const ethers = require('ethers') const { parseUnits, formatUnits } = ethers.utils const BigNumber = ethers.BigNumber const PromiEvent = require('web3-core-promievent') const { sleep, min, max } = require('./utils') const nonceErrors = [ 'Transaction nonce is too low. Try incrementing the nonce.', 'nonce too low', 'nonce has already been used', ] const gasPriceErrors = [ 'Transaction gas price supplied is too low. There is another transaction with same nonce in the queue. Try increasing the gas price or incrementing the nonce.', 'replacement transaction underpriced', 'transaction underpriced', /Transaction gas price \d+wei is too low. There is another transaction with same nonce in the queue with gas price: \d+wei. Try increasing the gas price or incrementing the nonce./, ] // prettier-ignore const sameTxErrors = [ 'Transaction with the same hash was already imported.', 'already known', ] class Transaction { constructor(tx, manager) { Object.assign(this, manager) this.manager = manager this.tx = { ...tx } this._promise = PromiEvent() this._emitter = this._promise.eventEmitter this.executed = false this.retries = 0 this.currentTxHash = null // store all submitted hashes to catch cases when an old tx is mined this.hashes = [] } /** * Submits the transaction to Ethereum network. Resolves when tx gets enough confirmations. * Emits progress events. */ send() { if (this.executed) { throw new Error('The transaction was already executed') } this.executed = true this._execute().then(this._promise.resolve).catch(this._promise.reject) return this._emitter } /** * Replaces a pending tx. * * @param tx Transaction to send */ async replace(tx) { // todo throw error if the current transaction is mined already console.log('Replacing current transaction') if (!this.executed) { // Tx was not executed yet, just replace it this.tx = { ...tx } return } if (!tx.gasLimit) { tx.gasLimit = await this._wallet.estimateGas(tx) tx.gasLimit = Math.floor(tx.gasLimit * this.config.GAS_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) tx.gasLimit = Math.min(tx.gasLimit, this.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT) } tx.nonce = this.tx.nonce // can be different from `this.manager._nonce` // start no less than current tx gas params if (this.tx.gasPrice) { tx.gasPrice = Math.max(this.tx.gasPrice, tx.gasPrice || 0) } else { tx.maxFeePerGas = Math.max(this.tx.maxFeePerGas, tx.maxFeePerGas || 0) tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = Math.max(this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas, tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas || 0) } this.tx = { ...tx } this._increaseGasPrice() await this._send() } /** * Cancels a pending tx. */ cancel() { console.log('Canceling the transaction') return this.replace({ from: this.address, to: this.address, value: 0, gasLimit: 21000, }) } /** * Executes the transaction. Acquires global mutex for transaction duration * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _execute() { const mutexRelease = await this.manager._mutex.acquire() try { await this._prepare() await this._send() const receipt = await this._waitForConfirmations() // we could have bumped nonce during execution, so get the latest one + 1 this.manager._nonce = this.tx.nonce + 1 return receipt } finally { mutexRelease() } } /** * Prepare first transaction before submitting it. Inits `gas`, `gasPrice`, `nonce` * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _prepare() { if (!this.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT) { const lastBlock = await this._provider.getBlock('latest') this.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT = Math.floor(lastBlock.gasLimit.toNumber() * 0.95) } if (!this.tx.gasLimit || this.config.ESTIMATE_GAS) { const gas = await this._wallet.estimateGas(this.tx) if (!this.tx.gasLimit) { const gasLimit = Math.floor(gas * this.config.GAS_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) this.tx.gasLimit = Math.min(gasLimit, this.config.BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT) } } if (!this.manager._nonce) { this.manager._nonce = await this._getLastNonce() } this.tx.nonce = this.manager._nonce if (!this.manager._chainId) { const net = await this._provider.getNetwork() this.manager._chainId = net.chainId } this.tx.chainId = this.manager._chainId if (this.tx.gasPrice || (this.tx.maxFeePerGas && this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas)) { return } const gasParams = await this._getGasParams() this.tx = Object.assign(this.tx, gasParams) } /** * Send the current transaction * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _send() { // todo throw is we attempt to send a tx that attempts to replace already mined tx const signedTx = await this._wallet.signTransaction(this.tx) this.submitTimestamp = const txHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(signedTx) this.hashes.push(txHash) try { await this._broadcast(signedTx) } catch (e) { return this._handleSendError(e) } this._emitter.emit('transactionHash', txHash) console.log(`Broadcasted transaction ${txHash}`) } /** * A loop that waits until the current transaction is mined and gets enough confirmations * * @returns {Promise} The transaction receipt * @private */ async _waitForConfirmations() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { // We are already waiting on certain tx hash if (this.currentTxHash) { const receipt = await this._provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.currentTxHash) if (!receipt) { // We were waiting for some tx but it disappeared // Erase the hash and start over this.currentTxHash = null continue } const currentBlock = await this._provider.getBlockNumber() const confirmations = Math.max(0, currentBlock - receipt.blockNumber) // todo don't emit repeating confirmation count this._emitter.emit('confirmations', confirmations) if (confirmations >= this.config.CONFIRMATIONS) { // Tx is mined and has enough confirmations if (this.config.THROW_ON_REVERT && Number(receipt.status) === 0) { throw new Error('EVM execution failed, so the transaction was reverted.') } return receipt } // Tx is mined but doesn't have enough confirmations yet, keep waiting await sleep(this.config.POLL_INTERVAL) continue } // Tx is still pending if ((await this._getLastNonce()) <= this.tx.nonce) { // todo optionally run estimateGas on each iteration and cancel the transaction if it fails // We were waiting too long, increase gas price and resubmit if ( - this.submitTimestamp >= this.config.GAS_BUMP_INTERVAL) { if (this._increaseGasPrice()) { console.log('Resubmitting with higher gas params') await this._send() continue } } // Tx is still pending, keep waiting await sleep(this.config.POLL_INTERVAL) continue } // There is a mined tx with our nonce, let's see if it has a known hash let receipt = await this._getReceipts() // There is a mined tx with current nonce, but it's not one of ours // Probably other tx submitted by other process/client if (!receipt) { console.log("Can't find our transaction receipt, retrying a few times") // Give node a few more attempts to respond with our receipt let retries = 5 while (!receipt && retries--) { await sleep(1000) receipt = await this._getReceipts() } // Receipt was not found after a few retries // Resubmit our tx if (!receipt) { console.log( 'There is a mined tx with our nonce but unknown tx hash, resubmitting with tx with increased nonce', ) this.tx.nonce++ // todo drop gas price to original value? await this._send() continue } } this._emitter.emit('mined', receipt) this.currentTxHash = receipt.transactionHash } } async _getReceipts() { for (const hash of this.hashes.reverse()) { const receipt = await this._provider.getTransactionReceipt(hash) if (receipt) { return receipt } } return null } /** * Broadcasts tx to multiple nodes, waits for tx hash only on main node */ _broadcast(rawTx) { const main = this._provider.sendTransaction(rawTx) for (const node of this._broadcastNodes) { try { new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(node).sendTransaction(rawTx) } catch (e) { console.log(`Failed to send transaction to node ${node}: ${e}`) } } return main } _handleSendError(e) { if (e.error.error) { // Sometimes ethers wraps known errors, unwrap it in this case e = e.error } if (e.error && e.code === 'SERVER_ERROR') { const message = e.error.message // nonce is too low, trying to increase and resubmit if (this._hasError(message, nonceErrors)) { console.log(`Nonce ${this.tx.nonce} is too low, increasing and retrying`) if (this.retries <= this.config.MAX_RETRIES) { this.tx.nonce++ this.retries++ return this._send() } } // there is already a pending tx with higher gas price, trying to bump and resubmit if (this._hasError(message, gasPriceErrors)) { console.log( `Gas price ${formatUnits(this.tx.gasPrice, 'gwei')} gwei is too low, increasing and retrying`, ) if (this._increaseGasPrice()) { return this._send() } else { throw new Error('Already at max gas price, but still not enough to submit the transaction') } } if (this._hasError(message, sameTxErrors)) { console.log('Same transaction is already in mempool, skipping submit') return // do nothing } } throw new Error(`Send error: ${e}`) } /** * Returns whether error message is contained in errors array * * @param message The message to look up * @param {Array} errors Array with errors. Errors can be either string or regexp. * @returns {boolean} Returns true if error message is present in the `errors` array * @private */ _hasError(message, errors) { return errors.find(e => (typeof e === 'string' ? e === message : message.match(e))) !== undefined } _increaseGasPrice() { const maxGasPrice = parseUnits(this.config.MAX_GAS_PRICE.toString(), 'gwei') const minGweiBump = parseUnits(this.config.MIN_GWEI_BUMP.toString(), 'gwei') if (this.tx.gasPrice) { const oldGasPrice = BigNumber.from(this.tx.gasPrice) if (oldGasPrice.gte(maxGasPrice)) { console.log('Already at max gas price, not bumping') return false } const newGasPrice = max( oldGasPrice.mul(100 + this.config.GAS_BUMP_PERCENTAGE).div(100), oldGasPrice.add(minGweiBump), ) this.tx.gasPrice = min(newGasPrice, maxGasPrice).toHexString() console.log(`Increasing gas price to ${formatUnits(this.tx.gasPrice, 'gwei')} gwei`) } else { const oldMaxFeePerGas = BigNumber.from(this.tx.maxFeePerGas) const oldMaxPriorityFeePerGas = BigNumber.from(this.tx.maxFeePerGas) if (oldMaxFeePerGas.gte(maxGasPrice)) { console.log('Already at max fee per gas, not bumping') return false } const newMaxFeePerGas = oldMaxFeePerGas.add(minGweiBump) this.tx.maxFeePerGas = min(newMaxFeePerGas, maxGasPrice).toHexString() this.tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = oldMaxPriorityFeePerGas.add(minGweiBump).toHexString() console.log(`Increasing maxFeePerGas to ${formatUnits(this.tx.maxFeePerGas, 'gwei')} gwei`) } return true } /** * Fetches gas price from the oracle * * @param {'instant'|'fast'|'normal'|'slow'} type * @returns {Promise} A hex string representing gas price in wei * @private */ async _getGasPrice(type) { const gasPrices = await this._gasPriceOracle.gasPrices() const result = gasPrices[type].toString() console.log(`${type} gas price is now ${result} gwei`) return parseUnits(result, 'gwei').toHexString() } /** * Gets current nonce for the current account, ignoring any pending transactions * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ _getLastNonce() { return this._wallet.getTransactionCount('latest') } /** * Fetches baseFee from chain and calculate fee params * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _estimateFees() { const block = await this._provider.getBlock('latest') let maxFeePerGas = null, maxPriorityFeePerGas = null if (block && block.baseFeePerGas) { maxPriorityFeePerGas = BigNumber.from('3000000000') maxFeePerGas = block.baseFeePerGas.mul(125).div(100).add(maxPriorityFeePerGas) } return { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas } } /** * Choose network gas params * * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getGasParams() { const { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas } = await this._estimateFees() const maxGasPrice = parseUnits(this.config.MAX_GAS_PRICE.toString(), 'gwei') // Check network support for EIP-1559 if (maxFeePerGas && maxPriorityFeePerGas) { return { maxFeePerGas: min(maxFeePerGas, maxGasPrice).toHexString(), maxPriorityFeePerGas: maxPriorityFeePerGas.toHexString(), type: 2, } } else { const fastGasPrice = BigNumber.from(await this._getGasPrice('fast')) return { gasPrice: min(fastGasPrice, maxGasPrice).toHexString(), type: 0, } } } } module.exports = Transaction