const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid') const Queue = require('bull') const Redis = require('ioredis') const { redisUrl } = require('./config') const { status } = require('./constants') const redis = new Redis(redisUrl) const queue = new Queue('proofs', redisUrl, { lockDuration: 300000, // Key expiration time for job locks. lockRenewTime: 30000, // Interval on which to acquire the job lock stalledInterval: 30000, // How often check for stalled jobs (use 0 for never checking). maxStalledCount: 3, // Max amount of times a stalled job will be re-processed. guardInterval: 5000, // Poll interval for delayed jobs and added jobs. retryProcessDelay: 5000, // delay before processing next job in case of internal error. drainDelay: 5, // A timeout for when the queue is in drained state (empty waiting for jobs). }) async function postJob({ type, request }) { const id = uuid() const job = await queue.add( { id, type, status: status.QUEUED, ...request, // proof, args, ?contract }, { //removeOnComplete: true }, ) await redis.set(`job:${id}`, return id } async function getJob(uuid) { const id = await redis.get(`job:${uuid}`) return queue.getJobFromId(id) } async function getJobStatus(uuid) { const job = await getJob(uuid) if (!job) { return null } return {, failedReason: job.failedReason, } } module.exports = { postJob, getJob, getJobStatus, queue, }