const fs = require('fs') const Web3 = require('web3') const { numberToHex, toBN } = require('web3-utils') const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree') const Redis = require('ioredis') const { GasPriceOracle } = require('gas-price-oracle') const tornadoABI = require('../abis/tornadoABI.json') const miningABI = require('../abis/mining.abi.json') const swapABI = require('../abis/swap.abi.json') const { queue } = require('./queue') const { poseidonHash2 } = require('./utils') const { rpcUrl, redisUrl, privateKey, updateConfig, swapAddress, minerAddress } = require('../config') const { TxManager } = require('tx-manager') const { Controller } = require('tornado-cash-anonymity-mining') let web3 let currentTx let currentJob let tree let txManager let controller const redis = new Redis(redisUrl) const redisSubscribe = new Redis(redisUrl) const gasPriceOracle = new GasPriceOracle({ defaultRpc: rpcUrl }) async function fetchTree() { console.log('got tree update') const elements = await redis.get('tree:elements') const convert = (_, val) => (typeof val === 'string' ? toBN(val) : val) tree = MerkleTree.deserialize(JSON.parse(elements, convert), poseidonHash2) if (currentTx && currentJob && ['miningReward', 'miningWithdraw'].includes( { const { proof, args } = if (toBN(args.account.inputRoot).eq(toBN(tree.root()))) { return } const update = await controller.treeUpdate(args.account.outputCommitment, tree) const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(tornadoABI, minerAddress) const data = === 'miningReward' ? instance.methods.reward(proof, args, update.proof, update.args).encodeABI() : instance.methods.withdraw(proof, args, update.proof, update.args).encodeABI() currentTx = await currentTx.replace({ to: minerAddress, data, }) console.log('replaced pending tx') } } async function start() { web3 = new Web3(rpcUrl) txManager = new TxManager({ privateKey, rpcUrl }) updateConfig({ rewardAccount: txManager.address }) redisSubscribe.subscribe('treeUpdate', fetchTree) await fetchTree() const provingKeys = { treeUpdateCircuit: require('../keys/TreeUpdate.json'), treeUpdateProvingKey: fs.readFileSync('./keys/TreeUpdate_proving_key.bin').buffer, } controller = new Controller({ provingKeys }) await controller.init() queue.process(process) console.log('Worker started') } async function checkTornadoFee(/* contract, fee, refund*/) { const { fast } = await gasPriceOracle.gasPrices() console.log('fast', fast) } async function checkMiningFee(points) { const swap = new web3.eth.Contract(swapABI, swapAddress) const TornAmount = await swap.getExpectedReturn(points).call() // todo: use desired torn/eth rate and compute the same way as in tornado } async function process(job) { switch ( { case 'tornadoWithdraw': await processTornadoWithdraw(job) break case 'miningReward': await processMiningReward(job) break case 'miningWithdraw': await processMiningWithdraw(job) break default: throw new Error(`Unknown job type: ${}`) } } async function processTornadoWithdraw(job) { currentJob = job console.log(`Start processing a new Tornado Withdraw job #${}`) const { proof, args, contract } = const fee = toBN(args[4]) const refund = toBN(args[5]) await checkTornadoFee(contract, fee, refund) const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(tornadoABI, contract) const data = instance.methods.withdraw(proof, ...args).encodeABI() currentTx = await txManager.createTx({ value: numberToHex(refund), to: contract, data, }) try { await currentTx .send() .on('transactionHash', updateTxHash) .on('mined', receipt => { console.log('Mined in block', receipt.blockNumber) }) .on('confirmations', updateConfirmations) } catch (e) { console.error('Revert', e) throw new Error(`Revert by smart contract ${e.message}`) } } async function processMiningReward(job) { currentJob = job console.log(`Start processing a new Mining Reward job #${}`) const { proof, args } = const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(miningABI, minerAddress) const data = contract.methods.reward(proof, args).encodeABI() currentTx = await txManager.createTx({ to: minerAddress, data, }) try { await currentTx .send() .on('transactionHash', updateTxHash) .on('mined', receipt => { console.log('Mined in block', receipt.blockNumber) }) .on('confirmations', updateConfirmations) } catch (e) { console.error('Revert', e) throw new Error(`Revert by smart contract ${e.message}`) } } async function processMiningWithdraw(job) { currentJob = job console.log(`Start processing a new Mining Withdraw job #${}`) const { proof, args } = const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(miningABI, minerAddress) const data = contract.methods.withdraw(proof, args).encodeABI() currentTx = await txManager.createTx({ to: minerAddress, data, }) try { await currentTx .send() .on('transactionHash', updateTxHash) .on('mined', receipt => { console.log('Mined in block', receipt.blockNumber) }) .on('confirmations', updateConfirmations) } catch (e) { console.error('Revert', e) throw new Error(`Revert by smart contract ${e.message}`) } } async function updateTxHash(txHash) { console.log(`A new successfully sent tx ${txHash}`) = txHash await currentJob.update( } async function updateConfirmations(confirmations) { console.log(`Confirmations count ${confirmations}`) = confirmations await currentJob.update( } module.exports = { start, process }