// THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. import { TypedMap, Entity, Value, ValueKind, store, Address, Bytes, BigInt, BigDecimal } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"; export class Deposit extends Entity { constructor(id: string) { super(); this.set("id", Value.fromString(id)); } save(): void { let id = this.get("id"); assert(id !== null, "Cannot save Deposit entity without an ID"); assert( id.kind == ValueKind.STRING, "Cannot save Deposit entity with non-string ID. " + 'Considering using .toHex() to convert the "id" to a string.' ); store.set("Deposit", id.toString(), this); } static load(id: string): Deposit | null { return store.get("Deposit", id) as Deposit | null; } get id(): string { let value = this.get("id"); return value.toString(); } set id(value: string) { this.set("id", Value.fromString(value)); } get index(): BigInt { let value = this.get("index"); return value.toBigInt(); } set index(value: BigInt) { this.set("index", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get amount(): string { let value = this.get("amount"); return value.toString(); } set amount(value: string) { this.set("amount", Value.fromString(value)); } get currency(): string { let value = this.get("currency"); return value.toString(); } set currency(value: string) { this.set("currency", Value.fromString(value)); } get commitment(): Bytes { let value = this.get("commitment"); return value.toBytes(); } set commitment(value: Bytes) { this.set("commitment", Value.fromBytes(value)); } get timestamp(): BigInt { let value = this.get("timestamp"); return value.toBigInt(); } set timestamp(value: BigInt) { this.set("timestamp", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get blockNumber(): BigInt { let value = this.get("blockNumber"); return value.toBigInt(); } set blockNumber(value: BigInt) { this.set("blockNumber", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get transactionHash(): Bytes { let value = this.get("transactionHash"); return value.toBytes(); } set transactionHash(value: Bytes) { this.set("transactionHash", Value.fromBytes(value)); } } export class Withdrawal extends Entity { constructor(id: string) { super(); this.set("id", Value.fromString(id)); } save(): void { let id = this.get("id"); assert(id !== null, "Cannot save Withdrawal entity without an ID"); assert( id.kind == ValueKind.STRING, "Cannot save Withdrawal entity with non-string ID. " + 'Considering using .toHex() to convert the "id" to a string.' ); store.set("Withdrawal", id.toString(), this); } static load(id: string): Withdrawal | null { return store.get("Withdrawal", id) as Withdrawal | null; } get id(): string { let value = this.get("id"); return value.toString(); } set id(value: string) { this.set("id", Value.fromString(value)); } get to(): Bytes { let value = this.get("to"); return value.toBytes(); } set to(value: Bytes) { this.set("to", Value.fromBytes(value)); } get fee(): BigInt { let value = this.get("fee"); return value.toBigInt(); } set fee(value: BigInt) { this.set("fee", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get index(): BigInt { let value = this.get("index"); return value.toBigInt(); } set index(value: BigInt) { this.set("index", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get amount(): string { let value = this.get("amount"); return value.toString(); } set amount(value: string) { this.set("amount", Value.fromString(value)); } get currency(): string { let value = this.get("currency"); return value.toString(); } set currency(value: string) { this.set("currency", Value.fromString(value)); } get nullifier(): Bytes { let value = this.get("nullifier"); return value.toBytes(); } set nullifier(value: Bytes) { this.set("nullifier", Value.fromBytes(value)); } get timestamp(): BigInt { let value = this.get("timestamp"); return value.toBigInt(); } set timestamp(value: BigInt) { this.set("timestamp", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get blockNumber(): BigInt { let value = this.get("blockNumber"); return value.toBigInt(); } set blockNumber(value: BigInt) { this.set("blockNumber", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get transactionHash(): Bytes { let value = this.get("transactionHash"); return value.toBytes(); } set transactionHash(value: Bytes) { this.set("transactionHash", Value.fromBytes(value)); } } export class EncryptedNote extends Entity { constructor(id: string) { super(); this.set("id", Value.fromString(id)); } save(): void { let id = this.get("id"); assert(id !== null, "Cannot save EncryptedNote entity without an ID"); assert( id.kind == ValueKind.STRING, "Cannot save EncryptedNote entity with non-string ID. " + 'Considering using .toHex() to convert the "id" to a string.' ); store.set("EncryptedNote", id.toString(), this); } static load(id: string): EncryptedNote | null { return store.get("EncryptedNote", id) as EncryptedNote | null; } get id(): string { let value = this.get("id"); return value.toString(); } set id(value: string) { this.set("id", Value.fromString(value)); } get index(): BigInt { let value = this.get("index"); return value.toBigInt(); } set index(value: BigInt) { this.set("index", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get blockNumber(): BigInt { let value = this.get("blockNumber"); return value.toBigInt(); } set blockNumber(value: BigInt) { this.set("blockNumber", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get encryptedNote(): Bytes { let value = this.get("encryptedNote"); return value.toBytes(); } set encryptedNote(value: Bytes) { this.set("encryptedNote", Value.fromBytes(value)); } get transactionHash(): Bytes { let value = this.get("transactionHash"); return value.toBytes(); } set transactionHash(value: Bytes) { this.set("transactionHash", Value.fromBytes(value)); } } export class NoteAccount extends Entity { constructor(id: string) { super(); this.set("id", Value.fromString(id)); } save(): void { let id = this.get("id"); assert(id !== null, "Cannot save NoteAccount entity without an ID"); assert( id.kind == ValueKind.STRING, "Cannot save NoteAccount entity with non-string ID. " + 'Considering using .toHex() to convert the "id" to a string.' ); store.set("NoteAccount", id.toString(), this); } static load(id: string): NoteAccount | null { return store.get("NoteAccount", id) as NoteAccount | null; } get id(): string { let value = this.get("id"); return value.toString(); } set id(value: string) { this.set("id", Value.fromString(value)); } get index(): BigInt { let value = this.get("index"); return value.toBigInt(); } set index(value: BigInt) { this.set("index", Value.fromBigInt(value)); } get address(): Bytes { let value = this.get("address"); return value.toBytes(); } set address(value: Bytes) { this.set("address", Value.fromBytes(value)); } get encryptedAccount(): Bytes { let value = this.get("encryptedAccount"); return value.toBytes(); } set encryptedAccount(value: Bytes) { this.set("encryptedAccount", Value.fromBytes(value)); } }