Danil Kovtonyuk 71bfdfbfec
2021-10-25 19:12:11 +10:00

36 lines
1.6 KiB

"closeNotification": "Close notification",
"yourWallet": "Your Wallet",
"pleaseSelectYourWeb3Wallet": "Please select your Web3 compatible wallet:",
"otherWallet": "Other Wallet",
"currentNetworkIsNotSupported": "Current network is not supported. Try Kovan or Mainnet",
"logout": "Logout",
"connect": "Connect",
"close": "Close",
"preparingTransactionData": "Preparing Transaction Data",
"loading": "Loading",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "Please confirm transaction in {wallet}",
"info": "Info",
"pleaseInstallMetamask": "Please install Metamask. We recommend using this wallet.",
"completed": "Completed",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"deployedBy": "Deployed by: {link}",
"startNow": "Start now",
"l1": "Layer 1",
"l2": "Layer 2",
"completedTasks": "Completed {layer} Tasks: {progress}",
"pageSubtitle": "Follow these simple steps to become part of deployment of Tornado.Cash Pool protocol.",
"alreadyDeployed": "Already deployed",
"contractDeployed": "Contract successfully deployed",
"transactionFailed": "Transaction was failed",
"cannotBeExecuted": "This action is not deployable at the moment",
"sendingTransaction": "Sending transaction",
"viewOnEtherscan": "View on Etherscan",
"pleaseConnectWallet": "Please connect your wallet first",
"dependsOnEns": "This action depends on {ens}",
"switchToL1": "Please switch your wallet to Ethereum Mainnet for L1 deployment.",
"switchToL2": "Please switch your wallet to xDAI Chain for L2 deployment.",
"switchNetworkToL1": "Switch to Mainnet",
"switchNetworkToL2": "Switch to xDAI"