
465 lines
14 KiB

const ethers = require('ethers')
const { parseUnits, formatUnits } = ethers.utils
const BigNumber = ethers.BigNumber
const PromiEvent = require('web3-core-promievent')
const { sleep, min, max } = require('./utils')
const nonceErrors = [
'Transaction nonce is too low. Try incrementing the nonce.',
/nonce too low/i,
'nonce has already been used',
'invalid transaction nonce',
const nonceErrorCodes = ['SERVER_ERROR', 'NONCE_EXPIRED']
const gasPriceErrors = [
'Transaction gas price supplied is too low. There is another transaction with same nonce in the queue. Try increasing the gas price or incrementing the nonce.',
/replacement transaction underpriced/i,
/transaction underpriced/,
/Transaction gas price \d+wei is too low. There is another transaction with same nonce in the queue with gas price: \d+wei. Try increasing the gas price or incrementing the nonce./,
/max fee per gas less than block base fee/,
// prettier-ignore
const sameTxErrors = [
'Transaction with the same hash was already imported.',
'already known',
'Known transaction',
class Transaction {
constructor(tx, manager) {
this.manager = manager
this.tx = { ...tx }
this._promise = PromiEvent()
this._emitter = this._promise.eventEmitter
this.executed = false
this.replaced = false
this.retries = 0
this.currentTxHash = null
// store all submitted hashes to catch cases when an old tx is mined
this.hashes = []
* Submits the transaction to Ethereum network. Resolves when tx gets enough confirmations.
* Emits progress events.
send() {
if (this.executed) {
throw new Error('The transaction was already executed')
this.executed = true
return this._emitter
* Replaces a pending tx.
* @param tx Transaction to send
async replace(tx) {
// todo throw error if the current transaction is mined already
// if (this.currentTxHash) {
// throw new Error('Previous transaction was mined')
// }
console.log('Replacing current transaction')
if (!this.executed) {
// Tx was not executed yet, just replace it
this.tx = { ...tx }
if (!tx.gasLimit) {
const estimatedGasLimit = await this._estimateGas(tx)
const gasLimit = estimatedGasLimit
.mul(Math.floor(this.manager.config.GAS_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER * 100))
tx.gasLimit = this.manager.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT
? min(gasLimit, this.manager.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT)
: gasLimit
tx.chainId = this.tx.chainId
tx.nonce = this.tx.nonce // can be different from `this.manager._nonce`
// start no less than current tx gas params
if (this.tx.gasPrice) {
tx.gasPrice = max(this.tx.gasPrice, tx.gasPrice || 0)
} else if (this.tx.maxFeePerGas) {
tx.maxFeePerGas = max(this.tx.maxFeePerGas, tx.maxFeePerGas || 0)
tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = max(this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas, tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas || 0)
this.tx = { ...tx }
await this._prepare()
if (tx.gasPrice || tx.maxFeePerGas) {
this.replaced = true
await this._send()
* Cancels a pending tx.
cancel() {
console.log('Canceling the transaction')
return this.replace({
from: this.manager.address,
to: this.manager.address,
value: 0,
* Executes the transaction. Acquires global mutex for transaction duration
* @returns {Promise<TransactionReceipt>}
* @private
async _execute() {
const mutexRelease = await this.manager._mutex.acquire()
try {
await this._prepare()
await this._send()
const receipt = await this._waitForConfirmations()
// we could have bumped nonce during execution, so get the latest one + 1
this.manager._nonce = this.tx.nonce + 1
return receipt
} finally {
* Prepare first transaction before submitting it. Inits `gas`, `gasPrice`, `nonce`
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _prepare() {
if (!this.manager.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT) {
const lastBlock = await this.manager._provider.getBlock('latest')
this.manager.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT = Math.floor(lastBlock.gasLimit.toNumber() * 0.95)
if (!this.manager._chainId) {
const net = await this.manager._provider.getNetwork()
this.manager._chainId = net.chainId
if (!this.tx.chainId) {
this.tx.chainId = this.manager._chainId
if (!this.tx.gasLimit || this.manager.config.ESTIMATE_GAS) {
const gas = await this._estimateGas(this.tx)
if (!this.tx.gasLimit) {
const gasLimit = Math.floor(gas * this.manager.config.GAS_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)
this.tx.gasLimit = Math.min(gasLimit, this.manager.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT)
if (!this.manager._nonce) {
this.manager._nonce = await this._getLastNonce()
if (!this.tx.nonce) {
this.tx.nonce = this.manager._nonce
if (!this.tx.gasPrice && !this.tx.maxFeePerGas) {
const gasParams = await this._getGasParams()
this.tx = Object.assign(this.tx, gasParams)
* Send the current transaction
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
async _send() {
// todo throw is we attempt to send a tx that attempts to replace already mined tx
const signedTx = await this.manager._wallet.signTransaction(this.tx)
this.submitTimestamp = Date.now()
const txHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(signedTx)
try {
await this._broadcast(signedTx)
} catch (e) {
return this._handleRpcError(e, '_send')
this._emitter.emit('transactionHash', txHash)
console.log(`Broadcasted transaction ${txHash}`)
* A loop that waits until the current transaction is mined and gets enough confirmations
* @returns {Promise<TransactionReceipt>} The transaction receipt
* @private
async _waitForConfirmations() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
// We are already waiting on certain tx hash
if (this.currentTxHash) {
const receipt = await this.manager._provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.currentTxHash)
if (!receipt) {
// We were waiting for some tx but it disappeared
// Erase the hash and start over
this.currentTxHash = null
const currentBlock = await this.manager._provider.getBlockNumber()
const confirmations = Math.max(0, currentBlock - receipt.blockNumber)
// todo don't emit repeating confirmation count
this._emitter.emit('confirmations', confirmations)
if (confirmations >= this.manager.config.CONFIRMATIONS) {
// Tx is mined and has enough confirmations
if (this.manager.config.THROW_ON_REVERT && Number(receipt.status) === 0) {
throw new Error('EVM execution failed, so the transaction was reverted.')
return receipt
// Tx is mined but doesn't have enough confirmations yet, keep waiting
await sleep(this.manager.config.POLL_INTERVAL)
// Tx is still pending
if ((await this._getLastNonce()) <= this.tx.nonce) {
// todo optionally run estimateGas on each iteration and cancel the transaction if it fails
// We were waiting too long, increase gas price and resubmit
if (Date.now() - this.submitTimestamp >= this.manager.config.GAS_BUMP_INTERVAL) {
if (this._increaseGasPrice()) {
console.log('Resubmitting with higher gas params')
await this._send()
// Tx is still pending, keep waiting
await sleep(this.manager.config.POLL_INTERVAL)
// There is a mined tx with our nonce, let's see if it has a known hash
let receipt = await this._getReceipts()
// There is a mined tx with current nonce, but it's not one of ours
// Probably other tx submitted by other process/client
if (!receipt) {
console.log("Can't find our transaction receipt, retrying a few times")
// Give node a few more attempts to respond with our receipt
let retries = 5
while (!receipt && retries--) {
await sleep(1000)
receipt = await this._getReceipts()
// Receipt was not found after a few retries
// Resubmit our tx
if (!receipt) {
'There is a mined tx with our nonce but unknown tx hash, resubmitting with tx with increased nonce',
// todo drop gas price to original value?
await this._send()
this._emitter.emit('mined', receipt)
this.currentTxHash = receipt.transactionHash
async _getReceipts() {
for (const hash of this.hashes.reverse()) {
const receipt = await this.manager._provider.getTransactionReceipt(hash)
if (receipt) {
return receipt
return null
* Broadcasts tx to multiple nodes, waits for tx hash only on main node
async _broadcast(rawTx) {
const main = await this.manager._provider.sendTransaction(rawTx)
for (const node of this.manager._broadcastNodes) {
try {
await new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(node).sendTransaction(rawTx)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to send transaction to node ${node}: ${e}`)
return main
_handleRpcError(e, method) {
if (e.error?.error) {
// Sometimes ethers wraps known errors, unwrap it in this case
e = e.error
if (e.error && nonceErrorCodes.includes(e.code)) {
const message = e.error.message
// nonce is too low, trying to increase and resubmit
if (this._hasError(message, nonceErrors)) {
if (this.replaced) {
console.log('Transaction with the same nonce was mined')
return // do nothing
console.log(`Nonce ${this.tx.nonce} is too low, increasing and retrying`)
if (this.retries <= this.manager.config.MAX_RETRIES) {
return this[method]()
// there is already a pending tx with higher gas price, trying to bump and resubmit
if (this._hasError(message, gasPriceErrors)) {
`Gas price ${formatUnits(
this.tx.gasPrice || this.tx.maxFeePerGas,
)} gwei is too low, increasing and retrying`,
if (this._increaseGasPrice()) {
return this[method]()
} else {
throw new Error('Already at max gas price, but still not enough to submit the transaction')
if (this._hasError(message, sameTxErrors)) {
console.log('Same transaction is already in mempool, skipping submit')
return // do nothing
throw new Error(`Send error: ${e}`)
* Returns whether error message is contained in errors array
* @param message The message to look up
* @param {Array<string|RegExp>} errors Array with errors. Errors can be either string or regexp.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if error message is present in the `errors` array
* @private
_hasError(message, errors) {
return errors.find(e => (typeof e === 'string' ? e === message : message.match(e))) !== undefined
_increaseGasPrice() {
const maxGasPrice = parseUnits(this.manager.config.MAX_GAS_PRICE.toString(), 'gwei')
const minGweiBump = parseUnits(this.manager.config.MIN_GWEI_BUMP.toString(), 'gwei')
if (this.tx.gasPrice) {
const oldGasPrice = BigNumber.from(this.tx.gasPrice)
if (oldGasPrice.gte(maxGasPrice)) {
console.log('Already at max gas price, not bumping')
return false
const newGasPrice = max(
oldGasPrice.mul(100 + this.manager.config.GAS_BUMP_PERCENTAGE).div(100),
this.tx.gasPrice = min(newGasPrice, maxGasPrice).toHexString()
console.log(`Increasing gas price to ${formatUnits(this.tx.gasPrice, 'gwei')} gwei`)
} else {
const oldMaxFeePerGas = BigNumber.from(this.tx.maxFeePerGas)
const oldMaxPriorityFeePerGas = BigNumber.from(this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas)
if (oldMaxFeePerGas.gte(maxGasPrice)) {
console.log('Already at max fee per gas, not bumping')
return false
const newMaxFeePerGas = max(
oldMaxFeePerGas.mul(100 + this.manager.config.GAS_BUMP_PERCENTAGE).div(100),
const newMaxPriorityFeePerGas = max(
oldMaxPriorityFeePerGas.mul(100 + this.manager.config.GAS_BUMP_PERCENTAGE).div(100),
const maxFeePerGas = min(newMaxFeePerGas, maxGasPrice)
this.tx.maxFeePerGas = maxFeePerGas.toHexString()
this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = min(newMaxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas).toHexString()
console.log(`Increasing maxFeePerGas to ${formatUnits(this.tx.maxFeePerGas, 'gwei')} gwei`)
return true
* Gets current nonce for the current account, ignoring any pending transactions
* @returns {Promise<number>}
* @private
_getLastNonce() {
return this.manager._wallet.getTransactionCount('latest')
* Choose network gas params
* @returns {Promise<object>}
* @private
async _getGasParams() {
const maxGasPrice = parseUnits(this.manager.config.MAX_GAS_PRICE.toString(), 'gwei')
const gasParams = await this.manager._gasPriceOracle.getTxGasParams({
isLegacy: !this.manager.config.ENABLE_EIP1559,
if (gasParams.gasPrice) {
gasParams.gasPrice = min(gasParams.gasPrice, maxGasPrice)
} else {
gasParams.maxFeePerGas = min(gasParams?.maxFeePerGas, maxGasPrice)
gasParams.maxPriorityFeePerGas = min(gasParams?.maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxGasPrice)
gasParams.type = gasParams?.maxFeePerGas ? 2 : 0
return gasParams
async _estimateGas(tx) {
try {
return await this.manager._wallet.estimateGas(tx)
} catch (e) {
return this._handleRpcError(e, '_estimateGas')
module.exports = Transaction