fix indentation

This commit is contained in:
Alexey 2020-04-09 22:12:45 +03:00
parent a772d76829
commit 0edd6d237c
3 changed files with 140 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

.eslintrc.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"env": {
"node": true,
"browser": true,
"es6": true,
"mocha": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"globals": {
"Atomics": "readonly",
"SharedArrayBuffer": "readonly"
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2018
"rules": {
"indent": [
"linebreak-style": [
"quotes": [
"semi": [
"object-curly-spacing": [
"require-await": "error"

View File

@ -25,149 +25,153 @@ const toHex = (number, length = 32) => '0x' + (number instanceof Buffer ? number
function merklePathIndicesToBigint(indexArray) {
let result = 0
for(let item of indexArray.slice().reverse()) {
result = (result << 1) + item
result = (result << 1) + item
return result
function fromPrivkey(privkey) {
return {
pubkey: hasher.hashArray([privkey]),
return {
pubkey: hasher.hashArray([privkey]),
function randomKeypair() {
return fromPrivkey(rbigint())
return fromPrivkey(rbigint())
function createZeroUtxo(keypair) {
return createUtxo(
function createOutput(amount, pubkey) {
if (!pubkey) {
throw new Error('no pubkey')
return createUtxo(amount, rbigint(), pubkey)
if (!pubkey) {
throw new Error('no pubkey')
return createUtxo(amount, rbigint(), pubkey)
function createInput(amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements) {
return createUtxo(amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements)
return createUtxo(amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements)
/// unsafe function without sanity checks
function createUtxo(amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements) {
let utxo = { amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements }
utxo.commitment = hasher.hashArray([amount, blinding, pubkey])
if (privkey) {
utxo.nullifier = hasher.hashArray([utxo.commitment, merklePathIndicesToBigint(merklePathIndices), privkey])
return utxo
let utxo = { amount, blinding, pubkey, privkey, merklePathIndices, merklePathElements }
utxo.commitment = hasher.hashArray([amount, blinding, pubkey])
if (privkey) {
utxo.nullifier = hasher.hashArray([utxo.commitment, merklePathIndicesToBigint(merklePathIndices), privkey])
return utxo
function createDeposit(amount, pubkey) {
const keypair = randomKeypair()
const tx = {
inputs: [createZeroUtxo(keypair), createZeroUtxo(keypair)],
outputs: [createOutput(amount, pubkey), createZeroUtxo(keypair)], // todo shuffle
return tx;
const keypair = randomKeypair()
const tx = {
inputs: [createZeroUtxo(keypair), createZeroUtxo(keypair)],
outputs: [createOutput(amount, pubkey), createZeroUtxo(keypair)], // todo shuffle
return tx
async function buildMerkleTree() {
console.log('Getting contract state...')
const events = await contract.getPastEvents('NewCommitment', { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' })
const leaves = events
.sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.index - b.returnValues.index) // todo sort by event date
.map(e => e.returnValues.commitment)
return new MerkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves)
console.log('Getting contract state...')
const events = await contract.getPastEvents('NewCommitment', { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' })
const leaves = events
.sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.index - b.returnValues.index) // todo sort by event date
.map(e => e.returnValues.commitment)
return new MerkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves)
async function insertOutput(tree, output) {
await tree.insert(output.commitment)
let { path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(tree.totalElements - 1)
output.merklePathIndices = path_index
output.merklePathElements = path_elements
await tree.insert(output.commitment)
let { path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(tree.totalElements - 1)
output.merklePathIndices = path_index
output.merklePathElements = path_elements
async function deposit() {
const amount = 1e6;
const tree = await buildMerkleTree()
const oldRoot = await tree.root()
const keypair = randomKeypair()
const tx = createDeposit(amount, keypair.pubkey)
await insertOutput(tree, tx.outputs[0])
await insertOutput(tree, tx.outputs[1])
console.log('Note', tx.outputs[0])
const amount = 1e6
const tree = await buildMerkleTree()
const oldRoot = await tree.root()
const keypair = randomKeypair()
const tx = createDeposit(amount, keypair.pubkey)
await insertOutput(tree, tx.outputs[0])
await insertOutput(tree, tx.outputs[1])
console.log('Note', tx.outputs[0])
let input = {
root: oldRoot,
newRoot: await tree.root(),
inputNullifier: [tx.inputs[0].nullifier, tx.inputs[1].nullifier],
outputCommitment: [tx.outputs[0].commitment, tx.outputs[1].commitment],
extAmount: amount,
fee: 0,
recipient: 0,
relayer: 0,
let input = {
root: oldRoot,
newRoot: await tree.root(),
inputNullifier: [tx.inputs[0].nullifier, tx.inputs[1].nullifier],
outputCommitment: [tx.outputs[0].commitment, tx.outputs[1].commitment],
extAmount: amount,
fee: 0,
recipient: 0,
relayer: 0,
// private inputs
privateKey: tx.inputs[0].privkey,
// private inputs
privateKey: tx.inputs[0].privkey,
// data for 2 transaction inputs
inAmount: [tx.inputs[0].amount, tx.inputs[1].amount],
inBlinding: [tx.inputs[0].blinding, tx.inputs[1].blinding],
inPathIndices: [merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.inputs[0].merklePathIndices), merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.inputs[1].merklePathIndices)],
inPathElements: [tx.inputs[0].merklePathElements, tx.inputs[1].merklePathElements],
// data for 2 transaction inputs
inAmount: [tx.inputs[0].amount, tx.inputs[1].amount],
inBlinding: [tx.inputs[0].blinding, tx.inputs[1].blinding],
inPathIndices: [merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.inputs[0].merklePathIndices), merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.inputs[1].merklePathIndices)],
inPathElements: [tx.inputs[0].merklePathElements, tx.inputs[1].merklePathElements],
// data for 2 transaction outputs
outAmount: [tx.outputs[0].amount, tx.outputs[1].amount],
outBlinding: [tx.outputs[0].blinding, tx.outputs[1].blinding],
outPubkey: [tx.outputs[0].pubkey, tx.outputs[1].pubkey],
outPathIndices: merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.outputs[0].merklePathIndices.slice(1)),
outPathElements: tx.outputs[0].merklePathElements.slice(1)
// data for 2 transaction outputs
outAmount: [tx.outputs[0].amount, tx.outputs[1].amount],
outBlinding: [tx.outputs[0].blinding, tx.outputs[1].blinding],
outPubkey: [tx.outputs[0].pubkey, tx.outputs[1].pubkey],
outPathIndices: merklePathIndicesToBigint(tx.outputs[0].merklePathIndices.slice(1)),
outPathElements: tx.outputs[0].merklePathElements.slice(1)
console.log('input', JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(input)))
console.log('input', JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(input)))
console.log('Generating SNARK proof...')
const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData)
console.log('Generating SNARK proof...')
const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData)
const args = [
[toHex(tx.inputs[0].nullifier), toHex(tx.inputs[1].nullifier)],
[toHex(tx.outputs[0].commitment), toHex(tx.outputs[1].commitment)],
toHex(input.recipient, 20),
toHex(input.relayer, 20),
const args = [
[toHex(tx.inputs[0].nullifier), toHex(tx.inputs[1].nullifier)],
[toHex(tx.outputs[0].commitment), toHex(tx.outputs[1].commitment)],
toHex(input.recipient, 20),
toHex(input.relayer, 20),
console.log('Sending deposit transaction...')
const receipt = await contract.methods.transaction(proof, ...args).send({ value: amount, from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, gas: 1e6 })
console.log(`Receipt ${receipt.transactionHash}`)
async function transact() {
console.log('Sending deposit transaction...')
const receipt = await contract.methods.transaction(proof, ...args).send({ value: amount, from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, gas: 1e6 })
console.log(`Receipt ${receipt.transactionHash}`)
async function main() {
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(RPC_URL, { timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000 }), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
circuit = require('../build/circuits/transaction.json')
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('../build/circuits/transaction_proving_key.bin').buffer
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
netId = await
const contractData = require('../build/contracts/TornadoPool.json')
contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractData.abi, contractData.networks[netId].address)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(RPC_URL, { timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000 }), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
circuit = require('../build/circuits/transaction.json')
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('../build/circuits/transaction_proving_key.bin').buffer
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
netId = await
const contractData = require('../build/contracts/TornadoPool.json')
contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractData.abi, contractData.networks[netId].address)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
await deposit()
await deposit()