const { encrypt, decrypt, getEncryptionPublicKey } = require('eth-sig-util') const { ethers } = require('hardhat') const { BigNumber } = ethers const { poseidonHash, toFixedHex } = require('./utils') function packEncryptedMessage(encryptedMessage) { const nonceBuf = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage.nonce, 'base64') const ephemPublicKeyBuf = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage.ephemPublicKey, 'base64') const ciphertextBuf = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage.ciphertext, 'base64') const messageBuff = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.alloc(24 - nonceBuf.length), nonceBuf, Buffer.alloc(32 - ephemPublicKeyBuf.length), ephemPublicKeyBuf, ciphertextBuf, ]) return '0x' + messageBuff.toString('hex') } function unpackEncryptedMessage(encryptedMessage) { if (encryptedMessage.slice(0, 2) === '0x') { encryptedMessage = encryptedMessage.slice(2) } const messageBuff = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage, 'hex') const nonceBuf = messageBuff.slice(0, 24) const ephemPublicKeyBuf = messageBuff.slice(24, 56) const ciphertextBuf = messageBuff.slice(56) return { version: 'x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305', nonce: nonceBuf.toString('base64'), ephemPublicKey: ephemPublicKeyBuf.toString('base64'), ciphertext: ciphertextBuf.toString('base64'), } } class Keypair { /** * Initialize a new keypair. Generates a random private key if not defined * * @param {string} privkey */ constructor(privkey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey) { this.privkey = privkey this.pubkey = poseidonHash([this.privkey]) this.encryptionKey = getEncryptionPublicKey(privkey.slice(2)) } toString() { return toFixedHex(this.pubkey) + Buffer.from(this.encryptionKey, 'base64').toString('hex') } /** * Key address for this keypair, alias to {@link toString} * * @returns {string} */ address() { return this.toString() } /** * Initialize new keypair from address string * * @param str * @returns {Keypair} */ static fromString(str) { if (str.length === 130) { str = str.slice(2) } if (str.length !== 128) { throw new Error('Invalid key length') } return Object.assign(new Keypair(), { privkey: null, pubkey: BigNumber.from('0x' + str.slice(0, 64)), encryptionKey: Buffer.from(str.slice(64, 128), 'hex').toString('base64'), }) } /** * Encrypt data using keypair encryption key * * @param {Buffer} bytes * @returns {string} a hex string with encrypted data */ encrypt(bytes) { return packEncryptedMessage(encrypt(this.encryptionKey, { data: bytes.toString('base64') }, 'x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305')) } /** * Decrypt data using keypair private key * * @param {string} data a hex string with data * @returns {Buffer} */ decrypt(data) { return Buffer.from(decrypt(unpackEncryptedMessage(data), this.privkey.slice(2)), 'base64') } } module.exports = Keypair