const hre = require('hardhat') const { ethers, waffle } = hre const { loadFixture } = waffle const { expect } = require('chai') const { BigNumber } = require('@ethersproject/bignumber') const { rbigint, createDeposit, toHex, generateProof, initialize } = require('tornado-cli') const MixerContractABI = require('tornado-cli/build/contracts/Mixer.abi.json') const config = require('../config') const { getSignerFromAddress, minewait } = require('./utils') describe('Instance Factory Tests', () => { const ProposalState = { Pending: 0, Active: 1, Defeated: 2, Timelocked: 3, AwaitingExecution: 4, Executed: 5, Expired: 6, } const addressZero = ethers.constants.AddressZero async function fixture() { const [sender, deployer, multisig] = await ethers.getSigners() const tornWhale = await getSignerFromAddress(config.tornWhale) const gov = await ethers.getContractAt( 'Governance', config.governance, ) const tornToken = await ethers.getContractAt( '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol:IERC20', config.TORN, ) const compToken = await ethers.getContractAt( '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol:IERC20', config.COMP, ) instanceRegistry = await ethers.getContractAt( 'tornado-relayer-registry/contracts/tornado-proxy/InstanceRegistry.sol:InstanceRegistry', config.instanceRegistry, ) // deploy instance factory InstanceFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('InstanceFactory') const instanceFactory = await InstanceFactory.connect(deployer).deploy( config.verifier, config.hasher, config.merkleTreeHeight, config.governance, config.instanceRegistry ) await instanceFactory.deployed() return { sender, deployer, multisig, tornWhale, gov, tornToken, compToken, instanceRegistry, instanceFactory } } it('Should have initialized all successfully', async function () { const { sender, gov, tornToken, instanceRegistry, instanceFactory } = await loadFixture(fixture) expect(sender.address).to.exist expect(gov.address).to.exist expect(tornToken.address).to.exist expect(instanceRegistry.address).to.exist expect(instanceFactory.address).to.exist }) it('Should set correct params for factory', async function () { const { instanceFactory } = await loadFixture(fixture) expect( await instanceFactory.governance()) expect( await instanceFactory.verifier()) expect( await instanceFactory.hasher()) expect( await instanceFactory.merkleTreeHeight()) expect(await instanceFactory.implementation()).to.exist }) it('Governance should be able to set factory params', async function () { let { instanceFactory, gov } = await loadFixture(fixture) await expect(instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero)) const govSigner = await getSignerFromAddress(gov.address) instanceFactory = await instanceFactory.connect(govSigner) await instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero) await instanceFactory.setHasher(addressZero) await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(1) expect( await instanceFactory.verifier()) expect( await instanceFactory.hasher()) expect( await instanceFactory.merkleTreeHeight()) await instanceFactory.setVerifier(config.verifier) await instanceFactory.setHasher(config.hasher) await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(config.merkleTreeHeight) expect( await instanceFactory.verifier()) expect( await instanceFactory.hasher()) expect( await instanceFactory.merkleTreeHeight()) }) it('Should successfully deploy/propose/execute proposal - add instance', async function () { let { instanceFactory, gov, instanceRegistry, tornWhale, tornToken } = await loadFixture(fixture) // deploy proposal ---------------------------------------------- let tx = await instanceFactory.createNewProposal( config.COMP, 3000, [ethers.utils.parseEther('100')], [30] ) let receipt = await tx.wait() const proposal = await ethers.getContractAt( 'AddInstanceProposal',[0].args[0], ) expect( await proposal.instanceFactory()) expect( await proposal.instanceRegistry()) expect( await proposal.token()) expect( await proposal.uniswapPoolSwappingFee()) expect( await proposal.numInstances()) expect( await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(0)) expect( await proposal.denominationByIndex(0))'100')) // propose proposal --------------------------------------------- let response, id, state gov = await gov.connect(tornWhale) await tornToken.connect(tornWhale).approve(gov.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('26000')) await gov.lockWithApproval(ethers.utils.parseEther('26000')) response = await gov.propose(proposal.address, 'COMP token instance proposal') id = await gov.latestProposalIds(tornWhale.address) state = await gov.state(id) const { events } = await response.wait() const args = events.find(({ event }) => event == 'ProposalCreated').args expect( expect(args.proposer) expect( expect(args.description)'COMP token instance proposal') expect(state) // execute proposal --------------------------------------------- await minewait((await gov.VOTING_DELAY()).add(1).toNumber()) await expect(gov.castVote(id, true)) expect(await gov.state(id)) await minewait( ( await gov.VOTING_PERIOD() ) .add(await gov.EXECUTION_DELAY()) .add(96400) .toNumber(), ) expect(await gov.state(id)) tx = await gov.execute(id) expect(await gov.state(id)) // check instance initialization -------------------------------- receipt = await tx.wait() const instanceAddr = '0x' +[0].topics[1].toString().slice(-40) const instance = await ethers.getContractAt( 'ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr, ) expect( await instance.token()) expect( await instance.verifier()) expect( await instance.hasher()) expect( await instance.levels()) expect( await instance.denomination()).to.equal(ethers.utils.parseEther('100')) const instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address) expect(instanceData.isERC20) expect(instanceData.token) expect(instanceData.state) expect(instanceData.uniswapPoolSwappingFee) expect(instanceData.protocolFeePercentage) }) // it('Should prepare data for instance deposit/withdraw tests', async () => { // const RAITokenAddress = '0x03ab458634910AaD20eF5f1C8ee96F1D6ac54919' // await sendr('hardhat_impersonateAccount', ['0x46a0B4Fa58141ABa23185e79f7047A7dFd0FF100']) // RAIToken = await ethers.getContractAt( // '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol:IERC20', // RAITokenAddress, // ) // whaleRAI = await ethers.getSigner('0x46a0B4Fa58141ABa23185e79f7047A7dFd0FF100') // const tx = { // to: whaleRAI.address, // value: pE(50), // } // await accounts[0].sendTransaction(tx) // whaleRAIBalance = await RAIToken.balanceOf(whaleRAI.address) // RAIToken = await RAIToken.connect(whaleRAI) // TornadoProxy = await TornadoProxy.connect(whaleRAI) // for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // instanceAddresses[i] = await TornadoInstanceFactoryContract.getInstanceAddress( // denominations[i], // RAIToken.address, // ) // } // mixerContract = await ethers.getContractAt(MixerContractABI, instanceAddresses[0]) // mixerContract = await mixerContract.connect(whaleRAI) // snapshotId = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) // }) // it('Should test depositing and withdrawing into the new instance over proxy', async () => { // const depo = createDeposit({ // nullifier: rbigint(31), // secret: rbigint(31), // }) // // const note = toHex(depo.preimage, 62) // // const noteString = `tornado-RAI-33-1-${note}` // // clog('Note: ', note) // // clog('Note string: ', noteString) // // clog('Commitment: ', toHex(depo.commitment)) // await expect(RAIToken.approve(TornadoProxy.address, pE(5000000))) // TornadoInstance = await ethers.getContractAt( // 'contracts/tornado_proxy/ITornadoInstance.sol:ITornadoInstance', // instanceAddresses[0], // ) // await expect(() => // TornadoProxy.deposit(instanceAddresses[0], toHex(depo.commitment), []), // ).to.changeTokenBalance(RAIToken, whaleRAI, BigNumber.from(0).sub(await TornadoInstance.denomination())) // let pevents = await mixerContract.queryFilter('Deposit') // await initialize({ merkleTreeHeight: 20 }) // const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ // deposit: depo, // recipient: whaleRAI.address, // events: pevents, // }) // await expect(() => // TornadoProxy.withdraw(TornadoInstance.address, proof, ...args), // ).to.changeTokenBalance(RAIToken, whaleRAI, await TornadoInstance.denomination()) // await sendr('evm_revert', [snapshotId]) // snapshotId = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) // }) // it('Should prepare for multiple account deposits', async () => { // let toSend = whaleRAIBalance.div(5) // for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // await RAIToken.transfer(accounts[i].address, toSend) // const rai = await RAIToken.connect(accounts[i]) // await rai.approve(TornadoProxy.address, pE(600000)) // } // }) // it('Should test depositing with multiple accounts over proxy', async () => { // for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // const depo = createDeposit({ // nullifier: rbigint(31), // secret: rbigint(31), // }) // // const note = toHex(depo.preimage, 62) // // const noteString = `tornado-RAI-33-1-${note}` // // clog('Note: ', note) // // clog('Note string: ', noteString) // // clog('Commitment: ', toHex(depo.commitment)) // const proxy = await TornadoProxy.connect(accounts[i]) // await expect(() => // proxy.deposit(TornadoInstance.address, toHex(depo.commitment), []), // ).to.changeTokenBalance( // RAIToken, // accounts[i], // BigNumber.from(0).sub(await TornadoInstance.denomination()), // ) // let pevents = await mixerContract.queryFilter('Deposit') // await initialize({ merkleTreeHeight: 20 }) // const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ // deposit: depo, // recipient: accounts[i].address, // events: pevents, // }) // await expect(() => proxy.withdraw(TornadoInstance.address, proof, ...args)).to.changeTokenBalance( // RAIToken, // accounts[i], // await TornadoInstance.denomination(), // ) // } // }) })