const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree') const { redisUrl, rpcUrl, minerMerkleTreeHeight, minerAddress } = require('../config') const { poseidonHash2 } = require('./utils') const { toBN } = require('web3-utils') const Redis = require('ioredis') const redis = new Redis(redisUrl) const Web3 = require('web3') const web3 = new Web3(rpcUrl) const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(require('../abis/mining.abi.json'), minerAddress) let tree, eventSubscription, blockSubscription // todo handle the situation when we have two rewards in one block async function fetchEvents(from = 0, to = 'latest') { const events = await contract.getPastEvents('NewAccount', { fromBlock: from, toBlock: to, }) return events .sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.index - b.returnValues.index) .map(e => toBN(e.returnValues.commitment)) } async function processNewEvent(err, event) { if (err) { throw new Error(`Event handler error: ${err}`) // console.error(err) // return } console.log('New account event', event.returnValues) const { commitment, index } = event.returnValues if (tree.elements().length === Number(index)) { tree.insert(toBN(commitment)) await updateRedis() } else if (tree.elements().length === Number(index) + 1) { console.log('Replacing element', index) tree.update(index, toBN(commitment)) await updateRedis() } else { console.log(`Invalid element index ${index}, rebuilding tree`) await rebuild() } } async function processNewBlock(err) { if (err) { throw new Error(`Event handler error: ${err}`) // console.error(err) // return } // what if updateRedis takes more than 15 sec? await updateRedis() } async function updateRedis() { const rootOnContract = await contract.methods.getLastAccountRoot().call() if (!tree.root().eq(toBN(rootOnContract))) { console.log(`Invalid tree root: ${tree.root()} != ${toBN(rootOnContract)}, rebuilding tree`) await rebuild() return } const rootInRedis = await redis.get('tree:root') if (!rootInRedis || !tree.root().eq(toBN(rootInRedis))) { const serializedTree = JSON.stringify(tree.serialize()) await redis.set('tree:elements', serializedTree) await redis.set('tree:root', tree.root().toString()) await redis.publish('treeUpdate', tree.root().toString()) console.log('Updated tree in redis, new root:', tree.root().toString()) } else { console.log('Tree in redis is up to date, skipping update') } } async function rebuild() { await eventSubscription.unsubscribe() await blockSubscription.unsubscribe() setTimeout(init, 3000) } async function init() { console.log('Initializing') const block = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() const events = await fetchEvents(0, block) tree = new MerkleTree(minerMerkleTreeHeight, events, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2 }) console.log(`Rebuilt tree with ${events.length} elements, root: ${tree.root()}`) eventSubscription ={ fromBlock: block + 1 }, processNewEvent) blockSubscription = web3.eth.subscribe('newBlockHeaders', processNewBlock) await updateRedis() } init() process.on('unhandledRejection', error => { console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', error) process.exit(1) })