/* eslint-disable no-console */ const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree') const { ethers } = require('hardhat') const { BigNumber } = ethers const { toFixedHex, poseidonHash2, getExtDataHash, FIELD_SIZE } = require('./utils') const Utxo = require('./utxo') const { prove } = require('./prover') const MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT = 5 async function buildMerkleTree({ tornadoPool }) { const filter = tornadoPool.filters.NewCommitment() const events = await tornadoPool.queryFilter(filter, 0) const leaves = events .sort((a, b) => a.args.index - b.args.index) // todo sort by event date .map((e) => toFixedHex(e.args.commitment)) // console.log('leaves', leaves) return new MerkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2 }) } async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, relayer }) { // todo shuffle inputs and outputs let inputMerklePathIndices = [] let inputMerklePathElements = [] for (const input of inputs) { if (input.amount > 0) { const index = tree.indexOf(toFixedHex(input.getCommitment())) if (index < 0) { throw new Error(`Input commitment ${toFixedHex(input.getCommitment())} was not found`) } inputMerklePathIndices.push(index) inputMerklePathElements.push(tree.path(index).pathElements) } else { inputMerklePathIndices.push(0) inputMerklePathElements.push(new Array(tree.levels).fill(0)) } } const oldRoot = tree.root() for (const output of outputs) { output.index = tree.elements().length tree.insert(output.getCommitment()) } const outputIndex = tree.elements().length - 1 const outputPath = tree.path(outputIndex).pathElements const outputBatchBits = Math.log2(outputs.length) const extData = { recipient: toFixedHex(recipient, 20), relayer: toFixedHex(relayer, 20), encryptedOutput1: outputs[0].encrypt(), encryptedOutput2: outputs[1].encrypt(), } const extDataHash = getExtDataHash(extData) let input = { root: oldRoot, newRoot: tree.root(), inputNullifier: inputs.map((x) => x.getNullifier()), outputCommitment: outputs.map((x) => x.getCommitment()), extAmount, fee, extDataHash, // data for 2 transaction inputs inAmount: inputs.map((x) => x.amount), inPrivateKey: inputs.map((x) => x.keypair.privkey), inBlinding: inputs.map((x) => x.blinding), inPathIndices: inputMerklePathIndices, inPathElements: inputMerklePathElements, // data for 2 transaction outputs outAmount: outputs.map((x) => x.amount), outBlinding: outputs.map((x) => x.blinding), outPubkey: outputs.map((x) => x.keypair.pubkey), outPathIndices: outputIndex >> outputBatchBits, outPathElements: outputPath.slice(outputBatchBits), } const proof = await prove(input, `./artifacts/circuits/transaction${inputs.length}`) const args = [ toFixedHex(input.root), toFixedHex(input.newRoot), inputs.map((x) => toFixedHex(x.getNullifier())), outputs.map((x) => toFixedHex(x.getCommitment())), toFixedHex(outputIndex >> outputBatchBits), toFixedHex(extAmount), toFixedHex(fee), extData, toFixedHex(extDataHash), ] // console.log('Solidity args', args) return { proof, args, } } async function transaction({ tornadoPool, inputs = [], outputs = [], fee = 0, recipient = 0, relayer = 0 }) { if (inputs.length > 16 || outputs.length > 2) { throw new Error('Incorrect inputs/outputs count') } while (inputs.length !== 2 && inputs.length < 16) { inputs.push(new Utxo()) } while (outputs.length < 2) { outputs.push(new Utxo()) } let extAmount = BigNumber.from(fee) .add(outputs.reduce((sum, x) => sum.add(x.amount), BigNumber.from(0))) .sub(inputs.reduce((sum, x) => sum.add(x.amount), BigNumber.from(0))) const amount = extAmount > 0 ? extAmount : 0 // extAmount will be positive for a deposit, zero for a transact and negative for withdraw if (extAmount < 0) { extAmount = FIELD_SIZE.add(extAmount) } const { proof, args } = await getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree: await buildMerkleTree({ tornadoPool }), extAmount, fee, recipient, relayer, }) const receipt = await tornadoPool.transaction(proof, ...args, { value: amount, gasLimit: 1e6, }) const { gasUsed } = await receipt.wait() // console.log(`Gas Used ${gasUsed}`) } module.exports = { transaction }