add L1 fee from user

This commit is contained in:
Drygin 2022-01-22 03:21:34 +03:00
parent 084a68ca56
commit bd4500d7ff
13 changed files with 199 additions and 18 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ build

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"printWidth": 110
"quotes": ["error", "double"]
"quotes": ["error", "double"],
"compiler-version": ["error", "^0.7.0"]
"plugins": ["prettier"]

contracts/Mocks/WETH.sol Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract WETH is ERC20 {
string memory name,
string memory ticker
) ERC20(name, ticker) {}
function deposit() external payable {
_mint(msg.sender, msg.value);
function withdraw(uint256 value) external {
_burn(msg.sender, value);
(bool success, ) ={value: value}("");
require(success, "WETH: ETH transfer failed");

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ contract TornadoPool is MerkleTreeWithHistory, IERC20Receiver, ReentrancyGuard,
bytes encryptedOutput1;
bytes encryptedOutput2;
bool isL1Withdrawal;
uint256 l1Fee;
struct Proof {
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ contract TornadoPool is MerkleTreeWithHistory, IERC20Receiver, ReentrancyGuard,
if (_extData.extAmount < 0) {
require(_extData.recipient != address(0), "Can't withdraw to zero address");
if (_extData.isL1Withdrawal) {
token.transferAndCall(omniBridge, uint256(-_extData.extAmount), abi.encodePacked(l1Unwrapper, _extData.recipient));
token.transferAndCall(omniBridge, uint256(-_extData.extAmount), abi.encodePacked(l1Unwrapper, _extData.recipient, _extData.l1Fee));
} else {
token.transfer(_extData.recipient, uint256(-_extData.extAmount));

View File

@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma abicoder v2;
import "omnibridge/contracts/helpers/WETHOmnibridgeRouter.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { BytesHelper } from "../libraries/Bytes.sol";
/// @dev Extension for original WETHOmnibridgeRouter that stores TornadoPool account registrations.
contract L1Helper is WETHOmnibridgeRouter {
contract L1Unwrapper is WETHOmnibridgeRouter {
using SafeMath for uint256;
event PublicKey(address indexed owner, bytes key);
struct Account {
@ -61,4 +65,29 @@ contract L1Helper is WETHOmnibridgeRouter {
function _register(Account memory _account) internal {
emit PublicKey(_account.owner, _account.publicKey);
* @dev Bridged callback function used for unwrapping received tokens.
* Can only be called by the associated Omnibridge contract.
* @param _token bridged token contract address, should be WETH.
* @param _value amount of bridged/received tokens.
* @param _data extra data passed alongside with relayTokensAndCall on the other side of the bridge.
* Should contain coins receiver address and L1 executer fee amount.
function onTokenBridged(
address _token,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory _data
) override external {
require(_token == address(WETH));
require(msg.sender == address(bridge));
require(_data.length == 52);
uint256 l1Fee = BytesHelper.sliceToUint(_data, 20);
AddressHelper.safeSendValue(payable(BytesHelper.bytesToAddress(_data)), _value.sub(l1Fee));
AddressHelper.safeSendValue(payable(tx.origin), l1Fee);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
* @title Bytes
* @dev Helper methods to transform bytes to other solidity types.
library BytesHelper {
* @dev Truncate bytes array if its size is more than 20 bytes.
* NOTE: This function does not perform any checks on the received parameter.
* Make sure that the _bytes argument has a correct length, not less than 20 bytes.
* A case when _bytes has length less than 20 will lead to the undefined behaviour,
* since assembly will read data from memory that is not related to the _bytes argument.
* @param _bytes to be converted to address type
* @return addr address included in the firsts 20 bytes of the bytes array in parameter.
function bytesToAddress(bytes memory _bytes) internal pure returns (address addr) {
assembly {
addr := mload(add(_bytes, 20))
* @param _bytes it's 32 length slice to be converted to uint type
* @param _start start index of slice
* @return x uint included in the 32 length slice of the bytes array in parameter.
function sliceToUint(bytes memory _bytes, uint _start) internal pure returns (uint x)
require(_bytes.length >= _start + 32, "slicing out of range");
assembly {
x := mload(add(_bytes, add(0x20, _start)))

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"fixed-merkle-tree": "^0.5.1",
"hardhat": "^2.3.0",
"mocha": "^9.1.0",
"omnibridge": "git+",
"omnibridge": "git+",
"prompt-sync": "^4.2.0",
"snarkjs": "git+",
"tmp-promise": "^3.0.2",

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ async function buildMerkleTree({ tornadoPool }) {
return new MerkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2 })
async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, relayer, isL1Withdrawal }) {
async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, relayer, isL1Withdrawal, l1Fee }) {
inputs = shuffle(inputs)
outputs = shuffle(outputs)
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, rela
encryptedOutput1: outputs[0].encrypt(),
encryptedOutput2: outputs[1].encrypt(),
const extDataHash = getExtDataHash(extData)
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ async function prepareTransaction({
recipient = 0,
relayer = 0,
isL1Withdrawal = false,
l1Fee = 0,
}) {
if (inputs.length > 16 || outputs.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Incorrect inputs/outputs count')
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ async function prepareTransaction({
return {

View File

@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ function getExtDataHash({
}) {
const abi = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder()
const encodedData = abi.encode(
'tuple(address recipient,int256 extAmount,address relayer,uint256 fee,bytes encryptedOutput1,bytes encryptedOutput2,bool isL1Withdrawal)',
'tuple(address recipient,int256 extAmount,address relayer,uint256 fee,bytes encryptedOutput1,bytes encryptedOutput2,bool isL1Withdrawal,uint256 l1Fee)',
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ function getExtDataHash({
encryptedOutput1: encryptedOutput1,
encryptedOutput2: encryptedOutput2,
isL1Withdrawal: isL1Withdrawal,
l1Fee: l1Fee,

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('TornadoPool', function () {
async function fixture() {
const [sender, gov, l1Unwrapper, multisig] = await ethers.getSigners()
const [sender, gov, multisig] = await ethers.getSigners()
const verifier2 = await deploy('Verifier2')
const verifier16 = await deploy('Verifier16')
const hasher = await deploy('Hasher')
@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ describe('TornadoPool', function () {
const token = await deploy('PermittableToken', 'Wrapped ETH', 'WETH', 18, l1ChainId)
await, utils.parseEther('10000'))
const l1Token = await deploy('WETH', 'Wrapped ETH', 'WETH')
await l1Token.deposit({value: utils.parseEther('3')})
const amb = await deploy('MockAMB', gov.address, l1ChainId)
const omniBridge = await deploy('MockOmniBridge', amb.address)
const l1Unwrapper = await deploy('L1Unwrapper', amb.address, l1Token.address, gov.address)
/** @type {TornadoPool} */
const tornadoPoolImpl = await deploy(
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ describe('TornadoPool', function () {
await token.approve(tornadoPool.address, utils.parseEther('10000'))
return { tornadoPool, token, proxy, omniBridge, amb, gov, multisig }
return { tornadoPool, token, proxy, omniBridge, amb, gov, multisig, l1Unwrapper, sender, l1Token }
describe('Upgradeability tests', () => {
@ -271,6 +275,93 @@ describe('TornadoPool', function () {
it('should withdraw with L1 fee', async function () {
const { tornadoPool, token, omniBridge, amb, l1Unwrapper, sender, l1Token } = await loadFixture(fixture)
const aliceKeypair = new Keypair() // contains private and public keys
// regular L1 deposit -------------------------------------------
const aliceDepositAmount = utils.parseEther('0.07')
const aliceDepositUtxo = new Utxo({ amount: aliceDepositAmount, keypair: aliceKeypair })
const { args, extData } = await prepareTransaction({
outputs: [aliceDepositUtxo],
let onTokenBridgedData = encodeDataForBridge({
proof: args,
let onTokenBridgedTx = await tornadoPool.populateTransaction.onTokenBridged(
// emulating bridge. first it sends tokens to omnibridge mock then it sends to the pool
await token.transfer(omniBridge.address, aliceDepositAmount)
let transferTx = await token.populateTransaction.transfer(tornadoPool.address, aliceDepositAmount)
await omniBridge.execute([
{ who: token.address, callData: }, // send tokens to pool
{ who: tornadoPool.address, callData: }, // call onTokenBridgedTx
// withdrawal with L1 fee ---------------------------------------
// withdraws a part of his funds from the shielded pool
const aliceWithdrawAmount = utils.parseEther('0.06')
const l1Fee = utils.parseEther('0.01')
// sum of desired withdraw amount and L1 fee are stored in extAmount
const extAmount = aliceWithdrawAmount.add(l1Fee)
const recipient = '0xDeaD00000000000000000000000000000000BEEf'
const aliceChangeUtxo = new Utxo({
amount: aliceDepositAmount.sub(extAmount),
keypair: aliceKeypair,
await transaction({
inputs: [aliceDepositUtxo],
outputs: [aliceChangeUtxo],
recipient: recipient,
isL1Withdrawal: true,
l1Fee: l1Fee,
const filter = omniBridge.filters.OnTokenTransfer()
const fromBlock = await ethers.provider.getBlock()
const events = await omniBridge.queryFilter(filter, fromBlock.number)
onTokenBridgedData = events[0]
const hexL1Fee = '0x' + events[0]
const recipientBalance = await token.balanceOf(recipient)
const omniBridgeBalance = await token.balanceOf(omniBridge.address)
// L1 transactions:
onTokenBridgedTx = await l1Unwrapper.populateTransaction.onTokenBridged(
// emulating bridge. first it sends tokens to amb mock then it sends to the recipient
await l1Token.transfer(amb.address, extAmount)
transferTx = await l1Token.populateTransaction.transfer(l1Unwrapper.address, extAmount)
const senderBalanceBefore = await ethers.provider.getBalance(sender.address)
let tx = await amb.execute([
{ who: l1Token.address, callData: }, // send tokens to L1Unwrapper
{ who: l1Unwrapper.address, callData: }, // call onTokenBridged on L1Unwrapper
let receipt = await tx.wait()
let txFee = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed.mul(receipt.effectiveGasPrice)
const senderBalanceAfter = await ethers.provider.getBalance(sender.address)
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(recipient))
it('should transfer funds to multisig in case of L1 deposit fail', async function () {
const { tornadoPool, token, omniBridge, multisig } = await loadFixture(fixture)
const aliceKeypair = new Keypair() // contains private and public keys

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ describe('MerkleTreeWithHistory', function () {
merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(678), toFixedHex(876))
tree.bulkInsert([678, 876])
expect(tree.root()) merkleTreeWithHistory.getLastRoot())
expect(tree.root()._hex) merkleTreeWithHistory.getLastRoot())
it('hasher gas', async () => {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function encodeDataForBridge({ proof, extData }) {
return abi.encode(
'tuple(bytes proof,bytes32 root,bytes32[] inputNullifiers,bytes32[2] outputCommitments,uint256 publicAmount,bytes32 extDataHash)',
'tuple(address recipient,int256 extAmount,address relayer,uint256 fee,bytes encryptedOutput1,bytes encryptedOutput2,bool isL1Withdrawal)',
'tuple(address recipient,int256 extAmount,address relayer,uint256 fee,bytes encryptedOutput1,bytes encryptedOutput2,bool isL1Withdrawal,uint256 l1Fee)',
[proof, extData],

View File

@ -736,11 +736,6 @@
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version "3.2.2-solc-0.7"
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version "3.4.1-solc-0.7-2"
resolved "git+"
@ -6918,11 +6913,10 @@ oboe@2.1.5:
http-https "^1.0.0"
version "1.1.0"
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"@openzeppelin/contracts" "3.2.2-solc-0.7"
axios "^0.21.0"
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