 21:51:12 +02:00
/* Debug code to print the result of h
for (let i=0; i<domainSize; i++) {
const a = this.bin2int(h.slice(i*32, i*32+32));
console.log(i + " -> " + a.toString());
2019-04-09 21:37:39 +02:00
return this.g1_multiexp(h, pointsHExps);
const pA = this.g1_multiexp(signals.slice(0), pointsA);
const pB1 = this.g1_multiexp(signals.slice(0), pointsB1);
const pB2 = this.g2_multiexp(signals.slice(0), pointsB2);
const pC = this.g1_multiexp(signals.slice((nPublic+1)*32), pointsC);
const res = await Promise.all([pA, pB1, pB2, pC, pH]);
const pi_a = this.alloc(96);
const pi_b = this.alloc(192);
const pi_c = this.alloc(96);
const pib1 = this.alloc(96);
this.putBin(pi_a, res[0]);
this.putBin(pib1, res[1]);
this.putBin(pi_b, res[2]);
this.putBin(pi_c, res[3]);
const pAlfa1 = this.loadPoint1(alfa1);
const pBeta1 = this.loadPoint1(beta1);
const pDelta1 = this.loadPoint1(delta1);
const pBeta2 = this.loadPoint2(beta2);
const pDelta2 = this.loadPoint2(delta2);
let rnd = new Uint32Array(8);
const aux1 = this.alloc(96);
const aux2 = this.alloc(192);
const pr = this.alloc(32);
const ps = this.alloc(32);
if (inBrowser) {
this.putBin(pr, rnd);
this.putBin(ps, rnd);
} else {
const br = NodeCrypto.randomBytes(32);
this.putBin(pr, br);
const bs = NodeCrypto.randomBytes(32);
this.putBin(ps, bs);
2019-04-17 21:51:12 +02:00
/// Uncoment it to debug and check it works
// this.instance.exports.f1m_zero(pr);
// this.instance.exports.f1m_zero(ps);
2019-04-09 21:37:39 +02:00
// pi_a = pi_a + Alfa1 + r*Delta1
this.instance.exports.g1_add(pAlfa1, pi_a, pi_a);
this.instance.exports.g1_timesScalar(pDelta1, pr, 32, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pi_a, pi_a);
// pi_b = pi_b + Beta2 + s*Delta2
this.instance.exports.g2_add(pBeta2, pi_b, pi_b);
this.instance.exports.g2_timesScalar(pDelta2, ps, 32, aux2);
this.instance.exports.g2_add(aux2, pi_b, pi_b);
// pib1 = pib1 + Beta1 + s*Delta1
this.instance.exports.g1_add(pBeta1, pib1, pib1);
this.instance.exports.g1_timesScalar(pDelta1, ps, 32, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pib1, pib1);
// pi_c = pi_c + pH
this.putBin(aux1, res[4]);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pi_c, pi_c);
2019-04-17 21:51:12 +02:00
2019-04-09 21:37:39 +02:00
// pi_c = pi_c + s*pi_a
this.instance.exports.g1_timesScalar(pi_a, ps, 32, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pi_c, pi_c);
// pi_c = pi_c + r*pib1
this.instance.exports.g1_timesScalar(pib1, pr, 32, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pi_c, pi_c);
// pi_c = pi_c - r*s*delta1
const prs = this.alloc(64);
this.instance.exports.int_mul(pr, ps, prs);
this.instance.exports.g1_timesScalar(pDelta1, prs, 64, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_neg(aux1, aux1);
this.instance.exports.g1_add(aux1, pi_c, pi_c);
this.instance.exports.g1_affine(pi_a, pi_a);
this.instance.exports.g2_affine(pi_b, pi_b);
this.instance.exports.g1_affine(pi_c, pi_c);
this.instance.exports.g1_fromMontgomery(pi_a, pi_a);
this.instance.exports.g2_fromMontgomery(pi_b, pi_b);
this.instance.exports.g1_fromMontgomery(pi_c, pi_c);
return {
pi_a: this.bin2g1(this.getBin(pi_a, 96)),
pi_b: this.bin2g2(this.getBin(pi_b, 192)),
pi_c: this.bin2g1(this.getBin(pi_c, 96)),
module.exports = build;