max 4 instances

This commit is contained in:
Drygin 2022-03-15 18:20:36 +03:00
parent ce1f8f43de
commit 65a01c3ce8
5 changed files with 54 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Anyone can create governance proposal for the addition of a new ERC20 instance b
### InstanceFactoryWithRegistry
1. `max number of new instances in one proposal` - the current version supports the addition of a maximum of 3 instances at once.
1. `max number of new instances in one proposal` - the current version supports the addition of a maximum of 4 instances at once.
2. `proposal creation fee` - this fee is charged from creator of proposal during `createProposalApprove/createProposalPermit` factory method execution. It can be changed by governance. Default value is stored in `config.js`.
## Warnings

View File

@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ contract AddInstanceProposal {
uint256 internal immutable denomination0;
uint256 internal immutable denomination1;
uint256 internal immutable denomination2;
uint256 internal immutable denomination3;
uint32 internal immutable protocolFee0;
uint32 internal immutable protocolFee1;
uint32 internal immutable protocolFee2;
uint32 internal immutable protocolFee3;
event AddInstanceForRegistry(address instance, address token, uint256 denomination);
@ -35,18 +37,19 @@ contract AddInstanceProposal {
token = _token;
uniswapPoolSwappingFee = _uniswapPoolSwappingFee;
require(_denominations.length == _protocolFees.length);
require(_denominations.length == _protocolFees.length, "denominations length != protocolFees length");
uint256 _numInstances = _denominations.length;
require(_numInstances > 0);
require(_numInstances < 4);
require(_numInstances > 0 && _numInstances <= 4, "incorrect instances number");
numInstances = _numInstances;
denomination0 = _numInstances > 0 ? _denominations[0] : 0;
denomination1 = _numInstances > 1 ? _denominations[1] : 0;
denomination2 = _numInstances > 2 ? _denominations[2] : 0;
denomination3 = _numInstances > 3 ? _denominations[3] : 0;
protocolFee0 = _numInstances > 0 ? _protocolFees[0] : 0;
protocolFee1 = _numInstances > 1 ? _protocolFees[1] : 0;
protocolFee2 = _numInstances > 2 ? _protocolFees[2] : 0;
protocolFee3 = _numInstances > 3 ? _protocolFees[3] : 0;
function executeProposal() external {
@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ contract AddInstanceProposal {
return denomination1;
} else if (_index == 2) {
return denomination2;
} else if (_index == 3) {
return denomination3;
} else {
revert("Invalid instance index");
@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ contract AddInstanceProposal {
return protocolFee1;
} else if (_index == 2) {
return protocolFee2;
} else if (_index == 3) {
return protocolFee3;
} else {
revert("Invalid instance index");

View File

@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ contract InstanceFactory is Ownable {
address public hasher;
uint32 public merkleTreeHeight;
event NewVerifierSet(address indexed newVerifier);
event NewHasherSet(address indexed newHasher);
event NewTreeHeightSet(uint32 indexed newTreeHeight);
event NewImplementationSet(address indexed newImplemenentation);
event NewImplementationSet(address indexed newImplemenentation, address verifier, address hasher);
event NewInstanceCloneCreated(address indexed clone);
@ -61,27 +59,15 @@ contract InstanceFactory is Ownable {
return implementation.predictDeterministicAddress(salt);
function setVerifier(address _verifier) external onlyOwner {
verifier = _verifier;
emit NewVerifierSet(verifier);
function setHasher(address _hasher) external onlyOwner {
hasher = _hasher;
emit NewHasherSet(hasher);
function setMerkleTreeHeight(uint32 _merkleTreeHeight) external onlyOwner {
merkleTreeHeight = _merkleTreeHeight;
emit NewTreeHeightSet(merkleTreeHeight);
function setImplementation(address _newImplementation) external onlyOwner {
implementation = _newImplementation;
emit NewImplementationSet(implementation);
function generateNewImplementation() external onlyOwner {
implementation = address(new ERC20TornadoCloneable(verifier, hasher));
function generateNewImplementation(address _verifier, address _hasher) external onlyOwner {
verifier = _verifier;
hasher = _hasher;
implementation = address(new ERC20TornadoCloneable(_verifier, _hasher));
emit NewImplementationSet(implementation, _verifier, _hasher);

View File

@ -70,20 +70,18 @@ describe('Instance Factory Tests', () => {
it('Governance should be able to set factory params', async function () {
let { instanceFactory, owner } = await loadFixture(fixture)
await expect(instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero))
await expect(instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(1))
instanceFactory = await instanceFactory.connect(owner)
await instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero)
await instanceFactory.setHasher(addressZero)
await instanceFactory.generateNewImplementation(addressZero, addressZero)
await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(1)
expect(await instanceFactory.verifier())
expect(await instanceFactory.hasher())
expect(await instanceFactory.merkleTreeHeight())
await instanceFactory.setVerifier(config.verifier)
await instanceFactory.setHasher(config.hasher)
await instanceFactory.generateNewImplementation(config.verifier, config.hasher)
await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(config.merkleTreeHeight)
expect(await instanceFactory.verifier())

View File

@ -106,13 +106,12 @@ describe('Instance Factory With Registry Tests', () => {
it('Governance should be able to set factory params', async function () {
let { instanceFactory, gov } = await loadFixture(fixture)
await expect(instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero))
await expect(instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(1))
const govSigner = await getSignerFromAddress(gov.address)
instanceFactory = await instanceFactory.connect(govSigner)
await instanceFactory.setVerifier(addressZero)
await instanceFactory.setHasher(addressZero)
await instanceFactory.generateNewImplementation(addressZero, addressZero)
await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(1)
await instanceFactory.setCreationFee(0)
@ -121,8 +120,7 @@ describe('Instance Factory With Registry Tests', () => {
expect(await instanceFactory.merkleTreeHeight())
expect(await instanceFactory.creationFee())
await instanceFactory.setVerifier(config.verifier)
await instanceFactory.setHasher(config.hasher)
await instanceFactory.generateNewImplementation(config.verifier, config.hasher)
await instanceFactory.setMerkleTreeHeight(config.merkleTreeHeight)
await instanceFactory.setCreationFee(config.creationFee)
@ -221,19 +219,22 @@ describe('Instance Factory With Registry Tests', () => {
it('Should successfully deploy/propose/execute proposal - add instances', async function () {
let { sender, instanceFactory, gov, instanceRegistry, tornWhale, tornToken } = await loadFixture(fixture)
const denominations = [
const numInstances = denominations.length
const protocolFees = [30, 30, 30, 30]
// deploy proposal ----------------------------------------------
await tornToken.connect(tornWhale).transfer(sender.address, config.creationFee)
await tornToken.approve(instanceFactory.address, config.creationFee)
await expect(() =>
[ethers.utils.parseEther('100'), ethers.utils.parseEther('1000')],
[30, 30],
instanceFactory.connect(sender).createProposalApprove(config.COMP, 3000, denominations, protocolFees),
[sender, gov],
@ -250,11 +251,11 @@ describe('Instance Factory With Registry Tests', () => {
expect(await proposal.instanceRegistry())
expect(await proposal.token())
expect(await proposal.uniswapPoolSwappingFee())
expect(await proposal.numInstances())
expect(await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(0))
expect(await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(1))
expect(await proposal.denominationByIndex(0))'100'))
expect(await proposal.denominationByIndex(1))'1000'))
expect(await proposal.numInstances())
for (let i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {
expect(await proposal.protocolFeeByIndex(i))[i])
expect(await proposal.denominationByIndex(i))[i])
// propose proposal ---------------------------------------------
let response, id, state
@ -294,37 +295,23 @@ describe('Instance Factory With Registry Tests', () => {
// check instances initialization -------------------------------
logs = await instanceFactory.queryFilter('NewInstanceCloneCreated')
let instanceAddr = '0x' + logs[logs.length - 2].topics[1].slice(-40)
let instance = await ethers.getContractAt('ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr)
for (let i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {
let instanceAddr = '0x' + logs[logs.length - numInstances + i].topics[1].slice(-40)
let instance = await ethers.getContractAt('ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr)
expect(await instance.token())
expect(await instance.verifier())
expect(await instance.hasher())
expect(await instance.levels())
expect(await instance.denomination()).to.equal(ethers.utils.parseEther('100'))
expect(await instance.token())
expect(await instance.verifier())
expect(await instance.hasher())
expect(await instance.levels())
expect(await instance.denomination()).to.equal(denominations[i])
let instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address)
instanceAddr = '0x' + logs[logs.length - 1].topics[1].slice(-40)
instance = await ethers.getContractAt('ERC20TornadoCloneable', instanceAddr)
expect(await instance.token())
expect(await instance.verifier())
expect(await instance.hasher())
expect(await instance.levels())
expect(await instance.denomination()).to.equal(ethers.utils.parseEther('1000'))
instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address)
let instanceData = await instanceRegistry.instances(instance.address)
it('Should successfully deploy proposal with permit', async function () {