encrypion and full test

This commit is contained in:
Alexey 2021-06-15 23:02:59 +03:00
parent 5bdc8d7871
commit 18571118d7
4 changed files with 119 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -7,3 +7,8 @@
* design
* race condition ? (sequencer or something)
* the current trusted setup is not secure
How we do transaction inside pool of A amount.
1. sort inputs by amount
2. try to take 1 or 2 smallest inputs to satisfy A amount. Get 16 inputs if it's not possible using the same way
3. Also you can always use transaction to merge your inputs with change (especially in 16 inputs case)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree')
const { ethers } = require('hardhat')
const { toFixedHex, poseidonHash2, getExtDataHash, FIELD_SIZE } = require('./utils')
const { toFixedHex, poseidonHash2, getExtDataHash, FIELD_SIZE, packEncryptedMessage } = require('./utils')
const Utxo = require('./utxo')
const { prove } = require('./prover')
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, rela
if (input.amount > 0) {
const index = tree.indexOf(toFixedHex(input.getCommitment()))
if (index < 0) {
throw new Error(`Input commitment ${input.getCommitment()} was not found`)
throw new Error(`Input commitment ${toFixedHex(input.getCommitment())} was not found`)
@ -52,8 +52,12 @@ async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, rela
const extData = {
recipient: toFixedHex(recipient, 20),
relayer: toFixedHex(relayer, 20),
encryptedOutput1: '0xff',
encryptedOutput2: '0xff',
encryptedOutput1: packEncryptedMessage(
outputs[0].keypair.encrypt({ blinding: outputs[0].blinding, amount: outputs[0].amount }),
encryptedOutput2: packEncryptedMessage(
outputs[1].keypair.encrypt({ blinding: outputs[1].blinding, amount: outputs[1].amount }),
const extDataHash = getExtDataHash(extData)
@ -104,16 +108,15 @@ async function getProof({ inputs, outputs, tree, extAmount, fee, recipient, rela
async function deposit({ tornadoPool }) {
const amount = 1e6
async function deposit({ tornadoPool, utxo }) {
const inputs = [new Utxo(), new Utxo()]
const outputs = [new Utxo({ amount }), new Utxo()]
const outputs = [utxo, new Utxo()]
const { proof, args } = await getProof({
tree: await buildMerkleTree({ tornadoPool }),
extAmount: amount,
extAmount: utxo.amount,
fee: 0,
recipient: 0,
relayer: 0,
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ async function deposit({ tornadoPool }) {
console.log('Sending deposit transaction...')
const receipt = await tornadoPool.transaction(proof, ...args, {
value: amount,
value: utxo.amount,
gasLimit: 1e6,
console.log(`Receipt ${receipt.hash}`)
@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ async function deposit({ tornadoPool }) {
async function merge({ tornadoPool }) {
const amount = 1e6
const inputs = new Array(16).fill(0).map(_ => new Utxo())
const inputs = new Array(16).fill(0).map((_) => new Utxo())
const outputs = [new Utxo({ amount }), new Utxo()]
const { proof, args } = await getProof({
@ -143,7 +146,6 @@ async function merge({ tornadoPool }) {
relayer: 0,
console.log('Sending merge transaction...', proof, args)
const receipt = await tornadoPool.transaction(proof, ...args, {
value: amount,
gasLimit: 1e6,
@ -152,12 +154,9 @@ async function merge({ tornadoPool }) {
return outputs[0]
async function transact({ tornadoPool, utxo }) {
const inputs = [utxo, new Utxo()]
const outputs = [
new Utxo({ amount: utxo.amount / 4 }),
new Utxo({ amount: (utxo.amount * 3) / 4, keypair: utxo.keypair }),
async function transact({ tornadoPool, input, output }) {
const inputs = [input, new Utxo()]
const outputs = [output, new Utxo()]
const { proof, args } = await getProof({
@ -175,15 +174,15 @@ async function transact({ tornadoPool, utxo }) {
return outputs[0]
async function withdraw({ tornadoPool, utxo, recipient }) {
const inputs = [utxo, new Utxo()]
const outputs = [new Utxo(), new Utxo()]
async function withdraw({ tornadoPool, input, change, recipient }) {
const inputs = [input, new Utxo()]
const outputs = [change, new Utxo()]
const { proof, args } = await getProof({
tree: await buildMerkleTree({ tornadoPool }),
extAmount: FIELD_SIZE.sub(utxo.amount),
extAmount: FIELD_SIZE.sub(input.amount.sub(change.amount)),
fee: 0,
relayer: 0,

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@ -2,18 +2,21 @@ const { encrypt, decrypt, getEncryptionPublicKey } = require('eth-sig-util')
const { ethers } = require('hardhat')
const { BigNumber } = ethers
const { randomBN, poseidonHash, toFixedHex } = require('./utils')
const BNjs = require('bn.js')
class Keypair {
constructor(privkey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey) {
this.privkey = privkey
this.pubkey = poseidonHash([this.privkey])
this.encryptionKey = getEncryptionPublicKey(privkey.slice(2))
console.log('enc key', this.encryptionKey)
toString() {
return toFixedHex(this.pubkey) + toFixedHex(this.encryptionKey).slice(2)
return toFixedHex(this.pubkey) + Buffer.from(this.encryptionKey, 'base64').toString('hex')
address() {
return this.toString()
static fromString(str) {
@ -26,24 +29,21 @@ class Keypair {
return Object.assign(new Keypair(), {
privkey: null,
pubkey: BigNumber.from('0x' + str.slice(0, 64)),
encryptionKey: BigNumber.from('0x' + str.slice(64, 128)),
encryptionKey: Buffer.from(str.slice(64, 128), 'hex').toString('base64'),
encrypt({ blinding, amount }) {
const bytes = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from(BigNumber.from(blinding).toHexString(), 0, 31),
Buffer.from(BigNumber.from(amount).toHexString(), 0, 31),
new BNjs(blinding.toString()).toBuffer('be', 31),
new BNjs(amount.toString()).toBuffer('be', 31),
return encrypt(this.encryptionKey, { data: bytes.toString('base64') }, 'x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305')
decrypt(data) {
const decryptedMessage = decrypt(data, this.privkey.slice(2))
const buf = Buffer.from(decryptedMessage, 'base64')
return {
blinding: BigNumber.from('0x' + buf.slice(0, 31).toString('hex')),
amount: BigNumber.from('0x' + buf.slice(31, 62).toString('hex')),

View File

@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
/* global ethers */
const { expect, should } = require('chai')
const { BigNumber } = ethers
const { poseidonHash2, toFixedHex, takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require('../src/utils')
const {
} = require('../src/utils')
const Utxo = require('../src/utxo')
const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree')
@ -10,21 +19,6 @@ const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree')
const { deposit, transact, withdraw, merge } = require('../src/index')
const Keypair = require('../src/keypair')
describe.only('Keypair', () => {
it('should work', () => {
const blinding = 3
const amount = 5
const keypair = new Keypair()
const cyphertext = keypair.encrypt({ blinding, amount})
const result = keypair.decrypt(cyphertext)
console.log(result, result.blinding.toString())
describe('TornadoPool', () => {
let snapshotId, tornadoPool
@ -47,19 +41,89 @@ describe('TornadoPool', () => {
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
it('encryp -> pack -> unpack -> decrypt should work', () => {
const blinding = 3
const amount = 5
const keypair = new Keypair()
const cyphertext = keypair.encrypt({ blinding, amount })
const packedMessage = packEncryptedMessage(cyphertext)
const unpackedMessage = unpackEncryptedMessage(packedMessage)
const result = keypair.decrypt(unpackedMessage)
it('should deposit, transact and withdraw', async function () {
const utxo1 = await deposit({ tornadoPool })
const utxo2 = await transact({ tornadoPool, utxo: utxo1 })
/// deposit phase
// Alice deposits into tornado pool
const amount = BigNumber.from('10000000')
const alicePrivateKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey // the private key we use for snarks and encryption, not for transactions
const aliceKeypair = new Keypair(alicePrivateKey)
const depositInput = new Utxo({ amount, keypair: aliceKeypair })
await deposit({ tornadoPool, utxo: depositInput })
// getting account data from chain to verify that Alice has an Input to spend now
const filter = tornadoPool.filters.NewCommitment()
let events = await tornadoPool.queryFilter(filter)
let unpackedMessage = unpackEncryptedMessage(events[0].args.encryptedOutput)
let decryptedMessage = aliceKeypair.decrypt(unpackedMessage)
let aliceInputIndex = events[0].args.index
/// transact phase.
// Bob gives Alice address to send some eth inside pool
const bobPrivateKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const bobKeypair = new Keypair(bobPrivateKey)
const bobAddress = bobKeypair.address()
// but alice does not have Bob's privkey so let's build keypair without it
const bobKeypairForEncryption = Keypair.fromString(bobAddress)
// let's build input for the shielded transaction
const aliceInput = new Utxo({
blinding: depositInput.blinding,
index: aliceInputIndex,
keypair: aliceKeypair,
const bobInput = new Utxo({ amount, keypair: bobKeypairForEncryption })
await transact({ tornadoPool, input: aliceInput, output: bobInput })
// getting account data from chain to verify that Bob has an Input to spend now
const fromBlock = await ethers.provider.getBlock()
events = await tornadoPool.queryFilter(filter, fromBlock.number)
const bobInputIndex = events[0].args.index
unpackedMessage = unpackEncryptedMessage(events[0].args.encryptedOutput)
decryptedMessage = bobKeypair.decrypt(unpackedMessage)
/// withdraw phase
// now Bob wants to exit the pool using a half of its funds
const bobInputForWithdraw = new Utxo({
blinding: bobInput.blinding,
index: bobInputIndex,
keypair: bobKeypair,
const bobChange = new Utxo({ amount: amount.div(2), keypair: bobKeypair })
const recipient = '0xc2Ba33d4c0d2A92fb4f1a07C273c5d21E688Eb48'
await withdraw({ tornadoPool, utxo: utxo2, recipient })
await withdraw({ tornadoPool, input: bobInputForWithdraw, change: bobChange, recipient })
let bal = await ethers.provider.getBalance(recipient)
const bal = await ethers.provider.getBalance(recipient)
it('should work with 16 inputs', async function () {
const utxo1 = await merge({tornadoPool})
const utxo1 = await merge({ tornadoPool })
afterEach(async () => {