import { BigNumber } from 'ethers'; import { TxManager } from 'tx-manager'; import { Job, Queue, DoneCallback } from 'bull'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'; import { InjectQueue, Process, Processor, OnQueueActive, OnQueueCompleted, OnQueueFailed } from '@nestjs/bull'; import { Transaction } from '@/types'; import { getToIntegerMultiplier, toWei } from '@/utilities'; import { numbers, CONTRACT_ERRORS, jobStatus } from '@/constants'; import { GasPriceService, ProviderService, OffchainPriceService } from '@/services'; import txMangerConfig from '@/config/txManager.config'; import { BaseProcessor } from './base.processor'; @Injectable() @Processor('transaction') export class TransactionProcessor extends BaseProcessor { constructor( @InjectQueue('transaction') public transactionQueue: Queue, private configService: ConfigService, private gasPriceService: GasPriceService, private providerService: ProviderService, private offChainPriceService: OffchainPriceService, ) { super(); this.queueName = 'transaction'; this.queue = transactionQueue; } @Process() async processTransactions(job: Job, cb: DoneCallback) { try { const { extData } =; await this.checkFee({ fee: extData.fee, externalAmount: extData.extAmount }); const txHash = await this.submitTx(job); cb(null, txHash); } catch (err) { cb(err); } } @OnQueueActive() async onActive(job: Job) { = jobStatus.ACCEPTED; await this.updateTask(job); } @OnQueueCompleted() async onCompleted(job: Job) { = jobStatus.CONFIRMED; await this.updateTask(job); } @OnQueueFailed() async onFailed(job: Job) { = jobStatus.FAILED; await this.updateTask(job); } async submitTx(job: Job) { try { const txManager = new TxManager(txMangerConfig()); const prepareTx = await this.prepareTransaction(; const tx = await txManager.createTx(prepareTx); const receipt = await tx .send() .on('transactionHash', async (txHash: string) => { = txHash; = jobStatus.SENT; await this.updateTask(job); }) .on('mined', async () => { = jobStatus.MINED; await this.updateTask(job); }) .on('confirmations', async (confirmations) => { = confirmations; await this.updateTask(job); }); if (BigNumber.from(receipt.status).eq(1)) { return receipt.transactionHash; } else { throw new Error('Submitted transaction failed'); } } catch (err) { return this.handleError(err); } } async prepareTransaction({ extData, args }) { const contract = this.providerService.getTornadoPool(); const data = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('transact', [args, extData]); let gasLimit = this.configService.get('base.gasLimit'); const { fast } = await this.gasPriceService.getGasPrice(); return { data, gasLimit, to: contract.address, gasPrice: fast, value: BigNumber.from(0)._hex, }; } getServiceFee(externalAmount) { const amount = BigNumber.from(externalAmount); const { serviceFee } = this.configService.get('base'); // for withdrawals the amount is negative if (amount.isNegative()) { const integerMultiplier = getToIntegerMultiplier(serviceFee.withdrawal); return BigNumber.from(amount) .mul(serviceFee.withdrawal * integerMultiplier) .div(numbers.ONE_HUNDRED * integerMultiplier); } return serviceFee.transfer; } async checkFee({ fee, externalAmount }) { const { gasLimit } = this.configService.get('base'); const { fast } = await this.gasPriceService.getGasPrice(); const operationFee = BigNumber.from(fast).mul(gasLimit); const feePercent = this.getServiceFee(externalAmount); const ethPrice = await this.offChainPriceService.getDaiEthPrice(); const expense = operationFee.mul(ethPrice).div(toWei('1')); const desiredFee = expense.add(feePercent); if (BigNumber.from(fee).lt(desiredFee)) { throw new Error('Provided fee is not enough. Probably it is a Gas Price spike, try to resubmit.'); } } handleError({ message }: Error) { const error = CONTRACT_ERRORS.find((knownError) => message.includes(knownError)); if (error) { throw new Error(`Revert by smart contract: ${error}`); } throw new Error('Relayer did not send your transaction. Please choose a different relayer.'); } }