const fetch = require('node-fetch') const { isHexStrict, hexToNumberString } = require('web3-utils') const { gasOracleUrls, ethdaiAddress, mixers } = require('./config') const oracleABI = require('./abis/ETHDAIOracle.json') async function fetchGasPrice({ gasPrices, oracleIndex = 0 }) { oracleIndex = (oracleIndex + 1) % gasOracleUrls.length try { const response = await fetch(gasOracleUrls[oracleIndex]) if (response.status === 200) { const json = await response.json() if (json.slow) { gasPrices.low = Number(json.slow) } if (json.safeLow) { gasPrices.low = Number(json.safeLow) } if (json.standard) { gasPrices.standard = Number(json.standard) } if ( { = Number( } } else { throw Error('Fetch gasPrice failed') } setTimeout(() => fetchGasPrice({ gasPrices, oracleIndex }), 15000) } catch (e) { setTimeout(() => fetchGasPrice({ gasPrices, oracleIndex }), 15000) } } async function fetchDAIprice({ ethPriceInDai, web3 }) { try { const ethDaiInstance = web3.eth.Contract(oracleABI, ethdaiAddress) const price = await ethDaiInstance.methods.getMedianPrice().call() ethPriceInDai = hexToNumberString(price) setTimeout(() => fetchDAIprice({ ethPriceInDai, web3 }), 1000 * 30) } catch(e) { setTimeout(() => fetchDAIprice({ ethPriceInDai, web3 }), 1000 * 30) } } function isValidProof(proof) { // validator expects `websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proof)` output if (!(proof.pi_a && proof.pi_b && proof.pi_c && proof.publicSignals)) { return { valid: false, reason: 'One of inputs is empty. There must be pi_a, pi_b, pi_c and publicSignals' } } Object.keys(proof).forEach(key => { if (!Array.isArray(proof[key])) { return { valid: false, reason: `Corrupted ${key}` } } if (key === 'pi_b') { if (!Array.isArray(proof[key][0]) || !Array.isArray(proof[key][1])) { return { valid: false, reason: `Corrupted ${key}` } } } }) if (proof.pi_a.length !== 2) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Corrupted pi_a' } } if (proof.pi_b.length !== 2 || proof.pi_b[0].length !== 2 || proof.pi_b[1].length !== 2) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Corrupted pi_b' } } if (proof.pi_c.length !== 2) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Corrupted pi_c' } } if (proof.publicSignals.length !== 5) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Corrupted publicSignals' } } for (let [key, input] of Object.entries(proof)) { if (key === 'pi_b') { input = input[0].concat(input[1]) } for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++ ) { if (!isHexStrict(input[i]) || input[i].length !== 66) { return { valid: false, reason: `Corrupted ${key}` } } } } return { valid: true } } function isKnownContract(contract) { for (let i = 0; i < mixers.length; i++) { if (mixers[i].address === contract) { return { valid: true, currency: mixers[i].currency } } } return { valid: false } } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } module.exports = { fetchGasPrice, isValidProof, sleep, fetchDAIprice, isKnownContract }