const fs = require('fs') const Twitter = require('twitter') const { TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, NUXT_ENV_TWITTER_HASHTAG, TWITTER_INTERVAL_ATTESTATION } = process.env const client = new Twitter({ consumer_key: TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret: TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token_key: TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, access_token_secret: TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET }) const { Contribution } = require('./models') async function attestationWatcher() { // get the last saved tweet let initTweet try { initTweet = require('/tmp/lastTweet.json').lastTweet } catch (e) { initTweet = process.env.LAST_TWEET } // get all contributions without attestation const contributions = await Contribution.findAll({ where: { socialType: 'twitter', attestation: null }, attributes: ['id', 'handle', 'socialType', 'attestation'] }) const params = { since_id: initTweet, q: `#${NUXT_ENV_TWITTER_HASHTAG} -filter:retweets`, result_type: 'recent', count: 100 } // search tweets with params client.get('search/tweets', params, function(error, tweets, response) { if (!error) { tweets.statuses.forEach((tweet) => { contributions.forEach((contribution) => { // compare account compliance if (contribution.handle === tweet.user.screen_name) { // update the database record by id Contribution.update({ attestation: tweet.id_str }, { where: { id: } }) console.log( `Succesful attestation https://${contribution.socialType}.com/${contribution.handle}/status/${tweet.id_str}` ) } }) }) // save the last tweet received fs.writeFileSync( '/tmp/lastTweet.json', JSON.stringify({ lastTweet: tweets.search_metadata.max_id_str }) ) } else { console.error('attestationWatcher error', error) } }) setTimeout(() => { attestationWatcher() }, TWITTER_INTERVAL_ATTESTATION) } module.exports = attestationWatcher